Chapter 9: The Final Chaos Emerald

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Knuckles and the others strolled along, looking to see if Eggman would join them, which was very unlikely.

"Are you sure Eggman would want to help us?" Vector asked him.

"Robotnic maybe an Egghead, but he still has some brains. He doesn't work with others unless he made it himself, so with Mobious in his way, I think he will come to his senses, and help us," Knuckles explained to them. They felt doubtful, but thought there was a chance that it could happen.

"Wait, did you say, Robotnic?" Maria asked. Knuckles was confused as to why she asked.

"Yes, why?" he questioned.

"Dr. Robotnic, that's my cousin," she explained. Knuckles pupils shrunk to the size of a flea.

"YOU'RE HIS COUSIN!!" Charm yelped, same eyes as Knuckles. Everyone shushed him, and he covered his mouth. "Sorry," he whispered.

"Let's just get going, we need to find Eggman, and the Chaos Emerald," Knuckles exclaimed. They all agreed, and headed to the control room.


"Hey, Egghead," he heard, turning around. Knuckles was right next to him, smiling.

"H-how did you get passed the scanners?" he had a hard time saying.

"Just a little friend," Knuckles answered, pointing to Maria.

"Maria, I've heard a lot about you, Shadow talked about you a lot when I made him," Eggman said. "What are you doing with her?" Eggman ordered Knuckles to tell.

"Well, we have a-," Eggman changed his mind about it.

"Nevermind, ROBOTS!!! ATTACK!!!" He shouted, pointing at everyone, except for Maria. Knuckles sighed, and jumped onto some of them.

"But cousin, they're not here to fight," Maria told him.

"They're not?" Maria nodded. "Then why are they here?" She looked at the team who were struggling to get out of the robots grasps.

"There's a fight going on between the Sonic team about the new guy named Mobious. He isn't friendly, and I have seen his plans. We're trying to get the Chaos Emeralds before he does, and we've located one on your ship. We need your help before this world is lost," Maria pleaded.

"Wait, does Mobious look like Knuckles, but taller, and has a fancy necklace?" Eggman asked.

"Yes, why?" Eggman did have common sense after all.

"Alright robots, stop attacking, and search for the Chaos Emerald in this fortress," Eggman ordered them. They stared at the man, confused as to why he is helping them. "Just do it, NOW!!!" They darted as soon as he yelled.

"Thank you, Eggman," Knuckles said.

"The only reason I'm helping is because I want to destroy this world, not some stupid Knuckles wannabe," he explained.

"Keep telling yourself that," Knuckles laughed. Everyone else joined in, but Eggman had a huge frown. They left the control room, and outside.

"So, what other rooms do you have Robotnic?" Knuckles asked him.

"Well, I have my center, the lab, the announcement room, the living room, the dining room, the hallway...," Eggman realized something he saw a few weeks ago. "Wait, I remember something glowing blue coming right after my scrap room."

"Great, now we just-" Eggman wasn't done, so he interupted Knuckles.

"But there's a problem," Eggman frowned. The team looked at him with anger. Eggman nervously laughed, thinking that he was gonna have a bad time.

"What is the problem your speaking of," Knuckles grumbled. Eggman took a deep breathe, preparing for all the energy he would need to run away.

"My scrap pile room is all the way over the side of the ship, and I left a couple guard robots to protect some other rooms we need to go through," he explained. The team sighed, and turned to the other side of the ship.

Meanwhile, back in Mobious' Group

"Mobious, are you sure it landed here," Sonic said.

"Of course it did, I can sense it," Mobious told him. "and I've done it plenty of times before," Mobious whispered to himself. He wondered though, it was different, he didn't have anyone that tried to stop him, no girl hedgehog popped out of nowhere, there was no Maria. It was new for him, but Mobious wasn't afraid, he was confused. He has destroyed 1,260 worlds, why was this one different. He thought that they actually had a chance to stop him, but he wasn't worried, once he gets all of the Chaos Emeralds, there will be no way to stop him. He remembered how he had to go through the guard bots, and he remembered how he exactly did it.

