Chapter 5: #EvacSelfie

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Kris, Ralsei, Lancer, and Martha were trying to start up a computer. They managed to finally set the cords up so that a computer would turn on. The computer was a shiny blue laptop, with glowing rainbow keys on the inside. The price tag read "$1,650".

                         "Alright. I'm getting this loaded up," Martha told them. She had come to a flower screensaver, and the computer seemed to only have Google, Internet Explorer, and a few other apps.

                        "How do we still have wi-fi?" Kris pointed to the bottom of the computer screen, and there was the Wi-fi signal, all colored in with white bars.

                        "Beats me. I'm not complaining," Martha shrugged off. She clicked on google.

                        "Now...time to do the hard work." 

                        "And that is?" Ralsei asked. Martha smirked at Ralsei, then began typing on the lit up keyboard. Once she was done, she pressed enter. She had typed 'How to survive a zombie apocalypse'.

                        "Wow. So smart, Martha!" Kris muttered, rolling his eyes.

                       "What's wrong with just looking at surviving zombie apocalypse videos? They're really cool!" Martha asked.

                       "There's MatPat's video!" Lancer pointed out. "There's Troom Troom, too!"

                       "You guys, don't you think we should check up on Sus--"

                      "Wait wait wait. What about Twitter? We can't forget Twitter!" 

                      "Lancer, oh my god. Not everything revolves around Twitter," Kris explained. 

                     "Well most stuff does!" he said as he pushed Martha aside. "Plus, there could be some important news or things there about this!"

                     "Lancer? I was looking for a good place to settle down in."

                    "Don't worry, i'll give it back to you as soon as i'm done!" he said as he proceeded to click on a new tab.

                    He got onto Twitter and logged in, and right off the bat there was chaos. People posting about the apocalypse, people screaming about it as well. People who were screaming for refunds for a Taylor Swift concert that was supposed to happen. Everyone and every little thing seemed to be messed up in some way, shape, or form.

                    "See! Super important stuff on here!"

                    "Mmm. Yeah very important. I can totally see that."

                    "Wait, Lancer!" Martha said as she poked his shoulder. "Try searching #Evacselfie."

                    Lancer did as instructed, and immediately pictures of people and zombies came up.

                    "How the hell did you figure that out?" Kris asked. Martha pulled up her phone, a news article came up on it. It read about something saying the new viral trend known as "#EvacSelfie" was becoming popularized, in which you take a selfie next to a zombie. Also news about how Justin Bieber became a zombie, but Lancer probably wouldn't want to find that out. Best keep that a secret.

                    "...Well, we all deserve to go extinct."

                    Lancer scrolled through the pictures, there were pictures of people and zombies. One was of a person who stabbed a bald, Christmas sweatered, zombie. Another one of a Japanese girl dressed up as Yandere, who had a pile of zombies dead behind her.

                   "Look! It's Ella Hutt!" Martha pointed towards a picture of a girl with tons of makeup on, and a pretty dress, holding what looked to be an ax.

                   "This is not really helping us guys..." Ralsei told them. 

                   There was a loud pounding on the glass door. They all turned their heads in unison, to see Susie walking through the doors. Her axe was wet with blood, and her school uniform as well. She had her ax low to the ground and gave an almost evil grin to the group.

                 "Missed me?"

                 "SUSIE!" Lancer cheered. He jumped out of his seat and ran to Susie, giving her the biggest hug he could give.

                 "What took you so long?" Kris asked. Susie rubbed the top of Lancer's head, as she looked up at Kris.

                 "I was trying to clear the zombies. I couldn't clear them all there was just too many. I instead decided to fool them by running up Haven Rd. then turned into the shrubs and ran back,"

                 "Well, you at least tried, Susie! You still managed to kill a lot of zombies, so props for that!" Ralsei 

                 Susie leaned past Kris and looked at the computer, seeing Twitter was open.

                "There's Wi-fi?"

                "I know. I asked the same question. Logic apparently doesn't exist in this world!"

                Kris crossed his arms, as he began impatiently tapping his foot on the soft carpet ground. 

                "We need a way to get out of here. This computer store isn't going to keep us safe for long. We need a long-term house or place, and we need to find proper weapons for me and Ralsei!"

               "I found my axe from some random dead dude. Try looking on the streets,"

               "It's too risky...we should just get someplace safe."

               "Wait, guys. Have you ever thought of going to the mall?" Martha asked. Susie's eyes lit up.

              "That might be the best idea you've ever had in your tiny brain!"

             "No, it's not! The mall would be filled with zombies!" Ralsei warned them.

             "That's the point dude! It'll be a bloodbath! Filled with so much death!"

             "We should just stay away from zombies, and just let them be! They were people or monsters before this! We kill zombies only when we need to. Like outside on the road!"

            "But if we go to the mall. We could also find a shop and stay there! We'd have food! We'd possibly find weapons! Come on dude, you can't just ignore this chance!"

             "I'm not changing my mind! It's cruel to kill zombies for the fun of it..."

             "We either die bored and sad, or happy and...whatever! We could live the best life!"

            "It wouldn't be happy for me..."

            "Well fine! Let's just bring it up to the rest and we can do a vote!"

            "I vote Susie!" Lancer piped in.

             "I mean...Ralsei has a point. It's not really cool to kill zombies for fun, I think it'd be a bad idea. Plus, I'd get my outfit all bloody and messy!" Martha explained. Lancer looked at Martha with puppy dog eyes, trying to convince her to come to join Team Susie.

           "Forget your dumb outfit, Martha! This is the best chance we're going to get to finding food and weapons!"

           "It's hard to wash off any staining surfaces. Plus, it feels gross and weird on your skin. I know, I've had fake blood put on me!"

           "Well fine. I know Kris would side with me anyway! He's always had my side!"

           "Wow wow wow wow! Don't bring me into this!"

           "Kris...look into your heart. You know this is wrong! Let's just look for someplace else!"

          "Come on, dude! Imagine the food and fun we could have killing zombies! Plus, they're not people anymore! Or monsters!"

          "They used to be! It's not fun to kill zombies for fun! Hurting people just makes situations worse!"

           Kris sighed. He looked at the two as they both argued their side. He thought about it for a minute, then looked up at the two of them.

          "I mean. I can't honestly resist the urge to go kill zombies..."

          "YES!" Susie screamed. Ralsei pouted and glared at Kris.


          "We'll just go in and out! As little killing as possible! If you want to kill, go off on your own. Cause we're only going to be there for a bit to get anything we need,"

          "...Fine. I'll accept that compromise."

          "Sure, sure. Whatever! As long as I get to kill zombies!"

          "So should we go, like, right now?" Lancer asked.

          "Oh yeah! We're heading off right now!"

         "Don't expect me to be front and center when we get into a zombie fight. Alright?"

         "I'll lead the group, Martha. It's not like you could do anything else then look pretty, anyway." 


        "I don't see why we can't just go to a grocery store..." Ralsei muttered.

        "NO! MALL! NO GROCERY STORE!" Susie hissed.

        "Jesus, alright! I'm sorry! I-It was just an idea!"

        "Welp. Before things get even more out of hand. We should probably head on then," Susie nodded eagerly, and so did Lancer as a response.

        "Yeah...I guess,"

        "You guys have a plan on how to get to the mall, though?" Martha asked.

        "Oh don't worry. I'll lead you guys to the mall!"

        "Now! It's finally time to get choppin'!"

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