Meeting the King

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Ruby POV

My friends and I are following Annabelle throught the castle, we see several knights posing as guards. We then approach a big doorway, before we can enter, the doors open and a villager by the looks of it comes out of the room.

Villager: Thank you, sire. Thank you.

Ruby: What's with her?

Annabelle: There have been numerous sightings of Grimm on the edges of the forest outside the city. The farmers are getting nervous as some of them are starting to wander out of the forest.

Jaune: Is there any way we can help?

????: That is polite of you to offer, but we can handle this, for now.

A tall built older man, maybe around Qrow's age, has approached us.

Paul: I am Paul, military advisor to the king, we are sending a squad of men to the trouble spot.

Ruby: Oh good.

Annabelle: Paul, these travellers have requested an audience with the King.

Paul: Very well, you may approach the throne.

Oscar or Ozpin, I should say, leads us into the throne room. We approch the throne and sitting there, looking a little bored, is the King. Strange he can't be more than a couple years older than me. He's well built and very tall, with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. He looks at me and he actually looks really cute. Wait, did I just say that, it has been a long while since I've had a cookie. Oscar, then kneels down and we all follow suit.

(Y/n): *perks up* Rise and state your buisness.

Oscar: You're majesty, my friends and I are seeking temporary refuge, we have been on the run for some time.

(Y/n): Leave us.

Surprisingly, everyone in the court simply bows and walks out, closing the door behind them. The King then stands up from the throne and I can really see how tall he is. I am shaking in my boots at this man, he must've noticed because he simply shot me a kind smile and I did relax a bit. He then surprises us all, by saying...

(Y/n): Ozpin, it's been a long time old friend.

Ozpin: Indeed young one, you were only 10 when I saw you last. I was saddened to hear of your parents passing.

(Y/n): Thank you, being King is not as easy as one might think.

Ozpin: *chuckling* No, I imagine not. May I introduce my friends.

Jaune: I'm Jaune Arc, a pleasure your majesty.

Ren: Lie Ren, Sire.

Nora: Nora Valkyrie.

Qrow: Qrow Branwen, a pleasure.

Yang: Yang Xiao Long's the name, *Blake lightly elbows her side* oh uh, your majesty.

Blake: Blake Belladonna, a true honor your majesty.

Weiss: Weiss Schnee, pleased to make your aquantince.

Ruby: And I'm Ruby Rose, your majesty.

(Y/n): A true pleasure to meet you all, I am (Y/n) (L/n). On behalf of the people of Bigge, I welcome you to my kingdom.

Qrow: So, you know about-

(Y/n): Ozpin being reincarnated? Yes, I am fully aware of this. As were my forfathers, every king has helped Ozpin in one way or another.

Ruby: So, I'm sure you know what we're here for then?

(Y/n): Indeed, you have brought all four relics to my kingdom in hopes of asking for my aid against Salem.

Blake: Ok, are you sure you can't read minds.

(Y/n): *chuckles* You learn to expect things when you have done this as long as I have.

Ozpin: You and your family have always been good to me. I hate putting your people in potential danger, but we had no where else to go.

(Y/n): I will allow you to stay for the night and rest, but that is as far as I will go to help you.

Jaune: What?!

Weiss: Sire, if you would reconsider-

(Y/n): I cannot send my troops into battle knowing that they won't come back.

Ozpin: Sire, please if I may?

(Y/n): *sternly* Enough.

Ruby: King (Y/n), please. We came here to seek your help and I know that with your help, we will find a way to defeat Salem. Please, I beg you, work with us.

(Y/n): I will not help you. Annabelle!

Annabelle walks back into the throne room.

(Y/n): Please escort our guests to the guest bedrooms, please.

Annabelle: Very good, your majesty. *turns to our group* If you'll follow me, please.

The group then starts to follow Annabelle out, I turn back to the King who has sat back down.

Ruby: It was really nice to meet you.

(Y/n): Likewise Ruby, I am truly sorry.

With that I catch up with the rest of the group and we set ourselves up in the guest rooms, but everyone is in poor spirits.

Blake: Well what can we do now?

Yang: If the King refuses to help then we'll just beat Salem ourselves.

Weiss: And how do you propose we do that? We don't know how to get around that damn immortality of hers.

Annabelle: If I may?

We all turn around and realize that she heard what we had said just now.

Annabelle: Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear, but the King does want to help. Since his parents died he has been in a state of depression, if you want to call it that.

Ruby: He's grieving?

Annabelle: Exactly, he now feels like he failed them and the kingdom and this has caused some to question his leadership.

We all stand there in somber silence, taking in what we just heard.

Annabelle: Anyways, you should come down to the festival, I'm sure some fun will lift everyone's spirits.

We all decide that it might be a good idea to go to the festival. We all get ready, but I can't get my mind off what the King must be feeling. I mean I've been in his position before and I always found surrounding myself with supportive friends really helped.

Ruby: You guys go ahead, I'll catch up.

Weiss: You sure?

Ruby: Positive.

Yang: We'll see you there Sis.

(A/N): Alright new chapter, awesome. Will Ruby be able to convince the King to change his mind about helping? Find out next time. Guys seriously, thank you for all of your support. Never in a million years did I think any one would like any sort of story I wrote and the love you people give my stories is amazing. Thanks again and have a great day. PEACE OUT!!!

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