Guilt and Regret

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Recap - shivaay tortures varun, daksh spots them both in the forest. Annika hits shivaay and escapes from him.

He smiled as if he was able to taste her lips even now. What wouldn't he give to get back to those days !

T- shivaay!!

He saw Tej coming for him with a big rock in his hands but he couldn't get up and fight now. His head hurt like hell ,body didn't let him move, so he just lied there , like a dead man .

T- you shouldn't have messed with me.

Tej muttered this very slowly compared to the loud scream he made a second before, spitting extreme rage through his eyes he lifted the rock up above his head to put utmost of strength. Imaging shivaay's smashed face in his mind already , he was ready to push the weight down towards the ground, towards shivaay, towards his head, towards his face.

Just then he felt a sudden jerk from behind immediately , like someone had kicked him . His right knee gave in first for the weight above was making it hard, he lost grip to the ground and the rock as well thus having it fall on his own. A pool of blood scattered in that spot when the monster's head finally went rubbish.

The same military officer whom shivaay had saved from veer sometime ago stood behind Tej, watching him die .

' Sir, Sir are you alright? Sir! '

Shivaay couldn't even respond properly , he blinked once and automatically surrendered to his body which dragged him to nothing, thus falling unconscious.

S- I won't let anything happen to her. I promise.

A- your eyes are beautiful, only I have the right to say this. Yes or no?

'she is not ready for another surgery now, her body can't hold it. We should wait at least for a few months, but if she gets respiratory attacks in between this time, then it might become a huge threat for her. So please take care of her , and'

A- Leave me!!

His sudden gasp almost echoed around the room when he woke up with a jerk, breathing aloud. He looked around in confusion as his mind took time to process everything all at once. He seemed so restless , quickly jumping out of the bed he stumbled in his first few steps to soon bang with the nearby table and fall. Hearing this noise Om rushed inside and helped shivaay who was so determined to pull off the IV .

Om- shivaay, oh my , thank god! are you ok! Come one man, stop torturing yourself.

As much as Om tried to stop him, shivaay resisted enough.

S- annika, she's, she's not well.

Om- don't worry, I've got her. She's also admitted here and taken care by the doctors.

Shivaay stopped whatever he was doing and looked at Om straight for one full minute, letting some relief surround him.

S- I want to see her, please!

He begged holding his hand with tears already making their way in his eyes, Om couldn't see his friend break like this.

Om - shivaay promise me you'll be ok.

Shivaay gulped in and looked away trying to hold his tears, he didn't actually know what horror Om was trying to keep him away from, but his look itself scared him enough. He somehow swallowed the fear and put up a tight face.

S- whatever it is, I will take care and she she'll be alright soon. I know it.

Om smiled through his tears and nodded.

Om - yes. She'll be ok.

Within sometime Leena came in and ran to hug shivaay at once after seeing him, up and fine. Even he reciprocated slowly and patted her back while she cried holding him tight.

L- you're ok?

She started checking his wound and everything with the same restlessness while he nodded and brought her hands down slowly.

S- I'm alright.

L- so stubborn about going alone scared the hell out of us all!!

She expressed her worries with continuous tears, indeed she loved him so much .

Annika had bumped into Om at the jungle when she was lost, it was very difficult to control her as she was hell bent on getting back to shivaay. He somehow convinced her and brought her back, meanwhile it was Rudra on the other side who discovered an unconscious shivaay by the cross roads which led into the deep forest.

Vrushali had immediately contacted the psychiatrist they were consulting for annika and she was taken to his hospital. Later on, only when the doctor discussed with his council about her case he came to know that Dr. Sharma, a senior psychiatrist was the one who has been treating annika all these years, since she discovered her problem and came forth herself. Dr. Sharma approved to come forth again and give them a brief about condition and how it all started.

Rudra, Sharon, Vrushali everyone were present outside annika's ward , the twins weren't involved though. They were put back in a safe place.

Rudra smiled with an unexplainable emotion in his eyes as he saw shivaay coming there, he seemed somewhat fine now. Within a span of a few months, this man has fought all kinds of horror that no human being could even fathom to do, and again here he is, ready for the next mission, all for her, only for her.

S- is she inside? What did the doctor say?

R- they're yet to tell us. I think she's talking to them. Both the doctors are in there.

The door slid open , the doctor peeped before actually waking out. He didn't expect this much people actually. Shivaay jumped before him in no time.

S- can I meet her please, how is she? Last night she... I don't know why, but she

' one second young man ,firstly, may I see shivaay please? '

He looked around the others, at Om and Rudra as if he anticipated one among them to come forward.

S- she asked for me right, I shouldn't keep her waiting, I knew she would

He started talking in full speed that all his words actually sounded like something of gibberish. Dr. Sharma let a deep sigh and patted his shoulders to calm him down.

Dr- you should've married her the day she broke up with you.

Shivaay's reactions changed, the doctor smiled noticing it.

Dr- I know your story young man , sorry I mean Annika's part of the story.

He went in , only the two doctors were inside , annika was nowhere seen, shivaay looked bewildered.

