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Medea turns around with raised eyebrows.

"Is there some magic for defense against electricity?", he askes her.

Medea thinks it over and nods. "Circe did teach me that kind of magic. But it was painful. She would shock me and maintain it using a bit of Zeus's lighting when there was a storm. I have a slight immunity because of that."

"And....there are no storms here."

"I can recreate the electricity from memory. But you might be screaming from it."

Taki takes off his gauntlets. "I've been through worse. Start small and I will tell you when to stop. I will let the others know what we're doing", before leaving the room.

Medea believes his words that he had been through a lot. She briefly laughs because she didn't expect him to ask her for help. Some time passes.

Takashi opens the door with Perseus, Heracles, and Artemis behind him.

"If you end his life, you're next", the goddess threatens.

Heracles expresses that sentiment with his eyes. Taki puts a hand on Artemis' shoulder to calm her.

"Did you tell my son?"

Taki shakes his head. "I told him that his mother is helping me to beat Zeus."

Medea is internally relieved. She can be serious now.

Artemis puts up a barrier to negate any sounds that would escape this room.

Medea draws a circle around Takashi while reciting an indistinct spell. He stands in place while the others watch from the side.

The circle begins to spark as her voice gets louder with her incantation. Her hands glow white to match the energy circle around Takashi. He summons a thin green outline of aura for protection. 

Medea applies a little of it to shock Takashi's body. He jumps back from the minor shock. The others hold their ground as they see him step back in position.

"I want you to get as close to Zeus as possible."

Medea obliges. Takashi grips the floor with his toes as he feels it surging through his body. He reminds himself this pain is nothing like the ceremony that he survived.


On Earth, Hikari and Greg are seeing erratic changes in the energy level. They get a feeling that Takashi is going through a tough training session.

"You got this, little bro!", she silently cheers.


Medea stops from seeing minor burns on his arms. Takashi's body is steaming. His vision is almost blurry, but it isn't quite what Zeus put him through.

Artemis touches his arms and heals away the burn marks. He's restored but his body twitches a bit.

"I think that's enough for now. We will continue later."

"At least you're not being stupid about it", Artemis lightly jokes.

"Shocking, isn't it?", Percy emphasizes.

Taki chuckles from the dark humor. Heracles rubs his temples from the bad joke.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist."

Taki laughs some more. Perseus and the others don't understand. "Resistance is a term that falls under electricity."

Medea finds it weird that this foreign demigod is laughing after a painful experience. She thinks that's just how he is.

"Let me know when you're ready to continue", as she goes to leave.

"Thank you, Medea."

The witch turns to Heracles in surprise.

"I was doubtful, but this will work."

Medea briefly grins before leaving the room. She finds her son peacefully napping on their bed. She quietly lies down and wraps an arm around him.

After Takashi has rested for a bit...

"While we're here, let me give you protection against Hera", Artemis instructs them.

"What kind of protection?", Percy asks.

"Like a mental block from her madness?", Taki guesses.

She turns to him. Something tells her that she did that to him before. She checks him with a glowing hand and sees part of her defensive aura in him.

"I.....already gave you that in a previous timeline."

Perseus rubs the back of his head. "Timelines are so confusing."

"It's okay, nephew. Artemis, make sure they get that same protection."

Heracles crouches down. She puts her glowing hands on the heads of her brothers. Her aura pours through into their heads. Because she has one person less to perform this, she isn't as weakened as last time. Perseus and Heracles feel more secure that Hera can't cast madness on them.

"Niece, what's the new plan when we storm Mt Olympus?"

"I don't know, but we will figure it out. Just master that new form so I don't have to worry about you."

"I don't know if I can."

Perseus and Heracles raise their eyebrows in confusion. Artemis somewhat understands what he's going to say.

"When I go into that form, I feel closer to my father, but...I feel his rage surging through my body. I know he's giving me that as fuel, but it's tearing me apart. I'm scared if I abuse it, I...

"Will not come back?"

His eyes tell her yes. Although Zeus could bring him back, he doesn't want to risk being unable to stop him from going after his family; he could save him for last.

Perseus lays a hand on his shoulder. "Then we will keep you in check. We will make note of your limit and stop you from going past it."

"We will always have your back", Heracles adds.

Takashi is still scared, but he looks back. He puts on a hopeful grin that they will beat Zeus without him breaking his limit.

