Scapegoat and Forty seven

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I'll forget the flow so I'm just trying to update frequently , happy reading !😁

A - what if all this is unnecessary, then we're just wasting time .

Shivaay shook his head in disbelief and leaned back , dumb and dumber , he said to himself .

Om - annika we still don't know why vrushali left the hospital all of a sudden . Maybe she got a threat call, and if someone was watching her , definitely you're under eyes this moment too .

As Om insisted seriously she was still trying to process everything in her mind.

S- bring the girls to a safe place ,first .

Om- she lives with her father , so I don't think that would be necessary.

Shivaay looked at annika awaiting her reply, and he was kind of intimidated after hearing it.

A- we aren't staying with him now .

Came her firm and straight answer , the guys chose not to dig that for now .

S - then we have to do something about the twins .

Om- I know the exact person for this .

Shivaay smiled at him when Om smirked completing his words while annika watched them confusedly .

R- hello senior , what's this I'm put into now .These two seem dangerous !!

Om and shivaay could feel Rudra's fear from his terrified reaction . Now they took turn to remain confused while annika put up a royal smirk .

A- I told you.

Om- a trained cop can't even handle two school going kids , is it even acceptable?

R- they suddenly started screaming that I'm a kidnapper and the crowd gathered to beat the hell out of me . Unfortunately I didn't bring my Id today .

Om cringed on being annoyed by Rudra's cries . Annika let out a big sigh and grabbed the phone to herself.

A- Rudra , I'm their sister . Pass the phone to them .

Rudra was stunned on seeing annika on the screen suddenly . He quickly corrected his messy hair and adjusted the crushed collar .

R- oh my god senior ! why didn't you tell me she was there ? Yeah sure .

While Rudra sang this complain, Om made a 360 degree roll with his eyes. Shivaay got up to get a snack from the counter .

Riya - annika who's this ?

Rithi- annika , please don't meet my Science mam please!!

A- shut up Rithi , stop it already .

Riya- he says he's our friend but we don't have friends right ?

Om stared at annika with a light frown covering his face.

A- no , he's someone I know . Go with him for now.

Rithi- but why ?

A- I'm leaving out of station , got some important work .

Riya - suddenly ? You didn't even tell us .

A- riya you heard me right? Do it .

Annika was so rude, riya grew angry and she instantly passed the phone to Rudra .

R- I'll take care , don't worry.

A- thanks .

R- anything for you .

He spoke without realizing that she had already passed the mobile to shivaay who just came back with his bite. Rudra's dreamy smile faded to turn into a horrified stare when he saw shivaay on the screen.

R- I I mean anything for you senior !

Since shivaay was engrossed in noticing the girls behind Rudra , he didn't pay much attention to all this .

Om- be very careful Rudra.

R- yes sir !

Shivaay immediately swiped the red when Rudra got hyped and saluted as if he was in some parade.

Om - what about annika now ?

S- we need a scapegoat.

Her eyes widened when he mentioned this casually .

Om- are you serious ? It's too risky .

S- think of it , we have zero clue now.

Om- shivaay stop being so

A- Om , it's alright . One part of me just believes this all might not just be it . We're doing everything with our instincts, our guesses so it's ok .

Annika stopped him in the middle and added her points .

Om- you're sure ?

A- hmm .

A - cut .

Annika looked up when it was not done yet . Sharon seemed distracted .

A - Dr.Sharon ? Cut!

Sh - yeah .

Sharon quickly used the suture scissors inbetween the material and did it .

A- what's with you today ?

Sh- sorry doctor .

A- don't step into the OT if you're not fully here !

Sharon blinked and shivered lightly when annika shouted at her .

Sh- so sorry .

Annika didn't wait to listen to that, she completed what she had to do and walked out right away .

Annika is rude for real . Not just with others rather with her own sisters too , she behaves the same . Riya and Rithi tends to resent annika for this . Rithi begged annika to put her into music class when she was in 6th std but what annika approved was karate for both . Annika literally dominates them with long list of rules . Never trust anyone , never rely on anyone , think for yourself first and there is more .Unfortunately Riya and Rithi couldn't learn to socialize because of all this , they got not much friends . Annika has mostly brought them up as if they were in some military camp or something .

She was always this kind of a girl , roams around with high head and rude attitude alone . Nothing bothers her until she decides it does . She knew people around hates her but she hardly cares . Things can never have effect on her easily . Since childhood her character just grew that way , she couldn't blame anyone for that . And the circumstances around her kept changing throughout.

It was before a few years when she lost her mother to jaundice, people never realize how dangerously fatal it is until they see things for real . Such a kind of disease it is . And after that , one day when she woke up from the bed she found a small folded sheet kept beneath her pillow.

" I'm leaving " it said just that . Riya and Rithi would still remember when annika didn't come out of the room that whole day . They still don't know the reason though.

' Dad said he won't stay with us anymore . Weekend is over , time for school now go get ready , quick! ' this is what she said to the little girls after coming out the next day .

After that whenever Riya and Rithi asked about it , annika would give really honest answers like ' He doesn't like us because we're a burden for him . He wanted to escape from the loan sharks and debts , that's why he left '

Annika never lied to them because she found no reason to hide it. Why should they have a good perspective of a person who abandoned them ?

Her attitude is just straight and hurting sometimes, but she decided to hold it that way only .

Fixing the small torch between his teeth , shivaay peeped a little to see things inside the CPU which he just screwed open . He then quickly undid the connections and took the hard disk from it .

