Gathering Those Willing to Fight

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(Y/n) POV

I am with Oscar/Ozpin trying to convince James Ironwood to join our fight and it's not going great.

James: I didn't think I needed to repeat myself but why would I risk my people's safety for a plan that more than likely not even work?

Ozpin: And maybe you aren't hearing me James. We finally have a plan to take down Salem once and for all and you can help put an end to it. You are letting past events corrupt your judgment.

James: I'm sorry Ozpin, but I am not giving any more Atlas lives towards your cause.

(Y/n): It is our cause now! We both know how powerful Salem is and you can help even the playing field.

James: Tell me. Why should we go to the aid of those who did not come to ours? What do we owe Bigge?

(Y/n): I cannot speak for past kings, but Salem is the only thing that truly threatens the world if she takes us out, who do you think she'll come for next?

James: We will not help you. *ends call*

Qrow: Heh, he really grows on you doesn't he?

Oscar: James is scared but he's too stubborn to admit it.

(Y/n): I just hope the others are having better luck.

Ruby POV

Ruby: *talking on scroll* Alright, thank you. Yeah, see you soon friend. *turns off scroll and talks to others* Ok, Penny said she's-

Ruby/Yang: Combat ready. *laughs*

Yang: Penny never loses her charm. Anyways, I got in touch with every student that went to Beacon as well as teachers and they all agreed to come. Oh Ruby, I also talked with dad and he said he was good for a fight too.

Ruby: It'll be good to see him and Zwei again.

Blake: I got in touch with my dad as well and he said he could have himself and soldiers here within the week. I also gave, *sigh* Sun a call and he said he'd bring his team with him.

Yang: Oh boy, things will get lively around here in the next few weeks.

Weiss: I got in contact with the Schnee Dust Company, and since I have temporary ownership, I was able to have every bit of reserve dust sent here. We'll need all the firepower we can get.

Ruby: Good thinking BFF! *raises hand for high five*

Weiss: *sigh* Fine. *high fives Ruby*

Ruby: *GASP* YES!

Just then (Y/n), Oscar and Uncle Qrow walk in with less than thrilled expressions.

Yang: Why so down you three?

(Y/n): Ironwood, refused to help. We won't be getting any air support from Atlas.

Weiss: What?! What did my sister say?

Oscar: She wasn't part of the conversation. Ironwood is just scared about our chances.

Ruby: I know it seems like a hopeless endeavor but we finally have a chance and we need to take it. This is will be the fight of our lives but together we will see it done.

Qrow: Heh, when did you start growing up so fast? *rubs Ruby's head*

Over the next few days (Y/n) gets his army ready and makes sure the kingdom will be safe in his absence. We don't actually get to spend a lot of time together other than at dinner, so I just opt to give him a good luck kiss everytime we pass eachother. Over the next three weeks everyone we called have arrived and we got that dust shipment that Weiss comissioned. We are all conversing and catching up in the lobby of the castle, when I hear a familiar-


Ruby: *turns around* Zwei! Hey boy! *happily picks up the corgi* Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? *laughes as Zwei likes her face*

Tai: Ruby!

Ruby: Dad!

I see my dad and tackle him into a hug, he eagerly hugs back and we stay like this because we haven't seen eachother since after the Fall of Beacon. We pull away and he then tries to put on a upset face.

Tai: Young lady, what were you thinking?! Leaving only a note to say your goodbye with, taking on forces you were barely ready to face!

Ruby: Daddy, listen, I had to go! The world didn't know about the true dangers of what Salem's forces brought! I had to go and finish what you and mom started! The world needed help so, I answered.

Yang: Come on dad. Ruby was just doing what she felt was right.

Tai: It's just you two had me worried.

Ruby: I know and I'm sorry dad.

Tai: I guess I'm just glad that you two are working together again.

Ruby: I'm glad you made it dad.

Yang: Me too.

The three of us give a group hug, when we pull away I turn and see (Y/n) walking through the crowd and greeting everyone.

Ruby: Oh, (Y/n)! I want you to meet someone!

(Y/n) walks over to us.

Ruby: Taiyang Xiao Long meet King (Y/n) (L/n). Your majesty, meet my dad.

Tai: So you're the king young man?

(Y/n): Indeed, it's a pleasure to welcome you to my kingdom.

Yang: Yeah, Ruby and (Y/n) are dating.

Ruby: Yang!

Tai: Is this true?

Ruby: Uh hm, *sigh* yes, it's true.

(Y/n): I understand that you're her father and that you love her and just want to protect her. But I assure you I would never let any harm come to her, Ruby helped through an emotional struggle and I've been in love with her ever since. But I understand if you don't approve.

Ruby: Hey! No fair, I have a say and I say that I love (Y/n) whether you approve or not.

I take (Y/n)'s hand in mine and we wait for dad's response.

Tai: Indeed, I do worry about both my daughter's safety and I want to do what makes them happy. If you make Ruby truly happy, then I can't say anything against it. *holds out his hand*

Dad and (Y/n) shake hands and I was happy that dad approved of him. We spent the next few minutes catching up with everyone that came to help. Team CFVY, Sun, Professor Goodwitch, Port, Oobleck, even Team CRDL showed up to help. Then (Y/n) got everyone's attention.

(Y/n): LISTEN UP! I can't express enough my gratitude to every single one of you that have come out to fight with us. We've all lost something friends, family, even parts of ourselves whether spiritually or physically. But we now have a chance to ensure no one else suffers. This is the fight of our lives and we're going to win, whatever it takes. Take tonight for yourselves and catch up with old friends and make new ones, for tomorrow we prepare, for war.

(Y/n) finishes his speech and we all start conversing again and I get tackled by Penny.

Penny: Salutations, Ruby. It's so good to see you again!

Ruby: *struggling* It's great to see you too Penny. Now, can I breath?

Penny let's go and we just start laughing and the others join in and we all spend the rest of the evening with our friends and family. I am about to head to bed and I see (Y/n)'s bedroom door is open. I decide to tell him good night, I walk in the doorway and see him sharpening his axe, Grimsever.

Ruby: Ahem.

(Y/n): Ruby, please come in.

I take a seat on the bed and (Y/n) could tell something was bothering me. He takes a seat next to me and pulls me into a hug, I then start to shudder a little.

(Y/n): Hey, it's alright. You're okay.

Ruby: I guess all of our hardship has led to this moment and I don't know if I can do what everyone expects of me. I'm scared, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Believe me, I'm scared too. This is the dream you've been working for all your life. You want to be a hero to those around you and you know what every hero struggles with?

Ruby: Hmm?

(Y/n): The fear of failure. Don't fear failure. Fear being in the same place next year as you are today. And if you stumble, you have lots of friends and family that would be more than happy to help support you. As will I.

I felt a lot better knowing (Y/n) is understanding and will always be there for me when I need someone. I wipe away the tears in my eyes and smile at (Y/n), I then lean in kiss him and we stay like this until the need for air arose. I pulled away and I wrapped my arms around (Y/n) and fell asleep in his embrace.

(A/N): Well, most people made it and the final fight for survival is about to begin. Hold onto your butts!

Thank you everyone that has supported me across my entire channel. Let me know what you think of my content and any ideas you might have and I'll see what I can do with them. I love you all and I hope you have a great day. PEACE OUT!!!

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