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April 10th

Hermes speeds from kingdom to kingdom to deliver news about the false war and its aftermath. All the kings and their advisors are shocked to read about the sudden mass deaths in Athens and Nemea. When asked about how they died, Hermes said it's still under investigation. The god of messengers purposefully left out the names of Hestia, Theseus, and Takashi.

There's some relief that Eris could no longer harm anyone, but the detailed deaths of Athena, Ares, Phobos, Deimos, Poseidon, and Hephaestus perplex them. They ask why Perseus betrayed Athena and Hermes tells them the whole truth. The nobles sink into their chairs out of disgust for what the former goddess had done.

"I can't believe she would trick us. We will re-write our scrolls about her so everyone will know. They deserve the truth. We will also look into her past actions as well."

Hermes hides a smile that Athena's actions will not go unpunished.

Some kingdoms near the water decide to bolster their fortifications to deter an Atlantean ambush led by Hera. They also praise her name publicly to be on good standing with her.

Hermes heads to Aethiopia next to deliver the news. The guards escort him to meet King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia in the throne room. The king and queen bow to him. His jaw then drops. Selene, Andromeda, and Bellerophon are standing near them. He also notices that the princess is holding hands with the demigod. He smiles but has questions of why they're here.

He delivers the news to them. From hearing about Athens, Andromeda clings to Bellero. Although terrified of the news, he swallows his fear to comfort her. He summons a calming sea breeze like aura to fill the room. Andromeda and the others stop trembling.

Hermes finishes up. "I just have to catch up with Bellerophon and Selene real quick."

He shakes hands with Bellero. "I didn't expect you two here. And you got yourself a girlfriend too? When will you two get married?"

The demigod is flustered with blood rushing into his cheeks. "W-W-We're just getting to know each other."

"And I'm enjoying every minute of it", Andromeda adds.

Bellero smiles from hearing that. "Besides, I'm not 17 until next month. Too soon to be married."

"And I will be ready to officiate it. In Aethiopia, 17 is the legal age to get married", Selene jests.

"What?!", his voice rises.

Andromeda squeezes his hand. "Don't worry. We won't get married by then."

"I don't mean to sour this moment, but why are both of you here?"

Selene and Bellero tell him. Hermes grips his staff now knowing that his mother ordered Andromeda's assassination.

Hermes unexpectedly bows to them. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"It's not your fault, Sir Hermes."

The messenger shakes his head. "I can't let her come after you again."

He takes out some shell earrings and blesses them with aura. He gives them a pair each. "This will grant you further protection from her and the Atlanteans. I must go now."

"Before you go, thank you. If you didn't tell me the truth about Selene, I wouldn't be here", Bellero appreciates.

The messenger god nods before flying off. Andromeda lays her head on the demigod's shoulder. He kisses the top of her head.

"At least we have some peace."

"I would still like to have you as my bodyguard."

"As you wish. I won't let you down."


In Crete, Daedalus comes to Icarus and Daphne's room to read the news. He knocks on the door and his son lets him in. Icarus sees his father is trying to keep a stoic face, despite his eyes being red. Icarus hugs his father to comfort him.

"I need to tell you what happened."

"Should I go?", Daphne asks.

"No, you're part of my family too."

Daedalus relays the news about the war at Nemea and the death of Athens. Daphne clings to Icarus to keep herself up. Her closest friends and family are now gone. Tears drip down to the hardwood floor. Icarus leads her to the bed where she screams into a pillow from the heartbreak. Icarus wraps his arms around her.

Daedalus sits in the chair facing the bed. He is silent as her muffled screams continue. Icarus doesn't leave her as time passes by. He lays on her left side to see her face. She turns her face as she doesn't want Icarus to see her like this.

Icarus pulls her by the waist into his body. "I'm sorry. They meant a lot to you."

She is silent as her body shudders. Icarus pulls the blanket over them.

"Why? Why did they die?", she finally speaks.

"Dad, do you know?"

Daedalus exhales. "It has to be a god."

"They didn't do anything wrong!", Daphne raises her voice.

Icarus continues to hold her. "I know. They were nice to us when we arrived."

She turns to face him. Icarus caresses her tear dried face. He gazes into her bloddshot eyes. "I wish I could do something to help you."

Daphne tenderly kisses his hand. She then throws her arms around him as she doesn't want to lose another loved one. He holds onto her tightly.

Daedalus re-reads the letter and notices no mention of Takashi. The lit candle starts revealing that there was more to the letter. He sees his name mentioned on it. He shoots up from his chair. Icarus and Daphne sat up when he did that.

He had to make sure. Daedalus waves the scroll over the flame.

