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Takashi is resting in bed with wet towels covering his arms and legs. He breathes in and out slowly while twitching from the side effects. One of Artemis' hunting dogs is by his side to comfort him.

He had just finished another shock therapy session with Medea. He thinks back to it......


"Keep going! Give me your worst!", he yelled at Medea through his teeth.

Perseus quickly wielded his shield as Heracles gripped the club. Artemis got on all fours to rescue him just in case.

The witch pushed a strand of white hair away from her face. "Are you sure?"

"I won't let him win! Tap into that anger!"

Medea shuddered. Wrath would take her to a dark place. Still, she won't let him down. She imagined the time Jason betrayed their love by leaving her for another woman. Her shame from accidentally killing her newborns while depressed.

Shame, jealousy, sickness, and anger fueled the circle, making sparks fly everywhere. Taki raises his green body shielding to its highest level without going into FF3. A magical lightning bolt charged from her strongest emotions before it's unleashed.

He screamed as his nervous system lit up for them to witness. He clenches his core to avoid collapsing to the floor. Medea saw his limit and tapped into the love that Medus has for her.

Her next spell stopped the process. Takashi's badly burnt body was caught by Artemis before he fell. She touched his jugular and he's fortunately breathing. His rabbit hopping heart was quelled by his demigod abilities. However, he was slow to heal.

Heracles, Perseus, and Artemis combined and imbued their energy into his body......

New skin formed over with residual burn marks as a reminder. His heart returned to a steady rhythm.

Takashi coughed from catching his breath. Medea hid her trembling hands in fear that she almost killed him.

Artemis laid him in bed with extra pillows for his head.

 "I'm so sorry. I didn't expect it to be that strong."

Artemis grabbed Medea by the robe. "You're lucky you didn't kill him."

"Let--her go", his body twitched.

His niece listened to take care of him. She dumped clean towels into a bucket of water before placing them all over her uncle's body to cool him down. He lets out a long exhale from the cold blending with the warmth.


"Uncle Taki, it's too soon to talk", Heracles told him.

"Your lightning magic was----close to his. Let's do it again after tomorrow."

She raises a hand. "Are you stupid?! I almost killed you and you want to go through it again?"

"We will do it on my new form to see how it holds up. I will be ready by then."

She was stunned by his tenacity. Is it because of his divine blood or something else? Whatever this man has suffered through before, he refused to let tragedies repeat themselves.

She decided to stay with them to monitor his health. After some time and another check by Artemis, no one had to worry about him.

"Can one of you get my phone from my bag? I want to do a voice message with everyone involved."

"Phone? Voice message?", Medea was puzzled for a bit before something settled in.

Artemis knew exactly what he's talking about as she fished it out. Medea's eyes popped open from recognizing the device.

"Do you want to leave a message to my wife and loved ones?", he asked her.

Medea shook her head. "Not my place."

He pressed the button.

"Hello, everyone! This is Artemis, again. Uncle Taki has unlocked a new form and is going through some rough training. He's stubborn, but he has improved a lot."

"Hello. I'm Uncle Taki's nephew, Perseus. For some reasons I can't explain, I want to thank his wife, Penelope. I get the feeling that you supported my wife, Medusa. Thank you, Aunt Penelope. I'm going to help uncle defeat Zeus."

"We all will. He's in good hands with us", Heracles added.

"I love you, Penny. I will shower our Karisa with lots of kisses on her beautiful head. Greg and Misha, I expect a lot of food and beer for our reunion. Love you, in-laws. Love you too, mom and sis."

Artemis "sent" the message.

"So you can communicate with your loved ones?", Medea questioned.

He informed her that the only way the messages would properly cross over is when he and Zeus are close to the space/time mirror. When they beat him, he will be able to tell his loved ones in person.

They later left him so he can rest peacefully.

Earth, 9pm

Energy levels spiked before dropping to safe levels. His loved ones felt tension that was washed away with relief.

Penny wipes Karisa's face with a small cloth after laying her down.