Dr. S- don't worry she's fine in the next ward. Before meeting her I need to make certain things clear.

Dr. Akil- Dr. Sharma is the person whom annika had been consulting all these years. The girl really has some guts you see, I was literally shocked on hearing her case history from him.

Dr. S- don't scare him doctor, Mr. Shivaay I don't know what happened recently to break her out like this but please know that she has seen worse, and fought it too. What I'm about to reveal can be distrubing but please don't panic, I believe you know something about her current mental health.

He tried hard to not show his fears out, he wet his lips once, took a gulp in, blinked out big , and cleared his throat.

S- I... I'm not very much aware of it. Om said she's suffering with something in her mind, I don't know and yesterday when she... I mean she didn't recognize me at all. She looked at me like I was someone else!!

Dr. S- ok ok, please calm down. Annika as a person is one girl but in her mind, she's two of her own. We call this case as split personality disorder.

Shivaay caught the handrest of the chair tight to stop his hands from shivering.

S- but, ho... How doctor? You don't know, she was the smartest in school and she

Dr. S- see, being smart, studying well, a great profession, all that is different. You've known her since childhood, so of course you must be knowing her traumas that occurred periodically. We name it the impacts points, the very first , her brother's death. Annika seems to look as a shallow person from out, am I right?

Shivaay nodded once before speaking.

S- but she's not.

Dr. S- exactly, these people never express what they feel. This creates problem. Before she even had any time to recover from the first impact point, she was struck by the next, second, her mother's unfortunate demise. See all these series of unexpected events started making her vulnerable one by one, she was too naive to notice it all in the beginning. She was just a kid then, a small girl. Two baby sisters at a very young age, and an irresponsible selfish father who even abandoned her , dumping all burden of debts and what not on her . That's the third one, and the hard one , being abandoned , that's when she started realizing something's wrong with her. Hallucinations began, to escape from it she even tried hurting herself.

By then shivaay showed his palm straight to make him stop, his grip gave up when he tried to hold the glass near his lips for the glass fell shattering to pieces on the floor. Dr. Akil helped with another glass of water quickly.

Dr. A- Doctor I think that's enough for today, we should probably stop. Even he hasn't fully recovered yet.

Shivaay denied to take the water, he kept shaking his head continuously as though he had just bore a sharp deep stab on his body. The pain in his eyes were huge, it seemed unbearable .

S- she was struggling with all this and I had no idea , I always thought I loved her like none ever could've loved someone in this world but I failed, failed brutally, failed to protect her, failed to even notice what she had within.

He cried falling out of the chair for his knees let him straight down to the floor.

The Doctor held his shoulders and pulled him up.

Dr. S- you're wrong, if at all anything, anything in this world helped her, gave her strength, protected her, it was you.

Shivaay had no clue only.

Dr.S - what do they say, kni knight in shining armor, yes. You were, are that for her.

He still kept staring at him with the same reaction while the doctor continued.

Dr. S - don't believe me? You should see this, my patients don't usually agree to have recorded sessions but Annika being someone from our medical profession approved for this as it could help someone at some point of time ,students maybe. This was taken during the initial days .

He switched on the TV screen and played a video from the database folder.

Dr. S - what you're saying is

A- unbelievable, I know doctor. Even I'm surprised, like I was struggling the whole night with those figures, I had no blink of sleep and when he came it was all gone suddenly . I even slept for the rest of the day you won't believe me but that's the truth.

She seemed surprised completely.

Dr. S- this is rare, I mean in the initial stage , victims tend to be more vulnerable. Without medicines they find it very difficult to cope up and start giving up to the characters in their visions. Still if you're able to experience this, then he is our only hope annika. I can help you with whatever I've got, but he might be your way out of this like completely out of this. Please bring him to me next time, I'd want to talk to him.

Annika smiled faintly after listening to all that.

A- I'm going to break up with him doctor.

Dr. S- what? No. Last time you stood holding a knife against your wrist, no way I'm gonna give up on our best choice here. I need him with you here throughout the treatment procedures.

A- he doesn't deserve this kind of life doctor.

Dr. S- you're afraid he might leave you if he knows?

She shook her immediately and smiled.

A- he's a mad man doctor, maybe even I'll cope up and try to be ok without him but he, he can never even think of it. You know doctor, his parents are super rich, they own multinational business abroad . His home here, the royalty of it, the number of maids and helpers in there, I was stunned at first. I knew about his parents being wealthy and all but didn't expect them to be this big cause he hardly shows that. Very humble,loving, caring, simple, you'd never find anyone like him doctor , I bet.

The determination in her eyes spoke what kind of a man she was in love with.

Dr. S - then what's the problem, he sounds like a great man.

At once her reactions changed, slow tears ran down her eyes.

A- exactly, that's why he deserves someone great. I'm not even good enough. I'm just a sick girl struggling between the dead people of my family. This is my misery, I don't want him to suffer with me. He had already done enough. He gave up every chance of being with his parents for my sake ... he cries like a child and keeps running behind me every time I get hurt, fall sick, anything. I'm not ready to give him more pain doctor.

Dr. S - I think it's just you're insecure feelings annika.

