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I slowly come around, I try to open my eyes but it seems like they are stuck together. My body feels like it is on fire.

I try to move my hand but only manage to twitch them. I slowly open my eyes but immediately close them due to the brightness, again I open my eyes but this time I let my eyes adjust to the light. It looked like it was early afternoon.

After sometime I slowly move my hand and sit up and finally take a look at my surrounding.

It was magnificent. There were flowers everywhere it reached till my knees and there were two valley hills they were filled  flowers and grasses till my knees and waist too and in between of the hills flowed a small river. There were animals too, the rabbits were chasing each other some birds like pigeons were grazing grains. Some of the deers were drinking water while some were resting with their kids. Peacocks were sitting on the tree there five trees in a circle accompanied by a big tree it looked quite old yet strong in the middle. They were sitting on one of the trees and letting their feathers fall behind their backs shining brightly in the sun.

(Something like this I didn't get the photos, hehe sorry )

There were no words to explain the beauty of the nature. The animals seemed divine. There was some sort of power radiating from them.

I slowly start to walk but stop soon when I notice my different clothes, I was changed into a lehenga a light blue cotton with white dhouni, it was simple and plain but beautiful just the way I liked it.

I smile to myself and walk with small steps but slowly start to walk faster then I break into a slow jog but I start to run after sometimes, I feel free, I stretch my arms out.

I slowly come to a stop near the clearing and take small steps as not to scare the animals but I guess not,

They back away to a side and eye me warily.

I walk up to the streams bank and crunch down near the water and cup my hands and drink some water.

I stare at the stream after drinking the water it is so clear and unpolluted. I can see the ground, streams base so clear the sand and the pebbles, I can see my self, my reflection it is pure.

I can see the miniature sun drawn in the middle of my eyebrows, I don't know why but I always have felt drawn to it and draw it daily.

I smile and pluck some of the carrots from nearby and wash it, I walk and sit down leaning my back on the tree, I can still feel the power radiating from the animals nearby.

They have tried to conceal it but was not successful they were that powerful. It was confusing but I kept it to myself and kept my face clear.

I take a bite of the carrot and start to eat it relaxing in the shade of the tree.

The animals slowly relax and start to take small steps, I smile encouragingly at them.

One of the baby rabbits hop over to me, he comes to a stop infront of me, I slowly move my hand not to startle him and give him a carrot.

He hesitantly takes it and eats it.

I giggle happily, I slowly pet him.

The day was spent happily laughing, playing and it turned out to be a great day.

I slowly fell asleep in the shade of trees with the animals surrounding me perfectly.


I wake up after some time only to notice it has been a awhile.

All the animals were either asleep or sitting around me protectively.

I sit up slowly not to startle them and lean my back on the tree.

I start to pet the tree the baby deer on my lap and think about everything that has happened.

My family.

My sister.

Time travelling.


I can feel the winds starting to pick up, I open my eyes and all the other animals woke up around me too.

The air starts to swirl in one place and devi Bhudevi appears.

She was wearing a red saree kache panche type with gold and orange dhouni wrapped around both her hands, and a large neckpiece was hanging from her neck it nearly reached her belly button and also a big necklace it was like a chocker , she was wearing a kamarbandh and hand pieces, she wore a large crown  and hanging earrings with a nosepiece.

(Something like this)

She joins her hands and says "Pranam mata, prabhu"

I am confused as hell now.

Someone better start explaining to me.


Hiya guys,
How are you all.
I know, I know you all were waiting for me I am sorry I was busy my final exams start Monday so I came to give you guys a update after this exams I am free I can update easily then please understand my parents are very strict, I am sorry.
They will make me black my back black and blue if they found out.
Please vote and comment me I am sorry for spelling mistakes.
Bu-bye - see ya guys later,
Nisarga2007. 😊

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