"It's okay. Daddy is just getting stronger. He doesn't mean to scare you."

She looks at her mother with her small brown eyes.

"He will be home soon", she sings to her.

Karisa gives her a gummy smile.

"There you go."

She hums a lullaby while waving a cloth over her face. Her daughter is fighting to stay up but falls asleep. Penny takes the baby monitor before leaning outside the bedroom wall.

Penny quietly laughs. "You've been making this a habit for too long, agapimenos. I will punish you for that."

She walks downstairs into Aiko's embrace.

"I didn't think my son would be this much trouble."

"He probably got that from you", she jests.

She exhales while trembling. "He definitely got it from me."

Penny refuses to let go first.

Aiko gently pushes back. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You can ground him when he comes back."

"I already plan to. Chores from the roof to the damn basement."

"I would appreciate that."

Aiko kisses her on the left and right side of her head. "He's so blessed to be with you. I'm glad he married you."

"I'm the lucky one......How about a gummy before sleep?"

"That sounds great."

After Aiko takes a sleepy gummy, she rests on the couch. Penny tucks her in before heading up to give her husband some punishment. She enters the soundproof karaoke room and slides a hand below her waistline.

Taki receives her sexual feelings but can't act on it since Artemis' dog is with him. He almost curses himself for being too tired to touch himself.

"Honey, I love you. It's not a good time. Artemis' dog is here", he whispers.

Penny stops on her side. "Oh. I will save my body until then."

Taki expresses mentally their lips locking softly. "I want you so badly, but I'm so exhausted. Can you sing me a lullaby?"

Penny understands the feeling of what he wants. She turns on the karaoke machine. She picks a song to lull her husband to sleep.

Fast paced drums are heard as she sings "Undone" by All That Remains.

Takashi enjoys her performance while drifting off. "That's my musical goddess. I will be home soon."

Penny finishes the song while sensing a goddess compliment from her husband. She smiles from ear to ear. "I know I will hear those words in person. Return to your goddess, my hero."

Taki smiles while closing his eyes. He didn't want to go to sleep before talking with someone.

"Nyx, I don't know if you can hear me. Wherever you are, just know that I and the others will get you out. It won't be too long. We will make things right together."


In the deep depths, outside of Atlantis

A crab soldier and an octopi soldier are waiting for the return of their Pufferfish captain. They know he was assigned to assassinate Andromeda, but something is off since he hasn't returned when he was supposed to.

"Tapodi, do you think he's hiding?", the crab asks his colleague.

Tapodi puts a tentacle under his chin to think. "Could be. Maybe he had to wait for the perfect opportunity. We should split to cover more area, Kavouras."

They agree and swim through seaweed and over coral.....


Tapodi rushes over to his colleague's cry.... his pupils dilate and shake. Floating near the crab is the head of the former captain. The scout tenderly holds his head and tears up.

The octopi wraps an arm around him. "We will inform the others. Let's head back and give him a proper resting place."

Kavouras opens and closes his free pincer. He has his eyes set in the direction of Aethiopia. He goes to swim off, but his fellow soldier blasts ink in front of him to stop him.

"We can't leave our posts. Our captain deserves a burial after we tell the others. We will go by Hera's orders."

The crab scout's body swells up in size from hearing her name. "Damn-

His comrade covers his mouth with a tentacle to avoid her punishment. "We have orders. Maybe she will let us try again."

Kavouras reluctantly shrinks down and follows him back to the underwater city. They tell the leader of another squadron who is an eel. The captain sees the head of his former colleague and blows a seashell to announce an emergency meeting.

The captains and subordinates all gather to talk in Hera's recently new throne room. The eel taps his tail on the table to grab their attention.

"I, Captain Cheli, have terrible news. Captain Koto is dead. Now that I think about it, there hasn't been word about Andromeda's death. She must still be alive."

"We can finish the job", the crab scout puffs up.

Cheli's tail surges with electricity before slamming on the table. "I understand your anger, but we cannot act without Hera's approval. Do you want to incur her wrath against everyone here?"

