Kim Yoohyeon

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. College life is killing me and I haven't found the inspiration to write anything at all. I tried a few of the requests but kept running into dead ends. It's hard for me to write a scenario right now especially with so many problems occurring with kpop industries right now.

Started this story before Covid-19 outbreak
Finished during this chaos, so I didn't take any of the pandemic into consideration in the story.

However, Dreamcatcher will always be on my mind. I won't forget how hard they worked this year and they still haven't received their first win yet.

First Win
"I'm so tired of this, I'm sick of it. We worked so hard, and we didn't even win. This was our best performance yet." Yoohyeon shouted at her group. They all just sat in silence, sharing the same emotions as her.

"What's even the point anymore? Every time we compete there will always be another group that wins, just because they're more popular." She said, holding her head in frustration.

JiU tried her best to comfort her but it was hard when everything Yoohyeon said was true. Gahyeon was on the verge of breaking down too, wanting to follow and give up too. It was already hard enough on everyone, but when Yoohyeon started going off... that was the last straw.

Everyone's head shot up when a few knocks were heard at the door. They already knew who it was, who else would it be? Kim (Y/n)... a fellow Idol who is apart of a BIGGER company. Usually one of them would be willing to run over and open the door, but today wasn't it.

"Yoohyeonie? Are you there? Hello?" (Y/n)'s muffled voice said.

Reluctantly, Yoohyeon stood up and walked over to the door. If it were any other day before today, she'd be running to see him. She slowly opened the door revealing the person who adored her so much. There he stood, with a small bouquet of flowers. Usually he'd be energetic and dancing around her, but the atmosphere was telling him otherwise. This was not the time. He quickly set down his items and hugged her.

"Why is my little puppy being sad? Are you not feeling well? Did you eat yet? What's wrong?" He went off, questioning her.

Yoohyeon didn't really answer him, all she did was slowly push him away. Turning away from him and taking her seat again.

"Yoohyeon... please don't be sad. It's only a contest. Even if you don't win, it doesn't matter. You preformed the best you could. You've all worked very hard, your fans worked hard voting for you. So be happy for them, and me too." He said, sitting on the floor next to her.

"That goes for all of you, please don't be sad. This was only the first week, there'll be more chances to win. It's just that you went against IZ*ONE... that's just a hard match up. Even I wouldn't win against them." Every girl quickly disagreed with him immediately.

"Your group would easily beat them (Y/n)." Siyeon spoke.

"Yeah, don't kid yourself. Your group would be dominating if you released anything new right now. Thanks for not competing against us." SuA also said.

"Don't worry, there's always a next—" He began before someone cut him off.

"Just stop (Y/n)... stop saying those words. There is never a next time. Not when every time we compete, there will always be another group that outshines us because they're more popular. Just because we sound different... that makes us lose points."

"It's not all about winning Yoohyeon. Find the bits behind it all, take what you can get out of it. Your first win is around the corner, it's only a matter of time."

"That's easy for you to say. You never disbanded, you never felt humiliation for failing. Every time we're on these shows, we know we're going to lose. There is no contest when another group wins because of popularity. That's why we disbanded in the first place. Look at us now... back to square one."

"You think it's so easy just because your group always wins. It's not like that for us smaller groups. Without your group you would be nothing." She harshly, inconsiderate of his feelings.

(Y/n)'s heart ached a little at her words. The rush of memories of anxiety and depression he once felt when his group debuted. He slowly crumbled in front of her. She never lashed out at him before, this must've been the last straw for her.

"That was a bit too harsh Yoohyeon. He was just trying to cheer you up." JiU stepped in. The others tried to comfort him but their words didn't get through his mind.

"Is that what you really think of me...?" (Y/n) quietly asked. The others were hurt at how he was feeling. No one should have to feel the feeling of being useless or bad.

"Am I really that worthless without the others? You were the last person I'd expect to see me that way. I didn't want to believe I was that useless, but if even you see me that way... then I guess I am."

"(Y/n)... she didn't really mean that. She's just upset right now. Yoohyeonie you should apologize to him." Siyeon said.

"(Y/n)... I—" He cut her off by getting up.

