Kang Seulgi & Son Seungwan

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This originally was what I had in mind for my Eunha and SinB chapter but I never bothered to give it a shot. This was mainly due to its similarity to my Joy/Seulgi story and it will be a variation of that. Instead I thought of another twist to put into this one, so I hope it'll reflect what that original chapter held that I still love. I still think my Joy chapter will be atop all of my chapters.

I did plan on using Joy and Seulgi again but I decided to let people choose. This time we'll be seeing Wendy enter this trio of a relationship.

Somethin Kinda Crazy
Friday night, almost the weekends where people can take a load off from work and finally relax. That however isn't the case for a particular person who was stuck in a shift at the moment, behind a counter serving up drinks to customers as they waste away that hard earned money. He never minded seeing people drink, at least not until they dropped or caused a mess in the club. He did enjoy talking with certain people however. People come and go but once in a while he finds the one who sparks his interest. And yes he would take that business home, just a one time thing with most of it. Even he had to let loose once in a while.

Tonight was no different from the rest aside from the larger clusters of people. One after another he would serve just waiting for his shift to end. As he grabbed a new bottle, a pair of women took a seat in front of him. Emerging from below the counter, he laid his eyes upon the two women who were awaiting his service. Not another second passed before two smiles were shared between him and one of them.

"(Y/n)?!" The one who he recognized asked.

"It's been a long time, Seulgi." He answered in return.

"Oh my god I can't believe we'd meet here! I haven't seen you in over 2 years." She exclaimed. He nodded at her recollection of memories about them both.

"Last I heard, you opened up your own nightclub. So why are you behind that counter instead of an office?" Seulgi asked.

"Two of my bartenders didn't show up, so they better have a pretty good excuse as to why they're not here." Right on cue two girls ran over and entered behind the counters, coming right over to (Y/n).

"S-Sorry (Y/n)-oppa, our car broke down and we had to find a last minute ride." The shorter one said, looking down praying for his forgiveness. He synced up both of his hands and shot a finger flick to both of their foreheads, seeing them groan in a pinch of pain.

"At least call me so I can try to find someone else to cover your shift." (Y/n) reached into his pockets before pulling a keychain out, tossing it into their hands. "Check with me before you leave, and drive safely tonight." They nodded getting ready to start their shift.

"So, what can I get for the both of you?" (Y/n) finally turned his attention back to the two awaiting customers.

"You should try (Y/n)'s margaritas, he's amazing at it." Seulgi said to her friend. "Make mine—" (Y/n) already knew the answer to her request.

"Pineapple, I know." He joked, as she clapped at his memory. "What would you like, miss?" Seulgi took that as her cue and also a reminder that she had kept her friend in the dark all this time. She framed her friend with her arms, showing off her visuals as if it wasn't already being portrayed.

"This here is Seungwan, but you can just call her Wendy." (Y/n) introduced himself as well, offering a handshake to which she didn't take. Seulgi did her best to clear up the tension. "Sorry, she's not really into guys." (Y/n) just laughed a bit.

"So I assume you two are together?" Seulgi nodded, giving Wendy a big hug to which she finally melted into. (Y/n) clapped at the sight of the couple wishing them the best. "So you weren't lying when you said you might like girls." Seulgi just shrugged.

"It happened, and I'm glad it did. Cause now I have her and I couldn't be happier." (Y/n) began to make their drinks with Seulgi's answer for Wendy's drink being Orange.

"I'll be right back." Seulgi said, giving Wendy a kiss on the cheek as she headed towards the bathroom. Now it was just (Y/n) and Wendy, who were also having a stare down while he made their drinks. Every time he looked back up at her she never eased down that glare on him. He still carried along though and finally poured out their drinks.

"Ever since Seulgi and I recognized each other, your eyes haven't seemed to ease up on me. I take it you don't like me?" (Y/n) asked bluntly.

"What were you two?" She asked, dodging his question.

"Well we started as friends in middle school, then we dated in high school, and for a while after graduation. After some time, we finally ended things and just remained as friends." (Y/n) held his hands up in surrenderance. "You're her girlfriend, and you have nothing to fear if you think I'd ever get in your way. I'd prefer it if Seulgi and I remained as friends."

