Chapter 4: The king?!

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(your POV)

After the small "show" that Kazuma showed with his new skill and the beating I gave him with mine, we returned to the guild along with Darkness and Chris, where Megumin and Aqua were waiting for us. Chris was still crying a little because of Kazuma stealing her panties, she was holding my hand while walking and Darkness was... moaning? Her face was flushed and she was breathing rapidly.

Aqua: Oh, guys. Where have you two been? You missed my dazzling tricks.

Me: You don't want to know.

Aqua: *Looking at Chris* Wait, what's with her?

Me: Ask Kazuma about it.

Kazmua: Actually...

Darkness: Indeed. She's just depressed because, when she taught Kazuma thief skills, her panties were stripped off, then (y/n) kicked Kazuma and he gave them back, just to ask her if he could see her panties later.

Me: That was a joke!

Chris: At least he gave me my panties back and didn't flip them over the air like a flag.

Kazuma: Whoa, hold on! hold on! You're not wrong, but seriously, hold on!

In the faces of Aqua and Megumin there was nothing but dislike for Kazuma. Aqua looked at me for a second and there was... hatred in her eyes? Did I say something bad?

Aqua: *Angry* So (y/n), what was that about asking Chris to see her panties?

Me: L-Like I said, it was just a j-joke.

Chris was still crying and Aqua was holding the collar of my uniform, the eyes of all the adventurers and the guild waitresses were focused on us. If this continues, things will get ugly with the guards of the place and our nonexistent reputation. Chris suddenly stopped crying, moving the hands of her face revealing that it was a simple act.

Me(mind): Naughty girl, I expected nothing less than a thief.

Megumin: So, Kazuma, were you able to learn the thief skills without any trouble?

Me: You shouldn't have ask about that.

Kazuma: Well, see for yourself.

Me: Kazuma, if you do it I'm gonna-

Kazuma: Here I go!

Before Kazuma could use his ability, I jumped in front of Megumin and a light came from Kazuma's hand temporarily blinding me.

Kazuma: Steal!

The light quickly died and I could feel like something was missing below my waist. I began to touch my legs and my butt to realize that my... boxers were missing.

Kazuma: What is this?

Kazuma opened the palm of his hand, revealing my boxers with little ducks drawn on them.

Kazuma: Ducks?

Me: Can you give me back my boxers?

Kazuma quickly give me back my boxers and started rubbing his hands against his clothes in disgust.

Megumin: Did your stats go up with your level, allowing you to change classes from "adventurer" to "perevert"?

Aqua: Hahahahaha! Duck boxers?! Why duck boxers?!

Me: They are very comfortable and the ducks are adorable! They are my favorite pair of boxers!

This did not help my situation and Aqua fell on the ground laughing while holding her stomach and kicking the air like a child.

Darkness: To try to strip such a young girl of her panties in a public place is truly savage! I can't let this pass! That's why I'm glad to have entered in your party!

Kazuma: I don't want you in my party!

Darkness began to moan and breathing quickly again, her face blushed and she was moving in a strange way. Wait a second, she's the kind of masochistic person?! That's why she was so desperate to join our group! Oh god, this is going to get ugly.

Darkness: KONOSUBA!

Everyone decided to interview Darkness before choosing if she can join our party or not. We're sitting at one of the guild tables and Megumin is reading the Darkness adventure card.

Megumin: Hey, this lady is a crusader! We shouldn't have any reason to turn her down.

Me: How strong is a crusader?

Megumin: It's one of the strongest warrior classes out there.

Darkness: What class are you, (y/n)?

Me: I'm a martial artist.

Darkness: A fighter who fights with the strength of his fists and his will? We should have a friendly spar in the future.

Me(mind): She just says that because she wants me to attack her and give her pleasure at the same time.

Kazuma: Darkness, there is something I have to tell you. The thing is... Aqua, (y/n) and I may not look like much, but we seriously intend to defeat the Devil king.

Aqua: *Nods* Uh-huh.

Megumin: You do?

Aqua: Yeah, awesome isn't it?

Me: At this point, I'm really not sure.

Kazuma: Our adventure is bound to become more and more rigorous. For you in particular, Darkness. If a female knight like you were to be captured by the Devil king, it'd be bad news. You'd be sure to suffer a horrendous fate!

Dakrness: Yeah, that's exactly right. Since old times, suffering an erotic fate at the hands of the Devil king has always the duty and expectation of a female knight. That alone makes it worthwhile to go!

Kazuma: What?

Me: Are you even listening what you are saying?

Darkness: What is it? Did I say somethin strange?

I think it was a bad idea to let her be part of our party.

Kazuma: You listen up, too,Megumin. Our opponent is the Devil king. We're picking a fight with the strongest being in this world. There is no need to force yourself to stay in a party like-

Megumin hit the table with her hand before standing on her seat.

Megumin: My name is Megumin! I am a user of the finest magic crimsom demons possess, and I command explosion magic! The devil king fancies himself superior to us and dares call himself "strongest"! I shall oblitirate his vile presense with our strongest of magics!

Me: Cool.

Chris: And what about you, (y/n)? You are going to fight against the demon king too?

Me: A being whose magic and strength is above human comprehension, sounds like an interesting fight for me.


Speaker: Emergency quest! Emergency quest!

Me: That can't be good.

(time skip)

All the adventurers gathered at the entrance of the city, forming a line of defense composed of the best fighters that this place has to offer.But the question is, what are we facing? In the hills that could be seen in the distance from the city, I could see a kind of green cloud heading here. What the hell is that?

