Kim Yerim

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First Red Velvet story! Don't know if I'll get their personalities spot on but I'll try. I love their music, especially their older title tracks. The latest ones have been decent, nothing beats Russian roulette.

(Y/n)'s POV
"How did this happen?" He asked himself. All he wanted was to get a drink, not fall into this arrangement. At first it was strange how that older man came up to him, but when (Y/n) sat down with him and started talking, he knew he was getting into something else.

"Tell me, what do you think of life?" The man asked. (Y/n) didn't want to overthink it so he gave his basic reply.

"Well... life is precious and beautiful. It's an opportunity to be alive and we shouldn't take it for granted. There are so many things for us to see, do, and experience." (Y/n) said sounding as cliche as possible.

"You're an interesting one young man. Are you currently in a relationship?"

"Not at the moment, why?" (Y/n) responded with a confused look.

"Are you harboring any feelings for anyone? Is there somebody you have your eyes on already?" The man pestered on. But again, (Y/n) shook his head.

"No, I haven't really found anyone quite like that yet. May I ask why you're asking me this?" (Y/n) pondered.

"I have a daughter, she's the exact opposite of you. Takes things for granted or in other words spoiled. I raised her that way and it was my mistake. I'm afraid I may lose her with the way she is now. So, I'd like to propose something to you." He said, seeing the curiosity in (Y/n)'s eyes.

"I'd like you to marry her, I want to you be with my daughter and teach her about seeing life differently." (Y/n) sat there in silence, blinking to himself, thinking, trying to make sense of what he just heard. Finally he snapped.

"What? W-Why me? I don't really think—"

"It's the way you act young man. You're respectful, the way you spoke to me. You seem responsible enough, you're living just fine. I'd like to have my daughter live the way you live. Maybe she can change and come to be like you. I want to see her happy and be with someone who can treat her right."

"And what if she rejects? We can't just force her. I really don't think she'll be fine with being with someone like me" (Y/n) said as he once again proved the man's point of being a good person.

"How about this... 5 months. If she doesn't come around and change then you can end things, no hard feelings." Showing his fingers as a representation of five.

"If you want me to date your daughter then I'll happily do it, but in a normal way. Not forced or anything." (Y/n) said.

"No, the only way she would be committed to you is by marriage. If I had you go out with her, she'd play you off within the first day."

"I don't know..." (Y/n) whispers.

"Alright, I get it. It's a lot to take in, you can refuse if you want. I mean who wouldn't a young wife, and inherit a fortune."

"Very funny sir, you don't have to make me feel bad. I just don't know if I'm the right person for this. I don't even know anything about her nor does she about me."

"That's the point. You two will get to know each other after."

"So you just want me to change her, turn her into a better person? Nothing else correct?"

"Yes of course. Well, you are free to do whatever you both would want. I just expect a few grandchildren." (Y/n) choked and spat out his drink with that final line.

"So, is that a yes? I'm running out of time. I can't wait forever son." He asked.

"I'll accept sir." A warm smile appeared on the man's face.

"I knew you would. I'll set things up, you two will be married within a week. Please take care of her. She's a handful and she may not love you, but she's still human."

The wedding happened, it was kept quiet. Only close relatives and friends were invited. As for (Y/n), well he got married to a girl he didn't even know. She was quite something though. So warm yet so cold. So beautiful yet even more beautiful. To prove his thoughts right, he was correct when he said she was going to be against this. She hated it, and him mostly. Oh yeah, her name was Kim Yerim. He didn't learn of her name until a few days after agreeing to the deal.

No honeymoon was involved since both (Y/n) and his wife refused. No incidents would happen, no interactions nor intercourse. (Y/n) brought her to his house, well it was theirs now. A bit tipsy as any man would be or more on his wedding day. Yerim had fallen asleep on the way home leaving (Y/n) having to carry her inside. She had a bit more than he did during their wedding.

She hated this and him of course. (Y/n) wasn't that clueless to realize. He laid her down on his bed before taking off his suit and switching out into more comfortable clothing. As for his wife, he'd rather not lay his hands on her. (Y/n) was even wondering if sharing the bed would be the right choice. But he was too tired to decided so he plopped down next to her and slept. It wasn't long until he small body frame rolled over and embraced him, wrapping her arms around him. Well, that was enough to steal a part of his heart.

