kingom and the mystery girl

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The pandavas were shocked and sstunned at the sight they never thought they would see something as beautiful as this.

(Something like this but a bit oldren type and all the elements combined I just could not find any other good pics, sorry)

It was magnificent they never saw a kingdom as big as this and beautiful and it was even made by the elements they all wondered why they haven't heard about this and who created it.

"Which kingdom is it we haven't heard of this at all" Nakul questioned the duo.

"This is kingdom Waskyla, our sister is the queen obviously" Karna replied them.

Waskyla everyone hhas heard of the kingdom which is ruled by a mysterious queen who is very generous and soft but strict as the fire too.

They have heard that this kingdom take in orphans or people who are looked down by the society they take people inn who are in need and help them they have also heard this kingdom can win the whole aryavart if wanted they are rich even more than the whole aryavarts amount together.

That the kingdoms society is one and only one and even the commoners wear clothes of silver and gold thread and no on eis superior than the others and there is no slave system here the people who work on the palace are working there on their own free will.

"Ohh" They replied still star struck.

"Come we must reach the palace quickly" Duryodhan replied hurriedly.

They soon started to walk as they reached they reached the town area they were even more shocked the planning of kingdom and the houses was done in such a way that it is not at all conjusted and the place had an peaceful atmosphere there was no hustle bustle here like other kingdoms markets.

The whole kingdom was dressed up like a bride with flowers made from elements too it was like they were celebrating something today and it meant a lot to them.

People bend down with folded hands as soon as they saw the duo coming they all were very mannered too they all in unision greeted them both "Pranam queen brothers".

The duo too greated them calmly "Pranam".

One of them informed them two that " Queen brothers the Queen has been very angry and short tempered from a week so be careful".

The two gulped and said "yes but thanks for the information now we should go soon meet u guys all at the ceremony today night"

They all quickly agreed and parted ways to them the pandavas followed them taking everything in.

Soon they reached a magnificent place it looked like the heaven itself and it too was decorated beautifully but the beauty of it would have marred anything.

Their eyes went wide when they saw the soldiers they were made from elements they bowed to the duo and opened the door for them.

(The palace just imagine it decorated)

They entered inside and came to an Hall and came into an waiting room they all just waited.

(The front Hall something like this but a bit more spacious and big)

They soon heard an shout and turned towards that shout. They saw an woman entering the room followed six women behind her ahe carried herself like an queen but she looked young like still in her teens not more than 14 year old but what confused them was they could not see her face at all it was just a blur to them.

The six woman came and stood side by side with the pandavas "why can't we see her face" Bheem asked.

One of the six woman replied kindly "you all can't see her face because still we earn her trust no one can see her face when we earn it, it will become clear for us, you are still new here you will soon understand how it works here".

"Oh thanks for telling us" Arjun replies.

"You should be quite now, we must not anger the queen more she is in a very foul mode from nearly a week as she was waiting for her brothers and the when the queen is angry it is never good then it is not good for anyone when she is angry she is like a tornado hits us all roughly so be careful not to get on her bad side" One of the other ladies hushes them and warns them slowly.

"What do u think of yourselves visiting when you want and Dissapiaring when you want I was so worried I was about to come to hastinapur myself to trash the kingdom, you both are called queen brother for a reason you have responsibilities too you just can't forget them you no longer love your sister right I am not needed in your lives right then why did you come get out now, you all had me so worried then it hit me in an vision of u both in hastinapur safe and sound but you just could not even write a letter to me right how could you? You better have an good reason" Saughandi shouts at them in anger and holds their ears and twist them.

"Aahhh, Behen calm down we are sorry it is just that Maharaj Dhritarashtr did not allow us to leave so we had no other option" Karna begs in an meek voice.

"Okay but you better not let this happen again" Saughandi tells them calming down and let's their ears go it was a little red and they rub it as soon as she let's them go.

"Okay can we please get a hug now" Duryodhan requests in a pleading tone

"Okay" They all hug each other happily the women around the pandavas sigh in relief.

"Behan they need a place to stay" Karna points us out to her.

She turns towards us and watches us for an moment we all feel an shiver run down our back her gaze on us felt like we were lions prey who would eat us soon.

"Sakhiya take them and show them an empty house at the side of the palace" She orders them they bow and motions us to follow them we go through a garden out and exit from the side of the palace there were gardens around the palace

There were every type of flowers there it was an beautiful sight indeed.

Then we take an left and arrive near an house we turn and thank them and look around. There was a front garden then the house.

(Front garden of their house)

(Their house)

We all enter inside and close the door flop down on the diwanas and sigh in relief.


Hiys guys so an double update today.

Check it out.

Please don't be an silent reader vote it, comment it and share it.

The next chapter will be about the feast in the kingdom and a surprise for the pandavas.

See ya guys soon


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