The other captains tremble in agreement since Hera's newfound strength may wipe out the city along with its history.

Cheli brings out her totem. "Beautiful goddess and ruler of Atlantis, we need your guidance on a matter."

Her totem doesn't light up. Cheli was about to contact her again, but they all get startled by a presence that reminds them of their former king.

"I prefer to talk in person if you don't mind", Hera speaks while near the throne.

They all immediately turn and bow down to the goddess. Tapodi quickly glances over and is relieved that Kavouras isn't showing his anger at Hera. The goddess walks over to the throne and sits down to be comfortable.

"Speak freely", as she sits down in her new throne.

"We appreciate your presence, Hera. We have bad news. Koto, the assassin you assigned to Andromeda, is dead", the eel informs while showing the decapitated head.

"We don't know if Andromeda is dead or even who killed him. Can you find out who did this?"

Hera shines a more lavender aura from the combination of her powers. Bubbles, waves, currents, sea creatures of different sizes and varieties. Pushing towards Aethiopia, she discovers the truth. The son of Poseidon she misled, killed Koto before he got to the princess. And also killed her faithful servant, Argus.

Her finely done eyebrows lower and come together. Gripping the arms of the throne leaves cracks traveling down. The soldiers stay quiet to avoid her wrath.

Hera lets out a long exhale with her vanishing energy. "I found out the one responsible. He also stopped Andromeda's death from happening."

"Goddess, should we try again?"

"No need to", she states without hesitation.

That cold dismissive response made Kavouras want to kill her. Octopi secretly wraps his appendages around his lower legs to prevent him from acting out.

A hermit crab walks up and bows to her. "H-Hera, Captain Erimitis speaking. M-May we ask why?"

"I told Koto he had one chance as a last favor to Poseidon. Since that favor has gone unmet, there's no point to go after Andromeda again. Her family must have learned their lesson not to invoke the wrath of the gods anyway. It would be foolish to try again."

The crab scout silently opens and closes his pincers. His captain will never be avenged.

Hera senses hostility and glares at the crab scout. "What is your issue with me?"

Tapodi steps in front of him. "Hera, please forgive him. He was loyal to Captain Koto. He's just process-

"How dare you tell us what to do!"

Erimitis sinks into his shell from that outburst. "S-Stand down, Kavouras!"

Cheli wraps his tail around Kavouras' mouth to stop him from talking any further. "I will punish him, my queen."

Hera puts a fist under her cheek. "Let him explain."

The captain looks at the crab's eyes, telling him to apologize for his own good. He removes his tail away.

"Poseidon wouldn't have allowed this disrespect to muster. He would have sent all of us to Aethiopia to restore honor. Koto gave his life for you and you dishonor him and this city with your words!"

Tapodi goes to speak, but Hera makes a motion with her left hand.....

Kavouras' neck is blown apart from his body! His shell slumps over and floats in the water.

All of the soldiers jump back in fright. Tapodi's jaw drops along with the tears coming from his eyes. Hera's face expresses awe from the sheer power she holds.

Tapodi tries to keep it together for the safety of his city. "G-Goddess, please let me bury him."

Hera does a knife hand motion in a vertical manner. The scout is split down the middle, ending his life quickly. Ink and blood are slowly leaking out. Jaws collectively drop from what she did. Their animal like bodies tremble before the cruel ruler.

"At least you both can be together. Captain Cheli! You and another soldier should bury them next to each other. Come back at once."

"Y-Yes, ma'am."

The captain and his lobster subordinate retrieve what's left of their fallen comrades. The lobster carefully picks up Kavouras's body with his and Koto's heads with his claws while Cheli grasps the thin body of the octopi scout. They swim to a particular section within the cemetery that has a symbol of trident on the gate.

"Captain Cheli, may I speak?"

"What is it, Astakos?"

"Koto belongs in this section since he died as a warrior. But Kav-

The captain's turned stare silences him. After they bury their bodies. the eel writes something in the sand with his tail.