Next Day
(Y/n) awakened later that morning, noticing that Yerim was missing from his side. However the sound of the shower reassured him of his worries. He got up and decided to cook breakfast for the both of them, he checked his fridge and made a note to himself to go shopping later.

There wasn't much so he went with the basic eggs, pancakes, and a bit of bacon. Spending a majority of his time independent his life, he had learnt a lot of basic things to survive on his own. By the time he had finished setting up the table, Yerim had finished her shower and finally came out. (Y/n) directed her towards the table before taking a seat across from her.

They ate in silence. (Y/n) occasionally glimpse at her a few times noticing how she didn't even bother to look at him. She finished most of the food instantly. (Y/n) collected the plates and started washing them as Yerim wandered over to his living room. He heard the tv turn on as he continued to clean the dishes. Once he finished, he dried off his hands before heading into the bathroom himself and taking a shower.

Once he came back out, he joined her in the living room. He took a seat next to her watching the show with her. They still haven't spoken a single word to one another. (Y/n) really wanted to, he actually want to get to know her better but she was difficult to approach. He had to give it a go, as painful as it would be.

"Yerim. Would you mind... if we talked...?" He said. No answer from her, she just blankly stared at the tv.

"Yerim—" He began to say before she interrupted him.

"What is there to talk about? I want nothing to do with you." She said coldly.

"Listen... I know it's insane being in the situation you and I are in. You being forced to marry me and all but I just want to say that I'll try my best to make sure you're living comfortably around here."

"Like I would ever get comfortable around you. I don't even know you. Why did my father choose you, god he's such an idiot." She said.

"I don't know either. But I promised him, so we're both in this together now."

"No, we are not together. There is no we or us." She said with venom in her voice.

"I want nothing to do with you. The only thing that holds you and I together is a title."

"You say you don't know a thing about me, why don't you try. If you and I are going to be living together, I would prefer if you don't hate me." (Y/n) said, his voice still calm and soft unlike her's.

She didn't say a word as (Y/n) got up and walked away before grabbing a coat. He told Yerim that he was heading to work, asking her to lock the door behind him.

(Y/n) was bombarded with questions and comments about his recent marriage. His friends and coworkers couldn't believe it and teased him all day. However he did get some good news in return, he was being promoted which let him run it in his friend's faces. Once his shift was over he left immediately.

On the drive home he tried to think of things to do about Yerim. Her father still wanted her to"change" so he had to make her feel something about him and not just hate. Before reaching home, (Y/n) stopped to grab some groceries. He had to grab a bit more since he had someone at home with him now.

Timeskip (One week)
(Y/n) was a bit confused by the car on his driveway since he only owned one car. He just got back from work and had finished grabbing some groceries. He unloaded his car and tried to make one trip hauling everything out. He fumbled with his keys until the door opened up, revealing a familiar face.

"(Y/n)." She said.

"What are you doing here Joo-Hyun-noona?" (Y/n) asked. She helped grab a few things before letting him in.

"I told you, Irene is fine. Stop adding the noona as well, you're making me feel old." She scolded him.

"You are old." He said before getting whacked on the head.

They both put the bags down onto the table before (Y/n) noticed the rest of the girls in his living room. He knew them of course, one more than the rest. His still noticed the unpleasant looks from Yerim.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Joy said giving him a wave. He took his coat off before hanging it.

"What's with the visit? It's only been a week. I guess you guys do miss your sister." He asked.

"We're just here checking up on you two. I want to know if I'm becoming an aunt yet." Irene said.

"Uh... no." (Y/n) said, shutting down her hopes.

"Never." Yerim muttered.

"Wendy, can you stop? He's not mad at you, he's not going to be like that." Joy said to her. This caught (Y/n)'s attention to Wendy, somebody he used to know better.

"Wendy, it's been years. I've already forgiven you. Please just forget about it." He said, a bit coldly.

"Is there something we're missing here?" Seulgi asked. He gestured for her to answer while he walked into the kitchen and started to put the groceries away.

