Nail polish and Mimicry

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Om- this is not done , how can they be so irresponsible! We've been waiting for 2 hours now .

Om complained on noticing no calls or messages popping up in the notification tab. Shivaay who was seated on the chair, leaned back to push his head on the head rest , he then picked the cordless and threw it to Om .

S- they might be dumb, make use of it .

He completed with a wink and Om smirked acknowledging it . He quickly dialled for that particular station .

' hello , G6 police station '

Om- we are calling from the commissioner's office, crime division sector 208.

Shivaay kept staring at Om who sincerely faked a supreme tone using the correct words .

' Yes sir !'

It kind of worked , Om could sense the other person standing and saluting him already .

Om - We require some information about a missing case which was filed 2 days ago .

' yeah sure sir '

Om- name vrushali , age 27, she's a doctor .

' yes sir I remember now , will pass you the details immediately '

A part of Om got angry like how the same person actually treated him first , he was too lazy to even respond properly.

Om- we heard you had not been following this case properly, and that your response was too bad . We'll give this information to the commissioner directly , immediate action would be taken .

'Sir , sir please no sir . Please sir . I'll help you with anything regarding this case sir . Please !'

Shivaay shook his head and grinned lightly on seeing how satisfied Om looked.

Om - no excuses , better send us the case file soon . Note down the fax number...

Mentioning the number , he immediately hung up to feel happy in his avengeful heart . He then popped his brows at shivaay , showing him a thumbs up.

Om- department is too bad these days, they have no idea what a commissioner office's landline digit would even look like .

S- mankind just has two kinds of people , dumb and dumber .

A- I'm sorry for calling you suddenly.

'No it's ok doctor , what's it? Is something serious with my child's health ?'

Annika immediately shook her head on watching the lady's eyes layered up with tears already .

A- no no , he's gonna be so okay after the surgery . Don't worry.

' then ...'

A- actually someone had complained about Dr.Vrushali , that she's too rude to her patients and her service kind is not very acceptable. So we had to check with her patients once before taking any step. It's an order from the higher rank . So

Annika stretched the word and watched the lady curiously .

' That can't be . Dr.Vrushali was so kind even when we came for this week's checkup . She assured me that Rahul would recover very soon after once the operation is done , she even played with him for some time . '

Annika slowly nodded her head while hearing to everything the lady had to say .

A- oh ok .

' she scheduled the surgery for next week and even motivated my son to face it bravely . There must be a misunderstanding. '

A- I'm sure there is , well , thank you so much Lekha . You did a great help .

She thanked the lady and sat on the chair with a thud after seeing her out .

Annika wanted to be clear about the mood which surrounded vrushali that day . About morning she was clear as vrushali was with her that time but , it was around evening from when she went missing so annika wanted to know. Now she can say that vrushali had no problem and she was almost fine and good until she attended lekha's son that day .

She kept pressing the click pen in and out on her chin until she noticed something in her room.

It was the day chart fixed on the wall , immediately she grabbed some keys and ran out .

Om- last call from an unknown number , maybe this is it .

S- further .

Om- they couldn't come up with an exact location as it kept changing continuously.

S- this can't help .

Om- hear this out , she has spoken for nearly 8 minutes and if we correlate it with the security footage from the hospital. It matches .

Shivaay remained quiet with his eyes closed fully , he kept rocking the back rest of the chair front and back . The noise annoyed Om .

Om - stop .

He stopped doing it and opened his eyes suddnely.

S- what was the name ?

Om - which one ?

Om frowned cluelessly .

S- the intern mentioned about someone's case that day , some postmortem report vrushali had to prepare . What was the name again ?

Both were thinking their heads out trying to remember the scenes of the day . Om came up with something soon .

Om- pre preethi ?

S- preetha!

A- preetha .

Annika drew a circle around ' Preetha's autopsy ' which was was entered on vrushali's day chart . She had to provide the report to the officials at the mentioned time that day. Annika knew she might be wrong but still she pointed to the timings and wanted to believe that this has something to do with vrushali .

But she wasn't clear of the note written next to it , " another s" . What could this mean ? She was at point zero once again .

" Suicidal deaths peaking up, teen found dead in her home "

Shivaay put his eyes on it and kept reading the news fully . Family members were out to attend some function and when they came back, they found about preetha's death . She hanged herself , he captured the events from reading it.

Om - you think this has something to do with vrushali?

S- not sure .

That's when Rudra knocked and entered the room . He gestured to salute them and grabbed the remote to switch the TV on .

S- what is it ?

R- Rakesh passed a statement to the press . He didn't even mention our names , How can he take the credit solely ! We struggled so mu , I mean you even took a bullet for this case but we stand nowhere on the screen .

He stopped in the middle when shivaay cleared his throat , and then continued choosing words very carefully . The trio watched the flash news silently until Om spoke .

Om - higher officers always play these kind of dirty games , don't let this bother you .

R- how can you two be so cool about this ! Senior could have almost lost his hand .

Shivaay was quietly reading the paper until this, he immediately looked up and stared at Rudra pointedly who gulped looking here and there .

