Chapter 11: Principle Jevil

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Somewhere off far from the rest of the group was the high school. People were inside, almost all students, however, there were some teachers. Everyone in the high school was in the cafeteria, principle Jevil was sitting at a table reading a newspaper, and sipping a cup of hot tea. All the students were hugging onto their knees, on the ground crying, or were frantically checking the windows for zombies.

There were some teachers that were talking to each other, giggling and laughing about the situation. They were all talking about how they didn't need to worry about taxes, no more annoying students, no more trouble! There was one adult there that wasn't laughing, though. Well, make that two adults not laughing. One was in front of the other, and more noticeably, one was yelling at the other.

"Principle Jevil, we can't stay here forever!"

"We can, and we will."

"We've declined 5 students! You can't just do that! You can't force little adolescent children out into an apocalypse!"

"They deserve it, do you k n o w how rude those little idiotic dip-sticks are? Besides, we have our hands full as it is!"

"This is horrible! No, this is cruel!"

"We are not opening the doors for anyone. We have enough as it is, and we're running out of supplies,"

Jevil still was in his attire he wore yesterday, same as always. 

"You are killing children! And I have a child out there that I need to get!"

"Dare touch the doors and those monsters get in."

Principle Jevil didn't take his eyes off the newspaper. He just took another sip of tea while his eyes scanned the letters on the paper.

"You are just insane! How could you do this? My son is out there and you're going to abandon him?"

"Might I remind you, Asgore, that we let you in here in the first place. We can just as easily kick you out,"

Principle Jevil finally looked up at Asgore, as his black cross eyes glared at him. His fists tightened as he looked back to his newspaper.

"At least help the children! They have a better chance of living than us!"

"They're all sh**s."

"No, they aren't!"

"Yes, they are. They're all attracted to their dumb phones, playing dumb games and watching p**n."

"Not all of them! Some are smart kids!"

"All the smart kids are wimps that aren't fit to live in this world,"

"You're being such a hypocrite!"

"And you're being an arse."

"Look at the children around you! Please, principle Jevil!"

"Leave me alone."


Principle Jevil slammed his hands on the table and stood up, he grabbed hold of Asgore's collar and pulled him in close to his face.

"And what if I don't, huh? You're worthless compared to me, I'm high, smarter, faster than you. Now shut your mouth and sit down before I beat you to a bloody pulp!"

Principle Jevil pushed Asgore away from him, before going back to his paper and tea.

"Please, Principle Jevil!"


"You can't just--"




Principle Jevil plugged his ears with his two pointer fingers, as he stared at Asgore.

"Stop being a child!"






Asgore looked at Principle Jevil, it was like he had gone insane.

"What are you--"


"Stop that!"

"Ohp! Ohp!"

"Stop being a ch--"

"Ohp! Ohp! Ohp! Ohp! Ohp!"


"Whatcha gonna do? Hm?"

"This is not how an adult acts!"


"This is not the point of the conversation!"

"I don't give a damn!"


"No! I won't!"

"What kind of principle are you, then?"

"A free-spirited insane man!"

That at least confirmed his suspicon...

"Just stay on the topic at least! Can you focus on one little thing?"

"Kids are a hassle to deal with. Every parent knows that. Nobody is even FORCING us to keep them in check! So why do I need to?"

"You have to help these poor kids who are terrified beyond belief! They've lost so much. How can you just leave them like this!?"

"They'll learn to deal with it!"

"And if they don't?"

"Then we kick them out,"

"There you go again! You can't LEAVE children--"

"And who's going to stop me?"

Principle Jevil looked up at Asgore, he had a devilish smile across his face. Asgore looked down as he looked for the words to say, but he couldn't find any.

"Exactly. No one can. None of you are as witty and clever as I am. You're all just going to die, but I am going to end up on top! Just you wait! In a few months to a year, I will be ahead of all of you!"

Asgore turned away from Jevil and instead to one of the human teachers.

"You aren't just going to let this madman control this school like this, are you?"

"I...we don't exactly LIKE what he's doing. Still, though, it's not like we have a choice..."

"What do you mean not like you have a choice?"

"He's the one here who's actually powerful. You don't understand, you were the most recent to come here,"

"We have numbers! We have children! We have adults! We can easily take him on!"

"You shouldn't say that...especially when he's right behind you,"

"Why? What does it matter? I'm stronger then him in any case!"

"He's the only one here who has a weapon..."

Asgore heard a click, he immediately turned around to see Principle Jevil standing up, pointing a gun at him.

"You wouldn't dare--"

"I would. Now unless you want a shot through the head, I suggest you sit down, back against the far wall."



"Okay i'm going!"


"Wait what?"




Asgore fell onto the ground, everyone screamed as they ran to the corners, including the children. Asgore held onto his leg in pain, as blood coated his fur and layered the ground.

"No one step near him,"

Principle Jevil sat back down, continuing to read the newspaper, as he sipped his cup of tea.

"Y-You're just g-gonna let me die?"

Principle Jevil rolled his eyes, as he stood up grabbing hold of his cup. He stood next to Asgore, as he kneeled down to him.

"I bet you're oh so very thirsty!"

Principle Jevil poured his hot cup of tea onto Asgore' gunshot wound, Asgore screamed even louder in pain. He rolled around on the floor, trying to prevent blood loss. Jevil then got back up and sat at his table, reading the newspaper, as he threw his cup onto the ground. It shattered and pieces of it went flying everywhere.

"Have a very happy holiday in hell, you f***," Principle Jevil said, as he leaned over the table to look at Asgore. Asgore continued to scream in agony, he couldn't say anything, he just let out scream after scream after scream.

Principle Jevil continued to read his newspaper, as the screams of Asgore filled his head. He smiled, just hearing his screams gave him so much pleasure. He wanted more, but alas that would come in time. He could wait. In time it'd come. In time he'd be the ruler of this world. Just takes time. Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.

Just takes time.

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