Back to Knuckles

"Alright, one of the guard robots should be in here, I just need to tell it that it can let you guys pass," Eggman explained. Knuckles was releaved that they wouldn't have to fight, because they were in a hurry. Eggman looked around, he couldn't find it. "I guess something happened, that's coincidental," Eggman thought. He opened the next door, and they saw the robot, broken down.

"Well, I guess your guards...," Charmy snickered, "took a break."

"This is not the time Charmy, this means Mobious is ahead, we need to hurry," Knuckles ordered. They dashed into the next room, and headed further unto the edge of the ship.


The door wouldn't budge, why was he having so much difficulty this time. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Mobious shoulder dashed the door, not even a dent.

"Mobious, please, this is how you do it," Blaze said, getting ready to fire it up. The team smiled, except for Sonic.

"You know what, I'm done being your pawn in your game, Mobious," Sonic said. He jumped up, and kicked Mobious in the face, he spun at Blaze, then at Jet, Storm, all of them.

"TRAITOR!!!" Blaze said. Sonic grinned.

"I betrayed the world when I joined your team," Sonic said. "and now you guys are doing the same, open up your eyes, Knuckles' vision, the way he acted when Narra said to stop an evil force, how he has been whispering things, he's planning something." Blaze opened her mouth, studdered, trying to figure it out.

"But why did you join the team in the first place?" Amy asked.

"I honestly didn't know who to trust at first, but the more I saw Mobious, the more untrustworthy he became. You all need to see that now, unless you want our world to end," Sonic remarked. An argument started, and Mobious had enough.

"AZRA BESTRUS!!" He yelled, holding the Chaos Emerald. A beam of light from the emerald sprung to Sonic, making him feel lifeless, his arms were drooping, his legs started sleeping, then his whole body shut down, Mobious took his soul. Everyone looked at the lifeless body of Sonic, and Amy started crying, and fell on her knees. "Blaze, get back to it," he ordered, she did so, feeling uneasy, she was wondering if Sonic was right after all, she started sweating as she was melting the door.

Knuckles' Team

"We're almost there Knuckles, just a little closer," Eggman announced. Knuckles was hoping they still had a slight chance, that someone stalled enough time to get there before Mobious got a chance to get the last emerald. (Now that I think about it, Mobious is like Thanos. XD) They stopped at the door with the other guard bot, but it was destroyed as well. They got to the door that would show Mobious and the others.

"The door is locked," Eggman said. Knuckles growled, and punched it hard enough, that it flew onto someone's head.

"Ow," he said. They looked to see Mobious rubbing his head. Knuckles smiled, with a snicker.

"Well, look who showed up, everyone, attack them," Mobious ordered. They all charged at them, and they all took one person. Knuckles, Tails, Mighty, and Silver were free since Blaze was busy on the door, Sonic wasn't alive, and Mobious was busy trying to get the door opened.

"Not so tough now, are you," Wave said to Maria.

"I'll show you," she said.

"You won't trick me this time, yellow stripes," Amy said.

"Try and catch me if you can," Charmy taunted.

"Hey greenfeathers, over here," Vector taunted.

"Your gonna eat those words," Jet cackled.

"By my calculations, you have a 30 percent chance of succeeding," Omega said.

"Have you heard the story of David and Goliath," Ray told him.

"A storm is coming at you, lizard lips," Storm said.

"I'll punch that storm right in the face," Espio explained.

"What is happening," Mobious growled. "How did this change, who is responsinle," Mobious thought. Knuckles, Mighty, and Silver were sneaking up on him, but Mobious noticed right away. "Not on my watch," he said, using the emerald again, they all dodged it, barely, and Knuckles went under the ship.

"Good thing I know where he is standing," Knuckles said. He ran under Mobious and jumped up, punched the ceiling and went through the floor, and he hit him in the privates.

"OOOOOOHHHHHHHJH!!!" He screamed in pain. "Right in the snickers," he said, falling to the ground.

"BLAZE!!!" Silver yelled. She looked up at him, and she stopped, she was breathing, heavy, trying not to show emotion. But it didn't work, a tear rolled down her cheek, she fell down on her knees, and she started sobbing.

