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At Hera's temple in Samos, Bellerophon is mastering his beastly form as he swims around in a large sphere of water. He hears a knock on the door.

"Bellero! I brought food!", Selene's voice reaches him.

He puts the water back in the tub and shrinks down to his normal size. He taps on the door before a minor scratch on it. She does the same thing. He opens the door and locks it behind her. Bellero summons a sphere of water so they can communicate in private. Her clothes remain dry since the water isn't touching them.

"I know there's unease because of the new alliance, but will they leave with you?"

"I don't know. I don't think she will let them leave."

"There's something you should know."

He tells her about Andromeda's planned assassination. Selene almost sinks to the floor, but he keeps her up.

Selene catches her breath. "Why would she allow that?"

"I think to get on their good side. It's happening tonight."

Selene knows what he's thinking and embraces him. "Just be smart."

"And you're coming with me."

She looks at him.

"You will be safer that way."

"But Argus would know something is up if I left without a reason."

"I thought it over. I needed your help with finding a suitor back home. Be my confidant."

She cracks a smile from the good enough reason. "She will be so lucky to have you, Bellero."

"See? You're doing great already."

She stifles her laugh. "I'm being serious. There's someone for everyone and that includes you."

He rubs the back of his neck with a smile.

"I will let Hera know and I will come to your room. Be ready to leave."

He nods and puts the water back into the tub. His friend leaves and thinks over his strategy with the pufferfish. He knows based on prior research from scrolls what it can do. Speed and precision is key. He had already killed before so it should be easy the second time around.

He prays to himself that this won't be a recurring thing. He doesn't want to think like his father.
He packs up his items and waits for Selene.

He hears her footsteps which gives him relief. Selene is dressed in her priestly outfit and they leave for Aethiopia. She secures a boat at the dockside with the peacock symbol on it, but Bellero investigates to see if it's safe. He brings out his almost invisible wires to take care of a possible threat. He goes underneath and around the boat after checking inside it.

He pops out of the water and raises a thumbs up. They take off for Corinth. Halfway in, Bellero submerges the boat into a bubble to keep the water out. He waves his hands, propelling the boat towards Aethiopia. Selene's eyes are filled with wonder as she sees fish swimming around and the sun above them.

"You are incredible, filos (Greek for friend)!"

"Thanks. It shouldn't take too long......."

They make it to the kingdom within a few hours. He slowly moves the boat above the surface of the water. Selene goes to steer, but Bellero pushes her out of the way.

She is shocked to see Argus' beak through her friend's hand! The peacock symbol is no longer on the outside of the cabin.

Bellero goes to grab him, but the peacock backs off and shows his many eyes. Bellero's eyes get entranced by this beautiful sight. Argus aims with a beak to the heart. Selene goes to hit him with the oar, but it's too fast. Argus and Bellero have gone into the water.

The peacock smiles as his target sinks to the bottom. Now for the disobedient servant.

Before he could get to the surface, Bellero's trap sprung. The peacock is pulled down by the tail to Bellero who wasn't hit in the chest. He had hit wires that fooled him. He expands his hands and Argus' body is sliced into multiple pieces. He ties it down to a rock to keep the body underwater.

Selene prepares the oar to protect herself. She tries not to cry while swiveling around. She hopes that he's still alive.

"I'm okay!", his voice calls out.

Selene embraces him as he gets back in the boat. "Don't scare me like that again!"

".......I guess Hera will be upset over him."

"She will. Argus was her most loyal servant."

"Then I will keep getting stronger."

She checks his hand and only a scar remains.

Selene wipes some tears away. "You're my hero."

Bellero smiles from ear to ear. "I just need to save Andromeda next."

They dock their ship and Bellero swims around to see where the assassin could enter from. He spots a young dark-skinned woman standing on a balcony facing the water. She breathes in the sea air in relief that the sacrifice was called off. He can't take his eyes off of her as his heart pounds loudly. He reminds himself to stay focused. He swims back to the dock where Selene gives him a hooded tunic and coat.

"Found it?"

"I think so."

"What do you think about her?"

Bellero stammers while blushing like red wine. "What do you mean?"

Selene laughs. "She's said to be a mortal whose beauty is close to Aphrodite's level."