Seulgi came back into the picture, swooping in for her drink. Her reaction helped soothe the defensive girl beside her, as Wendy also took a sip of her own drink. True to her girlfriend's vouch, (Y/n) definitely knew how to make a drink. That still wasn't enough to let her relax however. Not as long as he was still here, reigniting his old flames with Seulgi.

"I can take over oppa. You can go now." One of the girls from earlier stepped in for him.

"Don't be late next time. Even if you're my cousin, I can't always let that slide." (Y/n) said, pinching the side of her cheek. This time she snapped back but he playfully dodged it, running away before she could hit him.

As he came out from around the bar, Seulgi immediately tugged on his arms. "You're free now, how about a few drinks with us?" Wendy's eyes shot him a deadly glare, as if her warnings weren't obvious enough.

"I still have work to do. Besides, you're here with your girlfriend, focus on her instead. It was nice seeing you again, but I really gotta go." Seulgi nodded but not before standing up and giving him a quick hug. One for lost time, and the seconds for a throwback to their youth.

A few days later
(Y/n) parked his car onto his driveway, happy to be off from work early today. He had a full crew today so he didn't have much to do, calling it quits sooner than he imagined. As he stepped out of his car, he finally noticed the big truck beside the house next door. Boxes were piled up on the driveway and all along towards the door. He remembered seeing the house being on sale after his neighbors moved out. (Y/n) never got around to knowing them so there wasn't much to remember about them. Just as he began walking towards his house, the neighbor's door opened.

He came face to face with Seulgi's girlfriend. Her eyes formed into the state they were in when she first met him. She slowly stormed over to him, and if it wasn't for the fence between them stopping her, he could only imagine what she'd do if she were closer.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked. (Y/n) pointed to his house and back to himself.

"I was just about to go inside my house." He responded with, only to let out a heavy sigh afterwards.

"Looks like we're neighbors now, oh how badly this situation has turned out for you and I. Don't worry, I won't be around often so just forget that I even live here." (Y/n) said as he turned away to go for his house, the door opened again. The loud greeting interrupted him, making him turn around again. This time it was Seulgi who was running over to him.

She ran up to the fence before stopping, she almost contemplated hopping over it but instead walked around. Both him and Wendy's eyes widened when Seulgi pounced into his arms. He didn't want anymore drama between them both but it looks like that wasn't going to happen. (Y/n) caught her with both his hands, the force from Seulgi made them take a few steps back.

"I can't believe we're neighbors again! Looks like you just can't escape me." Seulgi said, finally dropping down from him.

"I want to move out now." (Y/n) joked, dodging the side pokes from Seulgi. She lunged forward and wrapped her arms around his body this time, trapping him tightly this time. "Help us move in. There's a lot of heavy boxes we still haven't taken in yet." Seulgi pestered him.

"This is why you should've hired some helpers. Or at least ask some of your other friends." (Y/n) whined, not wanting to do any heavy lifting. Especially when someone's glare was piercing through him.

"Please? Come on, you know you can't say no to me." Seulgi asked again.

"Ugh... fine let's get it over with." (Y/n) unwillingly accepted her request.

It took about an hour before everything was moved inside and then even longer when they made him help decorate the house. Placing furniture where it should be and hanging up their pictures where they couldn't reach. (Y/n) was on his way out of the kitchen after setting up the tables, and with the horrible timing they both have, Seulgi came around the corner and crashed into him. He reached for her hands as she also gripped herself onto him, hoping to stop the fall. Instead she yanked him down with her.

"Sorry, you okay?" (Y/n) asked.

She nodded and loosened her hold on him and allowed him to get up. (Y/n) offered her his hand but in a swift motion he was pushed up against the wall. Wendy stepped in between them and helped Seulgi up herself. She then spun around and pressed a finger against his chest. "What the hell were you doing?" Seulgi took action and defended him immediately.

"Wendy we just fell, he didn't do anything. I pulled on him because I didn't want to fall over and that's why he was on top of me." Seulgi pulled Wendy off of (Y/n).

"Look, I told you when we met the other day, Seulgi and I are history. I have no intentions of getting in between you two and to even consider me taking her away is non existent." Seulgi's face scrunched up at the revelation of her girlfriend's jealousy. Her arms wrapped themselves around Wendy even tighter now.

