Fame and Faith

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Chapter dedicated to Mishajaiswal  let's all wish her a very Happy Happy Birthday!!❤

The floor was painted red and shivaay couldn't just breathe properly in those few seconds after seeing that .

Om- shivaay !

Only then he turned to witness Imraan who lied just behind him , dead on the floor with a bullet on his head , Om stood quiet afar from them . Shivaay exhaled through his mouth to feel some ease of relief and immediately sat up holding her. She kept making slow blinks and moved away from him inch by inch as fast as she could .

A- the t twins

Whispering this continuously, she tried to pull herself up , he joined to help but she denied and stood up holding the railing affixed to the corridor wall . By then Om came close and assured her .

Om - they're safe with Rudra .

She kept looking at Om for a full minute and only when he confirmed with a nod once again , she seemed ok . He even mentioned the reason they were brought here and tried to give her some hope of everything's gonna be fine . Annika didn't seem to have much confidence though, she remained idle all the while and kept herself as much as far she could from them .

Om then went to check on Imraan , he felt really guilty and sad for being put to do something like this. He gulped in and wiped the tears in his eyes before they could reach down and run over his cheeks. His eyes which were wide open, immobile , looked like as if they're watching him certainly. Om felt pathetic , he then slowly bent down and used his hand to close his eyes .

Here shivaay who remained quiet all the while ,chose to speak.

S- we will get through this .

Annika clearly sensed the desperation in his voice , he wanted to assure her . Giving a low smile ,she then spoke .

A- take care

He looked up when she stopped with that for she soon continued to complete .

A- of them .

She turned to leave but he caught hold of her wrist soon when his eyes flashed a glimpse of something. Annika gasped and started to wriggle but his firm grip was strong . He stared at her suspiciously and tried to pull the sleeves up , but she resisted.

A- you shouldn't to ..touch, me !

He paid no heed to her words and did what he did . His jaws tightened for he kept those rows of teeth pressed hard on each other as soon as it fell on his sight , already just too much to handle and yet again his heart was ready to stop . He looked at dead Imraan once before looking back at the bite mark on her arm .

Annika gulped in a deep lump , his next action just made her respiration stop . He threw her arm in air and almost came to slap her .

Those small eyes kept staring at him without making a blink , telling him so much , he could do nothing after that . A hell of frustration took over him , he just couldn't take it .

S- why !!!

He punched the wall with his wounded hand , she asked him to stop but he didn't. By them Om came running to hold him from behind and he himself was shocked after seeing annika's hand . Shivaay almost slipped out of Om's hold when his knees could no longer hold him and took him down . She couldn't stand there and watch when he sat devastated, crying.

So much for love , so much for pain .

Riya- why didn't you tell us ?

With eyes full of tears and heart full of worries , Riya screamed at Rudra .

R- I didn't want to scare you , I'm sorry .

Riya- bu but it seems like chicken pox , we have so many experts and good medicine these days , she'll be ok ....won't she?

Her voice almost cracked to break when she uttered the last few words . It showed her fear and worry .Rudra quickly pulled her in a tight hug and she cried in his arms , shattered , she was .

' You just don't deserve love '

' She can never think of anyone else but her'

His own words were haunting him like anything, going on and on in his ears to tear and rip him apart . Guilty , he felt . He would have laid dead there , if not for her . What has she done! Why ! He was going insane , like really insane .

Soon he felt a small hand on his face , trying to chin him up .

Rithi - even at that time , when , when we were stuck, she mentioned you . She told you would save us . Winning her trust is very tough , nearly impossible. But she...you ...so now you tell me , she'll be ok right ?

Tears rolled down his eyes seeing the innocent child plead like that . His eyes shrunk , he couldn't say anything.

Rithi - tell me !

She held his shoulders and shook him . Getting no reply from him , she started crying worse. Shivaay quickly wiped his face and made her sit . He then knelt before her and wiped her tears slowly. Rithi sniffed a few times and then lifted her head a bit to look at his face straight.

S- I won't let anything happen to her , I promise .