"Wendy dumped him back in high school for another guy. Long story short, she got cheated on and she wants to make amends." Joy explained. She hugged Wendy before reassuring her. "Didn't you hear him, there's nothing wrong between you two. He forgives you. Plus he's with our little Yeri now."

"You dated him Wendy?" Yeri asked. Wendy only nodded still looking down about it.

"How come you never told us about him?" Seulgi asked.

"We kept it a secret." (Y/n) said from the kitchen. Metal clanged as (Y/n) took out pots and pans to start cooking.

"Yeri, listen I don't—" Wendy began.

"Save it. I don't care what happened between you two. You can have him. I'll just wait and divorce him." Yeri said, not caring if (Y/n) heard or not which he did.

"Yeri, he's your husband, watch what you say. And no, Father isn't going to allow that. He's not letting you pull out of this marriage unless (Y/n) makes the call." Irene said.

"Why?! I didn't want to marry him. Father is trying to make my life miserable by making me marry this guy. I already had someone else!" Yeri shouted at her sisters. Once again, everything was heard by (Y/n).

"No, that boy of yours is not right for you. He's just playing with you, I've seen it all. Trust me." Irene said.

"Besides, (Y/n) isn't that bad. He's a hard working guy, and he's even cooking for you right now." Joy added.

"Yeri, he's a great guy. Trust me... I would know. And what you said earlier, that wasn't nice. I'm not getting back together with him, I hurt him enough. I can already see he's trying his best to make you happy. So please apologize to him." Wendy said.

"No, I don't want anything to do with him. I hate this! I hate him!"

"Ouch." (Y/n) thought to himself as he continued cooking. "Why did I agree to this again?" He thought.

"Yeri, you're being a brat now. You haven't even given him a chance. You should be grateful to have (Y/n) as your husband instead of some 30 year old man. He's your age, he works, he's loving, just ask Wendy for more reasons." Irene said.

"We're going now, you'd better apologize to him. He's not deaf, so I'm pretty sure he heard everything we said."

"Uh, no you're not." (Y/n) said appearing out of the kitchen.

"I'm cooking all this food and you're just going to leave?" He said frowning. (Y/n) directed them towards the table as all of seated without arguing. Yeri actually joined without complaint. They waited a bit longer before (Y/n) finally served the dishes.

Seulgi enjoyed every fried dumpling she grabbed, the stir-fry was enjoyed by everyone. (Y/n) had to finish cooking the briskets before serving them. And lastly he served a few fillets of salmon, surprising Yeri a bit. He grabbed a bit of food and ate quickly before starting to wash the dishes.

"(Y/n), how did you learn how to cook?" Seulgi asked.

(Y/n) turned his head before looking at Wendy before turning back to wash the dishes. "I started baking with Wendy when we used to date. She taught me a lot of the basics. After that I just found the time to learn and watch videos."

"Well, I think you should make more of salmon next time. Yeri really likes it." Seulgi said getting a complaint from Yeri.

"(Y/n)?" Joy said.

"Yes?" He replied before grabbed the last few utensils to wash.

"If you weren't married to Yeri, would you have been willing to get back with Wendy?" Joy asked as both the girls mentioned scolded her.

"Joy?! Why would you say that!" Wendy shouted.

"(Y/n)?" Joy said, ignoring the complaints.

"Maybe back then. You know, when I was lonely after being dumped. I wouldn't have minded getting back together with Wendy. But at this point, no. I'm with Yeri now, even if she doesn't like it. I'd like to fall in love again, even if it's one sided. Just like it was between me and Wendy." He said.

"That's not true (Y/n)... I did like you too." Wendy said.

"Sure Wendy." He said quietly.

"Okay, that's enough drama for one night. I think it's best if we leave these two alone. Come on girls." Irene said before they began to leave, thanking (Y/n) for the meal. (Y/n) finished cleaning up as Yeri had already made her way back to the tv. (Y/n) walked over and sat besides her. He hasn't been expressing it, but the past week with Yeri hasn't been the best. She doesn't talk to him, nor allow any sort of connection happen between them. She's right to her statement of not wanting anything to do with him.