"Is that why you've been so down this whole time? I thought it was because (Y/n) was a guy but if you think I'd ever cheat on you, then I'm sorry for making you feel that way." Seulgi placed her head onto Wendy's shoulder. "We dated, yes, but at the end of the day (Y/n) and I were very good friends."

"Then why did you two stop seeing each other for 2 years?" Wendy quietly asked. "Mandatory enlistment." (Y/n) informed her.

"And that wasn't the reason why we broke up. It was just something that didn't end up going as well as both of us would've liked it to." (Y/n) added, with Seulgi also nodding to assure Wendy.

"I will be here as a friend or just a neighbor. We don't even have to interact if you still feel that uncomfortable about me." (Y/n) said. "I know how you feel too, both of us do. We had a few fights here and there back in high school whenever a guy or girl would get too comfy with one or the other."

"I'm yours alone, and no one else's." Seulgi said, hoping to still comfort her girlfriend.

"I think I've done enough here, so I'll take my leave now. I'm next door if I'm ever needed." (Y/n) said as he left the house. Seulgi followed behind and shut the door, locking up for the night. She came back to see Wendy fixating the couch in their living room. Their separation was stopped as she came over and hugged Wendy from behind. The tender hold lasted shortly, only to be reconnected when Wendy moved them onto the couch.

1 month later
A few weeks went by for the three as they worked and lived their lives to the fullest. (Y/n) would spend most of his nights out at his club, managing and taking care of matters at work. Seulgi ran her clothing store alongside Wendy who had begun their small business. Those two had recently hit it off with a brand new design and decided to market it better. To Wendy's efforts, it worked out perfectly as their work was seen around the city. Their small store had grown quite tremendously within just a few weeks of taking new steps together. They had moved into a newer house after saving up enough money, and it just so happened to be beside (Y/n). Speaking of (Y/n), he proved his words true to an extent. He kept himself occupied with work so that he wouldn't be around as much.

Even then, it wasn't enough to prevent his sudden appearances sometimes. Seulgi didn't let go of the opportunity to reunite with (Y/n). It was as she said, they were great friends and nothing could erase that. She and Wendy would occasionally visit his club and catch him working at the bar most of the time. Despite being the owner, he couldn't let go of his habit of making drinks. It was what he loved doing, and his performance always delivered.

With inevitable coincidences that lead him to interacting with Seulgi while Wendy was present also happened quite a lot. It didn't soothe Wendy's confidence in the two staying as just friends. Relationships are built upon trust and recently, it hasn't been going very well.

Present Night
It was a thunderstorm tonight, as the wind howled against the closed windows of (Y/n)'s bedroom. He decided to take off this night, and rather roust close the club tonight since who would even go in such weather.  He had been overworking himself for the past few days as well, so this was a well needed rest. Here he was in bed, just browsing his phone while listening to some music. While the rain itself was a stimulant for his rest, he wasn't quite down to sleep just yet. Good thing he wasn't because he would've been woken up eventually. His doorbell went off as he groaned, having to get out of his bed. (Y/n) made his way to the front door as the bell rang again. His eye looked through the peephole only to see a wet mess of Seulgi. He quickly unlocked the door and let her in as she silently stepped inside and walked in, dripping water all over his floors.

(Y/n) went to grab a towel before coming back to her. He handed her the towel yet she didn't react to it, making him do the work himself. He dried off her hair and wrapped the towel around her before brewing up a cup of milk tea for her. Something was up with her tonight and he didn't exactly have a way to contact Wendy.

"Do you want to tell me why you showed up at my house this late and drenched? Especially when you live next door." (Y/n) asked her.

"Wendy and I had a fight..." Seulgi quietly confessed to him.

"May I ask why?" (Y/n) pushed, hoping to receive the light of this situation. "She didn't like that I kept hanging out with you. It makes her angry to see me around you. I just don't get why she's like this, especially when it's only you." Only you she says, her ex-boyfriend who recently reunited with her and lives next door.

