Nero vs Ruby

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ShadowNathan777: We've seen a lot of chosen ones with ultimate power since starting KO Match. But today's fighters weren't even aware of their rare and deadly power until their adventures truly began.

Sonicandbrian: Nero, the quarter-demon devil hunter from Devil May Cry,

WhiteBloodAria: and Ruby, the silver eyed huntress from RWBY.

ShadowNathan777: I'm ShadowNathan777, she's WhiteBloodAria, and he's Sonicandbrian, and we've decided to compare their abilities, experiences, and feats to determine who would win a KO Match!


ShadowNathan777: Little is known about the details of Nero’s childhood. But what we do know is he was born as the son of Vergil.

Sonicandbrian: Oh yeah, the one that fought that Adam guy. Well to recap, Vergil was an awesome demon slaying badass that wanted to conquer Hell. But he ended up being turned into the devil’s zombie slave. Then his bro Dante kinda… killed the crap out of him.

WhiteBloodAria: With his father gone and his mother God knows where, Nero was orphaned before he could even speak. But as luck would have it, Nero was soon taken in by a man named Credo and his sister, Kyrie, who Nero eventually developed feelings for.

ShadowNathan777: Being part demon, Nero had a natural talent for combat and was soon brought into the Order of The Sword, a league of Holy knights worshiping the demon, Sparda.

Sonicandbrian: Hold on a minute. So this Holy order was a bunch of demon worshippers?!

ShadowNathan777: It's not what you think, Sparda was actually a heroic demon that saved mankind from the armies of Hell. Sparda is also Nero’s grandfather.

Sonicandbrian: Oh okay. Well Nero wasn't a fan of all the worshiping and praying and stuff, but he made for one hell of a holy knight. Then one day, Nero’s uncle, Dante, showed up and murdered the Order’s high priest, Sanctus. So Nero was sent to hunt Dante down and catch him. But along the way, he learned that Sanctus was actually alive, and was now a demon looking to pretty much destroy the world with a giant monster. If that wasn't bad enough, he also kidnapped Kyrie. Sorry Nero, your girlfriend's in another castle.

WhiteBloodAria: In order to defeat Sanctus, rescue Kyrie, and save the world, Nero embraced his demonic powers and teamed up with Dante, becoming a devil hunter.

ShadowNathan777: Being part demon, Nero naturally has superhuman strength, speed, agility, and durability. He can take out multiple demons in the blink of an eye, dodge point blank gunfire, and hold his ground against some of Hell’s heavy hitters. But although he's excellent in hand to hand combat, of course none of this would be possible without his arsenal of weapons.

Sonicandbrian: First up is Red Queen, a beautiful single edged blade and Nero’s go-to weapon for cutting demons down to size. Nero’s a master swordsman and perhaps the best possible wielder for Red Queen. And if slicing things in half wasn't enough, Nero can rev it up like a motorcycle to enhance his blade with fire. Up next is Blue Rose. This sexy double barrel revolver fires two bullets at once, can kill low level demons with each bullet, and conveniently never needs to reload. (Well, Except that one time when he reloaded for cutscene convenience)

WhiteBloodAria: But perhaps his most valuable tool isn't a weapon at all. But rather, his own limb. I'm sure you've noticed Nero's freaky, cool looking right arm by now. That's his Devil Bringer, a physical manifestation of his demonic heritage. He can use it to block blades, stretch it to grab enemies from far off, enlarge the claw to grab larger things or enemies, or even use it to sense demonic energies nearby.

ShadowNathan777: But when Nero needs real power, he summons his best weapon, Yamato.

Sonicandbrian: Remember Nero’s dad, Vergil? Well Yamato used to be Vergil's. But when Vergil kicked the bucket, Yamato somehow got broken and lost. But Nero found it, magic-ed it back together, and kept it as his own.

ShadowNathan777: Yamato is a magical katana which, according to legend, can cut through anything, even dimensions. Though, it's obvious that's just a myth, since the blade’s clashed with multiple weapons without cutting them, but that's beside the point. By summoning Yamato, Nero will enter an enhanced state known as Devil Trigger.

WhiteBloodAria: But Nero's Devil Trigger is different from others. Unlike Dante or Vergil, who change their appearance upon transformation, Nero himself stays the same, while his demonic aura forms a ghostly demon-looking entity, which wields Yamato and mimics Nero's moves. It's basically the Susano’o from  Naruto.

Sonicandbrian: While in Devil Trigger mode, Nero's already awesome strength, speed, durability, and power all get a crazy boost. In this form, he can shoot energy blasts from his swords, launch a powerful demon back just by transforming, and even summon magic swords like his old man.

