Kim Sejeong

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I hope this story won't be too harsh/dark for some people. I recently recalled a particular scene from a drama I watched. It was only a glimpse but it hit me pretty hard considering it was only a side character.

It's a shame I was never into Gugadon, however there are members that have caught my eye particularly this girl.

To the Ends of the Earth with You
Blinding lights were the first sight to greet her eyes, combined with the beeping of machines. Her lingering eyes finally looked around to see the sleeping boy beside her bed, clinging onto her hand. The feeling of safety filled her head, and her heart warmed up with love. She squeezed her hand, feeling his hand tighten in return. His head shot up immediately, he had always been a light sleeper waking up at her every need. Everything came flooding back into her head upon seeing his patched up face. His arm was also in a cast, injured from their accident. Despite all that, he was still along her side.

"Sejeong?" She tried lifting herself off the bed, there was nothing she wanted more than to be in his arms. However her body disagreed, as she fell back down onto the bed over and over again.

With the call of his voice, a nurse made their way over to them. A few checks here and there were taken before the need of a doctor was taken. Something was wrong, and that problem was her legs. She couldn't feel them or move them at all, making her assume the worst.

"I-I can't even move... what am I supposed to do?" She practically cried, watching as he tried his best to soothe her.

"Everything will be okay, we'll let them figure out what's going to happen. I promise you I'll be here with you." Their hands tightened and locked together, never letting go.

"Does your arm hurt...?" He shook his head, first up and down then side to side. "It did, but I feel better, especially now that you're awake Sejeong."

"I'm sorry (Y/n)—" He didn't even let her continue those words. Apologies are for when you've done something wrong, and this wasn't her fault at the slightest. "I will break my other arm if you apologize to me again. I don't even want to hear you say 'sorry' because it's not your fault."

"I should've moved us out of the way before that truck came. It was just so fast... I couldn't do anything to help us." Her eyes dripped with tears, and his hands instantly snapped to wipe them away. "It was an accident on your part, and not so much on the other driver. He was drunk and nearly killed the both of us." (Y/n) realized she hasn't really received the full context of the situation.

"Does the media know?" He nodded softly. "I was out too long to prevent anything. Our managers tried their best, same for my parents. Sorry, at least they have the truth rather than some rumor that we caused the accident." (Y/n)'s head turned to the side at the sound of the door opening up, one of their previous doctors making their way over. She administered a few tests and checked the possibility of movement loss in Sejeong's lower half body.

Unfortunately, their fears were proven correct when the doctor declared her new disability. Although it was too soon to see what could be done, for now it was to be assumed that Sejeong could no longer use her legs. The two were left alone, deserving this needed time together.

(Y/n) sat beside her on the bed, holding her tightly as she cried into his arms. Nothing he could say at this moment would help. The best he could do was comfort her and allow her to calm herself down. After all, hearing that you can no longer dance, run, and let alone walk was the worst thing that could be done to your career. Sejeong was an idol, performing on stage was her life and this is a new drastic change to her. (Y/n) was also an idol alongside her, both under the same company. 2 years ago they had a collaboration, 2 years ago they began dating, and as of now they were still together.

Sejeong began to doze off in his hold, as he slowly tried to slip out of her grasp. The bed wasn't exactly ideal for two people and his arm needed its own space too. "Don't go... stay here with me." (Y/n) nodded and did so despite his aching arm. Together they laid there until both of their minds succumbed into slumber.

3 Weeks Later
The recovery state of the two idols was going quite well. (Y/n)'s arm healed up faster than expected, and he was discharged from the hospital. It didn't change much since he was always there anyways. He was given time off to fully recover and that time was going to be spent alongside Sejeong. If possible he would spend his night at the hospital with her and sometimes he would have to return home. Sejeong herself was still recovering and growing accustomed to the usage of a wheelchair. She was also going through physical therapy to stimulate her body, seeing if there were any chances to recover her ability to walk again.

Everything was a new process that she went through, and with (Y/n) always at her side. He didn't give her any room to breathe and this was exactly how she always had him as anyways. He'd even admit himself that he was whipped for her, and she truly valued his loyalty the most amongst his traits.

(Y/n) came through the door to Sejeong's room just in time as she was still struggling to get into her chair. Her frustration vanished upon seeing him come over to her side. She even managed out a small laugh at her struggles. "Can you help me?" (Y/n) didn't even hesitate, slipping his arm underneath her legs and around her body as he lifted her up. Instead of setting her down onto the chair however, he brought her into the bathroom himself.