"Doesn't that remind you of us? We were aggressively jealous of each other back in high school. Try to think of how she's feeling, seeing you around me." (Y/n) tried his best to not pick sides, and solve the problem.

"But I've grown up since then. I don't get mad when seeing other guys and girls come into the store and flirt with her. I don't see why she's so possessive even though we've been together for a whole year." (Y/n) just gave her some pats on the back, trying to reassure her relationship with Wendy.

"You two need to talk this out, and decide what to do together. I can understand jealousy to an extent, but she should also understand that you two are together for a reason." (Y/n) said. "I guess I really need to move out don't I?" He added.

"Don't..." She said out of nowhere. "What? Did you say don't? Oh for me to move out?" She slowly nodded.

"I mean, don't you think it'd help your relationship with Wendy if I was removed from the picture? She's only upset when you're with me right?" He had a hint of humor in there.

"I've only found you again, I don't want you to leave my life again. Even if we're not together, I still value you as a close friend." Seulgi said. "I will always be your friend. Don't forget that, and I'm sorry for not contacting you after so long. It's just... I needed time alone." She knew what he meant by that.

"Can you make us some drinks...? I want to let loose a bit. Wendy isn't home since she ran off to our friend's house and I don't want to be alone tonight." He hesitated a bit but finally agreed to making a few light drinks. Seulgi didn't do as instructed to warm herself up, instead she stood right beside him and watched every step that he took. The second (Y/n) handed her that drink, she drowned herself in it, forcing him to stop her and yank the drink away.

"This is for you to cheer up a bit, not for you to drown yourself in. You and I both know being drunk and sad doesn't go well together." (Y/n) reluctantly handed back the drink to her. The two returned to the living room and took their seats again.

"Have you ever thought about dating again?" Seulgi suddenly dropped onto him.

"Not really, why?" Seulgi just shook her head in response. "Nothing, I was just wondering as to why you're still single. I mean if you own a nightclub, surely you would've met someone who would interest you." She told him.

"I guess I just haven't been really interested in anyone. I've had a few nights here and there where I'd have some fun, but it was never special on either side." (Y/n) said.

Seulgi held her cup, fidgeting with it for a bit. "Is it... because you never got over me?" Her eyes watched as he avoided her eyes, looking down at his hands before downing the drink in his hand. Her heart began to ache a bit, feeling guilty at the cause of his misery. "I'm still really sorry... I just didn't think I would be able to wait. And by the time you did come back..." He stood up and walked over to the kitchen. Seulgi set down her drink, following him and immediately hugged him from behind.

"I'm sorry I didn't wait for you." She said while muffled against his back.

"It was more than that Seulgi. We had fallen out of love by then, and it had to end eventually." Seulgi's breaths grew heavy as she tried to hold back her tears. "It wasn't us, it was only me. You still loved me, I know you did even when I broke us apart." He swallowed a breath from escaping, holding his composure the best he could.

"It's okay, I'm not upset over it anymore. My time spent dwelling over you ended long ago." (Y/n) said. Silence hit them both for a minute before she spoke up again.

"Would you take me back...?" (Y/n) slowly turned around, looking at her face. His heart awakened an ounce of his forgotten feelings for her. Never once did he ever think of getting back with her until this moment.

"If you weren't in a relationship, maybe. But it's wrong for you to even consider such a thing while you're still with Wendy. You're proving her fears correct and it's not fair to her." He backed up, limiting their distance.

"It's only a thought, and I haven't imagined this in a very long time." She's thought of this before he noted, maybe more than once. He wasn't lying either, if she wasn't was dating Wendy, then maybe just maybe he could bring himself to say yes.

"You're welcome to stay here for the night if you want. Or if Wendy does decide to come back to you, then you can go whenever." (Y/n) said before walking away from Seulgi. He returned to the living room and sat down, switching on the tv. Seulgi joined him and watched along with him, just wasting time as there wasn't much to do.

She downed the remainder of her cup before turning to (Y/n). "Do you have work tomorrow?" (Y/n) shrugged, saying he could go or not it didn't really matter. "Then do you have any soju? I just want to let go for the rest of tonight. And I want to drink with you, like the old days." She said, remembering their years back.

