Baby x Nomin

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Jeno and Jaemin cuddling

x Fluff x


Jeno and Jaemin lie in bed, it's midnight and Jaemin is still up. Jeno is a fast and heavy sleeper, so he fell asleep even before night. Jaemin ran his hands through Jenos soft hair and smiled at the beautiful boy under his chest.

Jaemin considered himself lucky, blessed by the gods himself that he got Jeno. What did he ever do to deserve this boy. Jeno was everything to Jaemin. If Jeno wasn't there with Jaemin, Jaemin wouldn't feel as he would today, wouldn't be happy.

Jaemin started to hum a tune and after awhile Jeno started to move around, and eventually stretched his arms in the air. Jaemin could only watch in adoration at the cute boy. Jeno finally gave a loud exhale of air and left his hands as they were, above him, and went back to sleep. Jaemins heart was beating at full pace and leaned down and he hugged Jenos waist tightly. Jeno gave a quick little sound as he hugged Jaemin back, slowly and tiredly.

"Is my baby tired hm?" Jaemin whispered as he hovered over the sleeping boy, resting himself on his elbow.

Jaemin smiled as he caressed Jenos soft face, and his hair. Jaemin stared at Jeno for awhile, before the boy stirred and stretched again as he arched his back and raised his hands above his head again like a baby. Jaemins hand traveled under Jeno and on his back. Jeno's hands then landed on Jaemins shoulders, and his eyes barely opened to see Jaemin hovering above him. Jaemin softly smiled at Jeno's tired state, Jenos eyes were barely open and his hair was all over the place, and yet he still managed to look beautiful.

"My baby." Jaemin whispered as he caressed Jeno's cheek with his thumb. Jeno only made a soft noise and closed his eyes again.

Jaemin then proceeded to leave kisses on his forehead and his nose, down to his soft lips. Jaemin leaned down and hid his face in Jeno's neck while developing him in a hug from his waist, and gave a sigh and closed his eyes and inhaled Jeno's sweet scent.

"Goodnight love." Jaemin whispered.

And the night stars shined into their room, so did the great big moon. Jaemin and Jeno were at peace, unbothered by the world outside. Both complete in each other's warmth.


I feel soft tonight :( especially for Nomin :((

Good night readers~

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