"You didn't have to carry me." She said, pecking him on the cheek. He only smiled and helped her use the bathroom. After finishing, he placed her back onto her own bed. Just as he was about to stand up, Sejeong pulled him down by the helm of his shirt, crashing her lips onto his. "Happy birthday." She said, watching him smile brightly in return.

"I couldn't find a gift for you, and my manager was also busy. I'll make it up to you once I get discharged." (Y/n) sat down beside her.

"You've been my present for the past two years. Just having you as mine is enough." He said, getting a small pinch on his cheek. "Grow up, you're 24 now. Being cheesy doesn't suit you." Their lips met again for a shorter kiss this time.

"You're only two years older than me, don't act like you're that mature as well. Who whines the most when I forget their favorite snack?" He teased her, first with their age difference and with her small outbreaks where she would snap at him for not restocking her snacks after eating them.

"Do you remember when we first met?" Sejeong asked him, watching him nod in response. "I'll always remember how much we didn't like each other, especially when the company forced us to date for publicity." He brought his hand up and cleared a few strands of hair out of her face.

"A few months later and I was head over heels for you, and it's all your fault." (Y/n) joked, his hand running down and linking up with hers. "My fault?! How is it my fault that you fell in love with me?"

"I admired your voice as a fellow artist, and I was always taken aback by your beauty, but it was your smile that made me lose control." She squeezed his hand in response, signaling her content with his words.

"Well, at first I didn't like you either. I thought it was weird that we had an age difference, and because you were younger. I didn't want to date some kid, and I was glad you weren't immature." She pulled the same move, brushing hair out of his face while talking. "Then we started hanging out, going on dates that weren't scripted, and it was when we first kissed on our own terms that I began to fall in love with you."

"Do you want to know my birthday wish?" (Y/n) said suddenly, making her slowly nod. "I want you to listen to my promise." Her heart fluttered and grew heavy at the sound of his voice. His selfless trait was along the top of her favorites.

"I promise that I will love you for the rest of my life, even if we end up fighting sometimes, or if there is ever a chance that we are no longer together, I'll love you no matter what." Sejeong's fingers began to fidget with the ring around his finger, smiling at the sight of it. This was their one year anniversary ring, also their promise ring that (Y/n) decided to buy for the both of them.

"I promise that I will also love you forever, no matter what happens between us, even if I'm no longer with you."

Later that night
Sejeong's trance of sleep was interrupted as she slowly began to wake up. The room was dimly lit in the corner where (Y/n) was resting. Or at least he was, because he was nowhere to be seen. She assumed he might've just been in the bathroom but it was also pitch black in there. It may have been the wind or just her intuition that made her linger towards the door. After carefully getting onto her chair, she rolled herself to the exit. Before she could even open it, voices could be heard from the other side. One she recognized immediately, the others were seemingly older.

"How much longer are you going to keep this up? Are you really going to spend the rest of your life caring for her every need?" A woman's voice asked.

"I will do it until I drop dead." Sejeong flinched at the anger in his voice. Aside from their small arguments, he's never been angry for real in such a time like this.

"Think of the company, how are we going to strive if you restrain yourself with a girl like her? Do you really want to marry a girl whose career is going to end up failing, and someone who won't even be able to give you children." An older man's voice spoke out which she now presumed was (Y/n)'s father and the woman his mother.

"Just give it a rest already. You've done all you could for her." His mother popped in again, making him finally snap.

(Y/n) took in a deep breath, loud enough for Sejeong to hear. "Take my name off the family registry, go find a new son if you please, as of today I am no longer your son." His parents gasped at his words. "I don't even have any words for you two. I'm disgusted to even believe what I just heard from you. My own parents, telling me to break up with my girlfriend because what, she can't walk anymore? I'll carry her in my arms for the rest of my life if I need to. Children? I didn't date her because I only wanted kids, I'm with her because I love her."

Tears began streaming down Sejeong's face, her thoughts fiddled with a double edged blade. His parents made a new point that was a revelation to her, how would she and (Y/n) have children? Is that even possible anymore? And to add to that, (Y/n)'s parents were business owners, meaning he would eventually inherit their wealth and corporations. How would marrying her help him in any way? On the other hand, she trusted him more than anything in this world. It scared her at how much he would throw away for her. His love was a little frightening as of right now, and this was still so fresh to her that she didn't know whether she liked it or not.

Her mind snapped back to reality when she heard his parents voices again, pleading for him to change his mind. The sounds of footsteps came close as Sejeong rolled back over to her bed and attempted to climb back into bed. It was hard enough trying to get down, and now getting back up was even harder. Half of her body was up onto the bed while her lower half was dangling still.