At once Rithi released out the last tiny curled finger of her left hand and brought it infront, to show it up against his face. Shivaay chuckled weakly and soon locked her finger with his , sealing the pact .

The door click noise was heard , he immediately signalled Rudra to take the kids from there , which he did . Om and Shivaay rushed to the Doctor when he came out from the ward .

' Good news , yes the children have antibodies naturally in them . Much effective and persistent. We have administered it to all the infected .Leena is responding to the treatment and the other '

Shivaay interrupted him soon with his question .

S- what about annika ?

The doctor sighed huge , took a few seconds and them continued .

' I'm sorry to say this , there's no improvement in her case . It's better to expect le '

Before he could even say anything further shivaay jumped infront and grabbed his collars.

Om - shivaay wait!

S- come again, come again you...!

' Mr.Oberoi ! I'm just a doctor, not the almighty '

Om - shivaay

He held him back and controlled him somehow by then.

S- those girls are annika's own sisters , if they are the cure then annika should be fine , completely and totally. Isn't that obvious ?

He pointed out everything and shouted , making his statement.

' but science doesn't work like that Mr.Oberoi . She is immune to the virus, yes , but there's a limit . Unfortunately, she got bitten even today during the collapse here . Don't you see it ? Our body can help , but at times of extremities it tends to fall apart. I just don't want to give you false hope, ok , even if she starts responding , the scale of infection in her case is very high so there's a chance she might even suffer a paralytic attack and that may end up as her fate too .'

S- Om, ask him to leave .

He muttered only this , staring at nothing but the floor . Om apologized to the doctor once and asked him to leave that place.

Om - shivaay , don't loose hope . We've come this far , I'm sure we

S- I'm scared Om .

Om stopped when he saw Shivaay's worn out face .

S- scared . All these years , as a cop I, I , I've saved many , helped so many anonymous people without even knowing. But today , the only girl I once ....I could do nothing.

He leaned back on the wall and cried closing his eyes .

S- I wish we just hadn't met. She wouldn't have come to us for help , we wouldn't have found her father's dirty...fa ...father ...I'm just gonna kill him the second he appears in my sight !

He was determined in being that evil to the man responsible for all this. Just then Om received a call.

Om - hello ? Yes ... good, I'm coming . Ok .

S- what is it ?

Om - you were right . Tej was found at the stadium.

S- where is he now ?

He looked intimidated.

Om - still there , they're ceasing all his things first .

S- let's go then .

Om - shivaay , I don't think you should . You're very emotional right now, so

S- I said , let's go Om .

Om sighed in disbelief and shook his head when shivaay repeated the same in a much firm voice. He was going to follow Om but stopped in the middle, came back and looked at her through the transparent circle of the door . Placing his plam over that area, he made a light mutter.

S- please

Soon those fingers curled in to make up a tight fist , he jogged to catch up with Om .

' We've sent fax to the court , the short notice. And the Minister told he would talk to the magistrate about this case '

Om - and Veer , where was he kept when you came ?

' uhh...we couldn't find him yet sir '

Both stopped walking and just stood there abruptly.

S- what !

Om- but you said you found them.

' The doctor , Tej , we found him lying down near the badminton court when we surrounded and came in . We have checked the whole place upside down , but we couldn't find the other ...'

The staff hesitated to complete, Om looked completely mad while shivaay kept thinking .

Om - nonsense !!

S- Tej is playing something...where's he ?

' this way sir '

Tej crushed his eyes and turned away when the door opened to bring in straight light at his face . He had a sarcastic smirk on his face when he noticed shivaay there . Om was going to follow him in but shivaay stopped him.

S- check his things , thoroughly . Needles , drugs , solutions, remember once the doctor told that we can find a cure if we ever encounter the parent virus ? See if you can get anything on it .

Om gave a quick nod but looked kind of hesitated as he was not very sure in leaving him alone with Tej . Shivaay understood this and spoke immediately.

S- only he can get us to Veer , so don't worry, I won't.

