Chapter 10: Death Hits Home

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                             Kris had calmed down a bit, letting everyone walk near him, yet they were still on edge from his outburst.

                             "So Kris, you mind telling us what you have in your home that's so important?" Martha asked.

                             "Martha!" Lancer elbowed Martha lightly in the arm.

                             "It's none of your business. It's something important and that's all you need to know," Kris snapped. "It's something that'll calm me down,"

                            "You mean something like a stress toy?"

                            "Fidget Spinner?" Lancer asked after. Kris gave a weird look towards Lancer.

                            "Please stop,"

                            "Oh, okay," Lancer cooed. They walked down a long narrow street, and everything looked gloomy and sad. Grey, but not black, clouds consumed the sky and straggling zombies were nowhere to be seen. It was as if they were the only people, and things, that existed. 

                            Noelle fiddled with her fingers, as she looked down at the ground trying to avoid any eye contact with anyone. She felt scared and almost threatened to be near Susie, she didn't even know why she saved her. She just did, almost on instinct. Still, though, something felt right just standing near her.

                            They were walking past what looked to be two separate woodland-like areas. Trees and shrubs to the sides of them as the road went further and further down. However, after about 20 minutes of walking down the road, they came across the original intersection they all met...however.

                            "Aw crap," Susie mumbled. Ahead of them was that heard of zombies they were dealing with earlier. While it was less clumped and it was possible to avoid them, there was still a chance for death. A high one at that. 

                            "So now what do we do?" Noelle asked. "Is there another way around?"

                            "There should be. If there isn't then we make a way," Kris said. 

                            "Let's just cut a path then!" Susie exclaimed, taking out her axe. Noelle grabbed Susie's arm.

                            "Let's just leave them alone. We can find another path through," Noelle convinced. 

                            "Fine...Kris do you know where your house is?"

                            "Do I know where my house is? Do you think I'm dumb? Of course, I know where my house is," Kris snapped. "You think this is a joke don't you, right? You think that I don't know anything because I'm dumb, right?"

                           "I never said that,"

                           "You probably thought it. I can see through your head, I can tell you're probably screaming at me!" Kris exclaimed. He pointed his finger at Susie's forehead, Susie rolled her eyes.

                           "SEE? YOU ROLLED YOUR EYES! I SAW THAT!"

                           "Cause I'm tired of dealing with your ?!?!, Kris. I don't want to hear your over-exaggerating emo ?!? complain about everything,"

                            Susie walked past all of them and bumped into Kris, walking right towards the zombies as she held her axe down low, ready to slash them.

                          "Wait...damnit. I did it again," Kris whispered to himself. Ralsei put his hand on Kris's shoulder.

                          "It's alright, Kris. Just ignore her,"

                          "It's not like I can JUST ignore her. She's already probably gonna kill me when she gets the chance,"

                          "She's not...i'm not going to let that happen,"

                          Ralsei grabbed hold of Kris's hand, this time though he didn't let go. He didn't seem to care, though.

                          "L-Let's just get home," Kris deterred. He walked forward, letting go of Ralsei's hand, and followed behind Susie.

                          Noelle walked up to Ralsei and looked at him with a very sympathetic look.

                          "Don't worry, he's a bit stubborn but once he lightens up to you, he'll be nice,"

                          "How do you know?"

                          "I knew him for a bit when I was a kid, because my dad was friend's with his dad," Noelle explained. "Then I just stopped hanging out with him, which is why he doesn't remember me,"

                          "Do you know why he's so stubborn?"

                          "I don't know exactly why, but I have a fair guess. It's private information, though, so I don't think it'd be right to share,"

                          "Oh, alright..."

                          The both of them walked together, talking to each other about Kris. Martha and Lancer were still back talking to each other about stories when the zombies WEREN'T things. 

                           As Kris walked forward, he hummed a little tune to try to keep him sane. But that little tune began to rise up, as he taped his feet to the rhythm of the song he was humming.


          Kris continued to hum the tune, as lyrics naturally entered his head.

                     He began skipping, as he looked at the trees around him.

       "As I wake half dead, in the same old bed, at the dawn of another day."

                    "I've been chained and bound, to this hopeless town."

                                       "And I know I must break away."

                     Noelle heard Kris singing and decided to run up to him. 

                           "There's a world out there, why does no one care?"

                                    "Are they lost in the games they play?"

                         "So much they don't see. But there's more to me."

                                       "And I know I must break away."

                                   Ralsei runs behind the two of them.

              "Oh, I've been lying, I've been cheatin', I've been foolin' myself."

                                 "Instead of fightin', I've been hidin' away."

                    "I've been runnin', going nowhere, put my heart on a shelf,"

                                      "And I don't wanna live that way."

                       They all started to belt out the tune at the same time

                             "TRAPPED IN THE MOMENT, READY TO FLY!"

                                           "I'VE GOTTA FIND MY WAY!"

                        The three stomped their feet, in unison, three times

                             "SOON THIS ENDING, WILL END IN GOODBYE!"

                                         "WE ALL HAVE TO BREAK AWAY!"

               The group continued down the road, skipping and twirling.

                  Noelle began tapping her foot as they walked this time

    The three of them walked in one neat row, down towards the zombies

Susie has cleared a path for them, which the entire group walked through

Once past the zombies, Susie put her axe behind her, ignoring their singing

   Lancer and Martha looked at the three of them, listening to every word

                                           Martha ran up to the three.

     "Oh, it's hard to hide, when the truth inside, rises up like a tidal wave."

                 "There's been something wrong now for far too long,"

                                     "And I know I must break away."

                                    Lancer followed up after Martha

                    "I'm lying, I'm cheatin', and been foolin' myself."

                        "Why do they listen to what I have to say?"

