Bonus: The Final Fight for the Chaos Emeralds

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Knuckles flew right at him, and he went to punch him, when a beam of light came out of his fist. Mobious dodged, but it went back and hit him. The beam of light turned to lava, burning Mobious' back.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" he screamed, looking back at Knuckles. He shot another beam light at Knuckles, and Knuckles got hit in the leg, and it froze it with ice.

"Guess I can't use my legs to fight now," Knuckles thought. They flew into each other again. Knuckles was getting angry again, and so was Mobious.

"THIS IS THE LAST STRAW!!!" Mobious yelled. Everyone tried to find a way to help Knuckles, when everyone started to wake up from there koma. They grinder their teeth and we're about to suprise attack them, when Rouge walked in front of them.

"What are you doing?" Jet said.

"I saw a Toad and Toadettes. There was a blue Toadette, a red Toadette, a silver Toadette, a pink Toadette, a Toadette called Narra, and the Toad was orange. They had different accessories on them. The blue one had a snake tattoo, the red one had a necklace with hearts that had a letter on each one that spelled "WRITER" on it, the silver one had a diamond ring on her pointy finger, but the Toadette named Narra and the orange Toad talked me, they talked to me about what was happening, I freaked out, I had no idea what was going on."

The vision

"Hello, it's me, Narra, in my Mario form, this is Author, one of my good friends," Narra told Rouge, pointing to the orange Toad.

"Hello, your wondering why you're here, aren't you," Author said.

"Is this heaven?" Rouge asked. They all laughed.

"No, we're in your mind, we thought this would be the perfect time to tell you," Author explained. Rouge wondered what he was talking about.

"What do you want to tell me?" Rouge asked.

"Mobious isn't what you think. He's sneaky, and a trickster, and he's here to destroy your world, he has secrets that only I know of, but I'm not aloud to tell them," he explained.

"What are the other guy's names?" Rouge questioned.

"I am Writer," the silver one said.

"I am Creator," said the blue one.

"I am Composer," said the red one.

"and I am Producer," said the pink one. They all shook her hand.

"So, this is my mind," Rouge said.

"Yes it is," Author began. "It's so blank because Mobious is manipulating you into thinking you like him, where here to tell you to stop his manipilation." Rouge couldn't tell if this was real or not.

"I don't know who to trust anymore," Rouge said. "Why should I trust you?" Author sighed.

"Because you know Knuckles, you guys didn't even know where Mobious actually comes from, he's not from this world?" Author said. "I'm gonna tell you a secret," Author said.

"What is that?" Rouge questioned. Author looked at the others, and they nodded.

"We go around, fixing worlds, and this one I knew we could fix, because this world was made by someone we know of," he said, them all snickering.

"Uh, okay, so what do you want me to do?" Rouge asked.

"We need you to tell the others on Mobious' team the conversation we're having right now, all of it," Author demanded.

"Alright, I can do that," Rouge replied.

"Good, now, there will be two more suprises for you and the others that will help stop Mobious, they both will be from us, from my ideas, you got it?" Author said.

"Okay, I'll help, for the world," Rouge said. "I'm sorry, Knuckles," she thought.

Back to the present

"Well, that's... weird," Storm thought. Everyone didn't know whether to believe it or not.

"Are you sure you're not being delusional?" Wave asked.

"Yes I'm sure, look what he did to Sonic, we were the delusional ones, not Knuckles and his team," she explained. "Sonic was right, we did betray the world." Everyone saw how upset she was, and smiled.

"Alright, I'll help," Jet said.

"No," Wave replied. "We'll all help."

"So Knuckles, do you give up," Mobious said, Knuckles seating from all the fighting.

"I won't give up, for the world, you are nothing like me," Knuckles remarked. Mobious maniacally laughed, loud.

"You have no idea Knuckles," Mobious smiled, his grin growing. Knuckles started to feel uneasy.  "I am you."

"How is that possible?" Knuckles wondered.

"I am from the future, but in another dimension. I am an evil version of you, I have destroyed a thousand  dimensions, with you in it, each one the same, and all of them has had me defeat you all," Mobious exllained, cackling. He was telling the truth about him being a different Knuckles, but he wasn't right about one thing, this was different. All seemed pointless then, if the same thing happened to thousands of planets, how did they have a chance.

"That's where you're wrong, Mobious," someone said. They all looked back to see Cream, with Big and Cosmo.

"Metal Sonic, ATTACK THAT ECHINDA!!!" Eggman said from the scrap pile room. Metal Sonic came out, looking rusted and and made from scraped parts.

"Wow, Eggman made Metal Sonic with only the rusted Metal in the scrap room," Tails said. "Amazing." Metal Sonic flew right into Mobious, making one of the Chaos Emeralds fall out of him. Mobious punched Metal Sonic into the ground, Metal Sonic shot misses at him, but he dodged them. Knuckles got the Chaos Emerald that dropped, the white one. The missiles hit Knuckles, making two Chaos Emeralds fall out of him. He was going to grab them, when Mobious swooped down, and took them. Metal Sonic then pushed Mobious to the ground, making the emeralds drop, Knuckles went to get them back, when Mobious, who was thrown, hit him.

"Hey, who's side are you on, Metal Sonic?" Knuckles established. Metal Sonic then shot out missiles at Mobious, which Knuckles was stuck on him. The missiles got both, making the rest of the emeralds fall into the pile of other emeralds. Knuckles and Mobious raced for it, Knuckles pummeled Mobious to the ground, Mobious stood up, ran, and jumped over Knuckles, landing in front of the emeralds. "No!!!" Knuckles shouted, about to pound the heck out of him. Mobious put his hand in front of Knuckles, and slammed his head to the ground.

"Sorry, I win, you lose," Mobious said, raising the emeralds up high, laughing, which was a mistake. Metal Sonic came swooping down, and took the emeralds. "WHAT!?!?" He shouted. Metal Sonic gave them to Maria, and went back to Eggman.

"Do it, Maria," Knuckles said. She smiled, and the Chaos Emeralds circled around her, they were absorbed, and she became Hyper Maria.

"HOW DARE YOU DEFY ME!? GOD!!" Mobious yelled.

"You are no god, you are just a demon," Maria shouted. She flew right into Mobious, who was shot into the building. Maria flew into the room she flew Mobious in, but she couldn't find him. Then she saw a hole in the floor. "That's where he went," she thought. Knuckles and Shadow followed her, and Knuckles saw her go closer to the hole.

"Maria, NO!!" Knuckles shouted. Mobious jumped out of the hole, and punched her so hard, the Chaos Emeralds fell out of her.

"I remember when I punched the Chaos Emerald out of Sonic when we first met," Mobious grinned. He laughed. "Too bad, Knuckles," Mobious smiled. The Chaos Emeralds were absorbed, armour started to appear, connecting together, when it was finished, it all went to Mobious, who wore it for the 1,261st time. "So many times I've won this, you all are now doomed, meet Dark Mobious," he said.

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