The Battle Begins

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(Y/n) POV

     Ruby and I are up early one morning, and we feel that we're as ready as can be. Ruby readies her Crescent Rose while I equip my armor and my axe. We both look into eachothers eyes and I say..

(Y/n): Well, this is it.

Ruby: This is it. I just hope we can pull it off.

     I pull her into a hug and she hugs back and we stay like this to reassure one another. There is a knock on the door and I grant them entry, Yang and Annabelle are there waiting.

Yang: Hey sis. Everyone's ready.

Annabelle: As is the army.

     Ruby and I look at eachother and nod.

(Y/n): Give the order. All units, load all craft. It is time for war.

     Annabelle and Yang bow and leave, Ruby then pulls me down to her level and kisses me. We then head outside and Ruby's team is waiting for us, and I see my armies loading onto the ships and aircraft.

Weiss: With all these troops and ships Salem will know we're coming.

(Y/n): I'm working on a plan to get team RWBY and your friends into Salem's palace.

Blake: I hope it works.

Ruby: It has to. We're going to take the fight to Salem and we're going to win. Today we are cancelling the apocolypse!

Everyone: RIGHT!

(Y/n): Alright then, load up and make your preparations, it's a long road ahead and man and beast must reach the end with the strength to fight.

     We all load up ourselves and the relics into the airships and I give the order for lift off. All the airships start taking off and we head to Salem's realm. It will take us at least 2 days to get to the spot where I plan to set a trap and try and give us an edge over the Grimm.

Timeskip Later that Night

     I am in my quarters going over the plan I have so far when I hear the door open, I look up and see Ruby walk in.

Ruby: Hey, Sweetheart.

(Y/n): Hey, your up late.

Ruby: You are too.

(Y/n): Touche'

     We both chuckle and Ruby takes a look at the plans I've put together and asks.

Ruby: There's a large chance for casulties with this plan.

(Y/n): But it's our best shot to punch through the Grimm and get you and your friends to the palace. I think it's worth the risk.

Ruby: As long as your sure.

(Y/n): Hey I've got the easy job. You have to take down Salem herself.

Ruby: I know.

(Y/n): Hey your going to be fine. You can do anything you set your mind to.

     Ruby sets her weapon down and seats herself on the bed, I put my plans away for the night and join her and fall asleep in eachothers embrace.

Timeskip 2 Days Later

*knock* *knock*

(Y/n): Yeah, it's open!

     Paul and teams RWBY, JNR, Oscar and Qrow enter and Paul speaks first.

Paul: Your Highness, we are approaching the Shadow Realm.

(Y/n): Land us on the coast, we'll approach Salem's Palace on foot.

     Paul salutes and leaves, I then go over the plan with the remaining people.

(Y/n): Everyone knows the plan?

Everyone: Yes Sir!

(Y/n): Then let's do this.

     An hour later all the airships have landed and the sea ships are moored and the armies have disembarked.

Paul: What now Sire?

(Y/n): Set the Trebuchets on the top of that mountain, having the high ground will greatly increase their max range therefore we are able to keep them at a safer distance. Cavalry will charge first and punch a hole in the enemies defenses, I want the tanks in wedge formation Infantry in the middle, they'll charge in after the cavalry and the tanks will continue forward to make a pathway to Salem's palace. Archers and Ballistas set up along the cliffs and wait for my signal to spring the trap.

Paul: Yes Sire.

     Paul heads back to give the orders and sets up the trap. Ruby gets her team and the rest of the Huntsman ready for combat.

Timeskip 1 Hour Later

     The army is finishing preparations when a scout comes sprinting to Ruby and I.

Scout: Sir! SIR!

(Y/n): Catch your breath, son.

Scout: But *pants* Sire.

Ruby: Breath.

Scout: *deep breaths*

(Y/n): That's better. Now what news do you bring?

Scout: They come your Highness, in numbers far greater than our own.

Paul: Numbers do not win a battle.

(Y/n): No, but I bet they help.

     Just then the massive horde of Grimm come into view across the plains and the outnumber us at least 3 to 1. Good odds for any Knight, I turn to everyone standing behind me and shout.

(Y/n): In this moment! On this day! Become the heroes you were born to be! Let it be to death, or VICTORY!

Army: *WARCRY*

Yang: He's pretty good at that.

Jaune: Right.

     The Grimm then start charging from the opposite side of the field, I lift my axe in the air and when the Grimm are in range...

(Y/n): NOW!

     All the Trebuchets start throwing shells filled with fire dust, it certainly did some damage but there are a lot of Grimm. I then see flying Grimm heading towards us, the Grimm then shoot various projectiles at the ground units and I then shout...

(Y/n): Ballistas!

(A/N): Start at 3:30 and watch the magic.

     The Ballistas fire and not only knock down the projectiles, they also kill several of the Grimm as well. With the flying Grimm occupied, for now, I turn to Ruby and she asks.

Ruby: Are you with us?

(Y/n): Till death do we part.

     Ruby smiles and nods, I turn and face the oncoming horde.


     Paul and I then lead the charge with the cavalry towards the Grimm.

     The cavalry charge and meet the enemy head on. The two forces clash and we start fighting to make a hole for the tanks.

(Y/n): Ruby Now!

Ruby POV

(Y/n): *over comms* Ruby! Now!

Ruby: Alright! Tanks in wedge formation, Huntsman and Knights in the middle! Charge!

     The tanks start moving at a jogging pace so the infantry can keep up. We eventually make it to the battle and the tanks start firing at Grimm, any Grimm that did get through the Huntsman took out with ease. (Y/n) rejoined me and helped us push through the horde until we get to the steps of Salem's palace.

(Y/n): Ruby, you guys will have to make it the rest of the way on your own.

Ruby: We won't let you down.

(Y/n): I know.

Ruby: Alright team, let's go!

Everyone: Right!

(Y/n) POV

     With that team RWBY went inside and I rejoined the army and continued fighting the Grimm. But the battle is just beginning.

(A/N): Whew, the battle is just starting and I'm sweating already. Thanks for reading and yell me your thoughts and consider following my account so you never miss any content from me. Thank you for the support and have an awesome day. PEACE OUT!!!

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