In their language, it translates to: "Those two died upholding Atlantean ideals. They deserve to be buried here."

The lobster nods and writes with his claw. "Forgive me, sir."

He then brushes the words away. Cheli throws his subordinate a bag that jingles when he catches it.

"If they have families, use my money to take care of them."

The lobster is touched by his captain's kindness. He salutes him before swimming away to their houses. Cheli composes himself as he swims quickly back to Hera.

"I hope I wasn't gone too long."

"Rise up, Captain Cheli. We have work to do unless anyone else has a problem."

The soldiers quickly bow and chant her name to show their devotion. Hera smiles knowing she's in full control.

"Silence! My order is simply this. We are going to overthrow Mt Olympus."

Cheli lurches his head back in confusion. The other captains express confusion as well.

"With my strength and our forces, we will overthrow Zeus to cement myself as the sole ruler of Mt Olympus. With him out of the way, I will enforce new laws that will better Atlantis."

With the combination of powers in her hands, she waves them around. A shadow almost envelops the whole kingdom. From moving it where the sunlight can shine, the soldiers and citizens see what it is. Scraps of food, oil, former ships, garbage, etc.

"This is what I collected from those who pollute your waters. I will send it to Athens. No one alive is there to care about it", as she raises her hands.

The large sphere is levitated past the surface of the blue blanket. With a throw, it's launched to the empty city of Athens. Although Hermes laid the bodies to rest in the cemetery, the ball crushes the entire city! The land shakes from the damage. Due to its size, the ramparts crack open.

Everyone in Atlantis is dumbstruck as Hera shows them all with an orb.

She stands up from her throne. "Your waters shall be clean for eternity once I'm in charge. Whoever pollutes shall be given the same fate as that pile of garbage."

She pauses in expectation of applause for her actions. The soldiers quickly catch on. They clap and praise her name.

"Hera's the greatest!"

"All hail the queen!"

Hera raises her hand to silence them. "Here's my plan."

She tells them the secret plan. The soldiers hang onto her every word. She mentions her secret alliance with Hermes and the other deities. Plus, Takashi Watanabe's involvement which surprises them. She quickly gives them the truth of who he is and what Zeus did to frame him.

".......Captain Cheli, Captain Eremites. We need a majority of our soldiers for this mission. The rest will stay here to protect our citizens. My soldiers from Samos will provide long-range support."

The soldiers grip their weapons but refuse to question her. Before she can let them go, she has them clean the mess of their fallen comrades. She dismisses them once they're done.

A blue fish maiden bows down to her. "Is there anything you need, my queen?"

Hera yawns. "Where is my brother's room?"

The maiden leads her to Poseidon's room. It has been mostly cleared of the former king's belongings, artwork, and statues to be suitable for the new ruler.

"I will let you sleep in, my goddess. If you need anything, just ask."

Hera closes the door with a wave of her hand. She goes to lie down in bed when she feels a sudden presence in her new room.

She turns around. "Son, why are you here?"

"Why did you do those awful things?", Hermes grips his staff.

"That's a funny question to ask based on your history with mortals."

Hermes slams his staff on the floor. "I would never wipe out cities. So many innocent people died because of you. That wasn't the plan! And how could you do that to their city?!"

"They wouldn't listen because of Athena's tight grip she had on them. And I destroyed the city because there's nothing there anymore."

His staff shakes. "You...You only did that because of your hatred towards Athena....and why didn't you tell us?!"

She storms towards him. "I did it for you and your brothers!"

Hermes steps back in horror.

"Athena killed someone you all loved deeply. The pain you all went through broke my heart. A good mother wouldn't let her children continue to suffer."

Hermes grips his staff. "A good mother wouldn't make someone kill their family."

Hera tilts her head. "You can't believe what they're saying."

She goes to touch him, but Hermes steps away from her.

Hera withdraws her hand. "So what happens now?"

"We will continue with the plan. What are you planning to do with the Atlanteans?"