"I think I'll just go. Sorry for saying all that stuff. I'm just gonna go home. I'll talk to you guys later... bye Yoohyeon." He said, quickly walking out the door. No goodbye hug nor kiss. Just gone like that... she really hurt him.

"That was really mean. Why'd you say that Yoohyeon?" Gahyeon asked.

"I-I don't know, he just kept going on about how easy it was to win and I just lost it. He doesn't deal with what we went through. So I just said things..."

"Dongie would be upset with you if she were here. You should call him and apologize." Dami said, looking up from her book.

It's been a whole week since that incident. Yoohyeon still has yet to make up with (Y/n), not to mention their schedules not working out. Dreamcatcher continued to promote their album while (Y/n)'s group was getting ready to release their comeback. This was the worst possible outcome after their little dispute. Not only would they see each other again on bad terms, they'd be competing against one another.

(Y/n)'s group won, of course they were going to win. Going up against another small group and Dreamcatcher, there was no doubt about them winning. Though he appreciated the win, he knew there was no good to come from this. After singing their encore and thanking their fans, (Y/n) rushed backstage.

"Just talk to me. Tell me what you want me to do. My group won, so what? I don't care, I didn't want to win, I didn't win so that I could beat you."

"We would've won if you hadn't competed!" She shouted, pointing hatefully at him.

"Yoohyeon, I don't control when we get to preform. We live the life of idols, we do as we're told. I'm bounded by a contract, what was I supposed to do, purposely mess up my performance?!" (Y/n) emphasized loudly.

"If you really did love me, then you would've done it for me." She spat at him.

"Why is this win so important to you? I could care less for a win, yet you're blaming on me for things I can't control."

"It's important to me because it's been six god damn years (Y/n)! I've waited six years, all I've ever wanted was to win an award for the music we've made. We failed once, when we disbanded my world fell apart. We had a second chance, but it's going to be wasted at this point. Nothing has changed."

"I would give up everything I have gained, just for you. All the achievements I've accomplished, I would throw it away for you. So please see me the same way I see you." He said.

She had nothing but rage and jealousy in her mind. She couldn't control herself, all she saw him as now was the one who stole her victory away. Her love for him quickly disintegrated into thin air.

"I can't do this anymore (Y/n). If you won't support me then I don't want us to be together anymore."

"What? What are you talking about?! I've been at your side all this time. All I said was that there are more important things than a win." He quickly answered fearing what she was proposing.

"I thought your fame would help us gain more attention. It doesn't matter whatever we do, it won't change. People just won't accept our music. This is it for us, I'm done with this idol life." She said walking back to her group.

"So I was nothing more than a tool...? Just to be used and tossed away when you're done? I'm glad you loving me was just a lie. It was too good to be true after all. All of our time spent together and this was what you wanted after all. Thanks... I guess, I wish you luck with your future Yoohyeon." He said as she shut the door on him.

"Happy anniversary tomorrow..."

Yoohyeon broke the news to the media that their relationship had ended, with no further details of course. Fans were left heartbroken and betrayed at their ship sinking. Many fans were worried about the other receiving end, while Dreamcatcher continued promoting, (Y/n)'s group also kept promoting, but without him.

He broke the news of a small break, excusing himself to visit his family and relatives. Of course, this was all a lie. It was simply to get over Yoohyeon. She was his first after all. He just needed some time alone to cry himself to sleep at the lost of someone he truly thought loved him back. This wasn't just some girlfriend or relationship he wanted, this was the girl he planned on settling down with. Someone who he'd marry and have children with. Grow old with, and live out the rest of days with and eventually be buried with.

He cut himself off from Dreamcatcher, knowing they'd tell him that Yoohyeon didn't mean it. He knows she probably didn't, but the damage was done, and what she said wasn't a lie. She agreed to dating him for his fame. Maybe she did like him, who knows? Her true intent was for his fame.

He spent the entire week to sulk in his misery. He would for the rest of his life if he could, but he still had to live his idol life. So he went back immediately, fans were excited for his return and were glad that he was coping well with his break up. He had announced his return within the next performance.

(Y/n) had just finished performing with his group, their encore was one of their B-sides. A soft ballad to end their night. The boys gave their thanks and love before walking off the stage, except for one person.