Time got the better of her as the door opened up and revealed (Y/n), rushing over in a panic. His arms swooped her up and helped her onto the bed. "What's wrong? Why didn't you just call for me?" (Y/n) asked her.

Her breath was still heavy from hearing his talk earlier and the rush of trying to get back onto her bed. His mother's words ran through her head again, will he really be like this forever? Caring for her and tending to her needs. Sejeong's mind rambled on without even realizing (Y/n) had pulled her into his embrace, holding her gently against his body and comforting her.

"I won't ever leave you." He thought out loud, her ears picking it up and relaying it to her heart. On cue, her heart poured out her emotions and tears erupted from her eyes once again. (Y/n) did his best to push them away, hushing her tears to an eventual halt.

There wasn't anything she could even say in this moment, all she could do was hold onto him with her life.

Next Day
Sejeong was the first to stir awake, rolling around on the tight bed they had shared the night before. She finally turned back around to see (Y/n) beside her, arms still wrapped around her. His eyes however were wide open, having been awakened with her movements. She snuggled even closer to him, feeling his body respond with the same action.

"Will you tell me why you were crying last night?" (Y/n) asked, seeing her head look up at him.

"I... heard you and your parents talking, and I didn't know what to do. Can we really do this? For the rest of our lives, with you taking care of me and my needs." His hand moved up and grabbed hers, intertwining them together.

"I said I would do it until I die, I meant it. I don't care if I have to carry you out of bed every morning, whatever it is, I'm doing it for you." (Y/n) said.

"They also mentioned us not having children... is that even still possible for us? I can't even give you a son or a daughter now." Sejeong didn't know whether she was too calm or if there were any tears left for her to let out, regardless she let her words pour out of her mind.

"I'm sure there's still a way. Even if we can't have children of our own, we can always adopt. They'll be our children regardless of blood." (Y/n) had a response to everything, every concern that appeared he would solve and push past. But her fears got the better of her...

"You'd be better off without me..." His mind snapped instantly, very displeased with what he just heard her say.

"Don't you dare say that, don't even think of me leaving you." (Y/n) said, making her flinch from his voice.

"What will people think when they learn about me? About us? Will you really be able to live with me holding you back?" Sejeong went on.

"Sejeong I swear to god, you better stop this right now." He sat up in the bed across from her.

"Can you... please leave me alone?" Her voice was quiet, but enough for him to hear. It was enough to make his heart ache for her.

"Don't say that... don't push me away. You know I won't do that." She sat up in the bed as well. "Please get out..." (Y/n) shook his head, refusing her words.

"Sejeong, don't do this. Stop telling me to leave, I told you already I'm never leaving you." She tried to loosen his fingers but it worked to no avail.

"What if this was the other way around, and I tried to push you away. Would you just leave me?! If I couldn't walk, give you children, would you really leave me behind?" The gates finally crashed within her hearts and out came the locked up tears. He didn't need another moment to know that she needed him. (Y/n) moved over to Sejeong's side and allowed her to collapse into his embrace again.

Her voice mouthed out apologies over and over, for once she did something wrong. "Don't ever say this again, don't ever try to push me away because that's worse than death itself. I'm never leaving you."

6 months later
Time began to flow as (Y/n) and Sejeong carried on with their lives. She was discharged a few months later but remained in physical therapy to further recover from any remaining amounts of trauma. (Y/n) had returned to work after Sejeong returned home with him. They had their managers to help take care of her while he was preparing for a new comeback, and he definitely did play his part in taking care of her. He made changes to their house, building small ramps up their steps and making their house to her new lifestyle. She appreciated every bit of it, even if he did treat her like a child when they first returned home, she knew he did this out of the goodness in his heart.

"(Y/n)! Can you give me a hand?" Sejeong shouted from their bedroom. A few seconds later and (Y/n)'s head poked through the door.

"What do you need?" She rolled herself around and showed her back to him, her hand pointing back at her dress. "Can you zip this up? I can't reach it." He zipped up the back of her dress, watching as she turned around on the bed. Sejeong couldn't help but laugh at his mouth gaping open.

"You look so beautiful. What are our fans going to do when you show up on stage with me?" (Y/n) had a performance tonight and Sejeong had decided to tag along. At first it didn't seem like a good idea, but she convinced him otherwise.

She pulled him down to her level for a passionate kiss. It ended up with him atop of her on the bed, their lips never separating for more than a second. "Can we later...?" She asked, seeing him nod to her request. Nothing kept their love apart, even with the circumstances Sejeong was under, they came together and made love in their own ways.

