One word and Black chart

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R- this is too much , first the twins ,
then some computer stuffs and now you want me to dress up like some ambulance driver ! God knows for what.

Shivaay and Om looked at him with those equally rude faces .

R- uhh what I meant was , I should know what we're dealing with at the least , you don't think so ?

S- only if I know anything to be certain , we are just trying to know, here .

He finished his sentence and fixed that white cap which the people at medical centres actually use on Rudra's head .

R- cool , I thought I was left out . Ok then , mission mortuary break on !

Annika raised his brows at him for a moment and swiftly looked away , Rudra was disappointed though . He wanted to impress her but there's no way she would even react to him. He was scared of the blue eyed senior but that couldn't stop him from trying to get her attention. It made him happy in someway .

A- you really think this will work , I can just go and get it why would you three risk going in there ?

S- you being there is the actual risk , don't make me repeat things . I hate it .

She rolled her eyes on hearing his rude answer .

A- I was talking to Om , not you .

S- whatever. Rudra , an anonymous dead body , ready ?

R- yup ! Some accident case I guess .

He answered while loading the bed cart onto the ambulance.

Om - keep this in mind , don't access the system. Hack the server get the list of list of names , that's the plan alright ?

R- sounds very much easy , hack the server, get the list . Gosh how am I going to break through the protocol coordinates and decode the central code , I have to find the

S- that's enough now , get in all of you . Om, drive .

Rudra made a grumpy reaction when shivaay cut him in the middle, none even wants to listen to him .

Om - you're not coming?

He asked after pulling the cart down infront of the gate .

Shivaay looked at her once before answering.

S - I think I should be here , with this hand I'm of help for you there .

He insisted pointing his injured arm .

Om- ok , atleast look out for her . She shouldn't be spotted here at this time .

S- I'm not here to babysit her .

A- none asked you to do that, a scapegoat knows to take care of itself.

She put her words in the middle of their conversation, the stern sense in her voice said it all . He turned towards her to pass one nice glare , but by then she was seen to have leant back and closed her eyes already . Om just sighed at the these two and remembered to focus on the task first.

' filed a report with the police ?'

The security of that block questioned.

R- yes , it's an accident case near the second junction road .

He answered balancing his hold on the first end of the cart which had the body on it .

' ok , I'll call the doctors and inform . You can go in '

The guard pressed his thumb over the biometric scanner for the glass door split pulled to open up from either ends . Om pushed in force from behind, insisting Rudra to get going .

He pulled her down immediately when she tried to peep out through the window. Annika was irritated .

A- sss my hair!!

Shivaay frowned and tried much to get rid of her hair which stuck to his watch .

S- lay low .

A- this is so stupid .

S- you want to loose your kidney ?

She glared hard .

A- aren't you thinking too much ?

S- look , unless and until we know who is doing this , everything about this place is dangerous .

A- sss !

She winced out as he suddenly pulled out her hair after been trying for long . Like , he almost plucked them off . Annika immediately pulled his wrist to check for the number of hair strands she could find tangled to his watch , and then straightly scowled at him.

S- finally , you feel something for your hair atleast .

Her reactions changed slowly as soon as he completed letting out a light smirk .

Noticing her grip on his hand , she immediately loosened it and turned away .

Shivaay sat back to lean behind and wandered his eyes to watch her for a minute . She was pressing her knuckles to bring out the sound one by one. He hated himself for noticing all this , because the scenes which his mind brings after witnessing these are really troublesome .

S - stop doing this , will you ?

He insisted her to stop stressing her knuckles and palmed her hand to cover that spot . She just hit his hand to push it away , and started doing it again.

A- mind your own business shivaay .

S- what's your problem now,why are you nervous? Don't tell me your scared about the marks , ofcourse you're gonna top the paper this time too .

As soon as he said this she shook her head .

A- I got some one words wrong , shruthi might take the place .

And so her fear did come true , the teacher announced shruthi's name first and then came annika's. She was just two marks behind her though .

Annika kept her teeth gritted while shruthi received the answer sheet from the teacher . Shivaay who noticed this from close made a disgusted face .

S- god knows how I ended up liking such a ...!

She was distracted when shivaay mumbled something to himslef.

A- hmm,you said something?

S- nothing .

He shook his head .

Om - quick , will you ?

R- I am trying, breaching through this is not an easy job ok ! I'm just in.

Om urged him to be fast while Rudra connected the cable to the system and inserted the other end of it into his laptop .

Om - pick the names for these two dates .

R- hmm , one sec I'm getting a call .

