let me get my hands on him.......he burned me alive.

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I slowly opened my eyes to feel myself falling, I land with a gentle thud.

I slowly got up and my arms and legs were paining I rub them to feel better.

I looked around myself and saw there were many people around me they were all dressed like the Tretayuga people.

Wait, where the duckling hedge am I, why am I here.

The last thing I remember is being sucked in by that huge unknown thing it was like all the colours were mixed and it was like I was falling backwards.

I look down at my clothes my pajamas were changed into a dhoti.

I look around again trying to figure out what the heck is happening.

Why is everyone looking so shocked do I have something in my face.

I touch my face and everything seems normal.

It looked like it was some Royal court.

Maybe I landed up in a drama center and they all are preparing for the show.

The person who sat on the throne looked like a king snapped out of it and roared a question at me "WHO ARE YOU ? ".

I look confused " Who am i, you idiot who are you".

He sticks out his chest and proudly says "I am Hiranyakashyapu, so now tell me who you are".

"I am Yuvani" I say frowning trying to figure out what is happening.

He is hiranyakashyapu he is saying and the people are acting weird.

Then the realisation hit me.

I am thrown back in time and I am in tretayuga.

(Imagine as hiranyakashyapu )

I sigh tiredly it is happening like the dream only.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the person 'hiranyakashyapu'.

"How dare you interrupt my Royal court and how did you appear out of thin air and come here." He questioned me.

"Look I don't know how I came here now let me go I must still go home my sister, my mom and my dad will be waiting for me" I replied back calmly.

"You... Ho-how dare you not answer my question, you wrench answer me" The supposed 'Hiranyakashyau' questioned me again.

I am seriously getting angry how dare he call me a wrench I was never addressed in this word and how dare he, he is seriously testing my patience I am already on my last thread.

"Youuuu, you shut up I myself am trying to figure out what the fudge is happening, and you are eating my head here, ahhhh" I say irritated.

I watched as he turned red in anger and opened his mouth and roared loudly.

"You, you answer me right now, where did you come from and how did you appear midair suddenly" He roared at me.

I flinched back and rubbed my poor ears.

I scowled at him showing my annoyance.

I look around trying to see some exits incase I have to run.

There is only one exit here and that is the big door and there are security everywhere.

I start estimating the distance from the door to myself.

Maybe I can run there fast as I was in tracks in my school.

"Now start explaining everything you know or I will beat you till death" He threatens me and sits back down in his throne.

I roll my eyes at him.

I decided that I will tell him everything he may help me.

"You see yesterday I was sleeping and I was not getting sleep I was having nightmares so I decided to get some fresh air and went out the air suddenly changed I was not having a good feeling about that so I decided to head back, after I turned to go back, I was sucked in in what I don't know everything around me was colourful and it was like all the colours were mixed together then it was like I was falling backwards and I soon blacked out and I woke up here, long explanation short, got it you useless" I said annoyed

His nostrils flared in anger.

I watched as he tried to control himself but obviously he couldn't.

"How dare you lie to me you peasant that is not possible I think you are lying to me I shall surely punish you for this" He said angrily.

I chuckle lightly at his words.

Me, me yuvani will I be afraid of a mere threat.

"What are you laughing at" He roared in anger.

"Nothing" I say quickly trying to cover up.

"That is what I thought" He said proud of himself.

I turned my face away to not let him see my annoyed expression.

"I think you are a witch, a magician if I let you leave you will definitely try to take the throne away from me, what should I do now" He speaked.

I pale slightly hearing this.

My bad memories that I try to keep locked away in a secluded part of my brain start opening.

All of my memories flash in front of me.

I shook my head to bring myself back just in time.

"We shall burn you" He said and laughed cruelly.

I flinch at this.

I think that running now would be the best option.

I turn around fastly and run to the door fastly before anyone could react.

The soldiers catch me but.

Maybe, I should not have slipped on the mat near the soldiers.

The two of them hold me together and drag me back to my place.

"Did you think you could just escape like that, dasis light a pyre here to burn her here" He said loudly.

I keep struggling trying to get rid of their grip.

They start the fire and after it had started to burn they throw me in the fire.

First my body feels like it is in unexplainable pain a scream tore out of my mouth.

I watch them all the ministers, court members and hiranyakashyapu laugh.

Soon the pain fade away and the fire start to feel like home.

"Bratha Vishnu, mahadev" I wisper glad that they saved me.

My vision starts to close and I give in myself.

I feel my body lifted in the air and then it is dissolved to particles.

And then I feel nothing.


Hey guys how are you all I hope everyone is fine.

Here is the second chapter that I promised.

Do share my book and vote and comment, please don't be a silent reader.

As I have spent many days trying to figure this chapter out 😊.

Please give me tips on how I cn improve myself and forgive me if their is some mistake.

Patiently wait for my next update.

My goal is 8 votes in this chapter after I get it only will I publish the next chapter.

By Nisarga2007

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