"Yah! Hyung, hurry up before we leave you." One of his members called out for him. He asked them to slow down for a second. (Y/n) turned and looked at them before turning back to their fans. A grin grew on his face as he said something out into he crowd.

"One more?" The audience cheered on at his question.

"That's why you made us learn the dance? Gosh you're so lame." The youngest said jokingly. (Y/n) ran over and talked to the techs, telling them to play the specific song. Everyone else got into position as (Y/n) ran back.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Still my favorite performance yet, hopefully they top it off this year with a performance at the big shows. Just in case y'all don't know the dance)

The song began as fans screamed at the song. (Y/n) took center as this was his plan in the first place. He smiled through the whole song, every single beat he danced to just felt so perfect. The song soon ended as they showed off the first live cover of this song.

"Thank you for coming tonight! Please go and vote for Dreamcatcher tomorrow, let's get them that first win. It would mean a lot to me if all of you could do that for me." He said.

"Happy birthday Yoohyeon" He finished saying before walking offstage.

Next Day
Their cover of Scream became viral, fans went crazy at (Y/n)'s response to their break up. He showed that he still loved her very much. Now they know who broke it off, and they weren't quite happy with that, but being reasonable fans they didn't go and attack Yoohyeon's group unlike what some other fandoms would have done.

(I honestly hate these people in fandoms, but I personally hate the K-nets more than anything else since they control all the toxicity in South Korea. You'll find the Blinks, Army's, Once's, etc, every fandom has those idiots, but the ones who do the most harm are the ones who don't get hated on. K-nets will literally drown in hell. They're the reasons why we lost great idols over the past few years.)

As for (Y/n)'s request, his fans delivered. They went and did all they could. Streamed, voted, and even purchased Dreamcatcher's new album. All ever so fitting because today was another promotion for Dreamcatcher. Of course they had already heard and seen (Y/n) promoting their song for them, tripping each and every one of them with guilt.

You could say he gave them a win, or you could say he definitely made them win. Dreamcatcher won, for the first time ever since they debuted. Their latest performance had the most votes and won them the stage. The girls had never been happier, this was the best thing that has happened to them, other than their re-debut.

The girls tried to contact (Y/n) and thank him for his help. Unfortunately, none of them could. He had already removed all of their connections to him. He also didn't live with his members anymore, having moved out recently. He had planned on having Yoohyeon move in with him, but since their fight happened, that wasn't going to be happening.

Dreamcatcher's win was short lived as they felt the need to thank (Y/n). They contacted (Y/n)'s members but none of them were willing to give up their leader's whereabouts. He never asked them not to, but they felt like it was the right thing.

Their search eventually came to an end. They had accepted that (Y/n) needed his time away and they had to respect him for that. Sure, they still saw him perform with his group, but they never had contact with him again. The group slowly got over (Y/n) no longer being around, still they missed his moments with their puppy. Yoohyeon still hates herself for the obvious reasons, but the others gave her all the support she needed. It was her fault, but they can't turn on her in these moments.

Finally, promotions were over and they could rest. It was Saturday, not much was planned for them today. Some of the members ended up deciding to go shopping. They tried their best to convince Yoohyeon but she chose to sleep in instead. She was peacefully watching a movie until the doorbell suddenly rang.

She got up and walked over to answer the door. Yoohyeon opened the door before taking a step back. There stood (Y/n), just as stunning as she remembered. Without a word being spoken, she lead him inside. They sat next to each other in the living room. It took everything in her not to crush him in a hug right now. Then again, she remembered what she said to him.

She flinched at the sound of his voice. "It's nice to see you again Yoohyeon". She turned to him, noticing that he wasn't looking at her, but instead he just looked forward.

"How have you been?" He simply asks.

"Fine, it's been quiet for a while now." She responded.

"No more extra chaos with you and the others." She said, both of them giggling a bit.

"Congratulations on your first win. I'm very proud of you girls. You proved everyone wrong, your music is the most unique out of any group, and you've shown that you are capable of fighting for your name. I'm glad you didn't give up." He said.

"You also proved yourself wrong. You said you were done with this idol life. Look at you now, you have your first win just like how you always wanted." She was at a lost for words. There were so many things she needed to do and say. Her voice finally came out in the end.

