Chapter 31: The Murder of a Brother

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 Everyone had decided, from pure panic, to split up into groups of two with Lancer and Martha as a pair, then Ralsei and Kris as a pair. Lancer guided Martha down the halls, past the intersections of pathways, and made sure to keep her safe. 

 "Wait, Lancer!" 

 Laner stopped and turned around, to see Martha who was staring at a classroom door. She walked to it and pressed her face against its window.

 "I think there's someone in there!" 

 Martha grabbed the handle and tried opening the door, which turned out to be jammed. Martha sighed once more and put her whole weight onto the door to try and force it in. Somehow, the door busted in and Martha was sent tumbling down onto the floor. She looked up to see if it was wasn't, it was actually a zombie. 

"Oh sh**!" Martha screamed. She got up and used her tennis racket to whack the head off the zombie. It ricocheted off the wall and ended up hitting another one, that she didn't even know was there, in the leg. The zombie turned to look at Martha, and Martha looked at it. 

 Martha spent no time at all running out of the class; she grabbed the handle urgently and tried closing the door. The zombie didn't like that, and put all of its weight onto the door, pushing Martha back to the floor. The zombie fell on top of Martha, it's snapped jaws attempting to bite Martha. 

"MARTHA LOOK OUT!" His heavy mannequin leg hit the zombie right off Martha, and Lancer proceded to kill it with a couple more hits.

"Are you ok? No bites, right?" Lancer asked. Martha nodded and got up, looking around to make sure they were safe.

"We gotta keep going. No time to waste--"

"Hey guys." Martha and Lancer turned around quickly, bearing their weapons in case if it was him. Standing there was Susie, with a ton of blood all over her face and body.

"Susie!" Lancer ran to Susie and gave her a big hug, so did Martha. "What happened? Who's blood is that?"

"It doesn't matter...all that matters is finding Jevil and murdering him for what he did to me and her," Susie snapped. She was clearly grief-stricken and angry, ready to kill Jevil just for revenge.  "Where is he? Do you know where he is?"

"No...maybe we should check up on Kris and Ralsei?" Lancer looked around again, not a single clue that might lead them to the two. 

"Actually, where are they?"


Kris and Ralsei were running around everywhere in search of Jevil, and they weren't going to stop. 

"JEVIL! WHERE DID YOU TAKE MY DAD?" Kris repeated over and over, like a broken record. 

"Wait, KRIS LOOK!" Ralsei shouted. Ralsei forced Kris around and pointed to someone running through a large door.

"JEVIL!" Kris and Ralsei ran towards the doors after the mystery man; Ralsei ran in first and saw a quick glimpse of a pool and Jevil. He looked confused for a moment before everything suddenly turned black around him. His body went limp and fell forward into cool water.

 After Jevil knocked Ralsei out, he locked the doors and ran around the pool deck. He pushed open a red door that lead to the changing rooms; he locked it behind him to make sure no one would chase after him.

"Ralsei? RALSEI OPEN THE DOOR!" Kris screamed. Ralsei floated on the top of the water, unaware of the danger below him. Kris used his weapon to try and break it down, but it was made of hard metal and it only indented the door. He looked through the window and saw the pool, in which he thought he could use the changing rooms as a way in. So he ran down the hallway in search for them.

Ralsei came back quickly, almost as fast as he had been knocked out. He coughed and used his arms and legs to float on top of the water. He lifted his skinny arms into the air and made his way toward the pool deck again...when he felt something grab his leg. 

"Huh?" Ralsei whispered. He made the mistake of looking down and saw what was grabbing onto his leg. A zombie had grabbed hold of his leg, attempting to bite into it. Ralsei, scared to death, kicked it hard in the head. The head came off and floated to the surface, a trail of blood following it. 

"THEY CAN SWIM?!" Ralsei screamed. He made another mistake, in looking down to the bottom of the pool. Walking around just a couple of feet below him were more zombies that were still "alive". Ralsei became more panicked and grabbed hold of the pool's side. He slowly slipped himself up from the water and onto dry and dirty, pool deck, ground.

"KRIS? KRIS ARE YOU THERE?" Ralsei unlocked the doors and ran out, looking around for Kris...

But Kris was nowhere to be seen.



Kris had arrived at the changing rooms and was looking around for Ralsei. Lucky for him, he came across someone that was walking away from him. It stopped when it heard his voice.

"Oh my god, Ralsei!" Kris ran forward to him, extending his arms for a hug. "Dude, don't scare me like...that..."

Kris stopped a few feet away from him and froze when he saw the bite mark on the back of his head. Kris covered his mouth in shock and turned Ralsei around.


And then it grabbed him, a large furry zombie grabbed hold of Kris's neck and attempted to bite him. Kris had a few seconds to respond, and his fight or flight feeling came up, instinctively he chose to fight. He uppercuts the zombie's lower jaw, without knowing who it was. It fell backward and hit its head on the ground, which is when Kris could get a good look at what he'd hit.

It was a definite monster, with soft white fur and an angelic like look, even though it was a zombie. Its eyes were red and blood spewed out of its mouth. They looked like a college student, fit with a letter jacket and cargo pants. Two large horns protruded from the skull and the whole look of the monster looked vaguely familiar...of course it was familiar, though. It was Kris's brother.

Kris had killed Asriel in cold blood. There was no denying it, the look, the fur, the everything was Asriel. 

"No...NO ASRIEL!" Kris cried out. He knelt down and put his hand on Asriel's chest. He hugged him tight and cried as Asriel laid there, dead with a warm pool of blood in his mouth. 

Kris had lost everything. He lost his mom, he possibly lost his dad, and now he lost his brother. He heard someone walking behind him, and didn't move at all to stop.

"Kris? Kris are you ok?" 

Kris turned around with tears in her eyes, and through his wet eyes, he saw Ralsei standing there. He gasped and ran to him, giving him a big hug.

"I'm so sorry, Kris..." Ralsei looked down at Ralsei and frowned. "It's going to be ok, Kris."

"It's going to be ok..." 

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