Coming Up With A Plan

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(Y/n) POV

I am attending the daily routine of answering people's concerns and requests, this time though, Ruby asked if she could watch. I did tell her it would be pretty boring, but she insisted. The first citizen walks into the throne room and requests that more troops are put on guard now that harvest season is upon us, which I humbly grant and ask Paul to see to it. The rest of the morning is spent answering, admittadly, really dumb and unnecassary request but as King I must at least hear them out. The last one comes in for the morning before lunch and this man is from our more high society living, so, snobby, looks down on everyone, you know the usual.

Man: Sire, I humbley request that you reconsider how much effort you're putting into this seemingly meaningless conflict. This is not our fight, we have stayed out of the buisness of the other kingdoms and it's served us well. The people would surely suffer for it, if we open ourselves up to the world, then Bigge is like everywhere else.

Paul: Are you suggesting that we abandon the world we were sworn to protect in favor of our own self interests?!

Man: In a manner of speaking, the world has gotten along fine without us. Why get involved now?

Paul: You dare to-

(Y/n): Enough! *stands up* I understand your concern, but not your reasoning behind it. We are apart of this world, right? The old ways are what allowed my uncle to lead to killing my father and the old ways must change. We can no longer hide ourselves away, waiting for our enemies to come to us. The Grimm are a much bigger threat to the world than previously imagined, and finally we have a chance to end their threat once and for all. There are other people out there putting their lives on the line right now to keep the Grimm at bay, we have no right to do any less than them. If you have a problem with that then you can see yourself out of the city. Am I clear?!

Man: *scared* Y-yes, Sire.

(Y/n): Annabelle, see him out.

Annabelle: Of course, your Majesty.

Annabelle leads the rich man out and I sit back down on the throne and breath. I then feel a hand on mine and see Ruby smiling, I smile back and stare into her silver eyes. Wait a minute, silver eyes. EUREKA!

(Y/n): Of course! Of course, how could I be so stupid!

Ruby: (Y/n), are you alright?!

(Y/n): Ruby, I figured it out! Get your friends and Ozpin to my study, quickly.

Ruby: Right!

Ruby rushes out and I go to my study and start looking through the old manuscripts and texts about the Grimm and find that they all had one thing in common, Silver Eyed Warriors. Ruby comes back with everyone in tow and I immediately ask Oscar/Ozpin.

(Y/n): How did Salem gain control over the Grimm again?

Ozpin: Uh, she had tried for many years to get rid of her immortality in every concievable way, she then figured if the God of Light gave her this curse then maybe the power of the God of Darkness could take it away. She jumped into a Grimm spawning pool in hopes her immortality would be reversed, but the goo just bonded to her on a microscopic level.

(Y/n): Basically turning her into a Grimm herself right?!

Ozpin: Yes, but with her immortality we can't defeat her by normal means.

(Y/n): We don't have to kill her to stop her. All this time we were looking for some otherworldly way of taking Salem's immortality away from her. The answer..*pulls Ruby in front of him*.. is right in front of our faces!

Blake: Ruby?

Yang: (Y/n), I realize my sister is a great ass kicker and all...

Weiss: But what can she do? No offense, Ruby.

Ruby: None taken.

(Y/n): Her silver eyes-

Nora: Only work on Grimm, we know all this.

(Y/n): And Salem is part Grimm! When the black ooze bonded to her, she gained the power over the Grimm, but she also gained their weakness to the Silver Eyed Warriors. Ruby, that's why she went after the Grimm Reaper and your mother, because only your eyes can stop her.

Everyone was shocked at this revelation, it was a brilliant theory to be sure but we couldn't know for sure until we actually confront Salem herself.

Jaune: I can't believe the answers been here with us this whole time.

Weiss: You really think Ruby can do it?

Ruby: Well, we have only one way to find out. We go to Salem's realm and take the fight to her. Team Rwby will be with me taking on Salem, I'll need your help to get a shot at her..

Yang: You've got it, Sis!

Blake: Right!

Ruby: Team JNR and Uncle Qrow you will need to handle Salem's inner circle so we can focus on Salem.

Jaune: We can handle it.

Nora: Just give her the beating she deserves!

Ruby: And (Y/n), no doubt Salem will know we're going to be coming for her.

(Y/n): My knights and I will punch a hole for all of you to get to Salem's castle.

Ruby: Alright, we do this as a team.

Oscar: I'll try and give Ironwood a call to see if he'll lend air support.

Ruby: That's not a bad idea. Everyone call every huntsman and huntress you can think of and convince them to meet us here.

(Y/n): This is it. This is the final battle that will decide the fate of Remnant.

Everyone takes in the information, make a few calls and head back out to the training fields and get ready for the biggest battle since the Great War. Ruby stands next to me as I tell Paul to give the order to mobilize all soldiers to prepare for battle.

(Y/n): Make sure everything is in working order and set up Auto gun turrets on the walls and watchtowers while we're gone.

Paul: Yes, Your Highness.

I look down at Ruby and I can see she is shaking a little bit, I turn her to me and take her hands.

Ruby: Sorry, I'm just really scared, about the outcome of the looming battle. I just really hope this will work.

(Y/n): It has to, because I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't. I'm scared too Ruby, but one thing you said to me is sticking with me, we're in this together till the very end.

Ruby then surprised me with a kiss on the lips, after a few seconds I gave in and only when the need for air arose did we seperate.

Ruby: I-I realized over our time together that- I love you (Y/n).

(Y/n): I felt the same when you helped me find the strength and courage I needed to finally be who I am. I love you too, Ruby Rose.

Yang: Aww, *sniffles* my baby sister's all grown up. *sniffles*

Ruby: Yang!

Ruby then gets after her team for spying on her and I just smirk and check out my armies preparing for the final fight for survival of the planet. One things for sure though, this will be a battle unlike any other.

(A/N): Hey guys, so our heroes finally have a plan. Now we just have to get there. Tune in next time, for the Battle of Remnant is nearing it's debut. Thank you guys so much for all of your love and support, have yourselves a great day. PEACE OUT!!!

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