The rebirth

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The fire rose higher and higher in the sky and a blur figure starts to shimmer and form in the fire.

A voice booms from the sky and it speaks as thus, “We are pleased with your devotion Kamsa, so we are offering you a child, but, she will be the greatest of the greatest, she will go down in history, never stop her from doing what shewants, she is born from the combined powers of all the gods, she will be the purest person in the whole aryavart she will be similar to the trimurtis, she will be the most powerful person, beware”. The voice fades away along with, leaving the last words ringing in the air.

Light emerges from everywhere and fall into the middle of the fire it was so bright and powerful that everyone staggerd back a few steps even Kamsa and shielded their eyes, the lights start fight each other and after a while the fire too started to join the fight growing restless water emerges from everywhere and the air around them too joins the water and forms a whirlwind around the fire and light together the air
turns humid.

Slowly the lights, water, air and fire joins together and start to complete the figure more clearly.

Slowly but surely the fire burns high and higher till it climbs
the sky and dimishes slowly and there sat the worlds most beautiful girl ever seen, her skin as fire as the milk just a tintof red in her skin iluminating it brightly, her eyes the colour of brown with a ring of black around it and with specks of gold in the light brown eyes her legs stretched in a V shape and slightly bent at her knees she wore a simple lehanga blouse, her hands which were formed a light fist went up to her eyes and brushed them.

She opened her eyes and blink them trying to adjust them then looked Kamsa in the eye and blinked at him.

Kamsa’s froasted heart melted out for this little child, he smiled for the first time in years.

“Baba” the girl spoke tilting her head to the side, her voice sweet like honey.

Kamsa’s eyes watered a little for the cute child precisely his daughter.

The child took support from the yagna kund’s bricks and
slowly stood up wobbling lightly as she was just 1 ½ year kid
and raised her hands towards kamsa making grabby grabby
hands ndicating him to pick her up.

She could talk clearly, walk clearly, she could understand everything clearly in her fully mature mind.

But it was frustrating for her sometimes as she should
behave like a child but she was in her late teens early adulthood in her mind.

Kamsa came forward and picked her up and raised her towards the sky and said “As she is the girl born from the strength of the gods she will be named as Devkanya, As she is the most powerful one, and pure hearted she will be named as Chetana, she can control the elements she will be Dharani, She will be known as Nayana for her beautiful eyes, She will be known to the will bro known to the world as Kamsa Nandhini Saughandi".


I was sitting on my fathers shoulder he was showing me around the palace, honestly speaking it was absolutely beautiful and amazing.

Even if Kamsa was a bad man what can I say he had amazing tastes.

Every pillar, carvings and the paintings were beautiful.

Finally we arrive at the court room, I bounce in excitement.

Baba Tightened his hold on me afraid I would fall off.

Father started to explain how the court worked about the thrones and everything.

I was looking at everything in awe, I could stare all day.

I don't know why but history has always interested me,right now I am back in history and I am truly happy but I do miss my old family.

I wiggle around trying to be set down.

Father sets me down and I run around trying to remember all this and committing this into my memory.

My gaze mainly rests on my father's throne.

There were six steps after u climb them u can sit on the throne but there was a devine auro around the throne it's handles made by gold, decorated with diamonds and rubies with a red lining cushion.

(Something like this but imagine something else if u like)

I take slow steps towards the throne and look back to see baba busy talking to some ministers more like ordering them.

I look back at the throne and I climb the first step then the other and other until I reach the top and stand in front of the throne.

After talking to the minister looks around searching for his daughter but sees her standing in front of the throne.

His eyes widen and he says "Princess -" but stops short seeing his throne and the surrounding areas glow brightly.

He was told no one could climb the stairs other than him until today many people who has tried was always burned to ashes.

I look at every rubies and diamonds closely and touch them tenderly in wonder.

It felt like it was welcoming me and asking me to sit on it, I just had this strong feeling to sit on it.

I turn around and gently take a seat on the throne it glowed red and gold and faded away lightly.

I look towards baba and find him looking at me with wide eyes I giggle at him it echoes through the room.

'She truly is a precious gift from the gods to me, so precious and innocent' thought Kamsa in looking at the child who was too adorable.


Phew Hey guys, she is finally back on earth.

What is ur thoughts in this.

It is my birthday today so a update.

I am the birthday girl so send me wishes and a cake will ya guys.

Thank you for being patient with me.

Share it, like it, and comment on it will u please, don't be a silent reader.

Bu-bye guys.
See ya people soon,

Word count - 1110

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