Sly vs Rouge

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ShadowNathan777: Theft, the act of taking something that's not yours. Throughout history, many people have become masters of the thieving art.

FrostWing: But these two are among the best masters in the business.

Sonicandbrian: Whoa! Who the hell are you?

WhiteBloodAria: Seriously? You didn't notice him when he walked in? You had to wait until he sat right next to you and started talking? Were you not paying attention when we invited him to join us as a fourth host?

Sonicandbrian: *pouts* why'd it have to be another guy? Why couldn't it be a girl? A cute girl...

ShadowNathan777: *Groans with exhaustion* We've got Sly Cooper, master thief and leader of the Cooper Gang,

FrostWing: And Rouge the Bat, jewel enthusiast and founder of Team Dark.

ShadowNathan777: I'm ShadowNathan777, she's WhiteBloodAria, he's Sonicandbrian, and he's FrostWing, and we've decided to compare their abilities, experiences, and feats to determine who would win a KO Match.

Sonicandbrian: … Yeah, I'm pretty sure this whole 4 hosts thing is gonna be a cluster fu-

WhiteBloodAria: Shut up.


ShadowNathan777: Feudal Japan, the old West, Medieval Europe. No matter what time period or location you look, there is a name that strikes fear into even the most bloodthirsty crime lords, and that name is Cooper.

Sonicandbrian: These guys were the ultimate ninja raccoon thieves, who wrote the secrets to all their badass techniques in an ancient book called the Thingus Raccamagoocus.

WhiteBloodAria: Thievious Raccoonus.

Sonicandbrian: Close enough. It's said that anybody who read the family diary would learn to become a master ninja thief, which is why each Cooper is better than the last.

FrostWing: But as you can guess, being this awesome gave the Coopers a lot of enemies that wanted their blood. Most of all, a giant evil terminator owl named Clockwerk.

ShadowNathan777: Infuriated by the Cooper clan’s famous reputation, Clockwerk formed an evil gang called the Fiendish Five, raided the Cooper home, stole the Thievious Raccoonus, and murdered the entire Cooper Clan. All, except for one, a young child by the name of Sly Cooper. As a small child, Sly was forced to watch helplessly as his parents were killed. Left as an orphan, he swore to do them justice by fighting crime.

Sonicandbrian: So, he's like Batman. Only a raccoon… Batcoon.

WhiteBloodAria: Well, except he steals and occasionally kills.

Sonicandbrian: So, better.

FrostWing: As a Cooper, Sly’s naturally talented in speed, agility, and stealth. With these gifts, he formed a gang with his childhood friends, Bentley and Murray, forming the Cooper Gang. Together the three pledged to track down the Fiendish Five and beat the shit out of each and every one.

ShadowNathan777: When entering a mission, Sly comes armed with his trusty cane, a memento he inherited from his father.

Sonicandbrian: I've pissed off enough old people to know, it is NEVER a good idea to fight someone with a cane.

ShadowNathan777: That goes double with Sly’s cane, given its surprising amount of uses. With it, he can hang from hooks, pick pockets, sword fight, and even channel electricity through his cane to enhance his attacks.

FrostWing: Gimme gimme gimme!

WhiteBloodAria: A cane by itself wouldn't be enough to go toe to toe with the world's worst crime lords though, so over the years, Sly's gained a number of gadgets and techniques to even the odds. His knockout dive can stun even the toughest guards for a few seconds, his smoke bombs shroud the area in smoke for a quick escape, his paragliders (which are really just parachutes) allow him to glide in the air, his stealth slam takes down enemies instantly, and even the hat he wears doubles as an explosive.

Sonicandbrian: That's right, this guy's got bomb hats. And that's just the beginning of his more interesting arsenal.

FrostWing: After reclaiming the Thievious Raccoonus and learning its secrets, Sly gained a number of superhuman powers. He can turn invisible, channel lightning while curling in a ball, defy gravity by jumping out of bottomless pits, walk on laser beams for some reason, and even screw around with time itself.

ShadowNathan777: Sly has a number of different ways to manipulate time, from speeding it up to even stopping it entirely for a moment. But clearly his favorite method is to slow down time to a near halt.

Sonicandbrian: Is this guy a thief or a god?!

