Chapter 6: The Mall

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              Susie gave a deathly grin, as she looked up at a large white building, with the rest of the group behind her. It was the normal classic mall, fairly long and half the length high. The outside of the mall was covered in smooth white marble. It also had a huge parking space, separated into 10 column parking spaces, that were then replicated on the opposite side of each parking space. Cars sat in multiple different random parking spaces. However, almost every space, apart from 10-20, were empty. There were little blue posts in random places, and beside them were racks of shopping carts. Right above two large glass sliding doors in the front, laid a sign that said "Little Haven Mall"

                 "You guys ready?" Susie asked.

                 "No, not really..." Ralsei muttered, he looked to his right staring at the cement ground.

                 "Oh don't worry! We'll be just fine! Just stay behind me!"

                 "I don't even know one thing about killing zombies...I never killed, or looked up anything related, to it,"

                 Susie held her axe like it was a baseball bat, and swung into the air, preparing for the zombies inside. 

                "Oh, it isn't that hard! Trust me, when you get into the swing of it, you'll be all set!"

                "Besides, you're supposed to be a goat, not a chicken,"

                "But I just don't see the purpose--"

                "I told ya, leave the zombie-killin' up to me. You don't need to do anything, as long as you just stay behind me!"


                                   Susie began walking forward to the mall.

                       She noticed a few straggling zombies and began smiling.

                                                        "Ooooh, yeah!"

                        Susie began walking towards those straggling zombies.

              She then put the axe head below her mouth, like a microphone.

                                                        "Yeah, ooooh!"

                                               Susie turned to the others.

                                              "Might wanna watch out."

                       Susie twirled her axe a bit, before slowly walking forward

                               "The streets are chaos and the outlook is dire."

                                      "Time for a hero, step into the fire!"

                          "The world's a jungle and we're close to extinction." 

                         "This is my moment and I'll fight with distinction!"

                            Susie pointed her axe at Martha, stopping in place

                            "Rule 1 stay focused. Keep your concentration!"

                                           Susie then pointed it to Ralsei.

                              "Rule 2 have fun, and use your imagination!"

                                        Susie then pointed it to Lancer.

                        "No time for weakness when the undead awaits ya'."

                                Suse held her axe like a baseball bat

                                  And began running at the zombies.


                  "When it comes to killin' zombies, I'm the top of my class!"

           Susie reaches the zombies and slashes the zombie with her axe.

                       "While you'll be hidin', I'll be kicking some a**"

      Susie slashed the other zombie, before raising her axe to the sky

                     "I KNOW THAT THE BEST DEFENSE IS ATTACK!"

                                  "I know what I'm fighting for!"

                                      Susie does a salute motion

                                          "I'm a soldier at war!"

                Susie finishes off the last straggling zombie in front of her.

          As the group looks around, some more zombies start to appear

                Susie jogs towards the group, Susie points to Lancer.

                "Life is a big game, when it's over you're done for!"

               Susie grabs her axe, pointing the front to a zombie.

                 "I'm taking my aim for the maximum high score!"

                             Susie pretends her axe is a shotgun.

    She pretends to cock and shoot it at a zombie heading for them.

                     "Only the toughest will survive in this arcade!"


                    Susie runs at the zombies. Laner runs with her.

         "When it comes to killing zombies I'm the top of my class!"

             Susie slashes a zombie, with her axe, in the stomach

               "While you've been hidin', I'll be kicking some a**"

             Lancer kicks a zombie in the knee, Susie finishes it off


                                "I know what I'm fighting for!"

            Susie jumps onto a car next to her, saluting once again.

                                        "I'm a soldier at war!"

                   A few more zombies started to walk towards them.

         Susie jumped down and pointed to Lancer then to a cart a few yards .

           Kris, Ralsei, and Martha just watched them, shaking their heads.

                             "I'll chop! I'll crush! I'll maim and I'll batter!"

                               "Savin' humanity is no laughin' matter!"

                              Lancer grabs the cart and runs at a zombie.

                           "I'll stab! I'll slash! I'll ground and I'll pound!"

                      Susie gets on her knees and points her axe to the sky

                           "When there's a job to do I don't f*** around!"

       The cart smashes into the zombie and continues to push it onwards


                      "RIGHT UP MY ALLEY, I'LL BE KICKING SOME A**"

                      "I KNOW THAT THE BEST DEFENCE IS ATTACK!"

                               "I KNOW WHAT I'M FIGHTING FOR!"

                                          "I'M A SOLDIER AT WAR!"

                                          Lancer begins chanting

                                           "I will fight for you!"

                                          "I'm a soldier at war!"

                                          "I will fight for you!"

                                         "I'm a soldier at war!"

                                         "I will fight for you!"

                                "I'm a soldier at waaaaaaaar!"

                                    "I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU!"

 Susie stands triumphantly on a cart, holding her axe behind her neck


                  When Susie finished her little song, Lancer began clapping and cheering. Everyone else was actually surprised she could even sing at all. They were now at the front, and the doors had opened for them. Just by looking in, you could tell there were a lot of zombies in there, and that there was going to be lots of blood involved. 