A little while longer and his manager showed up with their van. If fans weren't fans, maybe he could just drive up to the place himself. It was hectic enough just getting inside the building without running into fans, so bringing along Sejeong would be even more chaotic. This time they had to take the back entrance for safety precautions especially with Sejeong's first appearance in 6 months. (Y/n) pushed her in, moving past staff members and even running into a few acquaintances. It was hard, even if she had spent time preparing to be in the eyes of the public again. Being judged as an idol was already hard as it was, but now she was even more prone to their hate.

(Y/n) and Sejeong both knew things like this would happen for sure. It wasn't like they didn't receive hate when they began dating. The "fans" that were outraged and sending their upsurges of hate online and in person were extremely horrible. It only worsened when they did finally commit to the so-called fake relationship they were in initially. Then there were the real fans, or the people who just didn't care. Many people supported their relationship and admired the power couple.

"Are you ready?" (Y/n) asked. "As long as you're with me." They both smiled, interlocking hands together as they awaited their turn. She was the first onto the stage, with (Y/n) behind her and pushing her chair. It was silent for a few seconds before fans finally let out their screams and cries.

In the center of the stage was a placed couch from the staff. Sejeong propped herself out and onto the seats, followed by (Y/n) shortly after. He had grabbed the mics beforehand, giving it a small test. "I love you." He cheekily added, looking at Sejeong. A wave of screams erupted from the crowd.

"I love you too." Sejeong whispered, only for the mic to pick up a bit of it.

It wasn't long until he had to perform, the music cueing up as he readied up. For this one performance (Y/n) decided to go with one of his b-sides, a song that was written by his one and only. Rather than performing it by himself, it was all too fitting for Sejeong to join along.

Song: Swim Away - Sejeong
Bold = Sejeong, Italics = (Y/n), Both = Both

Under the peaceful expression I wear on my face
was a secret that you don't know
You can't see it at a glance,
the truth hidden underfoot
You don't know at all

Following my feelings,
Following my steps
To that unfamiliar place go away, go away

As I lead
As I have
As I please
My two feet will go there go

To find my way I swim away
With no one seeing I swim away
Leave behind the frequent ups and downs
The place I can reach is heaven's on my way

I also don't know my future at all
Just like you don't know
Even I don't know
That's why it's so exciting
Look around and take a deep breath
Don't be so impatient

Following my feelings
Following the warmth
To a place that's more like me go away go away

As I lead
As I have
As I please
My two feet will go there go

I'll swim away far far away
With no one seeing I swim away
Leave behind the frequent ups and downs
The place I can reach is heaven's on my way

The music came to an end with the crowd in awe at the two. Sejeong rested her head against his shoulder, catching her breath from her long awaited return to the stages. (Y/n) couldn't be happier to have her back on stage and seeing her thrive in her natural zone again. Suddenly he got up, offering his hands to Sejeong. Since he was the last to perform, (Y/n) decided to have a little fun. She pulled as he lifted her up into a standing position, aligning her feet atop of his. With each step that he took, she moved along with him.

They had obviously done this before, and more importantly they practiced. Her hands held onto his shoulders tightly while he kept her standing with his hands at her waist. Around they walked, forward and backwards as fans watched here and from all around the world.

Their time eventually came to an end, the two taking their leave and returning home. It was hard to control herself while knowing what he promised her already. She was glad their managers never cared much about their relationship and gave them their privacy. Once they made it back inside, Sejeong finally launched herself at him. He caught her just in time to fully pull her into his grasp and locked a hold onto her. (Y/n) carefully collected them and brought her into their bedroom. She was eager to have him again, pinning him down onto the bed. He felt the same exact way, following her every step as they didn't waste another moment together.

Their night played out like most of their other nights, with the inclusion of their love session.

1 month later
Sejeong's finishing treatments were going well, and recently she had just undergone a new form of therapy. While it was huge news to share, she was keeping it to herself for the meantime. Every session she spent in there got better and better, and she couldn't wait to show him. Right now she was resting at home on her day off. (Y/n) was out performing again and finishing up his final day of promoting his recent songs. It was nice whenever that week ends, it means relaxation can finally come back into your life.

She rolled around on the bed, bored of not having anything to do or rather not having (Y/n) to mess around with. A sudden idea sparked into her head as she gave a quick look to her wheelchair. Slowly she moved her legs freely off the edge of the bed. With a small amount of force at first, she pressed down with her feet, slowly bringing herself up. Sejeong wobbled around a bit, trying her best to maintain control of her body. Then she took a step, and another step. She held onto the walls for leverage as she made her way down the hallway.

Sejeong couldn't wait to surprise him, she tried for so long to not give it away. A few days ago he noticed her legs twitching and she had to play it off. Luckily her invitation to bed was enough to make him forget all about it.