WhiteBloodAria: Possibly both, seeing as his other natural traits are nothing short of godlike. In the introduction of Playstation All stars Battle Royale, Sly was quick enough to dodge automatic fire from point blank range. Now I know what you're thinking, “that was just an intro for some crossover game”. But compared to his other, more absurd abilities, I'd say this feat still holds weight.

FrostWing: Yeah. I mean, Sly can run circles around you so fast, it creates a bottomless pit, so dodging a few measly bullets seems more than feasible. And even if you do hit him, he's also absurdly tough. He once took a fireball to the face, which sent him flying high and far, and he got up moments later, completely unharmed. Even if you can take him down, he's also got two lucky charms, each one allowing him to recover from just about any wound. Beats the hell out of health insurance.

ShadowNathan777: He's also a fine strategist, known for analyzing an enemy's fighting style and exploiting their weaknesses.

Sonicandbrian: That's a lot of gadgets and powers. I like him.

ShadowNathan777: Believe it or not there's even more. On his most recent adventure, Sly gained access to five special ability-enhancing outfits, which he can switch to and from in an instant. His samurai armor protects him from all kinds of fire attacks and its shield can deflect fiery projectiles back to sender, though he can't run or jump while wearing it.

WhiteBloodAria: The Jailbird outfit limits his speed and movement too, but with its ball and chain he can deliver a vicious blow. He's also got a saber tooth tiger skin, which somehow lets him pounce on his enemies with enough force to kill guards instantly. And with his archer outfit, he can fire arrows with pinpoint accuracy, though he needs to find a supply of arrows first.

FrostWing: But we've saved the best for last. Sly also possesses an Arabian Thief outfit. Besides looking like a pirate and getting an awesome sword, this outfit comes with a scepter that, once again, lets Sly slow time down to a near halt. What's so great about this you ask? He can maintain this time-slowing power so much longer than regularly.

Sonicandbrian: Never wanted anything so bad before!

FrostWing: Though only a Cooper can use it.

Sonicandbrian: Damn it!

ShadowNathan777: With all these powers, abilities and weapons, it should come as no surprise that Sly's taken down countless thugs and crime lords. He's defeated ninjas, samurai, necromancers, vampires, cyborgs, robots, and even other PlayStation heroes.

WhiteBloodAria: One time, Sly and his friend Bentley were abducted by aliens, along with Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank. Being reasonable men, Jak and Ratchet decided to gang up on Sly, but Sly maneuvered around their attacks, disarmed them, and made them look like fools with total ease. Another time, a time traveling prick named Le Paradox decided to travel through time and attack Sly's ancestors. So Sly and his gang went through time, beat the crap out of each and every one of Le Paradox's goons, and brought Le Paradox down. He even avenged his family and killed Clockwerk. Twice. Though he's hardly perfect.

FrostWing: Sly often relies on Bentley and Murray for brains and brawn, and despite his godlike abilities, he can't swim. He can also be pretty reckless and charge into dangerous situations with little to no real plan. Like when he went to fight Le Paradox, and although he won, he ended up getting lost in an unknown time period. But worst of all, Sly relies almost entirely on his cane for combat. Should he find himself disarmed, his combat options will be extremely limited.

Sonicandbrian: But if those are his only real limits, it's no wonder he's saved the world on multiple occasions and saved the space time continuum itself. Don't underestimate Sly Cooper. It's the last thing a lot of criminals ever did.


Sly: The name's Sly. Sly Cooper. And I'm a thief, from a long line of master thieves. In fact, thieving is the family business, and business is good.


ShadowNathan777: It was the dawn of a new evil scheme. Dr. Ivo Eggman Robotnik had one goal for the day, and that was to gather the 7 Chaos Emeralds and use their power to use his secret weapon of the week, the Eclipse Cannon,

Sonicandbrian: AKA not the Death Star,

ShadowNathan777: to try and take over the world.

FrostWing: But in order to do it, he'd need a little help from two people: a speedy hedgehog named Son- er I mean Shadow, and The Sexy Rouge the Bat.

Sonicandbrian: Hold it! Okay, I put up with it when you barged in and shipped yourself with Widowmaker, Esdeath, Emerald, and Shantae. But I swear to Chaos, if you ship yourself with Rouge, I'm gonna-

WhiteBloodAria: Oh shut up Brian, you're just as bad about it if not worse.

