Igniting a Warrior's Heart

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(Y/n) POV

I am currently readying myself for a night at the festival, I do a check over of my attire in the mirror. I then sigh and say to myself.

(Y/n): What's the point of this?

Just then there is a knock on my door.

(Y/n): Yes.

I turn around and see Ruby standing there, I had to admit she is really pretty, I could see that she had something on her mind.

Ruby: Sorry to intrude like this your majesty, but I was hoping I could change your mind about our earlier conversation.

(Y/n): What's done is done, there is nothing I can do to help you.

Ruby: If I may? Are you sure your not just scared, because of what happened in the past with your parents?

I looked at her and wondered if Annabelle said something, but Ruby looked like she was being genuine. I sat down on my bed and sighed again.

(Y/n): My father was killed by my uncle when I was 14, though at the time he had fooled me into believing it was my fault because I got caught up in a Grimm attack and my father tried to save me. My mother succumbed to grief not long after that, after some time training, my uncle had tried to kill me too. During our fight, he revealed to me that he was the one who orchestrated my father's death. Fueled with rage I defeated my uncle, his head over there, his body over there. *sharp sigh* What was the point I was too late to make a difference, I was just standing there. An idiot with an axe.

Ruby: From what I've seen, you're no idiot. You're here right and you can make a difference now, not for the past but for the future. An idiot, no. A failure, absolutely.

(Y/n): That's a little harsh don't you think?

Ruby: You know what that makes you? *sits next to me* Just like everyone else.

(Y/n): I'm not supposed to be like everyone else.

Ruby: Everyone fails at who their supposed to be. I learned that the hard way, I've failed numerous times but I always try and succeed at being who I am. That is the true measure of a person, of a hero.

I take a minute to think and realize she is right, I need to stop blaming myself for what happened to my parents and fight for my peoples future. Ruby gets up to leave and I speak to get her attention.

(Y/n): Ruby?

She turns back to me and still has a compassionate smile on her face.

(Y/n): Thank you.

Ruby: Of course, your majesty.

She does a small curtsy and leaves the room, presumably to rejoin her friends, and ready myself for a night at the festival.

Timeskip 1 Hour Later

Ruby POV

I just caught up to the others at the festival grounds, where it looks everyone is waiting for something to happen.

Ruby: What's going on guys?

Jaune: Sounds like a parade is about to start.

Ruby: Oh cool!


(A/N): You get the idea.

Everyone is having a great time and most importantly having fun. Ren is trying to hold Nora back at a Whack -a-Grimm game stand. Yang is beating every guy at arm wrestling. Jaune was having minimal success winning a prize for Weiss, I can't believe after all these years Jaune is still trying to win Weiss' heart. Qrow is unsurprisingly getting drunk, ugh, again. Blake is conversing with several of the faunus that live here. I am just wandering around and admiring everyone while keeping to myself. As a couple of toddlers run a circle around me, I spin to follow their movements. As I watch the kids, I don't notice then bump into someone and almost fall over. I am caught before I fall to the ground though, I look up at my savior and there stands the King.

(Y/n): You ok there, Ruby?

Ruby: *blushes* Uh yes, thank you, your majesty.

(Y/n) steadies me on my feet and we then start walking together.

(Y/n): So, what do you think about our city, so far?

Ruby: It's different from any other places we've been to. I grew up on an island in Vale, and while there were happy moments, there were also times of dread. But this place, all I'm seeing are happy people with no sense of worry.

(Y/n): This place is special, but not totally free of evil. The Grimm still present a threat to all.

Ruby: Indeed, but if we were to defeat Salem we might also have a shot to end the threat of the Grimm for good.

(Y/n): Not one for subtlety are you?

Ruby: Nope.

We both laugh a little and started walking together through the crowd, while the King said hello to various people. We then come up to particularly sweet smelling stand, mmm, cookies. (Y/n) must've noticed because he just walked up to the stand owner.

(Y/n): How many cookies you want?

Ruby: All of them~

(Y/n): Well, you heard the lady.

Owner: *laughing* Sure thing.

The owner just grabs a bucket and puts as many cookies as he can fit. (Y/n) then happily pays for them and hands me the bucket of cookies.

(A/N): If you live in Iowa, you know what I'm talking about. But for those of you who don't, at the Iowa State Fair there is a vendor that will sell freshly baked chocolate chip cookies in a bucket and they will stuff as many of them in there as they can. Best thing ever!

Ruby: *blushes* You didn't have to pay for all of that.

(Y/n): I always treat guests in my kingdom, especially those that need my help.

Ruby: *looks at (Y/n) with a look of hope* So, do you mean-?

(Y/n): Yes, I have thought about it and I will lend my support to your cause.

Ruby: Yes! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!

Without even thinking I hug him really tight and in my excitement I kiss his cheek. I finally realized what I did and quickly let him go, blushing heavily.

Ruby: Sorry.

(Y/n): Don't be.

He and I spend most the night together until we head to bed for the night. He walks me to the guest bedroom and before we part ways, I thank him again for helping.

(A/N): Alright new chapter complete, awesome. Hope you guys enjoy and have a great day. Thank you for your support, PEACE OUT!!!

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