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Ruby POV

Our group has been on the run for, I don't know how long, and we are all tired. Ozpin and Oscar have worked out an understanding and working together again. We are flying in a airship towards an unknown part of the world. I get up from my seat and ask Oscar.

Ruby: So, where are we going exactly?

Oscar: Ozpin says a place where we will be able to rest hopefully. It's an isolated kingdom that operates outside the council's restrictions. They are also have a large and powerful military, which is why they have never been conqeured. Keep in mind that this kingdom has an actual king that governs over the people, so mind your manners.

Ruby: Wow, I've never heard of this place.

Oscar: Ozpin says that they are a little secretive and wary of outsiders. But once you earn their trust, you have it for life. Though Ozpin has seen a change in their leadership qualities. The current King is kind soul, who will go to great lengths to defend those who can't defend themselves.

Ruby: Sounds like a good man to me.

Oscar: Oh you'll like him. Get some rest Ruby, I'll wake you guys up when we get close.

Ruby: Alright.

I head back to see everyone fast asleep, I pull a blanket back over Maria and sit down near the cockpit door and fall asleep as well.

Timeskip 3 hours later

I am gently shaken awake, I open my eyes and see Yang smiling. I yawn and ask.

Ruby: What's going on, Yang?

Yang: Oz says we're almost there.

Oscar: If you guys thought Atlas was spectacular to look at you should see this.

Everyone gets up and looks at our final destination and it is beautiful.

Ruby: Wow!

Weiss: And I thought only Atlas looked good from a distance.

Ozpin: Oh you'll love it up close too. I have been here many times in the past and it gets more beautiful everytime.

We then land outside the city near the docks. We put the relics in a cargo chest and Nora and Jaune carry it. For once I think I caught my uncle Qrow smiling in amazement, which cause me to smile too.

????: Good afternoon.

I turn and see a woman in a maids outfits acknowledging us.

Annabelle: My name is Annabelle, I am a maid in the service of the King. It is an honor to welcome you here.

Ruby: Thank you, my name is Ruby Rose and these are my friends.

Oscar: A pleasure, we seek an audience with your King, please?

Annabelle: Of course, but I must ask have any of you been here before?

We all shake our heads no and this makes Annabelle giggle.

Annabelle: Well then, how about we take the scenic route, shall we?

Ozpin: This a matter of-

Ruby: Oh, yes please!

Annabelle: *giggles* Well then please board the wagon and we'll be on our way.

We all do so and the cargo chest is set in between all of us. The wagon takes off for the city center. The city gates open and we are amazed by the sights and sounds. Annabelle then speaks up.

Annabelle: As you can see our home is a thriving city, so long as everyone pulls their weight the people will not go hungry. But we also have our fairshare of days that we all just spend having fun and being care free. Like today we have what's called The Festival of Fools for anyone just looking for a laugh. The king himself will be appearing later today.

We pass by people who are setting up festival decorations on the streets.

I wave at some of them and they happily wave back.

Annabelle: Yes, you will find that the people here are very friendly and the city has every conceivable shop. For those looking to unwind from working hard or just looking for a good time. We have taverns and inns for you to stay and be merry....

Yang and Nora smirk and act like they want to break something. Sigh, what am I going to do with them?

Annabelle: We also have plenty of accessory shops, ranging from commercial goods such as food and books, to high end tailors and jewelers....

Weiss began eyeing some dresses, while Blake seemed to take an interest in the book store, hmm reminds me of a movie, oh well.

Annabelle: We also have plenty of workshops for those who like to work with their hands. Ranging from pottery to blacksmiths-

Ruby: *goes chibi* Oh my gosh, look at all the weapons!

Everyone got a laugh out of my childish reaction, I didn't care I was too mesmerized by the whole city.

Blake: Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice there are quite few faunus here. Is it safe for them?

Annabelle: Why yes, we do have a large faunus community. Most of them are refugees from slave camp, or trafficking rings, dismantled by the king and his peacekeepers. And while the White Fang does have a presence here, there has been no violence thanks to everyones acceptance of all faunus. We may look different but we're really all the same.

This causes Blake to smile as we pass by numerous faunus children playing happily with human children.

Qrow: This place just seems so peaceful and happy, how is that possible. I mean aren't you scared of Grimm attacks?

Annabelle: Sure I mean who isn't scared of Grimm but we do have a aggressive perimeter defense and many natural barriers and the army we have protecting is are some of the best trained warriors out there. We take security very seriously.

We pass by several training area where we see knights training with all sorts of weapons.

Jaune: What is that?!

We all look at what Jaune was talking about and we see a giant catapult thing.

Annabelle: These are our Trebuchets, these siege engines can throw objects the size of a car at targets hundreds of meters away.

We see many awesome things that the cities military uses as we approach the castle. We disembark from the wagon and grab the chest and follow Annabelle inside. Oh, here we go, meeting royalty for the first time.

(A/N): So new story, what do you guys think? Thanks for your support on all of my stories it really means a lot to me that you guys are enjoying these as much as I love creating them. I do have a couple of story ideas in the works right now. So keep your eyes open for them as well. Have a great day as always, PEACE OUT!!!

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