Sonicandbrian: I… Well at least I don't… Uh…

WhiteBloodAria: That's what I thought.

FrostWing: … Uh, anyway, Rouge made for a valuable teammate to Eggman and Shadow.... BUUUUUT, it turns out Rouge was a double agent all along. In truth, she'd been tasked by the President to work undercover as Eggman's pawn to try and sabotage his plan.

Sonicandbrian: But then she got distracted by a shiny thing called the Master Emerald and tried to take it for herself. She begged its guardian, Knuckles for it, but he wouldn't budge.

FrostWing: After that, Eggman decided to seize the opportunity and take the Emerald for himself. With no other choice, Knuckles smashed the Master Emerald into pieces, forcing him and Rouge to go after it. Then once she got some Emerald pieces and got on the ARK, Dr. Eggman fired the Eclipse Cannon and found out that his grandfather -

Sonicandbrian: Blah blah blah, I'm getting bored here. Basically, she teamed up with Knuckles, Sonic, and Tails and together they saved the world. Can we please move on and talk about how good she is at beating people up?

FrostWing: ... Well... yeah. Rouge possesses flight, great hearing, stealth skills, and powerful feet.

ShadowNathan777: Her Kick Attack allows her to unleash a combo of powerful kicks strong enough to break robots with ease. Her Charlie Kick lets her support her whole body and kick the foe with both legs. And she can even zoom down spinning like a drill.

Sonicandbrian: But she's not just for kicks, literally. Bat Guard lets her summon artificial bats to be used offensively and defensively. Offensively means she launches em' one at a time and they home in and explode.

FrostWing: Defensively means they surround Rouge and explode on contact.

Sonicandbrian: Wait, so she's a bat, who sends kamikaze bomber bats at her enemies? That's just sick. But at least she, like any good woman, loves herself some explosions and carries a crap ton of bombs with her. She uses these bombs for explosive barrages or even bomb sniping. That's right, she snipes, with bombs!

FrostWing: Her Dummy Ring Bomb attack lets her shoot ring-shaped explosives that can really cause pain. Man, imagine all the pranks I could do with those.

WhiteBloodAria: I'm pretty sure you'd get in major trouble for that.

FrostWing: Whatever, as a bat, Rouge can also emit ultrasonic screams.

ShadowNathan777: A prime example of this is Beauty Shock, where Rouge unleashes an ultrasonic scream on her foe. Then there's Shriek, a move where Rouge unleashes a scream that causes foes to let their guard down. She has more than screams and bombs though. Her jewel storm sends a wave of jewels to damage enemies, her Black Wave creates an orb of darkness that'll hit the enemy from anywhere, and her Charm Ray freezes time itself. And even if you get past all this, she even has a healing factor.

FrostWing: With all these moves and skills, it's no wonder she works for the President. Her legs are strong enough to create tremors and tear through armored robots like they're made of wet paper, and she's even tough enough to survive a punch from Knuckles.

WhiteBloodAria: One of Knuckles’ most impressive feats of strength was when he punched the ground so hard he caused a nearby volcano to erupt. Now, you could argue we can't prove he was punching Rouge that hard. But my response is, can you prove he wasn't?

FrostWing: She's not only tough, but also fast enough to keep up with Shadow, and stealthy enough to infiltrate Eggman's base. Multiple times. She's also infiltrated the base of Dr. Wiley, another videogame evil genius. She's even infiltrated the internet itself… somehow.

Sonicandbrian: And on one of these sneaking missions, she found that Shadow the Hedgehog and E-123 Omega, two of the strongest characters in the Sonic universe, were locked in a tense death battle. Heheh… anyway, even with two of the world's heaviest hitters trying to kill each other, Rouge just pushed them apart, like an annoyed aunt trying to get two kids to stop bickering. Then she pretty much forced them to team up with her to fight Eggman, forming Team Dark.

ShadowNathan777: She’s defeated the super genius Tails in under 30 seconds, as well as the likes of Knuckles the Echidna and Amy Rose, some of the other stupidly strong fighters in her world. She can also keep up with the cyborg, Bunnie Rabbot. And Like real-life bats, Rouge has an excellent sense of hearing, even allowing her to spot Espio, expert ninja and a master of stealth, who could turn invisible.

