Chapter 8: The 5th and 6th Chaos Emeralds

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"Well, how many Chaos Emeralds do we have?" Mighty asked.

We've got got four, we just need purple, white, and the blue one," Espio told him.

"Alright, that's good," Mighty said.

"So, what did you want to tell us?" Silver asked him.

"Right," Mighty said. "But I'm only suppose to tell you."

"What, but Ray said-," he cut Silver off.

"Didn't he tell you guys that he barely knew anything." Mighty was getting very angry at Silver.

"Yes." Silver remembered that Ray only knew it was a male echinda.

"Okay, that's because I wasn't suppose to tell him anything, but he wouldn't stop bugging me about it, so I told him that, the same goes with everyone else, except you," Mighty told him.

"But why me?" Silver questioned him.

"A hedgehog in purple came to me, and told me about this stuff, and she wanted me to tell you, but no one else is suppose to know," Mighty explained to him. Silver sighed in defeat.

"Alright, I'll hear you out," he grumbled. Mighty whispered it into Silver's ear. They came back to their team, and searched for the other emeralds.

"Where could they be?" Knuckles whispered to himself. "Search everywhere, Mobious and the others can't be far behind." They nodded, and separated in groups.

Knuckles, Mighty, and Espio

Tails, Ray, and Vector

Silver, Maria, and Charmy

"Why did we split into groups like this?" Charmy complained.

"Knuckles trusts me the most to protect Maria..." a long pause started to drove Charmy crazy on the inside. "and you," Silver told them. Maria could hear something coming from Silver, but Silver wasn't speaking. She heard it all, Mobious' plans, what will happen, everything.

"Silver, I think I just read your mind," she told him.

"Carp," he thought. Maria giggled.

"What is that mean?" Maria asked.

"I made it up, it's another word for the f-bomb," Silver sighed.

"How do you know all that stuff?" she asked.

"Mighty told me, and he told me to not let anyone else know about it, so you might want to be quite about it," Silver said in frustration. Charmy was just listening to the conversation, wanting to know information.

"Hey-" before Charmy could say anything else, Silver stopped him.

"No, you cannot know," Silver told him.

"Search the place, Knuckles and his team could be anywhere," Mobious said. They seperated into groups as well.

Mobious, Rouge, and Jet

Sonic, Storm, and Omega

Blaze, Wave, and Amy.

"Hey guys, I think I've found one," Ray said, amazed. Tails and Vector started to walk to his position.

"Tails, I've gotta tell ya something," Vector whispered to him.

"What is it, Vector," Tails said.

"Keep your hands away from Cream." Tails atopped, so did Vector. Tails turned to Vector, Not happy.

"Vector, for one thing, she doesn't even like you, another thing, you're way to old for her, and lastly, I'm already with Cosmo," Tails explained. Vector growled at him, and shoved him into the water.

"Have a nice swim, player," Vector mocked. Tails snarled, stood up, and dashed into Vector's back.

"VECTOR, CAN'T YOU SEE THAT IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!! THERE WAS NEVER A CHANCE THAT YOU TWO WOULD!!!" Tails told him. Vector didn't care about anything Tails was saying. Vector just doesn't learn, does he. He rolled his eyes, and walked towards Ray. Tails sighed, following.

"So, where is it, Ray?" Vector asked.

"Over there, in the water," Ray said, pointing at the ocean. A glow of purple shined in the water, making the water's color a violet color.

"Well then, let's get it," Tails said, diving in. Tails saw the emerald, in a treasure chest. He swam to it, but realized something, he was slapped right in the stomach, and he flew out of the water, and into the coarse hot sand.

"TAILS!!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!?!" Ray screamed, aiding him.

"Yes I'm fine, but we might have a bigger problem," he said looking up at the horror. "Literally." A big squid roared, holding the emerald in one hand. He raised one up, and was about to slap it into the three pals, that luckily rolled out of it's way.

"It's..." Tails couldn't believe it. "A Kraken."

"A what?" Vector asked.

