Chapter 13: A Strike to the Head!

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                       Lancer pushed one of the doors forward, peering in and looking around. A long narrow pathway stood before them, on top was a 5 yard long nylon carpet that lead forward. Where the carpet stopped, the actual bowling area was. Down near the end, too the right, was a reception desk, with things like bowling shoes, and compartments FOR the shoes. Too the right, near the middle of the carpet, was a 11x15 foot lot with arcade games lined against the walls. In the center of the arcade lot was an air hockey table. Two of the machines against the wall were prize machines that handed out little candy's and little plastic toys. The whole building was clouded with dust, and all the lights had burnt out.

                    Lancer took one step in, standing at the end of the carpet and looking out towards the alleys for walkers. He didn't notice any at first sight.

                   "Could I borrow your axe, Susie?" Lancer asked. Susie pushed her axe closer to her chest, like it was her child.

                  "Sorry bud, but I don't want you getting hurt,"

                  Lancer ignored the comment, as he slowly tip toed his way down. Looking from side to side to see if there were any walkers and squinting as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. When he finally reached the other side of the carpet, he kneeled down and grabbed the bottom of the desk, peering both ways. There were 15 alleys, and all the bowling balls were placed neatly in one line on each conveyer.

                 "Is it all clear?"

                 "I thi--"

                 There was a sudden loud groan, as something grabbed hold of Lancer's right arm which   was latched onto the desk.

               "AHHHHH!" Lancer screamed. Susie ran forward, with her axe by her side, sliding across the carpet like this was Barney on Ice.

                She immediately slashed behind Lancer, and heard a sickening crack, before a dead lifeless zombie corpse dropped onto the ground.

              "Lancer are you ok?!" Susie shouted, worried sick that Lancer might have been bitten.

              "Oh my god," Lancer muttered. "Life actually did it. It pulled a 'Walking Dead' on me,"

               Lancer got up, as the rest of them ran to the two to check if both were ok. Once they all got there, they looked around for any other walkers. None from first sight, but there might have been even more hidden ones.

              Kris took out his bloody pair of scissors, then ran down one of the alleys, until he reached where the pins were at. Once there he ran left and right looking to see around the area safely.

            "Holy sh**" Kris mumbled.

            "What? What is it?" Ralsei asked. Kris shakily pointed towards a door that was being held shut by a broom.

            "B-Behind that door,"

            Ralsei ran to Kris to see what he was making a fuss about. When he did, he widened his eyes. Behind that barricaded door were what seemed like hundreds of hands hitting the glass, staining it with red.

          "Oh no," Ralsei whined. There was a loud bang, as the broom became loose and the zombies became more agitated.

         Ralsei and Kris ran at lightning fast speed at the door, smashing their bodies against it to keep it shut. The zombies only pushed with more force, however, which both uneased them and weakened the door.

          "GUYS HELP US!" Kris begged. It was too late, Kris and Ralsei fell back as the door was kicked in. The broom fell right in front of them with a thud, as a small hoard of zombies flooded into the building.


          Kris grabbed hold of the broom, the bristle end, and whacked the hard stick across one of the zombies heads, knocking them out on the ground. Ralsei ran away like a coward towards the alley's. As did the rest of them. Susie took out her axe and stood defensively over the rest of them. The zombies entered slowly, but began to clump up in numbers, but they all mainly headed for Susie.

         "I'LL TAKE IN AS MANY AS I CAN! YOU GUYS FIND SOMEPLACE SAFE!" Susie ordered. They did as instructed, but sadly as they were running away a few zombies started walking towards them.

          "OH F***!" Martha looked like she was jolted with electricity, her whole body convulsing for a quick second. "EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELF!"

          They all ran, trying to find some sort of weapon to use to kill the zombies. One began walking to Ralsei, and instead of fighting he instead cowardly backed up, shaking intensely.

         "W-What do I do?!" Ralsei asked out loud.

         "Do what they do in the movies and TV shows!" Lancer answered. "Destroy the brain!"

         Ralsei jumped over each lane, looking back as he did this. His legs extending further to get farther from the zombie. He grabbed hold of two heavy green and red bowling balls from a conveyer, and turned back around to the zombie. He hoped, no, prayed that it wasn't going to be gory. He launched all his weight forward, and smashed the two against the zombies brain.

         Once he heard the crack, he dropped the balls and opened his eyes. The zombie was on the ground, and the entire head looked like it was crushed by a press. His clothes were now coated in blood. He let out a blood curdling scream...he had just killed someone. Sure it wasn't a someone and was more of a dead person, but that didn't change anything in his mind.

         "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD," Ralsei repeated, shaking even more violently. Kris ran forward, grabbing Ralsei's arm, and jumped over the reception desk. He hid with him there, as well as everyone else.

         "Stay here," Kris said. He jumped over the reception desk, taking a moment to process the game plan. He ran and got the two bloody bowling balls, before jumping back over the reception desk and hid. He did this so the zombies wouldn't notice him. He then peeked up, took one of the bowling balls, and threw it as far as he could.

        The bowling ball landed near the conveyer, but then continued rolling down until it hit the pins. The zombies turned their attention to the pins, as they slowly meandered down the alleys. When the zombies had dissipated enough, Kris jumped up, smashing the zombies with the other bowling ball, then grabbed the broom. He threw the bowling ball towards the door, then pushed the zombies with the bristle towards it. Once all the zombies were either dead or on the other side of the door, he barricaded the door once again. He placed it correctly so that it would actually be a suitable barricade.

        Once he did this, he ran back to the reception desk, grabbed the shoe cabinet, and dragged it back to the door. He placed it against the door as a second barricade to the broom, just in case.

       "Alright, I think that's it!" Kris heaved a sigh as a signal of his efforts. Susie finished up the last of the walkers that were there. Once she did, everyone got back up and calmed themselves down.

       "I just killed a man...I just killed an actual other human being...I'm a monster," Ralsei said. Susie put his hand on Ralsei's shoulder.

      "In the apocalypse, you HAVE to kill zombies. There ain't no way to not die WITHOUT killing them," Susie comforted. "In other words, you don't need to feel sorry. That person is dead, they aren't living anymore,"

     "What if that person was kind before?"

    Susie pointed to the now dead zombie. The t-shirt they were wearing was an anti-monster sweater.

    "Still! I shouldn't have killed him! I should have just ran and hid!"

    "You can't hide all your life, you need to open up a little!"

    Susie set her axe on her shoulder.

   "Yeah, Ralsei! You need to learn to strengthen up and become stronger!"

   "So much blood," Ralsei was absolutely traumatized from that, he couldn't get over how he crushed two balls into someone's face.

   "So now what do we do?" Lancer asked.

   "Grab the arcade machines and block up the other entrance," Susie answered. She spat something onto the ground, then looked back at Lancer.

  "We're staying here for the night,"

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