Chapter 12: Finding Another Haven

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Once again, Kris had calmed down in little less than an hour of walking towards the school. Everyone was walking with him, staying silent as to not disturb walkers. Or better yet, Kris. Ralsei was the first to break the silence, however, going up to Kris and walking with him.

"Hey, Kris?"


"I know you might get angry at this, but what EXACTLY were you trying to do at that house?" Ralsei asked, bracing for cover from a possible angry outburst. Kris looked down at him and sighed, he scratched his other arm.

"It's complicated...if I told you I probably would lose you, and everyone else. It's better if you just don't ask that, ok?" Kris calmly answered. Ralsei looked at him in surprise, he didn't snap back for once.

"It's ok to tell me, I'd never leave you for getting something at your house!"

"It's mental stuff,"

"Oh ok," Ralsei mumbled. He looked back at Kris. "Is it okay if we can talk more?"
Kris nodded.
"Is there a reason you always ignore me?"
                         "I just do it on instinct with everybody. Every time I get close to someone I always lash out,"
                         "It's an automatic thing?"
Ralsei kicked a small pebble down the road.
"After all, nobody WANTS to be hated by everyone for being snappy. Not me at least,"
      Everyone was silent, as the light of the day faded away and instead the darkness of the night loomed over everyone. Kris took out his phone and checked his battery. It was still only 80%. Kris swiped up and clicked on the flashlight button, suddenly the road became much more visible.
"Thanks," Ralsei thanked. Kris nodded back with a slight smile.
                       "So, how was your medical practice going?"
                       "It was going well, last thing I learned was first-aid," Kris said as he scrolled through his phone. "It's not like I'm going swimming, though,"
                       "I can barely swim on my own, so I get what you mean," Ralsei responded.
"Weak ?!?!," Susies muttered. Kris turned around to Susie.
"Not everyone can play EVERY sport. We're not ALL jocks,"
"I-I mean, I play Tennis!" Ralsei added. Susie laughed, she smacked her left knee and wiped off something from her eye.
"Tennis is a girls sport. The only more girly thing then Tennis is volleyball!"
"There isn't anything wrong with playing Tennis, Ralsei," Kris comforted. He turned to Susie with his hands cupped over his mouth. "SHES JUST JELOUS!"
                      "You wish! I've never been jealous of Ralsei!" Susie laughed.
                      "Might I remind you of the contest we just had?"
                      "Oh ?!?! off!"
                       "I still have that flower crown picture as my screensaver!"
                       "Can we not bring this up?"
                       "'I want to win the kawaii contest uhuhuhuhu!'" Kris mocked. "'How come Ralsei always wins? It's so dumb!'"
Susie flipped him off, but still smiled while doing so.
                      "You're all so immature," Susie remarked.
                      "While we're on the topic of embarrassing Susie. Are you still hooked up with Madeline?" Martha asked. Susie's face turned bright pink, as she covered her face.
"Oh sh**. Susie's still ga—" Martha started.
"I AM NOT! I was her a," Susie tried explaining.
"Hug? Cuddle? K i s s?" Martha puckered up her lips as she kneeled slight down, almost as if she was kissing the air.
"A pat on the back!" Susie exclaimed. Everyone burst out laughing, even Susie laughed at her own lie. Probably from embarrassment, though.
"A pat on the back, huh? Was it nice? Nice and hot giving her that 'pat on the back'"Kris asked, raising his eyebrows.
"SHUT THE ?!?!, UP!" Susie screamed, who seemed to be even more flustered. Noelle slightly blushed as well, as she looked down to hide it. Once her blush was gone, she turned back around to Susie.
                      "How much farther until we get to the school?"
                      "Probably one hour of walking more,"
                      "I don't know if I can keep walking in my UGG's..."
                      "You're welcome to switch shoes if you want," Susie offered.
                      "It's okay, you can keep your shoes. I'll just find some from some walker,"
                      "Suit yourself,"
                      The group continued on, they looked at the trees that swayed in the wind, which brought comfort. Lancer was walking by himself, looking around for any zombies, when he saw something through the brush.
                      "Guys, you might want to see this,"
                      They all looked back at him, then looked to wheee he was looking. To their amazement, they could see lights.
                      "What is that?" Kris questioned. Then, without warning, Lancer burst forward into the brush, heading right for the lights.
                      "LANCER!" Susie shouted. She ran after him, then followed Noelle, then Ralsei. Kris looked around for a minute, before finally following them.
                     The shrubs cut into Kris's skin, and itched at the others as well. It was like they touched Poison Ivy it itches so bad. It didn't take long, though, before they made it to the other side. They were on a small parking lot, just barely enough for 30 cars. In front of them was a relatively large building, with a gigantic neon red and blue sign.
                     On it read "Little Haven Bowling"

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