Why him x Nomin

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Jeno is jealous when Jaemin kisses someone at a party.

But why should he be. Jeno is a good kid, Jaemins a drop out.


He shouldn't be jealous. He shouldn't be. Jaemin is known to attract girls from every angle, but right now it hurts. Jeno watches Jaemin have a heated make out with a girl in the middle of the living room, infront of everyone with no shame.

Jeno is jealous, and might be a little drunk, but he doesn't want to be here. He doesn't. Jaemin has been flirting with him for the last week and now Jeno has grown a heated loving hatred towards him.

He finally starts making his way out of the loud music and the heat of the bodies, but can't seem to find the exit. He turns and turns but all he sees is drunk people grinding against each other and it's ever ending.

He then gets jerked back and his chest collides with someone else's. He swiftly looks up to find a man he's never seen before, and he was gripping his wrist quite tightly. It was painful.

"Where you headed of to babe?" He said and Jeno could just smell the alcohol. This guy was obviously drunk.

"Let go of be you bastard!" Jeno yells but not even he can hear himself over the music.

"Nah your to pretty to miss out on. Let me pleasure you tonight." He said and Jeno instantly slapped him in the face as he struggled out of his grip.

The mans face turned but slowly crept back to look at Jeno and had a creepy smile on his face, Jeno was scared by now. The grip on his wrist tightened and Jeno gave out a cry of pain as it hurt.

"You shouldn't of done that sweet heart." He said and then dragged Jeno by the wrist upstairs. Oh no. Upstairs. The last place Jeno wanted to be.

Once they were up Jeno was surrounded by half naked bodies and make out sessions. He was disgusted and tried to pull his wrist away again as he cursed at the man. But the pain was so much that he actually thought his wrist was gonna break.

Jeno was thrown into a room and he landed on the floor, and the man instantly got on top of him and started grabbing at him.

"Let go of me! I'll call the cops on you!" Jeno yelled and started cursing at him while fighting with all his strength to just get out of his grip. He then felt tears prick his eyes but blinked them away as he thought he was being childish.

Then all the sudden he heard aloud hit noise and instantly closed his eyes as he flinched. He felt the grabby hands stop, and he opened his eyes to see blood coming from the other persons head.

Jeno gasped as he looked up and saw Jaemin, holding a broken beer bottle, and looking full of fury and a wild man. He then dropped the beer and grabbed the man, and he and the man went at it. Jeno was so confused and lost in it all that he just sat there watching the fight undeveloped.

Jaemin threw a punch and so did the man. Punch after punch finally the man fell to his knees and coughed, and Jaemin kicked him over as he flicked out a pocket knife from his back pocket, and hit the button. Jeno's eyes widened at the sight of the sharp blade, and Jaemins eyes were full of revenge and no mercy.

Jeno immediately got up and ran towards Jaemin, and right before Jaemin could lift his arm Jeno grabbed it and stopped him as he got in front of him.

"Jaemin, put the knife away." Jeno whispered as softly as he could, Jeno could see the fire burning in his eyes, and slowly made Jaemin face him.

"Jaemin look at me. It's okay- I'm okay." Jeno whispered and Jaemin finally looked at Jeno and slowly put the knife away. Jeno gave a sigh of relief and let go of Jaemin.

"I'm sorry. I got mad...how did that pedo even get in my party?" Jaemin asked he ran his fingers through his hair.

Jeno could only shrug. "I don't know, but if I were you I would call the cops. I wouldn't want this happening again." And with that Jeno walked out of the room without another word.

"Hey Jeno wait up!" He heard Jaemin yell, but kept walking. He didn't want to talk to Jaemin. He doesn't know why his moods shift so easily but when it comes to Jaemin everything just seems so out of place.

He was almost to the exit whenever a hand stopped him, and he turned around to face Jaemin.

"Hey. I wanted to talk." He said and Jeno scoffed.

"I'm sure. If it's about being your sex buddy I'm out." Jeno said as he shrugged off Jaemins grip and walked onto the grass. Jaemin then stopped him by getting infront of him and putting his hands out in defense.

"No no no I just- I want just talk Jeno. Please. Listen to me." He begged and Jeno felt his heart hurt, but he was just another toy in Jaemins eyes. Just another person to make out with and have sex with.

"Then speak." Jeno said harshly.

"I- I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I tease you and sometimes bully you at school- it's just my nature! But I'm not like that! I swear! I'm a good kid! I don't like making out with random people but I do it just to fit in with the cool kids! I don't want to be a loser! And- ever since I saw you- and we had that night- I can't get you out of my head Jeno." Jaemin said, stumbling over his words.

Jeno raised an eyebrow in confusion, and was taken back by the sudden outburst.

"What are you saying?" Jeno said cluelessly.

Jaemin made an angered noise and ran up to Jeno as he cupped his face, and kissed him. Usually Jaemins kisses are rough and forced, but this was not. It was soft. Gentle and not rushed at all. Jeno's feelings were being jumbled up again and he couldn't think straight.

Jaemin then pulled away and looked at Jeno.

"Jeno. I love you." Jaemin said in a whisper and Jeno looked at him right in the eye.

He was telling the truth.

Jeno's eyes widened, and then he got excited.
He smiled and hugged Jaemin, who was surprised at the hug.

"I love you too."


What the fuck is this 🗿🤝
Pls kill me
This is so cringey
I did Nomin wrong :(

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