Chapter 22: B̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶I̶d̶e̶a̶ ̶E̶v̶e̶r̶ Worst Idea Ever

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         "This is the dumbest idea ever," Kris mumbled flatly. The doors to the bowling alley were unlocked, and zombies were already heading inside to try and find them. The thing is, they weren't inside anymore, they were outside. Somehow, the zombies didn't seem to notice a large inflatable pool, scrambling down the road to get to the school. That's just how the Apocalypse works.

         "Oh, give it so faith! Look, the zombies are ignoring us!" Lancer said with optimism. He scrolled through his phone, trying to see if there was any connection. Sadly, there was none.

         "We are all going to die."

         "No zombie is gonna get in here, I can assure you that. I might have one arm now but I'll slash a zombie any day!" Susie affirmed. The 6 of them held the pool up with their hands, it came just shy of covering their feet and shoes.

         "Here, I know a game we can play! I love playing this game!"

         "Lancer, please don't tell me—"

         "Marry, shag, kill!"

          Everyone groaned, even Martha and Ralsei. They really didn't want to burst Lancer's naïve bubble, but this game was just dumb. Especially bringing themselves into it.

         "It won't have you guys I promise! It's like a celebrity edition!"

         Kris and Susie continued groaning, the rest seemed relatively interested now.

        "Here!" Lancer cleared his throat and looked at Ralsei. "Best bud, Ralsei! I have one for you!"

        "Oh! Sure, go ahead!"

        "Marry, shag, kill..." Lancer started, drifting off to think of three people and coming back when he had them. "Zombie James, Zombie Jeffree, Zombie Manny."

        "Well, obviously, I would marry Zombie James!" Everyone, but Kris and Susie, agreed with a simple nod. "Then I'd probably shag...Manny. Then kill Jeffree."

        "Sounds normal, apart from the fact that you're killing Jeffree."

        "I really don't want anyone of them to die! They're all nice! But Jeffree... he's kinda, how do I say this nicely? A bit rude?"

        "I mean you are kinda right," Lancer agreed. He moving his phone around, and still no signal. "Alright, Kris! Marry, shag, kill!"

        "Oh god."

        "Zombie Ink, Zombie Dream, Zombie Blue!"

       "Do I have to answ-"

       "Yes," they all said. Kris sighed and thought about.

       "Well, none of them are cute or my type to marry."

        "Cough because you're an edge lord cough," Susie whispered. Kris heard it and looked at her with a disgusted face.

        "I'd probably marry smol bean Blue, then...shag Ink."

       "Who wouldn't want to shag a rainbow covered di—"

       "Thanks, Susie. But I really don't need that in my head right now."

       "I bet you used to get horny just looking at Undertale sin—"

       Kris slapped Susie hard on her back, everyone laughed, even Kris was slightly amused at her statement.

       "Quick, before she makes up something else!"

       "Oh, Inky. Please, let me in your home!~" Susie said with a hint of lust. "Remove my—"
       "Oh my god, stop!"
       "Susie, I have one for you!" Lancer began. He kept looking down at his phone, distracted and unaware of the fast zombie coming up right behind them. "Zombie Amy, Zombie Kevin, Zombie Preacher."

       "Kill all of them," Susie answered, more focused on the things outside. "They're zombies."

      "Cmon', Susie! Play it properly!" Lancer whined. Susie looked back at Lancer, looking at his puppy-dog expression. She couldn't say no to that.

     "Alright," Susie thought for a minute, Lancer waited for his response. "Marry Preacher."

     "Why are you killing Kevin Hart?" Ralsei asked in a loud screechy voice. 

     "I wasn't going to!"

    "Yes, you were!" Ralsei claimed. "You're obviously shagging Amy, it's so obvi--"

    There was a loud screech, and on instinct everyone dropped to the ground, sending the inflatable pool with it. A zombie had landed right on top of them, blood smeared across its mouth and it's eyes dark red. It was another runner. Everyone screamed, as the zombie then proceeded to gnaw it's way inside, biting the cool plastic.

   "We're going to die!" Ralsei screamed. 

   Suddenly, the zombie was pushed off, as another zombie came into view. This one was a walker, they could tell from the dull white eyes. It kneeled down, reaching for the bottom to lift the inflatable pool up so it could get them.

   They all set their hands on the bottom of the pool, trying to avoid the zombie from getting to them. 

   "Oh god, there's more of them!" Noelle exclaimed. They looked around, and it was true. The zombies from the parking lot were starting to head their direction, not from them but from the other zombies. Susie took out her axe, ready to attack anything that might possibly reach up and in.

  Two more zombies arrived, trying to pull up the pool to get to them. Their skinned hands and missing fingers trying to peel away at the plastic. Noelle waddled to the other side to hold it down when she suddenly screamed.

  "Noelle? Noelle, what happened?" Susie asked, slowly turned around.

  "IT'S BUCK NAKED!" Noelle hissed, covering her eyes.

  "What do you-- HOLY CRAP," Susie screamed. She covered her eyes in terror, she only got one glimpse and she was already terrified. It looked like something that would be on Reddit 50/50; rotten and shredded body parts were now the official worst thing they'd seen so far.

  "On my count, we push this whole thing up!" Kris barked, he grabbed hold of the side. "NOW!"

  They all lifted up the pool and threw it back, continuing to run down the path to the school. The zombies were stunned and laid there, like bugs on their backs. With that, the rest of the group ran forward as the sun began to set. The zombies meandered slowly behind, but some were already running after them. Either way, the group was ready, and fully charged, to get to the school. 

  No matter what.






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