(Y/n) slowly grabbed her hand, only for her to yank it away. But he grabbed her hand again, holding it tightly this time. "Yeri, about what happened between me and Wendy. That was a long time ago, I just want to let you know that there won't be anything going on between me and her anymore."

"I could care less, if you want her than go ahead. The faster I get out of this marriage, the better." She said yanking her hand away from his grasps.

"So you had someone else before me huh? I'm sorry that you got stuck in this with me." He said.

"If you are sorry then end this already. I'm tired of being here, I can't stand waking up everyday and not having anything to do."

"Then how about a night out tomorrow then? I know this nice place we could go to." (Y/n) said. She didn't answer him. "Please. Just give me this one chance. If it's not enough, then I'll end it. Deal?"

"Fine if you'll stop asking." She said. They both continued to watch until Yeri finally knocked out. (Y/n) shut off the tv before carrying her back to their room. He tucked her in before making his way back to the couch. That was another thing, he hasn't shared the bed with her since their first night home. He knew she didn't like it, so he's been sleeping here for the past week. Not the best but he dealt with it.

Next Day
The usual happened morning routine happened as they at breakfast before (Y/n) went off to work. Yeri had no other purpose rather than to just relax and entertain herself. The day went by quickly as (Y/n) returned from work and they both prepared for their first date. For the first time in forever, Yeri finally stepped outside again. Not for purposes she would ever imagine of doing.

It was around 6 when they left. (Y/n) drove them since the restaurant was a bit too far for a nice walk. They both dressed casually since (Y/n) asked her not to go too formal. Once they arrived, both of them got out of the car before heading inside the restaurant. (Y/n) had made reservations the day before just in case the restaurant would be busy.

(Y/n) and Yeri found their seats and immediately ordered their food. (Y/n) tried his best at small talk with her. He asked her how she was feeling, what she did today, things they would have talked about if they were on a date.

Yeri tried her best to avoid talking but found herself answering without thinking. She was somewhat enjoying everything. It was a nice restaurant, the food smelled amazing, and she finally got back out again.

"(Y/n)...?" Yeri found herself saying without noticing. He immediately looked up at her. That was the first time she said his name.

"Yes?" He said, tints of joy in his voice. She struggled to find out what to say. She didn't have a question in particular.

"Why did you and Wendy break up again...?" She blurted our, having to find a topic. She could see the hurt on his face when she mentioned his past with Wendy.

"She liked someone else, so she dumped me, not in the nicest of ways but she did." He explained.

"And then she got cheated on...?" Yeri pushed.

"I don't really know what happened between her and that guy. All I know is she tried to come back to me and apologize. But I just couldn't bring myself to see her again. I blocked her from everything. When we did see each other I went out of my ways to get away. It just broke my heart every time I saw her." He finished telling his story.

"Do you still like her...?" Yeri asked hesitantly. (Y/n) sat their in silence for a while before finding his answer.

"No, I've moved on. I don't really even want to be friends with her. I'm sorry, I know she's your sister but that's just my feelings towards her."

"Then do you like me then?" Yeri questioned.

"I don't know... I've been having mixed feelings towards you Yeri. I like you, you're quiet and reserved towards me yet you can be so hateful and cruel to me. Which is the other half of this. There are times when I wonder why you hate me so much. It hurts hearing that you hate me everyday." He said, not getting a reaction out of her. She was zoned out.

"Yeri?" He asked, however not getting an answer from her. He waves his hand in front of her but she didn't budge. (Y/n) finally looked to what she was looking at. Another guy with another girl, playful, cute, lovey dovey. He put two and two together and realized who that was. It was the guy who she liked before being arranged with him.

"Yeri—" He began.

"It's all your fault." She hissed.

"Yeri listen—"

"No, I'm done here. I'm going home." She said getting up.

(Y/n) called for a waiter to pay the bill. Yeri was almost out the door when he finished paying. He quickly chased after her. She didn't bother to go to his car. She was going to walk home. (Y/n) finally caught up to her and grabbed her hand.

"Yeri, if you want to leave at least let me take you home. I get it, it's my fault. Just don't go by yourself, it's not safe." He said, only for her to shake free of his hold and walk forward.

