a new side and the disguise

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It was rather an amusing sight the pandavas was rushing here and there and the funny thing was they were wearing girl clothes.

Yudhishthir, Nakul and Sahadev was wearing lehanga, while Arjun and Bheem were wearing kache saree saying that they can atleast move properly in this dress and fight too there words not mine.

"Arjun read the instructions once" Yudhishthir orders Arjun.

Arjun opens the letter Madhav had sent in reply to their letter "There are five pendents in the envelop and we must wear it at all the time or our disguise will be known when we wear the pendant we will turn into a lady and we must be careful and not act suspicious".

Bheem opens the envelop and turns it upside down to find five pendents he passes one to each of them and he immediately wears his pendent and everyone eyes widen as he looks like a women immediately but for bheem he was still a man.

The pendant was made by maya whoever wears it they will be covered by it and for others they will look a women but in reality they are still a woman.

Everyone soon wears the pendant and sighs and together says "let's do it".


Duryodhan and Karna were in a forest travelling looking for a place to rest they had left hastinapur early in the morning and they still had to travel two more day to reach the kingdom.

They suddenly heard someone crying they sharply turned towards the sound and soon reached there to see a grown women crying and four more women trying to pacify her while sniffling occasionally. (Guess who it is)

Duryodhan sharply asked them "Kaun ho thum log, aap yaha itna andhera me kya kar haha he"
(Who are you guys, what are you all doing here at this time of the night).

"We all are siblings and my name is Bhuvana and she is Aruna and this girl in Naya and that girl is Yamuna and she is my youngest sister who is crying while the last girl is Yagnitha she can't speak our parents have left us here in the middle of the forest and we don't know where to go and who are you guys" Bheem introduced everyone to him and questioned him at last.

"I am Angaraj Karna and this is my friend Rajkumar Duryodhan from Hastinapur" Karna introduced themselves softly.

"Oh pranam Angraj and Rajkumar can you help us" Arjun greats them and asks them.

"Wait a minute" Karna tells them and turns to Duryodhan and informs him "Mithra we can leave them at Waskyla right there are many people like them there and Behan would not mind too".

Duryodhan thinks about it and agrees a little grufly walking back to their shivir.

Karna sighs and tells the five women " You can come with us we will give you a place to live your life in".

All of them quickly agree and follow Karna.


The pandavaa didn't know where they were travelling but they were got to know a lot of things about Karna and Duryodhan that left them astonished.

They had watched Karna and Duryodhan being polite to them for the first time and the two were joking and laughing when they were around each other they never thought that Duryodhan could laugh it definitely was a surprise to them.

And they also got to know that whoever sent the letter that day held a lot of importance in their both lives.

Currently this had been the second day travel with pandavas with them so basically third day they had to reach the kingdom today it was still mid morning nearing afternoon they were travelling through a very dangerous forest.

This forest held a lot of mystery and no one dares set there foot here many say a monster lives here and others say wild creatures live here but the pandavas were alert too watching around for any threats they were shocked when nothing had still attacked them they were in dense forest nearly in the middle.

The pandavas turned to the duo who was just teasing each other they all were wondering why they had entered this part of the forest and they seemed unbothered by it if you observe them you can see that it is not the first time they have visited here and they seem to come here constantly.

They neared a clearing they slowed down to a stop the duo got down and Karna backed down.

Duryodhan turned to them and said in s low tone "you must not tell anyone about this and even if u try to do it alone it won't work cause u need permission to do this."

We all nod our head in agreement cause our curiosity was at the peak.

He took out a pocket knife and drew a circle and then a triangle in the circle and he passed the knife to Karna who slit his hand and passed it back to Duryodhan who too slit his hand and they both together dropped some drops of blood in between the triangle.

They watched as the wind picked up and the drawing glowed and a door apeared in thin air up the runes.

The duo turned to them both and motioned them to go first they all entered one by one and after them the duo entered and the door vanished the sight they saw stunned them into their place.

A voice boomed from somewhere "Queen brothers Duryodhan and Karna has entered the kingdom, welcome queen brothers".

The pandavas were stunned st the announcement.


Hiya guys so I decided to update tell me,

How is it? An honest reply I want.

Next chapter will give u guys information about the kingdom Waslyla.

Please don't be an silent reader please vote it, comment it and share it,

See ya guys soon,


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