She kept going around their house until she reached their work room. It was filled with musical equipment and a few instruments, and some of their awards were hung up around the room. Sejeong had designed this room for them, hoping to be able to work from home some days and even just for fun. She walked over to the music player, turning it on without checking the disc inside first. A few chords rang out, and a few seconds later she recognized the song. It was their collaboration song when they first had to work together. (Y/n) must've kept it here or rather he was listening to it recently.

Memories came rushing back into her mind and her heart began to count the times it skipped for (Y/n). She was so caught up in the moment that she didn't even hear the voice of her lover. It wasn't until the door behind her creaked open that she snapped out of her trance. She immediately dropped to the ground and hoped to god that he didn't see her.

"Sejeong-ah? What are you doing?" (Y/n)'s voice came from behind her. She nervously turned around, meeting his eyes to see if there was any form of suspicion. Just as she felt a bit relieved that he didn't see her, his eyes lingered around before looking back to her.

"How did you get in here? I don't see your chair, did you... crawl?" He asked, stepping more into the room.

"I was bored, I was waiting for you all day. And I wanted a bit of exercise." Sejeong said. "Maybe he bought it." She thought, hoping that he really didn't see her.

(Y/n) made his way over and knelt down to her level. Sejeong happily climbed into his arms and let him lift her up. He let her turn off their music player before leaving the room. As (Y/n) slowly carried her down the hall, he thought about it hard. Did he really see her standing up by herself? Why else wouldn't she have her chair alongside her?

He plopped her back onto their bed before kneeling down to her level. One look at her face and he knew she was nervous. He scoffed out a small laugh before grabbing one of her hands. (Y/n) held it firmly with both hands, looking up at her.

"So... did I really just see you stand up by yourself?" The shock on her face really helped give it away. She couldn't hold it in any longer and laid back against the bed. Sejeong was also covering up her face now to avoid showing any embarrassment and frustration that she was feeling.

"No....! I wanted it to be a surprise..." She whined while (Y/n) only laughed at her.

"What else are you holding out on me? Next thing I know you're going to be pregnant. What happened to not keeping secrets?" He teased her with. To his surprise her legs slowly wrapped around him from behind. His head spun around and looked, seeing that she was freely moving them.

"Let me know, I want to hear it from you." (Y/n)'s voice came out softly, making her shudder. He laid down beside her once she loosened her legs.

"It's been only a few weeks since I've been able to 'walk' again. My doctor saw that I had a potential recovery if I went into a new type of therapy. It's shock therapy and it helped stimulate my spinal cord. I wanted to tell you so bad I swear. But I wanted it to be a surprise. I wanted to walk properly again in front of you, I even imagined surprising you by walking down the aisle on our wedding day." Her voice became more and more muffled as she dug herself into him.

"You would've definitely made me jump with disbelief. And I'm overjoyed that you're going to pull through this recovery. Take it slow, and always rely on me when you need me." (Y/n) soothed her with his words once again.

"Sorry for not telling you." His lips pressed against her forehead, hushing away her apologies. "Sorry for ruining your surprise. I'll make it up to you." Her ears perked up at the sound of his promise.

"And what will that be? Can I have a hint?" Sejeong asked.

"Mmm, I'll make sure you don't find out when I'm going to propose. It could be tomorrow, next week, I want you to be unprepared when I do it." Her heart began to race.

"So... you want to propose then?" She had him there, even if she didn't know when, she knew he was going to soon.

"I've thought about it, many times. It always makes me go crazy thinking of us being married. Even if it's only papers, it's another way for us to be connected even further." She smiled against his face, pressing her lips gently against his lips. "My answer is yes, and it'll always be yes. I'm happy with you regardless of marriage or not."

They laid in each other's arms for a while, until suddenly her hand traveled down lower. "If you're planning on marrying me soon, why don't we... try for a baby?" Her question was met with a small kiss first then followed by his own questions.

"Don't you want to fully recover first? And do you not plan on returning to work for that long?" (Y/n) commented on her request.

"I don't mind the time away, especially if it means I'm going to be taking care of our baby." Inside her mind and on her face, her happiness couldn't be contained. (Y/n) gave her a smile, pulling her still lingering hand away. "Marriage first, then baby can come after, and full recovery of course."

Eh, I couldn't push myself to give it a bad theme of a story. Probably should've pushed it but I'm happy with this result. I also cut a draft smut since I didn't see a reason why I would need it other than extra length to the story. Maybe next time but I'd rather move on for now and write a new story.

Next: Lee Ahin

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