"This is all your fault! Everything. My life has completely changed and not how I want it. Everyday I wake up having to see you, someone who I don't even love! I hate being around you. You are just annoying and boring. That's probably why Wendy dumped you back then. I don't want to spend the rest of my life like this. I can't stand living with you anymore. Please just end this already!" She shouted at him before running.

"Yeri!" All she heard was her name. A simple shout, not filled with anger but concern. She turned around as she was met by his hands pushing her down. Yeri fell back onto her rear as she saw his body flail into the air. Her ears went numb, and her voice disappeared. She slowly made her way over to him. No words could explain what she wanted to say at this moment. The guilt and regret hit her harder than that car hit him.

Yeri shook him, grasping onto his shirt that was being coated with blood. His face that was so bright was now red. Her eyes became blurry with tears as she laid her head against his chest, listening to the faint beat of his heart.

The scene erupted with other people having already seen what happened. An ambulance was called and the roads were blocked to prevent more accidents.

Yeri sat outside the emergency room as doctors operated on (Y/n). She sat there, her mind blank. She couldn't move or even think anymore. All she wanted was to see him. She wanted to see his face, and know that he was fine. She wanted to have him comfort her and tell her it wasn't her fault. She wanted him...

Emergency calls had already been made to his family. His parents would not be able to make it, due to them not being close to him. He left them long ago. All that was left was her family. Her sisters were on the way, she knew it. She was going to be yelled at, scolded and hated by all of them. She didn't care, she just wanted to see (Y/n) again.

"Yeri!" She heard, making her flinch. It was like a deja vu. That was the last thing she heard before it all happened. Irene and the rest came running. Wendy looking the most distraught. They comforted Yeri as she cried in their arms.

"What happened?! He told me you two would be going on a date tonight. How did any of this happen?!" Irene asked.

Yeri explained, leaving out the part where she expressed how she felt towards him. She couldn't say it again, especially in front of them. It didn't matter how much they cared for her, if they heard what she said they would without a doubt hate her.

"Yeri, I know that look. Stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault." Irene said. Wendy stood off to the side pacing herself. She could faint at anytime, knowing that she never made amends with him.

The door suddenly opened as the doctor came out, taking off his face mask. "Are any of you his family members? I haven't been able to contact any of them." He asked.

Yeri raised her hand naming herself as his wife. They rest followed as sisters in law. He didn't seem too content with those answers but it was fine. "Well, he's going to be just fine. He hit his head pretty hard, fortunately he isn't in a coma. A few broken bones, but nothing too severe. He's very lucky to be alive."

"Can we see him doctor?" Irene asked.

"Of course, but please only two at a time. No need to crowd up his room." Irene and Yeri immediately went. And true to the doctor's words, (Y/n) looked just fine. He was still passed out but he was still alive. Which was more important than anything right now. Yeri only died more on the inside seeing him.

Timeskip (A few days later...)
A few knocks were heard at the door. It opened revealing Yeri as she quickly walked in, her elder sister. Her heart ached at the looks she received. She slowly sat down beside the bed.

"(Y/n)...? Are you coming home today?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah, they already discharged me. I'm free to go." He said.

"That's great to hear. I can drive you two home whenever you're ready." Irene spoke. Yeri helped (Y/n) out of bed before leading him out. He'd already noticed, she's been different ever since. She willfully made contact with him, or even started conversations with him. She showed her form of affection while taking care of him.

It felt nice... it was as if she finally realized what she had in front of her all this time. Even if she did somewhat like him now, he knew it was out of guilt. That wasn't what he wanted. If she was feeling forced then there was no point in having this one sided marriage.

The drive home was nothing too special. Aside from Yeri holding onto him and laying her head on his shoulders. Again, another thing she had been starting to do.

Irene dropped them off before leaving for work. Yeri helped (Y/n) inside. She opened the door revealing a small little surprise. There was a banner that said "welcome home". Funny he thought to himself. It brought a smile to his face. She lead him to the kitchen where food had already been prepared.

They both ate in silence. She wanted to talk but his face turned her away. Her own words suddenly rang through her head again, especially the part of where she said why Wendy broke up with him. "You are just boring and annoying" was what she said. That was still eating away at her. Just like her sister, she never made amends. She's been simply avoiding her mistake.