ShadowNathan777: But perhaps Nero's best asset is his healing factor, allowing him to survive and recover from wounds near instantly, even after getting impaled by a large demon sword. As you can assume, Nero's done some impressive things.

Sonicandbrian: In his fight with the demon, Berial, their battle was so fierce they obliterated a small town. Mostly due to Nero throwing the dude around like a ragdoll. And look at him! He's like the size of a building!

WhiteBloodAria: He's also taken down other devils like Bael and Echidna. He's defeated humans turned demon as well, such as Agnus, and even Credo. He's even held his own against uncle Dante for a short time.

ShadowNathan777: Nero has drop kicked a man with enough force to send him flying, put out a raging fire just by swinging his sword, ran up a flying snake demon fast enough to defy gravity, rescued Kyrie, and even killed Sanctus. And finally, he landed the finishing blow that killed the Savior.

Sonicandbrian: Whoa hold up! I don't know if I can keep talking about a game that has people worshiping demons and killing Jesus.

ShadowNathan777: Ugh, again Brian, it's not like that. This so called savior was actually a monster posing as God.

Sonicandbrian: Oh… that's better. Well, you'd think a guy capable of murdering a God imposter would have no weaknesses whatsoever… but you'd also be hilariously wrong.

WhiteBloodAria: Impressive as he is, Nero is still nowhere near Dante’s level. He's very cocky and short tempered, which leads to him going into battles without thinking things through. And although Devil Trigger is highly formidable, it can only be maintained for a short time. Finally, although Nero's healing factor is great for repairing wounds, healing from especially lethal wounds like when he was impaled has been shown to tire him out fairly quickly.

Sonicandbrian: Still, anybody that can get stabbed three times at once, then send his attacker flying with a death glare alone is a badass in my book.


Nero: You've got a jacked up notion of fair play pal… and it's beginning to piss me off.


ShadowNathan777: Ruby Rose was born as the daughter of Summer Rose, and though not much is known about Summer, we do know she possessed extraordinary power.

Sonicandbrian: She was like super mom, baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters called Grimm. Too bad Summer died… Or vanished, I'm not really sure, but either way, Ruby and her hot half sister Yang were left without a mom.

WhiteBloodAria: Raised by their father Taiyang and growing up on the inspiring fairy tales of heroes, Ruby aspired to become a Huntress like her mother, protecting people from Grimm. And so she was trained in combat by her other incredibly strong relative, her uncle Qrow. By the time Qrow was done training her, Ruby's combat talent was impressive.

Sonicandbrian: Yeah, so impressive that she was brought into Beacon Academy, aka Huntress school, two years earlier than she should have been. Whilst there, she was made the leader of team RWBY, along with the likes of Weiss, Blake, and Yang. They didn't all get along at first, Blake would sneak off with a monkey dude to fight terrorists, Weiss would freeze a pool while the rest of the team was in it, you know, typical high school girl drama. But as time passed, they became a nigh unbeatable team, fighting monsters and demonic beasts regularly. All in just their first year!

ShadowNathan777: Turns out, Ruby's a natural as a leader, and has helped save the day multiple times. But of course, this wouldn't have been possible without her weapon of choice, Crescent Rose.

Sonicandbrian: This lovely transforming scythe has two main modes. First up is scythe mode, Ruby's go-to weapon for slicing monsters into confetti. But seriously, with this enormous farming tool, Ruby can cut a monster to shreds in the blink of an eye. And if that's not enough, the scythe can turn into high caliber sniper rifle that fires blasts with enough force to propel Ruby in the opposite direction. To top it off, these blasts can take out low level monsters with one shot. And if sniping someone with a really powerful bullet isn't enough, she's got several types.

WhiteBloodAria: Ruby is armed with Dust, special crystals that let their users fight with the forces of nature. By itself, Dust can be used to enhance a weapon or act as a makeshift grenade. Or in Ruby's case, use it as ammunition.

ShadowNathan777: Ruby goes into battle with a few cartridges of different types of Dust ammo, such as Fire, Ice, and Lighting, to name a few. She can also fire these rounds while Crescent Rose is still in scythe form to make her swings even faster.

Sonicandbrian: Why do we keep bringing up how fast Ruby is, you ask? Because speed is Ruby's specialty.

WhiteBloodAria: Like most others at Beacon, Ruby has a Semblance, a special power that defines her. Semblances vary between people, ranging from things like healing wounds, making clones, or getting stronger from taking attacks. Ruby's semblance lets her move at superhuman speeds, strangely enough leaving behind rose petals. She can move faster than the eye can see, easily putting her at over 9,000 miles per hour.

