KOTLC Reacts To Christmas

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Me: Hey, guess what date it is.

Sophie: I have no clue, I've lost track of time.

Fitz: It's December 25th.


Me: It is!

Sophie: And no one told me!?

Everyone else: What's so special?


Sophie: It's a human holiday where families spend time with each other, you decorate a tree, and you all give gifts.

Linh: Do you chop down a real tree?

Me: Sometimes people do, but I don't.

Linh: Okay good. But if you did...

Me: That's way too mean!

Keefe: What kind of gifts do you get?

Me: Oh stars Keefe of course ya want gifts. Well, it depends on-

Sophie: If you're naughty or nice. Because there's someone called Santa Claus, who way he's your deeds. Santa delivers gifts to everyone who's nice in Christmas Eve. If you do bad, you get in the naughty list, and you get a lump of coal.

Keefe: *looks at Sophie as if he believes it*

Biana: And you Keefe have been a very bad boy.

Keefe: But I get gifts!

Sophie: *bursts into laughter* That's a lie that parents tell their children so they behave.

Keefe: I know he isn't real. How would he deliver gifts to everyone? And that fast?

Dex: Why lie when you could just make them behave so you can give them presents. As they do anyway?

Sophie: I have no idea. But I never had to fall for it, as I read all their thoughts.

Fitz: That must suck.

Me: I was told the lie, but I never really fell for it. Also because I help my mom wrap gifts so...

Sophie: That must be bad.

Me: Nah, getting told the truth must hurt more. Okay, there's also this. *Pulls out mistletoe*

Sophie: *gets away from me*

Fitz: I think I know what that is.

Dex: Isn't that a thing that... Makes forces those under to kiss?

Biana: Ooh fun!

Keefe: Yeah, can I j-

Me: Nope! And if ya try, Imma make ya kiss someone ya don't want.

Keefe: Fine! What did you get as presents?

Me: I got some games for my Nintendo Switch, a pair of boots, and some jeans. That's about it.

Sophie: Christmas time is great. We need to have this be a thing in the List Cities. Also ****   *earns gasps from everyone* we missed Halloween!

Me: Oh flip oops. Well, Sophie don't kill me. But Imma just go, bye!

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