"Yes I have soju. But do I want you drunk and puking in my house? Not really." She pulled against his arm a bit, bugging him to join her. Seulgi went over to his fridge and grabbed two bottles to start off. She poured into their now empty cups and watched as he reluctantly took it and sipped on it. Compared to his drinks, this wasn't that good. However, if someone wanted to get wasted, then this would also work.

Seulgi drank hers like there was no tomorrow, trying her best to salvage the night to her likings. Eventually she drank herself to sleep, leaving (Y/n) to clean up after her. He tucked her into his bed before also falling asleep on the couch.

Next Day
(Y/n)'s eyes slammed open at the sound of knocking at his door. The doorbell was also going off but not enough to match the knocking. He made his way over and opened the door after peeking through the hole. On the other side of that door was Wendy, who also was slightly drenched from the rain that still hasn't gone away. "Is she here...?" Her voice filled with concern. (Y/n) nodded and allowed her into his home, locking up behind her. He walked over to her where she was currently standing in the living room. Her eyes noted his self made bed on the couch.

"Where is she?" Wendy's voice was still soft and quiet unlike how her usual tone would go with him. He pointed and guided her to his room, leaving them shortly after. Seulgi was still sound asleep, spooning a pillow on his empty bed. Her eyes watered at the sight of her girl sleeping so peacefully. She knew her jealousy was a problem, and yet she couldn't do anything about it. But... after today maybe that would be different.

After some time alone with the sleeping Seulgi, Wendy came out of the bedroom and found (Y/n) who was in his kitchen. He was brewing up a pot of soup, probably for both him and Seulgi. Her presence alerted his attention to her, as he turned to face her.

"I think this is the first time you've ever been so calm around me." (Y/n) joked honestly.

"You two didn't do anything, even while drunk. You didn't even share the bed with her." He nodded at her words. "Seulgi could be considered drunk, but I was still fine by the end of yesterday. And of course I wouldn't share the bed with her."

"Why are you so honest...?" Wendy asked, truly confused with his trait.

"Is that so bad about me? I meant every word when I told you that I would never get in your way. I know how hard it can be to accept that fact, but you should at least trust your girlfriend." He told her.

"You never thought about getting her back? After all this time being around her again?" Wendy asked.

"Not once... not until last night." Her eyes narrowed in on him when he spoke that line. "Seulgi asked if there could've been a second chance for us back then. I said maybe, and that's the truth. If she had come back to me, while not in a relationship then maybe I could bring myself to say yes."

"Who broke up with who? Who ended things between you two, when you spent more than 6 years together." He turned his attention back to the stove. Wendy came over to his side, waiting for an answer.

"Seulgi was the one. She broke up with me when I enlisted for my 2 years." Her eyes shared some sympathy at last, hearing his voice grow emotional.

"And why didn't she just wait?" (Y/n) turned his head and looked at her. "She didn't think she could wait... nor did she love me anymore. She said it just wasn't there anymore, the love she had for me when we started dating. So, to wait 2 years for someone you didn't even love anymore wasn't something she could do. I respected it, and we ended things between us." His eyes looked away again.

"I did my 2 years and when I came back, I couldn't bring myself to meet her again. So I spent time alone, trying to move on. And I did, I truly don't have any feelings for Seulgi anymore. Now here we all are, in my house." Wendy didn't have the right words to apologize or help his feelings, instead she asked something neither of them could have ever imagined her saying.

"Just once... can I hug you?" He scoffed out a laugh before nodding, seeing her arms open up and wrap around him. It was strange at first, but her hold was warm enough to push that thought away.

"I'm sorry for all the things I've said to you, and especially for not trusting you. I... I think I finally understand you now, and... you're just really an amazing person (Y/n)." Wendy said.

"I don't blame you, and there's no need to apologize to me. If anything, just make up with Seulgi. I hope it really works between you two." (Y/n) said, as her arms slowly loosened around him.

"Thank you (Y/n)... and I hope that we can be friends. So... when this rain stops, I'd like to spend some time with you." A smile appeared on both their lips, nodding in unison and agreeing to that hang out.

