Chapter 14: Lancer's Dark Side

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The group got settled in, the arcade machines against the main entrance and some on the door the zombies had come from. Susie was picking at her teeth with fingernails, Lancer and Martha was looking for food, Kris and Ralsei sat behind the reception desk.

Lancer and Martha looked under seats, on tables, behind cabinets for food. All they found so far were some granola bars and scraps of chips and beverages that had been spilt.

"Martha? Can I ask you a question?"


"Why does no one trust me enough to give me a weapon?" Lancer asked with big puppy dog eyes. "I'm not a child, I can do things myself,"

"It's hard to explain to you, I don't want to hurt your feelings,"

"There you go again!" Lancer exclaimed. "I'm not a child! I won't be offended by your comments! I swear!"

"We all just don't want to hurt your feelings,"

Lancer stayed silent as he stared into Martha's eyes.

"You all don't even give me a chance to prove myself!" Lancer shouted. "What is wrong with you all?!"

"Lancer, you have to understand that we're just looking out for you!" Martha tried explaining.

"Looking out for me? You're babying me!"

"Well hey, it's not all my fault! Susie babies you too!"

"I'm not a child. I'm a high schooler, like the rest of you,"

"You don't even know how to swear"

"I'm not JUST a side character! I'm a monster with f e e l i n g s!"

"Lancer, let's just drop this,"

"Why? Why should we drop this, this is a meaningful conversation!"

"Lancer stop,"

"It's like I'm this innocent child that needs to be shielded from everything in this world! Like I'm stuck on YouTube Kids!"

"Lancer, the real world is bad. You never seen the stuff that's been shared about on the internet. It's horrible, and you just wouldn't under--"

"I do understand! I understand more than you think I do! Please, stop treating me like I'm a child!"

"Listen, I would love to give you a weapon if you proved yourself! But I can't! I'm not the one who wants to keep you as a child! Well, I'm not the most prominent."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not me who mainly wants to keep you chained. It's Susie,"

Lancer shook his head in disbelief, of course Susie would accept his decisions like she always did! He got up and walked over to Susie, still picking her teeth.

"Susie, I was wondering if I could have a weapon too! Just like you! I know you'd support my choices, so I was wondering if I could have one!" Lancer asked. Susie looked down upon Lancer, who was still half the height of her. She waved her hand at him.

"Lancer, it's too risky. You're like the only person who isn't a weirdo or nut case in this group. I don't want you getting hurt, alright?" Susie dismissed.

"Susie, please! I need weapon! Please?"

"I said no, dude!"

"Susie, you don't understand. I need a weapon. What happens when I go off on my own and I don't have one?"

"That will never happen, because I'm going to be here protecting all of you!"

"But what if?"

"There will never be an 'if',"

"Susie please, I've seen worse. I've seen things you would never want to see!"

"That's great bud,"

"So please?"

Susie growled, as she stood up, straightened her back so that she seem taller then him, then brushed off her fingers.

"Stop bugging me,"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to know if--"

"You're so annoying, just leave me alone. Sometimes I just wish you never were born, god. Never f****** mind, you are just like them,"

With that, Susie walked away from Lancer and his once big wide smile faded into a dim, yet angry, frown. He felt like his soul just exploded into a million pieces. He walked away from Susie, his facial expression switching from sad to furious.

"Lancer? Are you ok?" Martha asked, reaching out and grabbing his arm.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine!" Lancer reassured. "My favorite person who I look up to just shut me down and is keeping me as a child for the rest of my life! I'm fine!"

"Lancer, hun, if you wanna talk I can talk with you,"

"I thought Susie would see through my unknowing façade but CLEARLY not. She still somehow believes I'M still a child after I tell her MULTIPLE times!"



Martha didn't open her mouth as Lancer rambled on.


Lancer grabbed one of the tables, and flipped it over. Everyone looked at Lancer, including Susie. She had the face of regret scribbled all over her face, as she strolled over to him.

"Bud? You oka--"

"Don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't look at me. Or I'll snap your neck like you did with my feelings," Lancer threatened. He walked away to the corner of the building, and Susie just stood there. Breathless. She never expected him to make a threat. She was both horrified, yet proud at the same time.

"What the hell just happened?"

"What happened is that you set off Lancer..." Martha answered. "And it's all your fault,"

"MY FAULT? I might have done some bad, but you still were talking to him!"

"What do you mean? You were the main reason he snapped!" Martha shook her head in disappointment. "You accepted that he was a child and shouldn't have a weapon too! Now you're blaming me for all this?"

"Yes, I am! How could you tell him that he was a nutcase? How dare you say that to my boyfriend?"

"I...I," Susie stammered. Martha put her finger up to her mouth, and shook her head and clicked her tongue in disapproval.

"Exactly, keep your words to yourself next time. Would do us all a good favor,"

Martha walked past Susie, hitting her shoulder as she did. Susie stood there in shock, it felt like the world crumbled around her in just a few seconds...She looked back at Lancer, too see Martha trying to comfort Lancer.

It took a moment to even process what happened, before Susie finally started to tear up. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks, falling to the ground like raindrops. She, somehow, started chocking on the air.

"Sh** what have I done?"

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