Hera tells him.

The god of messengers processes her words. "Even if you become the sole ruler of Mt Olympus at the end.....just get used to being alone."

Hera laughs. "I won't be alone because my servants will be with me!"

Hermes shakes his head while turning away from her. His tears float up as he leaves her sight.

His words start to sink in while she relaxes on the bed. A lump is caught in her throat. She angrily waves her hand. Shockwaves come out that destroy the furniture in front of her. She hears frantic knocking on her door.

"Is everything alright, Mistress?!"

"I'm fine! Just give me-" She can't finish her sentence because of the pain. "Come inside."

The fish maiden covers her mouth from the destruction. Hera waves her over.

"Shall I clean that up for you?"

"Later. Sit here", as she pats the side of the bed.

The maiden doesn't hesitate to listen. "Is there anything you need?"

Hera unexpectedly lays her head on her shoulder. "What's your name?"


"Psari, promise you won't leave me."

She knows something has changed the mood of her master, but she doesn't bring it up.

"I will be by your side. Always."

Hera turns the maiden to her. "You're lying to me. How will I know you won't betray me?!"

Psari is shaking, but she speaks up. "I-I swear it on my life."

Hera raises a hand. The maiden closes her eyes. Instead of a smack, it's a gentle hand on her cheek. Psari forces her mouth not to exhale in front of the goddess.

"Then let's make it official."

Red bracelets start to form on their right hands.


Hermes makes a final stop to Aeolia to deliver the important news to Aeolus and his family. Young Karisa is taken away as the rest of the family senses it was terrible. The king and queen grip each other's hands from hearing the several deaths of the gods. Hermes hands them the scroll so they can spread it among the people.

"Will Hera come after us?", the king asks.

"Hera's terrible, but she won't harm a place that worships her. You and your family are safe as long as you don't get involved."

The king notices that the god of messengers isn't referring to the goddess as his mother. What she did must have torn their relationship apart.

Hermes yawns. "I will be on my way."

"What about Takashi?!", Karisa yells out.

The guards are trying to take her away, but she is persistent.

Karisa's tears well up. "He couldn't have done it!"

Hermes keeps his face blank. "Aeolus, read the letter over some light. I have to go now."

He speeds out through an open window. Karisa and the others are curious about what he said. The king holds the scroll carefully over a lit fire while making sure the guards are keeping Karisa away. The truth is revealed to him and his wife.

"I want to know!", she yells.

Her grandfather gives her a loving embrace and whispers. "Don't tell anyone else. He's innocent."

Karisa whispers back with a smile as she clutches her white bunny toy. "I knew it."

The king withheld Zeus' misdeeds since she's too young to know that. He glances to his wife to tell her that they won't get involved to protect their kingdom and family. She nods in agreement.

Forgive me, Takashi. We hope you win.


Hermes returns back to Ephesus. Eros and Psyche wave at him, but his silence tells them everything.

"If you ever want to talk, I'm here for you uncle", Eros offers.

"Same here."

Hermes briefly grins before leaving to his room. He quickly gets under the covers and tries to sleep. His mind keeps bringing up that his family has gotten even smaller.

He exhales. "It's better this way."

He stretches his hand to the ceiling as he imagines Aphrodite. "I'm almost there, my love. Once everything is settled, let's make our family grow."

He thinks positively as he imagines Ares, Phobos, and Deimos brought back to life. However, he's mixed when it comes to Hephaestus. Although Zeus may have manipulated him, the god of fire said and did horrible things to Aphrodite, Ares, and Harmonia.

Hermes rubs his temples as he thinks it through. Hestia can't take over since she knows nothing of forging metal. He also takes into account that Hephaestus is an inspiration for past, present, and future inventors to contribute their great works to society.

He scowls. He has to be brought back, but he can no longer be married to Aphrodite. I will help him find love after time between us has passed.

He grabs a body pillow and holds it close. He imagines Aphrodite in its place and finally falls asleep.

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