Om- there's no time ,

He insisted seriously but Rudra gestured to wait and attended the call . Om's reactions changed on noticing Rudra's tensed face .

Om- what is it ?

Rudra took in a deep gulp .

A- what are you saying ? How , I mean they were at your home right ?

R- aunty said they went to the nearby stationary shop and never came back .

Om grabbed the phone from Rudra .

Om- shivaay

S- stop everything, we have to go.

A- no wait! Just finish the work .

She shouted to insist Rudra . Shivaay glared at her immediately.

S- Rudra , we don't know what this is . We have to find the girls .

A- they'll just be fine , Rudra please get the list . We have to finish this.

Shivaay's anger was reaching its peak , he crushed his eyes slowly to get a grip of himslef .

S- don't be stupid annika .

A- I know what I'm doing . Riya and Rithi know to take care of themselves .

She moved forward the snatch the mobile from his hand but he forced his strength to push her back and jolted away .

S - Om , Rudra , stop . We are leaving ,come out now !

Annika shook her head and punched her own thigh , leaving a defeated sigh .

Her fierce eyes were ready to burn him to ashes ,while shivaay too had the same sharp fire spitting eyes on her .

S- I hate you annika .

His eyes spoke everything , despise is what he meant through that .

' They came back by themselves , but didn't answer when I asked about where they were .'

S- are they ok ?

' yes , they're upstairs '

Immediately all the four hurried upstairs and ran towards the last room .

Riya - my roundhouse kick was all enough , why did you push her down ? You couldn't even hold her properly?

Rithi- where did you keep your eyes when I made my forearm strike ? Or did you go blind in fear ?

Riya- fear ? Me ? I saw you struggling to get your grip , stop boasting Rithi .

S- Rithi, Riya .

He called out their names as he entered the room . The girls who were so immersed in their special conversation on strategies turned behind to notice the four inside. Both the kids ran towards annika at once .

Rithi - annika , when did you

A- shh , tell me what happened first .

She knelt down before the two and started checking for any wounds on their skin .

Riya- we went to the shop to buy black chart for tomorrow's competition . When we were coming back , a car

Rithi - sss Rithi we left the chart on road itself.

Riya- I thought you put it in your bag , how can you

A- will you both shut up !

The twins were thrilled on hearing annika's sudden scream . Infact even the boys were . Shivaay who didn't like this at all , asked her to move and made the girls sit on the couch . He asked Rudra to bring the ointment after noticing some pink bruises on their arms .

S- who did this to you ?

Riya- we don't know , she was wearing a mask .

Rithi- she tried to take us with her , but that's when my forearm strike came in the game . I showed her what pain is ,ahh! Then she left .

She winced on feeling the burn as shivaay tended to her wound.

Riya- then she pushed you , add that you liar . If only I didn't make the roundhouse kick ...! I saved you.

Rithi- I need none to save me , I can look after myself.

Riya- as if .

All the three boys were actually taken aback by this , how can these 13 year old kids be this brave . The way they entirely briefed the scene itself showed they feared nothing at all . Like, they didn't even care about that situation and just wanted to discuss of their defense techniques. Shivaay, Om and Rudra were stunned .

Riya - I guess she's a doctor , there's this smell she had.

Rithi- yes right ? Even I thought about it , the one which annika brings from hospital. Her coat , stole , even her hair smells like some sanitizer always.

Soon he noticed annika's absence in there .

S- where is she ?

Om- terrace I think .

Shivaay gave the ointment to Rudra and climbed upstairs to reach the terrace .

She slightly cornered her eyes to know his presence behind , and didn't turn back .

S- they , they're ok as you believed.

A- I told you .

S- still, you behaved worse today .

A- maybe it's a warning but this can't stop me.

Shivaay was loosing his cool once again ,he grabbed her hand roughly and pulled her around .

S- have some heart you damn !

He couldn't speak further , after noticing her wet eyes . Annika on the other side hated to show this face to him ,she wriggled out of his hold and turned closing her eyes to withhold the tears . Shivaay opened and closed his mouth a few times but just didn't know what to speak.

A- I'm not going to leave them .

Came her sternly straight words . He remained quiet.

A- so this must be the doctor we are looking for .

R- and we have just one female name in the list we got .

Rudra who just came there , spoke holding a sheet .

S- you actually got it ?

Rudra blinked and exclaimed happily .

R- yup!mission success senior !

Om- woah seems like kid's got some really cool skills .

Om patted his back and commented with a grin . While Om and Rudra made an hi -fi to cheer themselves, annika walked straight to stand before Rudra .

A- who is it ?

How was it ?

Honest reviews plss.

Plss vote and comment if you like my story 😊

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