Sonicandbrian: Man, screw Batman, Rouge is the batty hero Gotham deserves.

FrostWing: But while she appears to have no serious physical weaknesses, she is quite stubborn, which can cost her life if she's not careful. This is how she almost fell into lava just for the Emeralds, and has even been captured by Eggman. But if you were looking for a stealthy, jewel-loving, rival of Knuckles, look no further. Because this Sexy Bat will get the job done!

Sonicandbrian: That's… Kinda creepy.

FrostWing: Oh shut up Brian.

( Quote)

Rouge: My name is Rouge the Bat. Better known as the treasure hunter, Rouge.


ShadowNathan777: Alright the fighters are ready, let's end this argument here and now.

FrostWing: Let's see who wins a KO Match!

Sonicandbrian: … That's my line.


Location: Paris,France

Inside an unknown 7 story museum, top floor...


A sly raccoon hopped out of an air vent he was crawling in for a while.
The raccoon was known as Sly and he was looking for a certain artifact..

“SLY! SLY! Did you make it into the room safely!?” shouted Bentley, calling from outside in the team van.

“Don't worry Bentley, i made it.” Sly sighed, “And the artifact is straight ahead. Now stop whining.”

“O.K, 'Partner'.” Bentley rolled his eyes.

In front of Sly was a glowing gem filled with power, known as a chaos emerald...

“So this is the mysterious chaos emerald…” Sly began, walking up to the emerald, “Alright then, come to…”


Just as Sly was about to grab the emerald, a shadowy figure grabbed the emerald before Sly!

“Sorry Raccoon boy, but i believe this belongs to me.”

The figure then proceeds to kick Sly in the stomach, knocking him back.

“Oof!” Sly groaned, clenching his gut, “I'm gonna feel that tomorrow…” The shadowy figure emerges, revealing a sexy bat woman named Rouge.

“Anyway, tood....” Rouge started.


Rouge got hit by Sly's cane which bounced off of a wall, causing her to drop the emerald!

“Sorry bout that,” Sly apologized, resting his cane on his shoulder as he quickly swiped the gem, “but i'm not leaving without that emerald!”

Rouge sighed, “I despise anyone who takes jewels from me.... All the world's gems are mine to keep!”


Rouge zoomed in and landed several kicks, knocking Sly back. Sly back flipped into a recovery. He then ran in, hitting Rouge several times with his cane. He aimed a follow up attack, but Rouge blocked, then countered with a punch, followed by several kicks, knocking Sly back. Sly groaned, then threw down a smoke bomb, shrouding the area in smoke as Rouge shielded her eyes. When the smoke cleared, Sly was invisible. Rouge readied herself, looking from side to side. Her ears twitched as she listened carefully. She then whipped around and landed several kicks to Sly, knocking him out of invisibility. He jumps back, his hat falling off.

“I expected more.” Rouge shrugged, stomping on Sly's hat.

“Oh don't worry.” Sly smirked, putting on a spare hat and tapping his cane on the ground. The hat Rouge stood on then blew up beneath her, launching her into the ceiling before she fell to the ground. Sly twirled his cane as Rouge got back up.

“Is that all…?” she groaned, then threw a dozen bombs at Sly. Just before detonation, Sly slowed down time to a near halt. He then casually whistled as he picked up Rouge's bombs and placed them all around Rouge. He then got to a safe distance as time started up again and all the bombs blew up at once, engulfing the area in smoke and flames. Sly grinned, but suddenly, Rouge flew out of the smoke, landing a drop kick to the face. Sly flew back as two items fell out of his pack: a lucky charm and the Chaos Emerald, which Rouge grabbed out of the air. “Hello beautiful~” she said to the gem.

“You…!” Sly groaned, wiping his mouth. He then slowed down time again and ran at Rouge. Rouge suddenly used her Charm Ray to slow down time as well and counter Sly's attack with a kick. “Huh…?” he said raising an eyebrow, “So, you can do it too?”