Kazuma: What is that? What's coming?

Me: Poison?

Darkness: I'll protect everyone. Kazuma, stay close to me.

Kazuma: What's the emergency quest?

Me: Monsters?

Aqua: *Carrying a basket* Didn't they say it? It's cabbage. Cabbage!

Kazuma: Huh?

Me: Well, that's new.

Megumin: A storm is coming.

Everyone: Harvest time!

Aqua: Bring out the mayonnaise!

Indeed, the green cloud approaching the city was composed of flying cabbages. They moved in the air in a coordinated manner like a flock of birds.

Kazuma: What the hell is that?!

(Quest: defeat all the cabbages flying into the city!)

All the adventurers charged against the flying cabbages and attacked them by cutting them with their swords, shooting them with their arrows and hitting them with their masses.

Aqua: In this world, cabbages fly. When they reach optimal flavor and harvest season approaches, they don't just sit back and let themselves get eaten. It's say they careen through the cities and grasslands, cross the continent and ocean, and finally quietly pass away in a secluded region unknown to man, without being eaten... If that's case-

Many of the adventurers caught several cabbages instead of defeating them with their weapons and locked them in cages accumulated near the walls of the city.

Aqua: Let's catch as many as possible, and make them into delicious meals to eat!

This is not what I expected when coming to this world. Fight to the death against cabbages, really? I was hoping to fight and look cool at the same time against monsters, not against vegetables. I think I will stay out of this mission. The battle between adventurers and cabbages continued and Darkness decided to join the fight. She charged bravely against the cabbages and she swings her sword at her opponents... only to miss her first attack.

Me: What?

Darkness continued swinging her sword again and again, missing each hit again and again, without hitting a single one! Suddenly, like ants fighting against a beetle, the cabbages began to outnumber the adventurers, turning the battle in their favor. One of them was trapped under his unconscious partner and the cabbages were heading towards him to finish him off, until Darkness got in the middle of the attacks, blocking them with her body. The attacks of the cabbages were so strong that they began to break Darkness armor. They broke the front of her armor and began to hit and bounce against her breasts. The male adventurers were getting excited to see Darkness's boobs bouncing and she was getting turned on. But all this stopped when a Cabbage with a crown hit Darkness and sent her flying, ending up falling on top of Kazuma. This cabbage was different, since it was the same size as a normal person and it had arms and legs.

Aqua: That is-

King: I'm the cabbage king! Imprudent humans, I will kill you one by one!

(no ones POV)

Some adventurers tried to confront him, but were easily defeated by the King, who fought like a professional boxer. The cabbage king started running towards Aqua because she was carrying a basket full of smaller cabbages to sell. He was about to hit Aqua until someone kicked him in the face and sent him rolling over some rocks, causing them to break and create a curtain of dust. Aqua looked at his savior and saw you standing with your arms crossed.

Aqua: (y/n)?!

(y/n): I was waiting for an opportunity like this, an opponent to help me measure how strong I am. What do you think if we do this? You fight as if your life depended on it and I will try my new skills to its maximum potential against you.

King: Damn human, who are you?!

You started making multiple heroic poses until you get into battle stance.

The dust curtain undid revealing the king cabbage with the mark of your foot on his face.

(y/n): My name is (y/n) (l/n), the martial artist!

Many of the female adventurers began to scream with excitement and became instantly your fangirls.

King: Arrogance is typical of humans, you will not live much longer to brag much more.

You and the king cabbage disappeared and reappeared trying to kick each other, but both of your legs collided with each other, creating a shock wave that sent flying away the other cabbages in the air.

King: Not bad for a human.

(y/n): This is the most ridiculous fight I could get into.

You and the cabbage king kept trying to kick each other, but each kick was blocked by the attack of the other. You made a jump back, gaining some distance and crossed your arms while closing your eyes.

(y/n)(mind): let's try some Haki.

Megumin: (y/n), open your eyes!

The king cabbage ran towards you to hit you but using haki, you were able to predict each one of his attacks and dodge them with the least amount of effort.

(y/n): What's wrong? You want to practice first?

King: Damn human!

You stopped dodging and held the cabbage king's wrists before he could hit you. Then, you gave him a kneeling in his stomach, making him hold his belly and forcing him to take a few steps back in pain. You spin a couple of times in the place and your leg was covered with fire.

(y/n): Demonic leg!

You kicked the king cabbage in his face and sent him flying into the air while he was spinning on fire. Before he could touch the ground, you ran towards him and your fist started to generate a small tornado around it.

(y/n): Void quake tigger fist!

With your skill you hit him again in his stomach, only this time the impact was so strong that the king cabbage was destroyed, without leaving any trace thanks to the strong currents of air around your fist.

The moment you defeated the cabbage king, the other cabbages that were flying in the air fell to the ground and stopped moving.

(y/n): Aww man! I was hoping to try my skills a bit more.

All the adventurers were watching you with their jaws touching the ground by the astonishment of your strength. Aqua stared at you with a slight blush on her face, while Megumin stared at you in amazement to see you again in action. Only on this occasion, fighting more seriously.

(y/n): What?

Megumim: That was so cool! You sure won more than thirty million of eris for that!

(y/n): What do you mean?

Aqua: The king cabbage it is an uncommon enemy, The one who defeats him can claim a reward of one million of eris!



(y/n): Huh, neat.

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