A- I know, doctor sometimes I really don't understand myself. At times I strongly believe he will never leave me, and the next second maybe he will because of his family. I've seen the immense love he's got for his mom.

The doctor was about to say something but she didn't give him the chance and continued.

A- I don't like myself for being like this, insecure, scared, rude, but I can't change myself I tried. When I saw everyone leaving me one by one I didn't know what else to do doctor, before I could even realize, all this started to have an impact on my character. And now I'm asking my sisters to be the same, selfish, rude.

Dr. S - annika I'm glad you've opened up to me, but still I don't think you should

A- I can't act selfish here.

The doctor fell defeated. Annika shook her head once before engaging to wipe her face.

Dr. S - hmm ,I believe that's how far I can intervene in your personal business. But like you said, will you really be ok without him?

Her palm which worked on the cheeks stopped then and there, she remained still for almost a couple of minutes staring straight at the floor looking completely zoned out. The doctor could sense the horror brewing within her, he was about to call her name when she sudden blinked out and reacted casually.

A- I have answered this questionnaire you gave me last time, tried to be honest but some questions were like even I'm not sure what I feel so... here it is.

She quickly picked the sheet from her bag and passed it to him.

Shivaay stumbled and immediately leaned on the wall for support, he couldn't just stand properly anymore. He sobbed badly, closing his mouth with both his palms.

Men don't cry they say, or worse shouldn't cry, they expect, but heart is what it is for both the genders. A man in love would definitely cry at some point of time, not only for the woman of his life, true love between any kind of relationship , because at the end all love resides and projects out from the organ heart which bled for shivaay now knowing the truth.

The truth , betrayal , break of trust , selfishness, he thought. The truth, love, love and only love it was,it is.

Annika loves him more than he loves her, he cursed and hated himself for being such a blind, ignorant person.

S - I shouldn't have left her... I, I thought... I am an idiot!!

He cried more and started hurting himself, the doctors leapt to stop him at once.

Dr. S - no shivaay , it's not your fault. Annika suffers with this trouble since the beginning, she tends to have blind trust on you and still fears about something. She was always insecure about her family's condition and you being the big thing on the other side. Childhood traits decide one's entire life, that's why at one point , her health condition plus the insecurities she had , all pushed her to extremities . But I have to tell you this though, she is one brave, courageous girl I've seen, truly. If not she couldn't have fought the trauma alone and overcome it successfully.

Shivaay looked up at him immediately.

S- ov... overcome... then why she is

Dr. S - because she thinks you're dead. When I met her first, she had symptoms of depression but now she's suffering from a different thing. One girl is in grief and the other lives with you in her illusion .

S- but when she saw me she didn't seem to recognize me at all.

Dr. S - that's what I told you. According to her she's already with shivaay .

S- but how's that possible, I... I am shivaay. She can see me right, I am... literally the man she...!

He was getting restless suddenly.

Dr. S - shivaay shivaay wait, listen to me. Annika is already living with a version of you which according to her is the real you , her shivaay. So even if you, the actual shivaay, approach her, like as you said the same person, same face, same voice everything, still for her you are a third person only . Her mind doesn't even create an impulse to work and identify you as there's no need for it, it's some third person, it gives a false fake mask for you.

Shivaay was speachless in shock for a few seconds.

S- that's terrible.

Dr. S- whatever she does, she goes till extremes. And her current state is she's 100 percent inside this delusion of hers, unfortunately. That again is because of the blind passion and madness she has for you.

S- wait, so if we could bring the other Annika I mean the one who thinks I'm dead then we can

Dr. S - that would be our best choice but considering the current circumstances, I'm afraid she'd ever come out surpassing the one who's happily with you cause she doesn't seem to leave soon. I discussed with your friend Om to understand how it was in the very first days, he mentioned she was always on and off within a quick circle of time but now, she has stayed more than usual.

Shivaay blinked out big realizing how complex things were, only if he payed a little more attention, he knew he was never gonna forgive himself for this. The doctor sensed his struggle and came forward to pat his shoulders.

Dr. S - you should be strong. If we can get to the real her once and make her realize you're alright, then there won't be need for the other character at all that's how we will be able to restrict that one.

He nodded slowly as the doctor explained all this. Shivaay could literally feel why her mind and heart reacted this way , cause before a day before when Rudra told she was dead even he felt the same, dead , collapsing, all at once. Maybe they were apart physically, but their love remained unchanged. Every single time when his life fell in peril, she risked her own life to save him. It was his turn now.

His tears had almost dried out leaving wet patches on his skin here and there. This was not the time for regret and guilt, he stiffened and stood erect holding a determined reaction on his face.

S- I think I have a plan to bring her back.

How was it?

Honest reviews please. This chapter was solely to understand Annika's state of mind , do let know what you think, was she correct in breaking up with shivaay, her insecurities about not being a good match for him, any thoughts on that.

What she could've done?

What do you think is shivaay's blunder in all this?

Try to answer please, we've come this far now and I hope everyone would have some idea of all the characters so let's see what others think.

Please vote and comment if you like my story 😊

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