Sonicandbrian: As you can guess, speed like this makes Ruby difficult to hit. And even if you do hit her, she's protected by her aura, a sort of force field coating her body made up of her soul. With aura, Ruby can tank ridiculous wounds and get back up. She's fallen from the clouds, took beatings from way more experienced huntsmen and badguys, and even tanked a fireball to the face, but still got up ready to fight.

ShadowNathan777: Ruby's not only skilled and tough, but also smart. Aside from being smart enough to make Crescent Rose on her own, Ruby has shown herself able to come up with game winning strategies when push comes to shove.

WhiteBloodAria: And if everything we've discussed so far isn't enough, Ruby has an even greater power she inherited from her mother. The power of her silver eyes.

Sonicandbrian: Oh look at the time, it's spoiler o-clock!

ShadowNathan777: See, a long time ago, those born with silver eyes were born to live the life of a warrior. These silver eyed fighters were so powerful, they could kill a monster just by looking at it. But in present day, there are few people left with silver eyes and even fewer that can use them. Ruby's mother, Summer, possessed these powers and Ruby inherited the powers as well. When in times of extreme physical and/or emotional stress, her silver eyes will activate.

Sonicandbrian: When her silver eyes activate, Ruby gains unimaginable power. It was with this power that Ruby one-shotted one of the biggest baddies in the series, Cinder. You know, that girl with god like powers that had, in that same day, killed two of Beacon’s best fighters. Not only that, this attack also froze an enormous demon dragon thing the size of a mountain.

WhiteBloodAria: So, she has special eyes that grant her incredible powers passed down through her family… Again I'm getting some serious Naruto vibes.

ShadowNathan777: It should come as no surprise that along her adventures, Ruby's accomplished some impressive feats. She once slaughtered a huge horde of monsters in under two minutes. And that scene had frequent use of slow motion, so she was undoubtedly killing faster. She's dragged an enormous bird monster up a cliffside, moved so fast she created a tornado, battled numerous monsters and terrorists, and led not just one, but two teams.

Sonicandbrian: I'd say she's damn near perfect... but, that would be a complete lie.

ShadowNathan777: Ruby might be skilled, but she's still nowhere near Qrow’s level. She's young and naive. Plus many of her accomplishments were done with the help of her teams. Also, although she's incredibly fast, her reaction speed isn't nearly as good as her movement speed, and someone with good enough reflexes can counter her attacks.

Sonicandbrian: Yeah, that's how this weird scorpion guy wore down her aura. Speaking of, Ruby's aura has a limit to how much punishment it can take, and if you beat her aura, it just takes one good smack in the head and she's down for the count. Plus, she doesn't really have any control over her silver eyes powers and they only come out in times of high stress, like when her friends are dying.

ShadowNathan777: For a while, Ruby's greatest flaw was that she was only good at fighting with Crescent Rose, and would be left defenceless if disarmed. But to make up for this, she received hand to hand combat training from the late headmaster of Beacon, Ozpin… who at the time was reincarnated as a farm boy… it's a long story.

WhiteBloodAria: So to sum it up, regardless of her flaws, Ruby Rose is not to be underestimated. She's one tough cookie… who loves cookies.


Mercury: *Disarms Ruby* uh oh, what're you gonna do now? *he throws a punch, but Ruby dodges and headbutts him*

Ruby: Whatever it takes to shut you up.


ShadowNathan777: Alright, the fighters are ready, let's end this argument here and now.

Sonicandbrian: Let's see who wins a KO Match!


Nero was walking through the woods. Suddenly, his right arm started glowing. “Hmm…” he pondered, “Looks like there's some serious demonic powers up ahead. I won't let any of those bastards live.”  He walked on, revving his sword up.

Meanwhile, Ruby had just finished killing a horde of Grimm. As the demonic creatures deteriorated into nothing, she let out a sigh of relief. “Glad that's done…” she began, “Now I can-” she then jumped out of the way as Nero's sword came down, cracking the ground.

“Huh…” Nero began, looking at Ruby, “Not what I expected from a demon, but whatever.” he revved his sword as Ruby gripped her scythe.

“What the heck’s wrong with you?!” she yelled.