"A Kraken, a giant squid that haunts the seas, and sinks thousands of ships, it was just a.myth, but I guess they're..." Tails was almost slammed into the ground again, but dodged the tentacle quickly. "REAL!!!" Knuckles and the other two were looking for the other one, in the trees, bushes, even the bridge, no luck. One last place they haven't checked, the littler mountain.

"Alright, you two wait here, I'm going alone," Knuckles said. He started climbing the mountain, every climb closer was a harder attempt staying on. "C'mon, almost there," Knuckles faintly said. He got to the top, but he was to late.

"Ah, Knuckles, what an unexpected suprise, I thought I could get away with it without you finding me," Mobious said.

"No," Knuckles said, when he was punched in the face by Rouge, making him fall off the mountain.

"KNUCKLES!!!" they both yelled. They both caught him, and the two on top of the mountain left.

"See you two later, losers," Jet teased, laughing. He flew to the other two, leaving the three in the dust.

"Silver, I think none of the emeralds are here," Charmy concluded.

"I think you're right for once, let's head back before-," Silver turned to see Blaze in front of him.

"Well it's good to see you too," Blaze said, slashing at him. Maria ran to help, but Wave got in her way.

"Going somewhere," Wave said. Charmy started to float back, frightened, when he hit something in the back of him. He turned to see Amy with her hamner, ready to swing.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Charmy screamed, dodging the swing. Silver flipped away from the fire that Blaze flew at him, and then used his telekinesis to pick a tree up, and three it at her.

"It doesn't have to be this way," Silver said.

"We chose our sides, and now, there's no turning back," Blaze told him. She broke the tree in half, and swung at him. Silver dodged and punched her on the same tree, and was onconsious. Maria could read Waves every move, and she could dodge very easy too. She had never felt so alive. She high kicked, backflipped, and threw a hard punch at Wave as well. She screamed, and Wave flew into the water, ending their fight. Charmy was flying away from Amy, who was caressly swinging her hammer. Charmy made the perfect plan, and flew right to a wall.

"Looks like you're at your deadend Charmy," Amy said.

"I don't think so," Charmy said, flying up, and kicking a boulder on top of the natural wall. Amy started running for her life, and dropped her hammer. Charmy took it, and started chasing Amy, until she tripped, hitting a coconut. They went back to find the others.

"How do you take out a Kraken?" Ray asked.

"I don't know, just find a weakpoint," Tails told them. They looked around the thing, but couldn't really figure out any way to defeat it.

"You know what, screw it," Vector said. He jumped up, and hit the Kraken in the eye. The Kraken screeched out in pain, and Tails flew up, and took the emerald. Ray flew up to the eye with a beachball, and threw it in. The Kraken yelled again, and Dean back into it's home.

"Good thunking, Vector," Tails said.

"Does that mean-" Tails have him a glare. "Alright," he sighed. They left, cheering in about their success. Sonic and the others came, but were to late.

"Tails was here, I just know it," Sonic said. "What are you doing buddy."

"Guys, we got the purple Chaos Emerald," Ray hopped and skipped along.

"Thank goodness we at least got one here," Knuckles said. "We were to late to get the white one, Mobious outsmarted us this time, but we'll get the next one, I can feel it." Knuckles smiled, hoping they could get the other Chaos Emrald before Mobious, and get take the other one.

"Sorry, but Silver and the other two for away," Blaze said to Mobious, while everyone was helping get Amy and Wave awake.

"It's okay, we just need to go get the next emerald," Mobious said.

"And where is that?" Blaze questioned. Mobious has a huge from on his face. Eggman's ship was never so good to see, Knuckles could feel the Chaos Emerald in there.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Espio warned him.

"Yes I'm sure," Knuckles told him. "Maria," Knuckles called out.

"Yes Knuckles," Maria said.

"I'm giving the Chaos Emeralds to you, you can being Shadow bacl, you can stop Mobious, if you just get all of the emeralds," Knuckles explained.

"I'll keep them safe, don't worry," Maria promised. It was time, the final Chaos Emerald, who will get it, and who will get the rest.

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