"What is it, father?"

He sees more words forming until it is complete. He reads the whole thing, not just once but three times. He's processing the words and decides to tell them the secret message.

"It says that after Zeus is defeated, Takashi may have the powers needed to bring back the people of Athens and Boeotia."

Daphne wants to be hopeful, but lowers her expectations.

"I know he can do it. If he can change my fate, he can do this as well. I believe in him", Icarus assures her.

A brief smile appears from his optimistic nature.

"With my invention, he will find a way to win", Daedalus adds on.

The inventor gets up and embraces his son and future daughter-in-law. He hopes things will work out.


Theseus and Ariadne read about the news in a dropped off scroll. Ariadne clings to Theseus. She looks at his face, knowing that he lost the servants he was close to. She sees tears streaming down his usually stoic face. She wipes them away.

They sit down on the ground.

"I'm so sorry, my love."

"Who could-

He stops himself from continuing that sentence. A strong part of him wants to find the one responsible, but he didn't want to break the promise to his wife. He exhales as he lays his head on her lap. She runs her fingers through his seafoam hair for a long time.

"Do you want to go back to Crete?", he finally speaks.

"No. Let's make a new home. How about Marathon?"

"But we don't have much money to buy a home there. I will make us one then."

She kisses him on the cheek. "I will be with you every step of the way."

They get up to start their new life.


In Ithaca, Penelope reads the same message to Odysseus.

"I hope that he doesn't overpromise this", the blind king tells her.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want him to face disappointment if he can't do this. It will tear him apart."

His wife holds his hands. "Like when he promised to bring you all home?"

The blind king nods. "He shouldn't have to experience that before he heads home. I pray to Artemis that he will succeed."

"Let's get her totem and talk with him", she tells the servant.

The servant returns. "I have it in front of you, my king."

The king uses the back of his hand to feel for it. Once he touches it, he grips it and brings it to him.

"Goddess of the hunt, please respond. It's Odysseus."

In Ephesus, Artemis hears his voice. She clears her throat. "Odysseus?"

"And I'm here too", Queen Penelope adds.

"So, you heard of the news?"

"Yes and that Takashi is planning to bring them back. We're sorry for your loss."

They shouldn't know about Apollo and Hemera. It will be too much, she thought.

"Thanks. Did you want to talk to Takashi?"

"If he's available."

"Let me check." She walks to the back and sees Dionysus overwatching the demigods' training.

Taki in his FF3 form evades a trident strike from Heracles. Heracles swings the trident 360 degrees but gets blocked by Perseus' shield. The force of it sends Perseus back but he stomps his feet into the ground. He lifts a leg and delivers a traveling axe energy kick to Takashi.

He sidesteps and combines his blades into a bow. He fires off arrows at Perseus, who deflects the arrows towards Orpheus. Orpheus forms a musical barrier to protect himself before sending those same notes at the others.

Heracles twirls the trident to protect himself as the others jump out of the way.

"Takashi! Odysseus wants to speak with you!", Artemis calls out.

"Got it! Play."

He reverts back to normal and falls right into Dionysus' arms from the strain. The deity helps him over to Artemis.

"Did I say you can stop? Keep at it!", he tells them. They continue their training.

The god of wine sits him on a chair while summoning a table. Artemis puts her totem on it.

"Take your time."

Taki nods with his body twitching a bit. "Odysseus?"

"It's good to hear your voice, Taki. My wife is also here. How are you?"

"I unlocked a new power, but it needs work. How is everyone?"

They relay that everyone is scared and they haven't informed them of Hermes' secret message. Taki questions them with suspicion. The king explains they don't want to place a burden on him in case he fails. He didn't want him to curse himself with regret.

Taki knows he means well. He just hates that it's similar to when he was trying to get the crew back to Ithaca. In the end, Odysseus saved them with his sacrifice. Even with powers, he was helpless.

"He-", he stops himself. If he told them, Hera may come after them. He won't let that happen. "I will bring the Athenians back, one way or another. Same with Boeotia. Gaia will have peace."

"We trust you. Just don't let our expectations crush you", Queen Penelope tells him.

He's silent as he processes their words. He does admit to being hard on himself when it comes to failure. But he always bounces back.

Taki exhales while twitching. "I understand."

"We love and care for you, old friend."

Taki chuckles. "I'm too young to be called that. Friend is good. Love you both. Stay safe."

"You too!"

The totem light goes out. His right shoulder twitches up, this time with some pain. He clutches it with his left hand. "Ow!"

"D-Do you need some ointment?"

