Bio, Armory and Army

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Name: (Y/n) (L/n)
Alias: Knight King
Age: 21 years old
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 350 lbs

Regular Attire

Armor & Main Weapon

Armor: Armoured exosuit giving the user increased strength, enough to lift and throw heavy boulders or a garbage truck. Helmet houses a computer system that can monitor users Aura levels, can scan people to check vitals, and has a built in heads up display that can predict your opponents actions. Finally, the helmet has both night and infared vision settings, for obvious reasons.

Weapon: Grimsever, an enormous battle axe, a kings weapon. A mighty blade passed down by ancient kings of old. Weild it in the noblest of fights.

Semblance: Can create a massive barrier of Aura thay can take massive blows from any number of sources and project over a very wide area.

Army: Army will consist of the following.....


Number of soldiers: 3000
The standard heavy infantry for the army, but their shield wall is nearly impenetrable. Wields a spear and a sword and is a serious threat on their own.


Number of soldiers: 1000

Heavy cavalry unit, but still fast and nimble in combat. Riders wield a long lance, and as backup a longsword. Useful for closing distances quickly.


Number of soldiers: 50

Mid weight Assassin class soldier, not really effective in war, but extremly effective assassin's and duelists. Wields a dagger and a one handed longsword. Armor is composed of leather and bits of chainmail, as well as a metal plate helmet and pauldrons.


Number of soldiers: 500

Common archer class with lightweight leather, with a metal helmet and shin guards. Wields the longbow, a weapon with astonishing range, and in the right hands, deadly accuracy.


Number of soldiers: 300

Expert mid ranged sharpshooters, their guns fire with deadly precision.


Number of ballistas: 100

Light weight siege weapon. Requires 3 soldiers to operate, but has extreme accuracy and the bolts have a cool effect you may see later in the story. For travel it is towed by a horse but in battle it takes the entire crew to move them, leaving them vulnerable to counterattack.


Number of Trebuchets: 50

Big, slowmoving, but powerful. A huge siege engine that requires a team of 10 horses to move. Once moved into position however, these are pretty much sitting ducks. To help make up for this, these weapons have really massive range, they can fire at targets several hundred meters away. This thing requires 5 soldiers to operate, it's not effective on a singlular target, but massive AOE potential. Can throw dust balls or boulders the size of a car.

Steam tanks

Number of tanks: 100

Heavily armoured with two cannons and machine gun. It may be slowmoving but it makes up for it with being an ideal breaching weapon and it's heavy armour will allow it to endure a hit from a Goliath Grimm and keep working. The big cannon on it's front is mainly for breaching gate and walls or can take out large grimm with just one shot. The smaller cannon can rotate to fire at smaller enemies. Requires 5 soldiers to operate.

Army total: 5100


- King single handedly defeated an entire horde of 100 Grimm and didn't die.

- Created safe trade routes to all the Kingdoms.

- Dismantled several human and faunus trafficking operations.

- Successfully fended off Atlas in the great war before the kingdoms came to peace.

- The kingdom is the only other place where faunus can live without prejudice, because the kingdom takes discrimination very seriously and will not be tolerated.

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