Only then he agreed and left . Shivaay alone entered the room and sat before Tej who was cuffed up. He clearly noticed the disgust and rage in Shivaay's eyes for him , it only made him smile which again irked shivaay .

S- enough now ! Tell me ,where is Veer?

He tapped the table with his palm , which made a loud noise . Tej seemed unaffected though .

T - you people have many lives , don't you ? You're here , what about my daughter , annika ? Is she de

S- dare you take her name with that filthy mouth of yours !

Tej just laughed aloud.

T-you do seem serious about her , then why did she leave you ? ...you don't know ? Oh my God you really don't know ? Pathetic !

He added on noticing Shivaay's uncertain face . Yes , he was curious enough because till this day he could not think of a valid reason for which she would've left him . He had spent so many days going insane , thinking of this .

T - atleast I know . She told me everything, when I went back to her after all those years. After earning so much , after creating histories in the medical field, when I went back to take her with me , she spoke , spoke enough .

A- and now you see us , finally . I learned to live without you , so it's ok . You can live your life .

T- annika don't be such a dumb , today I can have anything , anything in this world ! I'm not the same useless Tej anymore . I've got name and fame . I'm a prominent member at the nation's medical council and there are so many patents in my name at the main pathology center in Delhi .

She let a faint chuckle when he mentioned this .

A- you told what all you gained by leaving us behind , I'll tell you what all I lost because of that . See if you could suffice it .

He seemed indifferent to her words .

A- I lost something that a person should've never lost . I lost my faith on faith itself. In school they teach this thing about belief , trust ...trust your parents , family alone and they would never let you down . Obvious isn't it ? Which parent would leave their children ? I believed it. Then one day , it was Veer , the other day, it was Mom , and next day it was you . The series would never stop . And it was too painful . I started to loose faith , after that I couldn't be normal with anyone else because I thought, they'd leave me too . I even broke up with shivaay as I thought it would be less painful if I take the lead before he does . The mental pressure that I went through then , you couldn't ever imagine that. But I knew I should stop , stop because I had my sisters to look onto . I can't be irresponsible and do the same mistake you did . I worked day and night to cover your debts . And now you come back and ask us to be happy with your achievement...to live with you ? Please , these relationships and emotions are not ours anymore. I've taught my sisters to take care of themselves , not to rely on others for anything and mainly not to trust anyone . I like to live this way itself , because they shouldn't go through things I went through all these years . You can have your luxury with yourself, we're just fine thank you .

T - I didn't know that such cowards do exist in this world .

T- such a coward she is , trying to make me feel guilty? What does she think? Only she lost everything in life and others are super fine and good? Even I lost my son , my veer . And I couldn't even do anything . I wanted my son back so I mastered cell biology and started designing cells , but in return all I got was disappointment, the twins. I failed again and lost my jhanvi too . I realized science was demanding more from me , to build veer . I was so much in need of money , even I struggled more . This world is cruel , humans are . None actually deserves to live you know wait , wait why am I telling you all this ... where was I ?....yeah why she left you back then right , it's because she didn't trust you ofcourse she's just a normal girl and you're a millionaire's son , obvious isn't it ? insecurities .

Shivaay didn't speak or even looked up , he was just staring at nothing in particular, seated like a rock .

' This is Tej Trivedi , day no - 145 , status - dose one done , two to be given , morning dissections show the clear crystallization of .....'

And so played the video, Om was shocked when he watched them one by one ,so many there were . Many pendrives were found in his stuffs , Om definitely knew they had a meaning. He was doing something they're yet not aware of. He removed the previous one to fix the next drive , and played it .

' It's painful , I've lost WBC's much but yes I can feel the change definitely '

Om was shook on seeing the content on screen . He jumped up and rushed to the other room .

T - only extreme power can give extreme fear , this world needs that. Fear . That's why I created Veer , and to help him , I created me myself .

Shivaay who was staring down all this time , sensed the quiet change in his voice , sounded more kind of rough . And he almost skipped a heart beat when he looked up , at Tej , at his eyes , red as blood and face having thick straws of black veins visible so much . The sight was a horror to any human being.

S- holy shoot !

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