3 years later
Another night at work for (Y/n) tonight, but it was rather a relaxing time for him now. His club was heavily established now, fully staffed and in proper working manner. It's popularity and business went skyrocket for him and helped in many aspects of his life and his employee's. Aside from doing paperwork and managing his business, some of his time was spent helping and monitoring around the club. He just couldn't let go of that manual aspect of work. Writing up checks and signing off on papers didn't count to him, and it was possibly his least favorite part. He would rather be at the bar, chatting with his friends and workers while making drinks for customers.

Tonight was no different, as he stood behind the bar and passed out drinks on demand. Two figures came and took a seat right in front of him, while he was turned around searching for a drink. He spun around and came face to face with Seulgi and Wendy, dressed up in their work attire. The three didn't let a second pass before immediately greeting and smiling at each other.

"Did you both just get off of work? You two never dress up like that." (Y/n) commented as Seulgi nodded to his assumption.

"It was a long day, busy as always so we had a lot on our hands." Wendy added.

"So, what can I do to help you both relax then?" (Y/n) said, grabbing the starters to their favorites instantly. Instead, Wendy stopped him from making anything.

"We had something we wanted to ask you." His ears perked up, giving them his full attention. "Ok, what is it?" (Y/n) asked.

"I think we need a bit more privacy for this. Could we go into your office?" Seulgi jumped in, to which Wendy agreed.

(Y/n) stepped out from behind the counters and led them away. The sound of the club went on behind them only to be suffocated behind his office walls. The three took a seat in the center where he had an arrangement of sofas. He offered a drink again only for Wendy to deny it again. It was starting to make him wonder why they were here, especially if they could've just waited for him to come home as well. Something urgent could be made with just a phone call too.

"You two are starting to worry me. Tell me before I freak out even more." (Y/n) said jokingly. They nodded, Seulgi reaching over and holding Wendy's hand firmly.

"We are thinking of having a baby." (Y/n)'s mouth dropped open before immediately congratulating them both. "I'm happy for you both. I didn't think you two would move this fast. First the marriage and now this. You have my full support."

"I owe you a lot, for helping me out and planning things for Seulgi and I." Wendy admitted.

"So, are you planning on finding a sperm donor?" Seulgi immediately shook her head at the thoughts of an insemination procedure. (Y/n) was surprised at her sudden rejection of the idea as well. "So adoption then?" Wendy also shook her head.

"That's why we wanted to talk with you in private. We were thinking... and we wanted to ask you, if you would mind being the father of our child." Wendy dropped on him, seeing him in disbelief of their proposition.

"I'm at a loss for words... I don't even know how to answer that. Are you both really sure about this?" The two girls nodded at him, with Seulgi leaning over and grasping his hand.

"Wendy was the one who chose you, so I'm perfectly fine if it's you." Seulgi said to him. "Do you really want this?" (Y/n) said to Wendy, seeing her nod in return.

"I trust you, and I would appreciate your help once again." Wendy said.

"What do I need to do? Do I set up an appointment to donate?" Wendy laughed a bit as Seulgi hid her face in embarrassment. "We both talked this through, and you won't need to do that. You and Seulgi can just do it together." For someone who wouldn't even allow him to look at her girlfriend, here she was years later asking him to do such things.

"What?! Why would we need to do that?" (Y/n) asked, his voice raised at the circumstances.

"Is that still a yes?" Wendy asked him. He couldn't get out a word, only his chest huffing a bit due to his sanity being drained. Slowly he nodded to her question as the two engulfed him into a hug. "Thank you for this. There isn't anyone else who I'd trust like you." Wendy said.

"We'll see you again. Thanks (Y/n)." Seulgi added, giving his cheek a quick smooch. The two girls walked out of his office, leaving him behind to rethink what he just agreed to. As they were nearing their vehicle, Seulgi suddenly grabbed Wendy's hands. The two stopped in their tracks, "When are you going to tell him?" Seulgi asked.

Wendy's cheeks burnt a shade of red. "Not yet... he doesn't need to know until later." Seulgi nodded before placing a kiss atop her forehead. They then proceeded to return home.