He recognizes Helena's voice and turns to her holding a jar of healing ointment. He smiles from seeing her again but remembers what happened between them. They ended off on good terms, but that was a previous timeline. He wants to make sure that things won't repeat themselves.

"Sure, Helena. Put it on-

His right shoulder twitches up again. He winces.

Helena quickly opens the jar and scoops some ointment out. She reaches under his shirt to apply it to his trapezius muscle. There's a warming sensation as she rubs it in. He feels the effects as his shoulder calms down. After applying it to the other side, she realizes her hand is still on him. She quickly withdraws her hand.


"You're welcome."

Hearing him speak is making her less shy. Like they talked before.

"You knew my name. Have we met before?"

"How do I put it? We were friends."


Taki rubs his head. "I also had short black hair."

Helena tilts her head. She can almost picture him with hair. And something else that happened between them.

"Did we get along well?"

Taki stops himself from blushing. "We did. I would make you laugh until you snorted."

"Oh, really?"

"What do you call a group of pigs that attack you? A hambush."

She couldn't stop herself from laughing. She snorts and covers her mouth. He's right about her.

"Sorry about that."

"I don't mind. I imagine your future husband in Ithaca would love that. Have you met him yet?"

"I haven't. Not with all of this going on."

"You should be with him when we leave this place."

"There's not much love dust left, I'm afraid. Wouldn't you all need that?"

"We will find another way. Be with him."

She smiles and nods. A comfortable silence sits between them. Helena then feels some unease as she clutches her arm.

"Have we kissed?"

Taki's eyes shoot wide open. He didn't expect that question.

"We did, but we were tricked by Eris. I objected because of my marriage."

He looks at her face to gauge her reaction. He sees her blushing, but her face changes to shame.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault, Helena. We were tricked. At least, your beloved will kiss you for real. He's a lucky man already."

She processes her feelings and thinks it's better to move on. At least she has a good friend. She has a hopeful smile on her face. "I can't wait to meet him."

"I pray that you both will be healthy and happy together."

"That means a lot. Oh, are you hungry?"

He hasn't eaten anything since he got up. His body is telling him that he reached his limit for FF3 today. He slowly follows behind her.

Hestia's flames light up the cast irons while cooking leftover offerings for lunch. Medea and Medus are in line to get some food. Medus notices Harmonia and Cadmus and runs over to them.

"Miss Harmonia?"

Harmonia looks down. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry for your loss. I pray things will get better for you."

The goddess is touched by his words. She crouches down and hugs him. He gives her the biggest hug he could do.

"Am I being hugged by a big bear?"

"Why do you say that?", the ten-year-old is confused.

Cadmus smiles that her humor is coming back. He fell in love with her at first sight, but her personality brought him head over heels.

"That's how bears hug each other. Thank you so much."

Harmonia gives him a small smile that reassures him. Medus grins and runs back to his mother. Medea is happy that her son isn't like her.

Despite being separated from his father, his warmth never changed. Even on the day he died, he would hold his mother to comfort her. Although she married Aegeus for political gain, his love for her was real.

Because of her past, she was uncomfortable to express any genuine signs of affection towards him. She knew telling him the truth about Jason and their children would rip their marriage apart.

Medus tugs on her sleeve. "Mother?"


Medus hugs her. "It's okay. I'm right here."

She fights back tears and inhales. "What would you like to eat?"

"I can get it. What do you want?"

She allows him to pick a plate of salmon with a salad for her and a plate of roasted chicken and potatoes for himself. Takashi sits down with the others and eats with them. After eating well, he heads back to watch the demigods' training.

"Takashi, can we talk in private?", Medea requests and he accepts.

They go into his room.

"What is it?"

"I want to be involved in the fight."

"Out of the question", quickly dismissing her.

Medea clenches her hands. "After what I did to help you, you reject me? Let me avenge my grandfather!"

"It's not like that. You have a son to look after."

"He's better off without me."

His eyes widen.

"You probably know about what I did to Jason. I don't deserve Medus. He should be with someone else, like Harmonia."

Taki walks to her. "I can tell how much he loves you. Stay with him."

"I don't deserve him."

Despite their different life experiences, he can understand where that feeling is coming from. His mother expressed that sentiment after that fateful night.

"Listen to me, Medea. You have done a terrible thing that makes me sick. Even then, you helped me overcome Athena's curse. I couldn't have saved Theseus without help from you and the others."

Her eyes widen from his appreciation. "Answer me this. Even if I redeemed myself, do I deserve to be in Elysium?"

Silence sits between them, but he doesn't look away.

Medea exhales. "Alright. I will stay with him. I trust you and the others will end that tyrant's life."

She goes to leave the room.

"Wait. Is there some magic you can teach me?"

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