Concert x Jaeyong

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I always have this imagination scene :)


The lights were shining bright, so bright it was blinding. The beats when the bass dropped was incredible and thrilling as it sent chills up your body. Two boys stand in the crowd, cheering their beloved idol. The tallers eyes on the smaller, who was singing along with the song. Happily smiling. The tallers heartbeat raced every time he saw the smile, and felt himself fall into love as he stared.

The white haired didn't even know, nor cared what was happening around him. He was free spirited, careless about the world. He lived in his little bubble and left everything else to depend on itself, he was reckless with his fragile yet dull life.

The taller with brown hair knew this, being friends with the small boy for awhile. Pity fell beneath him and he couldn't help but feel bad for the boy. He had such a rough background, such a bumpy past that the car had stirred off the road and was driving into nowhere.

The song turned into the bridge part, and he couldn't help but feel something spark in him. Something that he never felt or done before. He wrapped his hand around the boys waist and leaned him to face him as he stared into his lost eyes. His broken yet life full eyes. The thin boy seemed taken back by the gesture, but was then taken into reality when he slowly felt lips colliding onto his.

The kiss was soft, so gentle, so meaningful it was tear filled. So spoken from the heart, and so painful he leaned into the want of touch and love. The kiss pulled away and that's when the smaller gave the most beautiful smile he could ever, and the tallers heart did a thing.

A thing called love.

The lights slowly went out as the song was over, but his light still stayed.

The light still shone brightly.

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