                 " here's a challenge!" Susie rested the handle part of the axe on her shoulder. "Let's go!"

                   Susie ran forward towards the mall, as she now held it as a sword, near her right hip.

                "Come on, guys!" Lancer said as he followed right behind her. Ralsei and Martha gave Susie a look, before following behind. Kris was the last to come since he felt genuinely scared. Despite acting as if everything was alright.

               Susie, and the rest of them, ran through a little room. With hard blue carpet layered over the ground, gumball machines on the outskirts, and a pack of neat newspapers stacked in a black tray next to the next set of sliding doors. 

               Once Susie ran into the mall, past the sliding doors, the impression was already not good. Zombies didn't just fill the mall, they almost consumed the mall. Right in front of them were two escalators, one going up and one going down, and then there were little stations to the left and right of them. The escalators had shut off, though. The elevators, that could be found next to the first stall on the right, looked to be broken. Zombies were already turning towards them and were starting to slowly stumble over.

              Susie didn't have care in the world, though. She just kept running forward with disregard to anything that might possibly happen. She was closely followed behind by everyone else, who just kicked and shoved zombies that moved around her. Her swinging range was so huge, however, they almost separated from her in order to not get their neck sliced. Which is a major problem when zombies start coming at you from the sides.

              "Susie, slow down! And stopped swinging so hard!" Kris complained.

              "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Lancer exclaimed.

              Susie didn't hear, she just kept on slicing any zombie that came near her.

              "This was a horrible idea...we'll end up dead before we can even reach the escalator!" Ralsei said. Even Lancer was starting to get a bit worried, she was enjoying this a little too much.

              "Susie...could you slow down? Everyone else needs to catch up!" Lancer asked. Almost as if his voice was the only one that existed, Susie finally turned around to them

             "Oh, sorry...didn't realize I was going that hard, heh!" Susie replied. She changed her swing range, as she just focused on trying to hit what was in front of her. Zombies were now starting to clump together as they walked to her. They seemed to look mesmerized watching Susie, and just went for her instead of the others. Kris looked to the left at a zombie who seemed to be took him a moment to see it, but now that he did, it was the one thing that stood out.

            "What's wrong with that one?" Kris asked as he tapped Ralsei's shoulder. Ralsei looked to were Kris was looking, and he too looked confused.

            "Is he alright?"

            "That's what I was asking you!" Kris informed as they both began looking at it. It was almost seemed as if it was looking at them, despite it not even doing so. That's when a major red flag went off, as the zombie slowly turned to the group. Its eyes were dark red, not like the others who were pale, and seemed less zombie-like and more human-like. It gave a sickening stare at them, before taking one step forward.

            "What the--" Kris began, however, he was stopped when it then bolted at them. It was running, not walking, running. Kris ad Ralsei widened their eyes and screamed, both in unison, at the top of their lungs. Martha and Lancer looked at the two as if they were crazy.

            "Are you guys ok?" Martha asked, as they both then turned to where they were looking. They then noticed the running zombie, which then caused them to shriek in response as well. Susie stopped slashing, as she growled and turned to them.

            "YOU GUYS ARE DISTRACTING ME!" Susie screamed, "WE'RE GOING TO END UP DYI--"

            The fast zombie lunged right at Susie, without her noticing, and smashed right into her love handles. Susie fell down to the ground, with the zombie on top of her snarling. Susie was in shock, she was confused and had no idea what just happened until she looked up. She was pushing the zombie away from her with her hands, but the zombie refused to let go. It reached towards her, almost slashing at her with its hands. 

            "WHAT THE HELL?!" Susie screamed in confusion. It was like a dog, it was salivating all over her, and it was even screaming. Lancer came to Susie's aid, and grabbed the zombies head, and pushed it off her. The zombie lay flat on the ground next to Susie, before jumping back up. It gave a nasty look to Lancer, but luckily he managed to grab the axe. He swung it right into the zombie's neck, which decapitated it. The head bounces a couple of times before rolling and coming to a complete stop a few feet away from Lancer.

           "What was that thing?!" Susie questioned, who then got up and grabbed her axe from Lancer.

           "That looked like something from Train to Busan...or 28 days later," Kris remarked, still shocked about what happened. They all looked around them, the zombies had started to circle around them. Which would mean they would neat to make a clean cut path to run through to avoid being bitten.

           "Crap. Alright, you guys need to stay REALLY close behind me. I'll cut us a path, but you guys have to hurry or else you're going to end up dying. You got it?" Suse asked them. They all nodded. They all got set to make a dash behind Susie, who set her sword next to her right hip again.

           "HERE WE GO!" Susie exclaimed. She ran towards a line of zombies that were slowly starting to come towards them and then began violently slashing. Surprise, Surprise, it turned out there was more than just one line, there were 5 lines stacked behind each other. The zombies who didn't get slashed were reaching out towards them, which made the group scream in utter fear.

          Finally, after barely avoiding being eaten alive, they made it to the other side and began running past the escalators. They looked at each other to see if anyone wasn't there...

          ...Susie wasn't there running with them.

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