Chapter 9: Escaping & Entering Hell

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                          "You ready?"

                          Susie's fingers were lodged into a very small crack in the gate, in her left hand was her axe. Standing next to her was Ralsei, who had bags under his eyes and his eyes were slightly red.


                          Kris was watching from the back of the salon, he was clenching his fist as he looked at Ralsei and Susie. 

                          "Why do I always have to screw things up?" he asked himself. "I ruin relationships, with my stupid dumb self. I always mess something. ALWAYS. EVERY DAY,"

                          Kris punched the wall, he felt like he had broken his knuckles. He didn't care, though, he instead looked around to see if anyone noticed. Lucky for him, none of the group seemed to notice. Noelle and Martha were watching Susie and Ralsei. Kris put his fists in his pockets, nearly making a hole in them with his brute force, as he began to shake.

                          "Is everyone ready? Once we leave there's no way of going back," Susie warned. "So don't whine to me that you lost something here,"

                          "We're ready," Martha confirmed, with Noelle nodding in agreement.

                          "Alright then, if you are sure," Susie said, and with a hard pull the gate came undone and moved to the left as Susie pushed it. The gate fully opened, revealing the dark and gloomy hallway.

                          Susie grabbed her axe with both hands, resting the top of the axe on her shoulder, in a defensive position ready to attack anything that came near. She took a step into the hall and looked both ways. There was nothing down the left path but more shops until it finally opened to some other shop region. Down the right, was the way they came in, and they could see that while there some zombies, there wasn't nearly as many before. They seemed to have scattered, broken up from each other.

                         "Showtime!" Susie exclaimed. She ran right towards the zombie, everyone else followed behind her. Kris came last, as he pulled out his pair of bloody scissors, and as his fluffy jacket began to flow in the wind. A zombie turned towards Susie, its face bloody like every other zombie before Susie decapitated it.

                         Kris ran past the rest of the group, Susie looking up at him like he was crazy as he ran to a zombie. Kris took his bloody scissors and stabbed it into the eye of a zombie, before then taking them out and stabbing them deep into the zombie's forehead. The zombie fell backward with a thud and bled out from the holes in its body.

                         "Where'd you get a pair of scissors?" Noelle asked, coming up to him.

                         "Underneath a body in the salon,"

                         Kris turned away from Noelle abruptly, before running straight towards the door. He could already hear the zombie coming towards them. He kept running past zombies that reached at him with their long and wounded arms. He continued to run until he finally reached the sliding door, where he waited for everyone else to come. The zombies were starting to clump up again, the group was running as fast as they could towards the door.

                        "AHHHHHHHH!" someone screamed. They all looked behind them, to see Martha being grabbed by a zombie. 

                        "MARTHA!" Lancer shrieked. He bolted towards her, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the zombie's grip before it bit her. Lancer pushed Martha forward, letting her go first, and then he ran behind her. The zombies started to surround them, closing in on them and blocking them. Ralsei was the next person to run outside, followed by Susie, then Noelle. Martha and Lancer were still behind.

                        "GUYS HURRY UP!" Susie shouted. Another zombie came forward about to reach Lancer, but Martha kicked its shin, which caused it to fall. Martha crushed it's skull open as she jumped onto its head and now ran behind Lancer. Lancer and Martha finally reached the sliding doors, with that they all ran outside. Martha breathed, gasping for air from running, as was Ralsei. 

                       "Are we all ok? No bites?" Noelle asked.

                       "I don't...I don't think so," Ralsei muttered.

                       "Now that we're out, we need to get someplace safe!" Susie pointed her axe toward the direction of the school. "If what Noelle says is right, we should get to the high school!"

                       "The high school is safe, guys! They barricaded the walls and everything! We go there, and we're good!" Noelle explained. "They even have food and water!"

                       A strike of dismay came across Kris's face.

                      "Wait, no. We should head back home!"

                      "Home? Are you kidding me? That's a death sentence!"

                      "I need to go home! I need to get to my home! It won't take long!"

                      "Kris, the zombies are gonna eat you alive. We're not going back to risk anything,"

                      "Susie. You don't understand how much I need to get back home,"

                      "Kris, we're not-"


                      Susie widened her eyes, she never seen him snap like that. Kris bared his teeth, as he supposedly looked at Susie. Susie wanted to threaten back, but his behavior seemed much more rabid and much more...wild in a sense, much more than her.

                     "Jesus, calm down,"

                     Kris stomped towards Susie, and while he stood under her, he was actually much more threatening then Susie. That was saying a lot considering she was the one wielding the axe.

                     "We're going. I don't care what you say," Kris ordered. "Now move,"

                     Kris shoved Susie aside, as he walked down the parking lot, and as everyone watched him.

                     "He's always like this. What the hell is his problem? Just this morning he was all happy," Martha asked.

                    "He's probably unstable from all this zombie chaos. I would be too, but I keep trying to calm myself down," Ralsei explained

                     "This has been going on for way longer than just the apocalypse,"

                     "We should just focus on getting to Kris's house. Something important probably is there!" Lancer pipped in. "Like a toy! Or his phone! Or a song! Who knows? We shouldn't talk about him behind his back..."

                    Kris walked further away, and it was a fair bit away before the rest of them followed far behind him. Kris looked down, tense and stiff, but after a few minutes began to loosen up. He put his hands over his face.

                   "Crap, crap crap crap what have I done," Kris muttered. Kris wiped off a tear that had started to flow down his cheek. "It's all right, once I reach home it'll all be ok. Everything will be sorted out,"

                    Kris began humming a tune, as he looked behind him without turning his head. Everybody looked to be almost tip-toeing, like making a sound was set him off. Honestly, it probably could knowing Kris, knowing himself.

                    But he just took deep breathes and calmed himself down. He would get home and everything would be alright, he could almost imagine opening up a wooden cabinet and grabbing something from it. He focused his thoughts on that, as he looked forward. It wouldn't be that long, just a few rights and lefts and forwards and back, with extra turns.

                    He just had to stay calm.

                    Just calm.

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