a little after a awhile

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This chapter is for a special person who is like my sister so it is dedicated to her DeekshithaDulinti it is for u didi hope u like it.


I leave arrows after arrows and they all hit the target perfectly in the middle of the circle one after the other some splitting the old arrows.

Once I was satisfied with the outcome, I go towards my chambers and place my weapons on the table.

I sigh to myself dejectedly he still has not come to meet me.

He had promised me right is it bad of me to hold him to his promise I am growing tired of waiting for him.

That brother, who promised, even after my birth and 12 years have went by, I even finished my education and I have found and created my own kingdom and am a queen now, not even a letter from my dear brother.

If u couldn't tell it the last sentence was filled with sarcasm.

Krishna, lovely brother.

I desperately needed some answers too, even after being a seer who can see the past, present and the future at my will sometimes if they are important they are forced apon me, I am not able to get the answers for my these peculiar dreams.

I suddenly feel myself turning rigid and my eyes turn blank and pure white and I knew what was happening.

Flashes started to flash by me it was too fast for anyone to understand but I clearly understood.

I could see myself meeting bratha krishna and asking all my questions to him.

Oh if u are confused it was me getting a vision seeing the future.

I giggle happily exited and happy that I will finally be blessed to get my answers.

I should go, now the time is up, we can meet now.

I take a quick bath and dress up in my Queen's dress, a saree but a mixed style of dhoti and saree specially made just for me by pure gold.

(Something like this)

In my kingdom nearly everyone has clothes of made of gold threads, even in a normal day we wear clothes made of gold and silver.

I let my hair cascade down my back and pull the front hairs and clip them back so they won't come into my face, the hairstyle, I am known for the half up and half down.

(Like this but her hair is midnight black and it reaches till her hips)

I place my queen and the princess tiara on my head it sits their proudly.

(Her tiara)

I take my sword and let it hang from my waist. I strap some daggers on and attach a quiver of arrows to my back and take my bow in my hand.

I walk out of my room and directly enter into the courtroom as everyone knows I am not to be held back however important the meeting is.

Everyone bows to me as I pass. I see I am disturbing a meeting. Do I care no I do not care. The room goes silent and every eyes comes to rest on me.

I walk in confidently and climb the stairs to reach father's throne only I and father can climb these stairs.

I kneel at my father's right side of the throne.

"Baba" I say with my head bowed slightly.

"Raise putri, Vijayi Bhav" says Kamsa smiling at his almost 12 year old daughter.

I stand up and look baba in the eyes and said "baba I am going out for 4 days so I came to inform you".

He sighs tiredly and replies " I know I cannot stop you, but take some part of the army with you".

"Baba you know I can beat them easily, but to assure you, I am taking some soldiers from my kingdom". I rey back mischievously.

He raises an eyebrow and warns " Don't do anything stupid".

"But it was only one time, papa you cannot use that against me" I whine back childishly stomping my foot and turning my head away.

He quickly stands up from his seat he hates to see me sad or angry he has taken care of of me as such not a tear drop should leave my eyes.

He tilts my head towards himself gently and says softly "fine, I won't now happy".

I give him a bright million watts smile and hug him and murmur "yes, I'm happy".

I release him soon enough from the hug and tell him " I must leave now, I will be back soon enough baba".

I turn my back towards him and walk out of the room confidently my head held high.

I walk out towards the open and empty courtyard and I whistle a tune only they can hear.

And suddenly I can see something coming towards me it gets bigger and bigger and stops right in front of me.

It was a chariot made of gold, silver, and rubied it was pulled by the four horses created by me.

The first horse was made of pure fire and it breathed fire too it was a living being the horse witch stood next to it was made by earth it also breathed fire but was made of stones and mud with small grass, shrubs and veins here and there.

The other two horses stood behind them the one on the right backside was made from pure water, it breathed water it was a beautiful sky blue colour.

The last horse was made by ice and snow it was a mix of light blue and white it breathed froast and snow flakes.

They all could could fly through the sky or walk on the ground they could so anything.

They all neighed when they saw me.

(Imagine that the other two has wings took)

Behind my chariot was two other chariots pulled by air horses so the horses in it was basically invisible expect me who could see them as I could control elements.

They were carrying soldiers they were made from water, snow, air, earth and fire they were all female warriors they bowed to me once they saw me I nodded at them.

All the horses neighed when they saw me as the tune I whistled was only heard by them.

I climb the chariot and sit down

I turn to the horses if I just say tyr persons name they can track them down I do not even need to control them they will take me to directly to them, they were extremely smart.

"Take me to Vasudev Shree Krishna" I ordered them and they all zoom off.


Thank you all for waiting patiently.

Please vote, comment and share it will ya all.

Good reads see ya guys soon.


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