Nero charged with a swipe. Ruby jumped over the swipe and swung her sword. Nero blocked with his devil bringer, then grabbed the scythe and threw Ruby to the side. Ruby rolled into a recovery and fired a few shots. Nero blocked with his sword, then pulled out his gun and shot at Ruby. Ruby dodged a few shots, but took a hit to the shoulder. Nero then grabbed her with his devil bringer and pulled her in before landing several slashes. Ruby countered with a jumping knee to the jaw, then slashed Nero several times and knocked him back. Nero's wounds healed easy as Ruby readied herself. Ruby quickly switched her ammo to lightning dust. She fired a shot, which hit Nero in the leg, electrocuting him. Ruby landed a few more shots, then zoomed up and slashed him fiercely. Nero responded with a punch that sent Ruby flying. Nero then ran up, grabbing the airborne Ruby's foot and pulling her back in as he slammed his fist on her face, smashing the young huntress into the ground. Nero landed a few more blows before Ruby escaped in a red flash. She then ran up and drop kicked Nero in the face, sending him flying back. Ruby then switched to ice rounds and blasted Nero repeatedly, encasing him in ice.

“Phew…” Ruby sighed, “Who was that guy…?”

“DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME!!!” Nero yelled angrily, shattering the ice as he went into Devil Trigger, the ghost like entity behind him wielding Yamato. Ruby switched to fire dust and shot a few times. Nero deflected each blast, which caused the forest around them to be set on fire. Nero then shot several blasts from his sword. Ruby used her semblance to dodge, but Nero then created a large demon hand with his devil bringer that smashed Ruby into a tree. He then landed a dozen slashes and knocked her back. Ruby groaned in pain. Nero sent his devil bringer at her again, but this time she dodged, using her semblance to zoom around Nero and dodge his attacks.

“Hold still damn it!” Nero yelled, sending rapid blasts from his swords. Suddenly, his devil trigger wore off. Ruby grinned, zooming at Nero and landing a constant barrage of slashes by shooting blasts from her scythe to swing faster, then aimed one last shot and blasted him back, knocking him out as she did a backflip and struck a pose, the empty shell casings from Crescent Rose landing on the ground around her.


Sonicandbrian: Holy mother of hell! That was awesome!

ShadowNathan777: This fight was very close, with both fighters having different advantages, but neither of them completely outclassing the other. Nero had strength but Ruby had speed, Nero had power but Ruby had versatility. And when it came to taking a hit, Ruby's aura and Nero's healing factor were about on par with each other in how much damage they could take. But in the end, there's a good reason Ruby won this fight.

WhiteBloodAria: Ruby was more experienced, and has helped save the day more often than Nero. She's also a much better strategist, and was better at keeping her cool than the short tempered Nero, whose main combat strategy is, slash it till it's dead.

Sonicandbrian: Nero definitely had much more impressive victories than Ruby, but that was mostly due to his immense strength. And in a fight this close, strength can only get you so far. No, Nero's real edge here was his reflexes. He could dodge close range gunfire and easily block high speed attacks. So one of the biggest questions in this match was, could Nero's reaction speed beat Ruby's attack speed?

ShadowNathan777: In order to answer this, we first had to figure out just how fast Ruby can attack. Luckily, she has demonstrated the perfect feat to give us an idea of her top speed. One time while fighting a large horde of Grimm, she started using blasts to make her scythe swings much faster, and she killed the rest of the monsters before the first empty bullet shell hit the ground. Given the amount of time it would likely take for such a shell to hit the ground and assuming it took the bare minimum of one attack to kill each monster, we can conclude that for this feat, Ruby landed over 20 slashes in less than two seconds. And this was Ruby at the very beginning of the series, so she can likely go even faster.

WhiteBloodAria: Even if she couldn't go faster, she didn't have to to beat Nero. The only person Nero's ever fought with attack speeds like that is Dante. But 1, Nero lost that fight, 2, Dante was just playing around with him, and 3, Dante clearly wasn't going that fast.

Sonicandbrian: Nero's best chance was with the Devil Trigger, but it didn't take long to run out of juice. And for those of you arguing that Ruby only got so far in her adventures because of help from her friends and family, the same damn thing can be said about Nero, who would've died horribly if Dante hadn't saved him from Sanctus. And even if Nero beat everything we talked about so far, the near death situation would activate Ruby's silver eyes, then she'd just reck his shit.

ShadowNathan777: In the end, Nero put up a good fight, but with Ruby's superior experience, strategy, versatility, and absurdly superior speed, it was only a matter of time before she wore down Nero's limited healing factor.

Sonicandbrian: I guess you could say Ruby was the real gem of this fight! Get it? Ruby? Gem?

ShadowNathan777: The winner is Ruby Rose.

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