nature, dau and kanha

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I sit in the chariot eating the fruits the nature presented me with.

I look around again and see a apple being plucked by itself and the wind carries it to me and kept it floating in front of me.

I smile and take it and start to eat it slowly.

I see another fruit about to be plucked so I tell the nature "not anymore dear friend, I am full".

The nature shuffles it's leaves in reply, I smile softly at it.

I cup my hand it shimmers for a second and then pure water appears I drink it to my content and later vanish it, then I focus on mother earth to know, it looks like we are near just another prahar and we will be there.

" You just wait big brother, I am coming for u hold on, I will make you  wish you had met me sooner" I whisper.


The wind carries it to Lord Krishna. His eyes snap open hearing the words, he was sleeping peacefully till now and now the storm was coming towards him he must hurry up and do something to soothe her.

He paced around the room thinking of ways to calm her down.

He knew she would be angry at him after all he has been avoiding her, reasons are his own to know . He accidentally knocks a table over making it go tumbling down but paid no mind to it.

Dau came rushing in hearing all the ruckus from his room he stood in the doorway a little confused and worried seeing his little brother pacing around like a crazy mad man.

Dau walks upto Krishna and holds his shoulder and shakes him hard trying to snap him out of his madness.

"Dau, Yuvani is coming" said Kanha in complete panic.

(Incase u forgot Yuvani was her Kaliyug name)

Dau stands still fir a moment and then smirks lightly and starts to laugh loudly.

After some time he collects himself and stands straight and wipes away the tears in his eyes.

"It is gonna be epic watching you get trashed by her" says Dau.

"Dau I know she doesn't know her true self and her anger isn't good for anyone and I made her angry intentionally or unintentionally doesn't matter, I need a plan right now" said Kanha in a regretting tone.

"I had told you don't keep on postponing it she will get angry and she will take her revenge in worst ways possible you didn't listen to me at all now take care Kanha and be prepared you keep tormenting me all the time no now it is your time" Dau said proudly like he had accomplished something and turn around to strut of the room happily.

"Dau..... " Kanha whines pleadingly and gives out his famous puppy dog eyes.

"Kanha.... fine she likes sampige and sugandaraja flowers, that is all I can tell you" Dau said reluctantly and ran out of the room before he could say something.

Kanha sighs and think for some plans and finally an idea hits him.


He runs out of the room in search of his beloved sakhi.


I look around it is really beautiful a sight to behold if you ask me a nice place to live in, I can nearly see why he chose to stay here.

I look at the entrance of the village gokul and see it wonderfully decorated like they were waiting for someone to arrive.

Why does my instincts tell me kanha had something to do with this?

We enter the place and people were gathered some distance away  everyone was holding some things like flowers, sweets, arthi thali and malas.

"Stop" I order the horses and I get down once it slows down to a stop.

"Get Krishna to me" I order the soldiers.

1 soldier from every element get down and runs out in search of him and the some other soldiers spread around and remaining soldiers look around for a threat if there were any.

I sigh to myself and start my walk but just after a few steps something falls on me, I look up and feel my eyes widen.

It was flowers more specifically sampige and sugandaraja.

It falls like rain upon me, my heaad tilts upwards and my hand stretches sideways I twirl around once and twice happily.

Some flowers collect in my hands and I throw it back upwards.

(Some thing like this)

Horse neghing brings me back to the present.

I look back towards the people and see them looking at me in amusement my cheecks heat up in Embrasement but I force it down.

I wallwalk towards them and stand five feet away from them and one of the ladies step forward and did my arthi.

(Arthi thali)

She smiled at me and stepped back and another female stepped forward and put a flower mala around my neck.

(The flower mala)

I join my hands in front of them and  introduce myself "Pranipath, I am Saughandhi daughter of maharaj Kamsa, princess of Magadha and queen of Waskyla"

(Pronounced as wa-sky-l)

Before they can say anything Krishna is seen being dragged by my soldiers towards me.

I look at them they were waiting for my orders so I tell them "tie him up to a pillar".

I turn to dau who come a little behind them slowly and clearly trying to stop himself from bursting out laughing.

I bend down and take his blessing  "Pranipath dau".

" Kalyaan ho, Yuvaani' Dau blesses me.

I turn back to my soldiers to see them to have formed a earth element pillar and have tied him to it.

"Yuvaani, please listen to me know I must hve had a reason-" Krishna tries.

I raise my hand and he stops.

"Sorry bratha but I had waited long enough so no u mist take the punishment" I smile mischiviously and grimly.


Hiya guys a new chapter.

Sorry for the cliff hanger.

Next chapter will be.

Her questions answered a little.

His little punishment where she does something which irritates him to no level.

Stay tuned vote, comment and share it guys.

By Nisarga2007

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