S- I didn't know you had such wishes for me Inspector Rudra .

R- no way , I didn't mean that . Actually I

He stopped speaking when shivaay stood up and walked towards him.

S- credits, attention, pride, infact any emotion is short living. Don't value it too much .

Mentioning this, he threw the keys to Om and signalled him to come . Rudra's reactions changed within seconds as if someone just opened his blindfolded eyes . He got excited .

R- senior , you both are awesome!

He cheered for them while they didn't even bother reacting to it and just walked through the doorway casually.

A- yeah Sanjay can you please help him , he's vrushali's patient I think . She had written for some tests , help him with it .

' sure doctor '

A- you can go with him sir .

She gave the sheet to Sanjay and walked ahead but stopped after taking a few steps when she heard something.

' sample one test was taken the other day right ? Please ask the lab incharge to fill the details here next to Test S 1 , maybe they forgot .'

' but I have the test result sheet actually'

' I understand but this is just for a quick check from the Doctor's side , please fill this too '

' ok'

She immediately rushed back and borrowed the paper from him .

Blood Test S 1 -

Blood Test S 2-

' something wrong Doctor?'

Annika clicked out of her thoughts when sanjay asked .

A- no , nothing, here .

She passed the sheet and asked him to carry on .

Taking her scribble pad from the pocket , she flipped to the page where she had ' another s ' written on it .

" another sample " she completed it . Maybe this is vrushali's pattern of rough writing , she told herself .

So what does this another sample mean ? Whatever it is she decided to check and ran out towards the mortuary quickly.

As she was in hurry , she bumped and banged with someone on the way .

A- sorry .

Om- annika .

She turned back to find Om and shivaay there .

Her eyes travelled to the mortuary block towards which they were all actually moving .

A- you , too ...cracked it ?

Taking some deep breaths she tried hard and brought these words .

Om- not me , he did .

When Om shrugged pointing at shivaay , she glanced to notice him who was busy wandering his eyes around , as if he was trying to scan people .

S- we might need to talk .

He spoke putting on his shades casually , she gulped her saliva a several times to beat the dry throat .

A- I'm sure...we do .

Shivaay and Om were looking at the pictures keenly , the one's which annika had clicked - vrushali's day chart.

She placed the cup hard on the table , they were distracted by the noise and looked up . Om noticed the bandage on her wrist .

Om- what happened to your hand ?

A- uhh ,nothing just a small burn .

S - so you think this another s is another sample ?

A- hmm ,I do .

Om- shivaay , so our guess might really be it . Preetha's death is not actually a suicide ?

Shivaay thought deeply and gave a slow nod when Om stated this .

A - why do you think like that ?

Om - we gathered some case details , pictures, files , and when we went through it ,we found something.

Shivaay picked some photos from his pocket and dropped them on the table when Om completed . She leaned forward and scanned them one by one.

Om- these were taken at preetha's house by the forensics people .

A- okkkay

Annika stretched the word confusedly and shivaay dragged his chair close to explain it to her . She immediately moved a bit away fearing not to hurt his arm , he noticed it and just peeped with his head close , securing his arm away .

S- why would she paint her nails just a while before hanging herself ?

Annika kept staring at the picture to recognize and realize the presence of an open nail polish bottle under the bed . It was like literally so tiny that she couldn't actually see it only.

Om- she had even purchased earing on amazon that morning.

She traversed her gaze towards Om while still being immersed in some thoughts .

A- I guessed the same actually, because another sample could be another DNA sample. In that case , it can't be a suicide .

S- maybe we are wrong , but , maybe we are right . And vrushali identified something in this ,

A/S - that's why she's missing.

Om took a moment and smirked looking at the two one by one when they both completed the phrase similarly . But they both looked leastly bothered . Om just shook his head leaving a deep sigh .

Om- what about vrushali's family?

A- only grandmother .

Om- must be tough for her , how is she holding up then?

Shivaay who was going through something on his mobile all this time, looked at her on hearing only silence . She stared at Om without speaking and shivaay declared quickly after noticing her deeply .

S- she doesn't know yet .

Annika cornered her eyes at him once and pulled them back towards Om again.

Om - what ? How's that possible ?Is she not in contact or something?

Annika once again didn't answer and just gulped deeply , her eyelids made slow blinks from time to time.

S- she imitates like vrushali, speaks like her to the old lady .

She made an annoyed noise with her lips and frowned at him when he kept guessing everything one by one.

Om- really annika ? You still haven't got rid of it? Mimicry had you almost arrested once , don't you remember that?

Om started raising his voice as he really couldn't believe what he just heard . Shivaay immediately placed his hand on Om's lap , insisting him to stop .

S- what were you to get from the mortuary block ?

A- I don't know , vrushali's system has crashed . I wanted the postmortem record. One copy must still be there .

She answered with her eyes still floating at an angry Om .

S- you must be careful .

She was alarmed when he suddenly mentioned that . Shivaay's serious voice said it all, annika grew tensed .

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