"Thank you (Y/n)... for everything. I... never got to say it, but I'm sor—" He pulled her in for a kiss, silencing her. So much for the time to think of what to say to him. She didn't hesitate to kiss him back. Regardless of her plan to use him, she really did love him.

It started off sweet and passionate, before turning into a heated session. Yoohyeon slowly slid down as he rose over her. This is what they yearned for the most during their break. It's not like they haven't done it already, but this was always special. Before they could go any further, a scream came from the doorway. JiU stood there shocked with happiness, while Siyeon covered Gahyeon's eyes and screamed for her to not look. SuA snapped all the photos she could of this scene for "later", and Dami walked passed and went into her room only to report the news to Handong.

"Took you two long enough! I waited and waited, finally my ship is back!!!" JiU cheered along with SuA.

(Y/n) quickly caught up with the girls before pulling Yoohyeon aside. They went into her room, locking the door. The dorm quickly became a jungle as the others were doing their own things and created all kinds of noises. (Y/n) and Yoohyeon had their chance to talk. It still wasn't easy to talk about, but one thing was clear, they still loved one another. She apologized again, and again. For having said those things, and confessed the truth of how she planned to use him for fame.

"So that's why you wanted to date me, because I was popular. So you really did use me then. But too bad for you, you fell for me anyways." He said, joking about the end.

"I thought it would work... it seemed so possible. I thought if we could just get a bit of attention then it'd be enough. You didn't make it easy... I just liked you too much to let you go. And things lead to another and we ended up here. I didn't mean to blame you... but I was just being stupid. I wanted that win, more than anything." She confessed.

"You really hurt me, calling me useless and saying my support meant nothing. I'm not going to forget that for a long time." He reminded her.

"I'm sorry... for everything. Can we just... try again? Please (Y/n)?" Yoohyeon asked, looking away in embarrassment.

"What if I don't want to?" He replied to her question, as her head shot up from the ground.

"P-Please... (Y/n). I'm sorry, I swear I won't use you like that anymore." She cling onto him, actual tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"I know you're sorry, and you know I've already forgiven you. It's just... not the same anymore."

"Then let's start over, we can move on together and forget this whole mess. Please (Y/n), I swear I'll change." She franticly spoke out. Instead of getting him to agree with her words, he shook his head.

"No. Why would I want that?" He said, as her heart started to break into pieces. Her thoughts came to on answer, and that was him leaving her for good this time.

"Why would I want you to change?" She looked at him confused.

"Yoohyeon, I fell in love with you for you. If you change then what is there left for me to have. What would be the point if you aren't yourself around me?" Silence passed them for a few seconds, before he found his resolve.

"I will give you one more chance—" She jumped into his arms before he could even finish his sentence.

"If you come perform with me. Live on stage, just like I always wanted to. I pick the song, we dance and sing, then we can announce our status again."

"That's it...? Where's the punishment in that? I don't hate it but, you deserve more." She said, still holding him.

"Fine, write me a song. A song for You and I, tell me how you feel, make it our song so that we can always remember it. Don't make it another money maker, make it for us." They both nodded, pressing their heads against each other. Sweetly, their lips met again.

"I'll do it. I promise (Y/n)... thank you for this. Thank you so much, for everything." She tightened her grip around him. They later joined the others in their activities creating mayhem in the dorm.

Things were going to work for them. It had to, they were meant for each other. Whether by chance or fate, they just know they're meant to be together. No matter how far they run, the other will always be there to remind them what they would be missing.

I have nothing to save for my absence. Nothing other than to say that I'm living my life. I've realized that I can't write stories anymore simply because I don't have the patience. I've spent these many months just reading, and I don't regret a moment of it. Being able to live my life the way I want it to is what I want.

This will no longer be a request book, rather it'll just be a book for me to share ideas and opinions. If stories who up, then they will. I won't go out of my way to upload a story.

Hope everyone stays safe during this crisis. Stay home, stay indoors and wash your hands. To the idols we love, and to our friends and family who can never be replaced in our lives.

Here's some lovely pics of my dear Bias wrecker. Can't choose one of them, I love them all equally.

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