"How is it... the food?" Yeri said, finally breaking the silence.

"It's great Yeri, you should cook more." (Y/n) said.

"Thanks, I had help so it wasn't just all me." She said. Once they finished Yeri washed the dishes while (Y/n) went over to the living room. He found a nice movie to play for both of them. He called Yeri once she finished and they began to watch. She wasn't too fond of it since it was horror, but he persisted.

"You can't sleep? Guess it's my turn then. Would you like... to hear my scary stories?" The man said as he slit the girl's throat. Her scream lasted only for a second before she fell to the ground bleeding out. Yeri grabbed onto (Y/n), covering her eyes from the blood. He chuckled at her move before turning the movie off. They spoke their opinions on the movie, (Y/n) enjoying it more than she did. He began teasing her with a certain scene that made her blush. She found the wedding scene a bit erotic before the reveal.

"Stop, I didn't know he was going to actually eat her." She whined.

"Good thing I'm not a cannibal right?" He joked gaining a soft smack from her. He pushed her down, hovering above her. "I wonder though, how would you taste like? Sweet, sour, maybe bitter?" He leaned in as she closed her eyes, only for him stop before blowing a breath of air into her face.

"I'm kidding Yeri, I wouldn't really do that." He apologized. Her face was getting more red. She finally decided to speak her mind, about what's been eating at her this whole time.

"How can you be so nice to me...? After all I said to you. I was so hateful, I probably still am but how can you deal with me? All I did was hate you, why didn't you hate me back?" Yeri suddenly said. "I got you hurt, all because I blamed you for something you didn't do. I still haven't even apologized yet." She began to break down.

"I'm sure they already told you, it wasn't your fault. I should've been more careful. I just couldn't think after everything you said to me. My mind just went blank. It hurt a little, a lot actually. Probably more than that car." He said, wiping her tears away.

"Do you still want... you know, you said you wanted to leave. So... I have the papers if you wanted to sign—"

"No!" She said immediately lunging forward and embracing him.

"I don't want that. I know I said it before but that was before I realized." She said.

"Realized what? That everything I did was to get you to open up to me? I just wanted you to feel special around me. Even if we didn't know each other that well. Every time that I tried, all you did was push me away. And now what, you're just realizing it all?" He said.

"I'm not sure if you really feel the same towards me Yeri. It just feels so forced..." He added.

"I'm trying aren't I?" She said, pressing her head against his chest.

"I know I'm horrible, you don't have to remind me. I just wanted to give back to you. I owe you my life, and there's nothing I can do to make it up. I can't give you back your time that you wasted on me, but I want to try to at least give you back the same love."

"Who said I loved you?" She looked up at him only to be met with his pair of lips connecting with her's. It was short lasted before he pulled away.

"Kidding. I'm not that mean. I'm glad you realized I fell for you. You win."

"That's the first time..." Yeri began saying while touching her lips.

"Oh right, we haven't kissed before." He swiftly pecked her on the lips again. Yeri didn't let him get away that quickly as she pulled him down for a longer and deeper kiss.

"So, does this mean you're giving me another chance...?" She asked.

"I thought the kiss spoke for itself. You want another one?" He joked, pretending to lean in. Just as their lips almost made contact he pulled back, running away.

Yeri chased him down as they both crashed into the bed together. Pinning him down, she got the kiss she wanted, before they embraced each other. They spent the rest of the day laying in bed. Anything they talked about, they talked for both of them. Things they wanted to do involved the other, especially Yeri's plans. A real night out, a fun day out, kids, and trying to wake up a passed out (Y/n).

Took longer than I expected. I scraped the ending several times trying to pull it off. Honestly should've ended it where the accident happened. But now you get this ending. Lots of plot holes I would've like to have done differently.

Please tell me what you thought of it. I can see the number of reads you know. A few words isn't too bad.

This is a first but nobody except one person requested on my last chapter. I guess people don't really read nor care for updates. Kinda sucks... but I guess to those who do, you get easy requests then.

Next: TBD? I'm rebounding really hard right now. There's so much I want to do but I can't find the right words to write. Probably gonna come down to another batch of my bias wreckers.

Why is she so perfect?

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