“It's been a while since I had to use this.” Rouge began, “Let's dance!” she then sent several explosive bats at Sly. Sly jumped and flipped, dodging as he channeled lightning into his cane and aimed several swipes. Rouge dodged, but took an electric uppercut, knocking her back as time started up again. Sly switched to his  samurai armor as Rouge charges with a kick. Sly blocked, but his armor shattered upon impact. He stumbled back, then switched to his Arabian Thief outfit. Once again, both Sly and Rouge slowed down time. Sly aimed several swipes with his scepter, but Rouge dodged each. Sly then pulled out his sword and aimed a slash, but Rouge stopped the blade, then broke it and knocked Sly back. “What a letdown.” Rouge mocked with a shrug as Sly switched back to his regular outfit, “Don't you have anything else up your sleeve?”

“Well…” Sly began, “I do have THIS!” he then held up the Chaos Emerald.

“Wha…?!” Rouge gasped, “How'd you…?!”

“Never try to out-steal a Cooper.” Sly grinned, “Au revoir!” he then jumped out of the window, paragliding his way down. He pulled out his prize, inspecting the emerald as he floated in the air. Suddenly Rouge flew up to him, kicking the Emerald high up into the air. The two then traded blows in the air, until Rouge knocked Sly's cane out of his hand. Rouge then landed several brutal blows and finished the combo by slamming her heel on Sly's head, sending him speeding down to the ground. Sly landed flat on his back on the team van, groaning. Suddenly, Rouge zoomed down, stomping on Sly's chest and stomach and leaving a large dent in the van as Sly passed out. Rouge held out her hand, and the Chaos Emerald landed perfectly in her palm.

“Maybe next time, tough guy.”


Sonicandbrian: Holy damn!

ShadowNathan777: Both Rouge and Sly were experts in stealth, infiltration, theft, and combat… But Rouge tended to be better than Sly in almost every category.

FrostWing: When it came to strength, there was no debate to be had. Rouge could tear through solid steel like it's nothing, while Sly couldn't even scratch an average safe. And with durability, Rouge could take hits from Knuckles, you know, that guy that could erupt volcanoes by punching the ground. Something like that would take just under 4 megatons of force, way more than anything Sly's ever taken or dished out.

WhiteBloodAria: Sly was fast enough to dodge point blank gunfire and outmaneuver Jak and Ratchet, but Rouge has proved multiple times she can keep up with guys like Sonic and Shadow, who're literally dozens of times faster. Sly's best chance for matching Rouge's speed was to utilize his time manipulation to its fullest.

Sonicandbrian: But Rouge is no stranger to that technique. She soon realized what Sly was doing and countered with her own, better time powers. And while both of them had handy ways to patch themselves up, Rouge's healing ability was more reliable than Sly's lucky charms.

ShadowNathan777: And although their fighting skill was about on par with each other, Sly was over reliant on his cane, and an experienced fighter like Rouge could easily disarm him.

FrostWing: If this insignificant robot owl could take Sly's cane, so could Rouge.

ShadowNathan777: And speaking of experience, Rouge was much more experienced in one on one combat, and regularly picks fights, while Sly relies on stealth to defeat most of his enemies. You'd think that means Sly would have the stealth advantage in this fight… But Rouge had him beat there too.

WhiteBloodAria: She's infiltrated multiple high security bases without getting detected until she decided to straight up approach her target. But when Sly's on an infiltration mission, he usually gets spotted halfway through and has to improvise his way out. And even if Sly could sneak around better than Rouge, she's faced similar stealth masters before.

Sonicandbrian: To be fair, Sly did have a more unique and versatile arsenal. But that doesn't mean much when you're up against someone that's faster than you, stronger than you, tougher than you, and just better than you in every other way.

FrostWing: In the end, Rouge drove Sly batty.

Sonicandbrian: Hey, I'm the pun master here!

FrostWing: Not my fault you were too slow.

Sonicandbrian: Grrr….!

ShadowNathan777: The Winner is Rouge the Bat.

Next time...

???: Shinku… HADOUKEN!

???: Watch the power of Aura!

*Bonus Ending*

Rouge was about to fly away until she felt a tap on her shoulder then she turns around seeing a man with a tail began him

Rouge: who might you be?

FrostWing: my name is FrostWing need some help on getting out of here

He ask as police cars were heard and Rouge smiles slightly gladly accepted as she holds onto his waist

FrostWing: Hang On…

With that FrostWing holds onto Rouge and flies off with her on his arms


Sonicandbrian: … Damn it man!

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