"You were right Silver, he is evil," she cried, pointing to the lifeless body. Silver and Knuckles were horrified. Tails saw the commosion, and looked to where she was pointing. Tails ran to the corpse, and checked his pulse. Tails ended up like Blaze, sobbing. Silver grinded his teeth, and looked at the door. He crushed it, revealing the emerald, Silver ran to it, and grabbed it, he went to get the one Mobious had, when...


Mobious struck down Knuckles and Blaze, and laughed.

"So gullible, you know that we echindas don't keep them there, they're on our heads," he explained, laughing. (Fun fact for you, now your scared for life.) He turned to Silver, who had the emerald. "Give it to me, so I can defeat whatever evil that Narra was talking about." Silver gave him a glare, but then realized something.

"Wait, how did you know that was her name, I think we all forgot her name, why didn't you?" Silver questioned.

"I'm great at remembering names, that's all, just give me that emerald," Mobious demanded. Silver smiled, a little plan went through his brain.

"I don't think so," Silver denied. He rebuilt the door he crushed, and started fighting Mobious with it. The part of the ship became a battlefield.

"Amy, what are doing?" Charmy asked.

"I'm trying to save the world," She replied.

"Well, you're doing the complete opposite, do you see what he did to Sonic?" Charmy questioned. She stopped fighting him, the name kept on going through her mind. She started to cry again, falling on her knees again.

"How could we be so dense, this is our fault, the evidence was there, but we just...we-" Charmy finished her sentence.

"You couldn't handle the truth," he said, snickering. Amy glared at him.


"Okay," he replied.

"Well Maria, you put up a good fight, but I'm done with you now," Wave said, about to finish it off. She was about to knock her onconsious, when Tails kicked her away.

"You're alright, Maria?" Tails asked.

"Yes, thanks for asking," she told him. Now Wave was the one onconsious, laying on the ground. Soon, everyone on Mobious' team was onconsious, except for Omega and Mobious.

"You will not win, Mobious is trying to save all of you, why won't you help him?" Omega questioned.

"He's not trying to save us, he is the evil that Narra was talking about," Ray explained.

"Oh," Omega said. "I don't believe your false conclusion," Omega said. Ray slapped his forehead, then Blaze and Amy slammed him down to the ground.

"Okay, just need to find the switch, and, there we go," Omega was shut down, the only one who stood was Mobious.

"Give up Mobious, it's over, there's nothing else you can do,"Knuckles declared. Mobious smiled, then busted out laughing. "These emeralds can do many things Knuckles, they are special, " he said, pulling out the white emerald he had. Maria stood up, taking the emeralds she had, and was about to take the blue one Silver had. He started to laugh more, and then laughed maniacally. "Give me that," he said. The emerald started floating towards Mobious.

"How?" Silver said.

"These emeralds have powers you could never imagine, and only us echindas can use their anilities," he started laughing again.

"Alright," Knuckles said. "Then let's see who is better at using them," Knuckles said, absorbing the five emralds. Mobious did the same with his emeralds, they both flew up, and flew into each other. A big flashing light appeared, and the light disappeared, leaving both echindas knocked out, still with the emeralds absorbed. Not only that, a Black hedgehog with red stripes was there as well.

"SHADOW!!!" Maria yelped. She ran to him, and hugged him.

"Maria, is that you," he said, his eyes still closed, with him being very tired.

"Ah, the collision with the two echindas with all the Chaos Emeralds worked, amazing," Tails remarked. The echindas came back to life, still angry at each other.

"Alright, let's finish this," Knuckles said.

"ONCE AND FOR ALL!!" Mobious shouted back. Rouge woke up, knowing of his plans now, with a vision. She looked up to see them fighting. "YOU CANNOT STOP ME!!! I AM A GOD!!!" Mobious screamed.

"Keep telling yourself that, there's only one god, and you certainly aren't him," Knuckles chuckled. Who will win, who will lose, you'll see in the bonus, "The Fight for the Chaos Emeralds. I'll see you later.

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