                      "Am I just another nobody like everyone else?"

                         "CAUSE I DON'T WANNA LIVE THAT WAY!"

                          The 5 of them began belting out the song

                        "TRAPPED IN THE MOMENT, READY TO FLY!"

                                     "I'VE GOTTA FIND MY WAY!"

                    The five stomped their feet five quick times.

    Zigzagging as they propelled themselves with each jump. All in 1 row. 


                             "WE ALL HAVE TO BREAK AWAAAAAY!"

                             "I'VE GOTTEN OUT OF MY MISTAKES!"

                             "HOW MUCH LONGER MUST I WAIT?"

                        Kris stepped forward from the rest of them.

     The other four bent downwards, their arms drooping to the cement

 Kris put his hand up like he was preventing two walls from crushing him.

                     "Oh I feel it in my skin, the walls are closing in."

                    "I'm tired of livin' in these banged up buildings."

                            Kris slowly began to fall to the ground.

 "Gotta shake the rust, before I turn to dust, if I still had some faith I'd pray"

                The four rushed past Kris, jumping high into the sky.

  Pushing their arms away from them like they were opening two doors.



          The four lined back up in one row, they all shot their hands up.

            Ralsei and Lancer were the echoes, staying near the ground

       While Kris, Martha, and Noelle sang the main song, all jumping around

                       "TRAPPED IN THE MOMENT, READY TO FLY"

                                         ("Stay to my side!" )

                                  "I'VE GOTTA FIND MY WAY!"

                                  ("I've gotta get you to stay!")


                    ("Soon all this trouble, won't end in a goodbye.")

                            "WE ALL HAVE TO BREAK AWAAAAAY!"

                          ("We don't have to break awaaaaaaay!")

   They all got back into one line, walking forward with each step in unison



  They all got out of the neat row and began to walk slower and slower.

  The five, from an aerial view, were in an X position. Kris being the center.                  


                          "OI LOSERS!" Susie screamed. They all turned to her, Susie pointed her axe towards a house. "We're at the dumb subdivision. Hope it was worth it,"

                          Kris's eyes widened, but this time with joy, as he ran past Susie, down the road into the subdivision.

                          "WAIT FOR US, KRIS!" Noelle shouted. Kris didn't wait and instead ran down the street until he saw something and stopped. He could see his house all the way down the street, just a forward run and he'd be home, and there were barely any zombies...

                          But the problem was that a car has crashed right into the garage. What was worse, was that it looked awfully just like his mom's car.

                         "," Kris muttered. He ran down the street, ignoring everything around him and just focusing in on the car. When he reached the car and looked in, he saw...a dead, female, goat.

                         "NO!" Kris screamed. He pounded at the glass, after a few punches the glass broke. His hand was bleeding but he didn't care. He reached in and pressed a button, then retracted his arm and pulled open the door. He grabbed the goat parent and laid her onto the driveway.

                         "MOM! NO!" Kris screamed again. He put his hand on her cheek, it was cold. He then checked from a pulse, and he found one. His mom wasn't dead, but she was paralyzed and was about to die. Blood trickled down from her mouth, and a huge gash was on her stomach. Just touching her got blood on Kris's hand.

                         "Kris... I'm so sorry,"       

                         He looked over his shoulder, to see Ralsei standing next to him. Everyone was also around him.

                          "I-It's fine. It's fine,"

                          "If you want anyone to talk to, I-"

                          "IM FINE!" Kris screamed. Kris got up from the body and ran to the front door. He reached into his pockets and pulled out a key. He opened the front door and ran inside.

                         "We should stay by his mom, just check on her," Martha advised. None of them denied the idea, they just waited around his mom.

                          "Does she still have a pulse?"

                          Ralsei put his fingers to the side of his mom's neck. He couldn't feel a pulse, he waited since he thought it might have been slow.

                          "I don't kno--"

                          "RALSEI WATCH OUT!" Susie screamed. She grabbed hold of Ralsei and pulled him back away from her. Kris's mom started to groan, as her mouth seemed to unhinge, as it reached up into the sky. It bit into the air, and her eyes came alive, her pupils were dull.

                          "OH GOD!" 

                           Ralsei got up, looking at the now dead zombie. Kris came out from the front door, he held a small bag around his shoulders.

                          "Alright, I'm read--"

                          Kris looked at his mom, seeing now just a zombie. Kris frowned, as his lips trembled as if he were about to cry. 

                          "Kris, we-"

                          "WHAT'D YOU DO?"

                          "We didn't do anything! She just turned! There wasn't anything we could have done!" Ralsei explained.

                          "BULL****! YOU JUST DIDN'T WATCH HER!"

                          "Kris, calm down!" Noelle said, she walked up to Kris, holding her arms out to him.

                          "CALM DOWN? YOU KILLED MY MOM AND YOU WANT ME TO C A L M  D O W N ?"


                          "W-What should we-"


                           Kris stormed down the driveway, then down the road. Susie shrugged, taking her axe and smashing into the center of his mom's head.

                          "SUSIE!" Ralsei shouted.

                          "He wanted it, don't blame me."

                           As Kris walked down the street, his eyes widened. He immediately lost all anger throughout his body, as his eyes welled up with tears. He grabbed something from within his pocket and put it in his mouth. He kept it there, forcing himself to believe it was a mint, before taking a bottle of water he grabbed from the house, and chugged it down with it.

                          "Just calm down,'s all right. Everyone dies in this world, that's just how it works!"

                           Kris shook his head, as he wiped away his tears and changed his furious gait, to a more calmer and chill one.

                          "Breathe. Breathe. Breathe,"

                           Kris looked down the street, now that he got what he was looking for, all he needed to do was head back to the school, like Noelle wanted. He looked up.

                           It was going to be a long walk though...

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