He had asked annika to put a pause to this and look into her work . If she does have eyes on her , she shouldn't be involved in this completely . So he came down himself to get this disk from vrushali's system .

There is a chance they could retrieve some files from it , he wanted to give it a try. Grabbing it in his hand , he rushed out of the room .

Sh - excuse me ? What are you doing ?

He crushed his eyes before making a presentable face , and then turned .

S- I'm looking for Dr.Tripati actually .

Sh- oh ok , please go straight and take left . You can find him somewhere there.

S- sure thank you.

He walked fast until he could find Om and passed the disk to him .

She opened the door and peeped inside the ward .

A- Dr.Tripati , you asked for me?

'Doctor I have an emergency case now , can you please take a look at him ?'

Annika looked beyond to find Om and Shivaay seated by the corner. Planned to avoid meeting and now this ? She stared at the two while Om shrugged his shoulders innocently.

A- ok .

' thank you so much '

The other doctor left .

A- I'm sure you still have time for this .

She rushed her words while quickly putting on her gloves.

S- I'm here already so let's complete this atleast.

Annika breathed out a sigh and started removing the cast on his arm .

A- got it ?

Om- yup .

A- by the way you guys seem too free for ASP's , are you guys even working?

Om- we are under suspension .

A- what !

S- sss !

Without stopping even after hearing his wince she kept running her hand to peel the cotton and band pressed to the wound quickly. Shivaay held the hand rest of the chair tight with his angry eyes pointed at her throughout.

Om- this guy here , came to the DSP's office drunk .

She heard what all Om had to say with her mouth open awide a little . Shivaay was still cringing in pain .

A- what about you then ?

Om paused for a minute to spare a glorious look at shivaay and then answered.

Om- he had kept the beer tin hidden in my pistol case , we got caught.

Annika couldn't hold in the laughter after watching Om's victimized face .

Om- annika

A- ok ok , I won't.

Om- he didn't stop after that you know , even during the suspension period he forced and got me involved in the heist case and received this shot now .

Shivaay who was already in pain couldn't take Om's continuous nagging.

S- Om you complain too much.

Om - it's because you trouble me too much .

A- hey ok stop this , Om , where are we going to find Mr.ComputerBrains now?

Om- we already have one .

Om answered while still shooting daggers at shivaay with his eyes .

He pressed his knuckles enthusiastically to break sound on all the fingers and acted pretty excited .

R- woohooo! This is so exciting. Like I'm inside a movie , by the way what are we doing now ? Project retrieve! for what ?

Om - can you do it or not ?

Came Om's brief words just to put Rudra's glowing face down.

R- I'm not sure , give me some time .

Om- we don't have time .

' Rudra , drink this first. You must be so tired after doing so much work. '

His grandma came inbetween and handed a glass of milk to Rudra and Om .

R- I was actually needing this , love you grandma !

Om- will you focus ?

R- yeah yeah , senior I understand but I can't do it right away. Got to check the coordinates and if mother board is

Om- enough of it now , get to work already .

Rudra's house was surrounded by people . They were a joint family . Someone or the other will always be around , and that's why shivaay chose his house to bring in the girls .

Rudra's grandpa died serving the country . Even though he had more interest in IT and computer stuffs , he elected serving as a cop to fulfill his grandma's wish . He wasn't very much happy at first ,but after getting to know his seniors Om and Shivaay he found it nice .

He looks up at them as his mentors . Though they don't treat him any specially , he still strives hard to learn from them.

Shivaay noticed two pairs of black shoes near the doorway . He kept thinking for a while before making his way upstairs .

Rithi - you think annika will come to the school this week ?

Riya- rithi can you be quiet for sometime, I can't concentrate on this problem .

Rithi - answer me first .

Riya- ofcourse she will, what makes you think she won't. Has she stopped from doing anything she decides ?

Rithi's face fell in worry.

Rithi- what am I gonna do ?

Riya- how will I know? I warned you not to change 17 to 47 that day itself. Now she's going to come to school and see your 17 story too . You're gone Rithi!

Rithi was almost in the verge of crying when riya spoke like that .

Rithi- I just wanted to show her that I passed .

Riya- you were stupid to think 47 was a better choice ? Even if you had put 97, annika will ask for the answer sheet to find where you lost the other 3 . You're just so dumb Rithi.

Rithi- you are just as worst as annika riya!

She shouted at her and ran away .

Riya- hey rithi, ok come back I was just stating facts you know . Rithi ...

Shivaay was standing by the other way, opposite to where they both just ran . He saw all this through the window .

Without his own knowledge he kept smiling.

S- they truly are ...devils.

Annika crawled on the bed this side and that side. Why the hell did she drink so much water at night ! With not being able to control , she peeled out the duvet and ran to the restroom at once .

The street lamp was so bright that the beam fell into her room through the window making it look like a day . Annika rubbed her eyes and frowned being irritated , why did she have to wash the curtains all at once this day ! She then tried to hang the thin bed sheet to cover the light .

As she kept pulling the sheet around roll bar , she noticed something through the window . She stopped doing the work and opened it.

Leaning completely on the bonnet of the car , he seemed to quiet enjoy having that cool beer at this hour . She found the car settled right infront of her house .

Annika narrowed her eyes and rolled them lazily , making a sarcastic smile out of her lips .

A- why guard a mere scapegoat ?

How was it?

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