They ended their night without crossing paths, for now. Seulgi and (Y/n) both needed some time to prepare for what was going to happen between them. Especially if that certain thing was going to involve them making a baby. (Y/n) himself still had a hard time believing the situation. Seulgi was doing her best to contain herself for what was to come, as she would be the mother of this child. Wendy also had her own ordeals that she was facing. Had she been born a male, this wouldn't be such a predicament for them three. On the other hand, there was something she was holding inside of her that was beginning to make her lose her composure. Seulgi knew about it, after Wendy had confessed a few months back to her. If they follow through with that they planned to do, then she would let him know what her secret was.

1 Week Later
After taking a much needed amount of time to discuss their situation, they finally decided on a date to seal the deal. Wendy decided to crash into (Y/n)'s house early and begin their fun before the main event for the day. They all took today off for this, and (Y/n) definitely was still lost in his decision. Seulgi, who was the other recipient of this equation, seemed to be so okay with it all. (Y/n) finally came out of his bathroom after his sleep had been interrupted. The two were already munching on some of his snacks in the kitchen.

Seulgi waved before coming over and giving him a greeting hug. "Why are you two here so early? I thought we agreed to meet for lunch later?" (Y/n) asked.

"We have nothing else to do, so why not just hang out with you for now?" Wendy suggested. He didn't have much to decline with her idea, what else was he going to do all day anyways.

"Are you going to be with us the whole time? Even when we..." (Y/n) suddenly asked. Seulgi was also quite curious about that matter, neither of them mentioned where Wendy would be.

"Are you going to watch?" Seulgi asked her. She shrugged at first then followed it up with, "maybe."

"Please tell me you're not thinking of joining in. It's already awkward enough between us, and I don't want you to also have to see me do that with her." (Y/n) said.

"What'll it take for you to believe that I'm okay with it? I trust you, you're one of my best friends, there isn't anyone else who'd I want than you." Wendy said, connecting herself into the embrace while Seulgi was wrapped around him from behind.

"Do you want to tell him now?" Seulgi asked Wendy, seeing (Y/n)'s head turn in interest. Wendy's cheeks heated up, seeing him look at her with his gaze. Seulgi's arms loosened up as she stepped back a little, letting Wendy have the spotlight.

"What do you want to tell me?" Wendy let out a small laugh, her hands trembling a bit. Seulgi gave her a small pat onto her back, boosting that confidence of hers. "I never thought I'd ever say this to a guy, but I'm really happy it's you." She began saying. "It's been a few years since I've met you. You're very important to me and I can't thank you enough for all your help with everything." She took in a deep breath before speaking to him again.

"I... like you (Y/n). So, I wanted to ask if you wanted to be with us." Both of the girls watched as his expression lingered between confusion and temptation. All this time together and they never even considered such a possibility until Wendy's feelings had a change for the better.

"I thought you were into girls. Now you're saying that you're into me... was this Seulgi's idea?" A hand chop connected with his head, curtsy of Seulgi herself. "It wasn't me who suggested this, I only supported it. She told me a while ago about this, and Wendy... she fell in love with you."

"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't know if you would say yes or no. Then we both agreed on having a baby, that's when I figured it would be the best time to ask you." Wendy added, whose face was now buried in his chest.

"So, what do you say...? Do you... want to be with us?" Seulgi added. Again he was left speechless, first the baby and now this, and of all people to end up conveying feelings for him, it had to be Wendy.

"Do I have a choice?" Wendy's head lifted up with a smile due to his joke. Going along with him, she shook her head from side to side.

"I... would love to join the both of you." Seulgi connected herself back into the embrace, celebrating their new addition of (Y/n). She never had the thought to be against this, after all there were still feelings for him inside her heart. Their reunion sparked those emotions back into her, then it was locked away again, only to return with Wendy also confessing to harboring feelings for (Y/n). If it were anyone else she would be upset, but with (Y/n), she couldn't be angry and it wasn't like she had a right to anyways. For their eventful day to start so soon, who knows what else they were going to discover together.

End of part 1
I think I'll end it here, not exactly a cliffhanger and not exactly a perfect ending. I had a smut planned but I'll hold it off until I decide where to take the story afterwards. This one definitely slowed me down a lot since I had too big of a vision and also added a bunch of new things that I didn't account for initially.

Next: Kim Sejeong

Stop it right now, I can't make this an only Red Velvet book

You too

Help me... I can't stop

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