Artemis gives her uncle two soft punches to the shoulder. "You flinched!" She hits him a little harder which makes him chuckle.

"I did not!"

"I will be back for the next treatment. I'm going to be with Echo."

"Can I come with you? I want to check on her."

She nods.

"Uncle, be gentle with her", Percy advises.

He understands. Finding out the true love of her life is dead must have broken her.

Artemis opens the door to her room. Echo's ears perk up.

Two pairs of footsteps and she knows that Takashi is with her best friend. She rolls over to them with blank eyes. Her crown of flowers have almost withered away. Her face is swollen from all the crying.

Artemis gets on the bed to hold her close while Takashi sits on the edge of the bed. He takes her rocky hand and gently strokes it. She is dead silent.

"I wish I can take your pain away", the huntress says.

Takashi wants to tell her that he will bring Chrysaor back but feels it's not the right time. He can't just erase the heartache she's going through.

The mountain nymph manages to speak in a hushed tone. "I am so stupid."

Artemis tilts her face towards her. "What do you mean?"

"When you told me my true love died, I thought it was Narcissus. I had no idea it was Chrysaor."

Artemis kisses the top of her head. "You didn't know until then."

"I can see glimpses of him when I sleep........His handsome face and blue eyes."

The huntress holds her tighter.

"Do I even deserve him?"

"You do. I saw how you both acted with each other", Taki speaks gently.

"What was he like with me?"

Takashi thinks back. "He was warm and kind towards you. He was always happy to just be around you. He even saved you from an accident."

"That......was like him."

"And you comforted him when Perseus told us about Medusa's death. You held him tightly as he cried. When Hera cursed your voice, he stood by you. You deserve each other."

Her flowers begin to bloom with the return of some happiness. "What was Narcissus like to me?"

He lets it out. "The absolute worst person anyone can be around with. He didn't make you feel good nor loved. He didn't deserve you, Echo."

The nymph can tell he's not lying. Echo's eyebrows pull down and her nose wrinkles. "And I was with him? I am stupid."

"Hey. He was also a manipulative jackass."

"That's an insult to jackasses. Hestia's donkey would never do that", Artemis jokes.

A snicker escapes the nymph's mouth. Artemis has a small smile that her "sister" is coming back. Echo is starting to feel better despite the pain.

" bring him back?"

Taki gives her a confident smile. "I will. You can love each other without interruption."

"And I will be your maid of honor", the huntress smiles.

Echo looks at her "sister" and cries happily. Her flowers bloom a bit bigger in anticipation to seeing him again.

Takashi embraces her along with Artemis. He winces as Echo hugs him a bit too tightly.

"I'm sorry."

"I will deal with it."

He lets go of the embrace last. Her brown eyes now brighter than before.

"Is there anything I can do to help? Like to fight or-

"Protect Helena in case something goes wrong", Taki interrupts.

Artemis agrees. "She will be safer with you around."

"I won't let you down."

Her stomach grumbles and she gets out of bed to eat something. The duo accompanies her.

I can't wait to see you again, my love. I will kiss you upon first sight.


Mt Olympus, the forge

The staff of three Cyclops are in mourning after losing their master, Hephaestus.

The equipment is left untouched as they grieve in front of the empty wheelchair. Approaching footsteps make them grab their hammers until they feel a familiar aura. They bow down out of respect. The creatures look up and couldn't believe their single eyes.

The King of Mt Olympus is missing the majority of his left arm. "Takashi Watanabe did this to me. I was barely able to get away", he grunts while sitting down.

Crocodile tears run down his face. "He also killed my son, Hephaestus."

The Cyclops stand up and roar in anger. Zeus lifts his hand and they become silent.

"Wartime is coming. Takashi has allied himself with some of my children. I need your help."

"Anything, Master Zeus. We will avenge our master at any cost. We will create something to replace your missing arm."

The second Cyclops measures Zeus' right arm twice with tape to get the length right. After also weighing it, he writes the numbers down using a chisel on some stone.

Zeus wipes his face. "I will leave you to it. Contact me when it's done."

He walks up the steps and smiles wickedly. They are too easy to fool. You better make it more entertaining than last time, Takashi.

The trio of Cyclops start brainstorming and get to work on their idea. They will not let a single bead of sweat go to waste.

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