Bellero coughs. "Get a room far from the water. If everything goes well, I use the same signal on the door. I also need you to write a note to...."

She understands as they head off.

Later that night...

The Pufferfish captain uses his hands and feet to silently climb up the wall. He's laser focused as on completing the mission. He holds his breath so that his attack will be successful. He imagines his poison spines hitting Andromeda. She wouldn't last a minute with all those toxins inside of her.

He climbs over the balcony and pries the door open. He sees the outline of the princess sleeping as he nears the bed. He exhales and his pointed spines shoot out at her. 


His darts are stopped in mid-air. Before he knew it, he's pulled back over the balcony and into the water.

He finds it hard to breathe with the wires around his neck. He can't even inhale for his next attack. He loses all of his breath as fear grips him.

A monstrous sea beast is in front of him with a menacing aura that reminded him of Poseidon.

Within seconds, his head is separated from his body. Along with the limbs. The toxins inside his body spill out. Bellerophon uses the water to manipulate all the poison and the body into one bubble. He then uses his strength to push it far away. He comes back to the balcony, returning back to his normal height and wearing his wet scarf.

"It's safe, Princess."

Two guards open the door with Andromeda standing behind them, wearing a purple robe over her nightgown. They see evidence of pointed poison needles that belonged to the assassin. Andromeda's body trembles from the fact that her life could have ended tonight. They see the scales on the rescuer's face, but that he was more human like them.

A guard bows to him. "Thank you for letting us know in advance."

"Thank Selene for that."

"What's your name, sir?"

"My name is Bellerophon of Corinth. I'm...a son of Poseidon."

The trio is taken aback.

"I apologize for what my father tried to do. You don't have to worry about him anymore. Hera took care of him."

"W-W-Will she come after me?", the princess stutters out.

Bellero was about to stutter, but he digs deep for courage. "In case she does, I will keep you safe. I won't leave you."

His words help alleviate her stress. She walks over to him. Seeing her beauty up close leaves him speechless. She quickly wraps her arms around his wet body.

"I'm sorry. I forgot to dry off."

He feels her trembling body and holds her close.

Bellero pats her back. "It's okay. Consider me a bodyguard you don't have to pay. Some food would be nice."

She lets out a light chuckle. That sound is pleasant to his ears. He's now blushing as he feels her body upon his. Blood rises down and he gently pushes her away.

"I-I need to let Selene know I'm okay."

"Promise me you will come back. We have room for you two to stay here."

"Are you sure?"

Andromeda nods. "Yes. You and your girlfriend are welcome to stay."

"She's not my girlfriend. We're just really close friends", he corrects which results in a gap-toothed smile from her joy. That smile of hers disarms him. He finds it cute.

"You can stay in my new room if you like."

" protect you better. She needs a room without a window. I do require a tub of water to sleep in. If that's not too-

"We will prepare one for you", the guard tells him.

"Thanks, I will be right back with Selene."

"Just come through the front gate next time."

Bellero and Selene move in that night. Selene quickly picks up the vibes between Andromeda and Bellero. She can't help but nudge her elbow into his ribs with amusement and happiness.

He sees the tub of water is ready for him. He notices Andromeda can't sleep as she's sitting on the bed.

"Want to see some magic?", he offers.

"You can do that?"

He waves his hands, making an orb of water appear. He pushes it over to her while retaining its shape. He then splits the sphere apart and does intricate maneuvers. Some twists, turns, and making it rain upward. She is in complete awe of what he can do.

She claps her hands and he bows to conclude his show.

"I have a great audience."

"Bellerophon, thank you for everything. I owe you my life."

"You don't have to give me anything. I just didn't want you to get hurt."

"Spoken like a true hero."

He's smiling from ear to ear from her compliment.

She walks over to him. "Good night, Bellerophon."

"You can call me Bellero for short."

"Got it", before pecking him on the cheek. His legs in the water almost give out from what she did.

"That's just a small reward. I'm looking forward to our partnership, Bellero."

"Y-You don't mind my skin?"

"Not at all."

He gives her a kiss on the cheek that makes her smile from ear to ear.

"I look forward to it too. Sweet dreams."

The princess of Aethiopia gets in bed to settle in. Both of them are smiling as they fall asleep.

To think I would be a hero and find love. This is the best day of my life and I will make sure that she will have many more days to come.

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