Kung Fu Panda 1 Redemption Scene

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(After Po launched Tai Lung up the air with his belly)

Po waits... and waits... until finally, Tai Lung reappears in the sky and crashes into the ground. "You... can't defeat me..." Tai Lung spoke as he climbs out the leopard shaped hole, battered, but still defiant. He staggers toward Po and continues, "you... you're just a big... fat... panda!" Tai Lung lunges at Po one last time...but Po grabs his finger. Tai Lung's eyes go wide before Po speaks, "I'm not a big, fat panda... I'm THE big, fat panda." Po's pinky pops up as Tai Lung gasps, "The Wuxi Finger Hold!" Po smirks slyly and asks, "Oh, you know this hold?"

"You're bluffing... you're bluffing! Shifu didn't teach you that!" Tai Lung spoke, but Po says, "Nope. I figured it out." Tai Lung widens his eyes before closing them, but to his shock, nothing happened. He slowly opens his eyes, only to see Po just letting go of his finger, seeing as death wouldn't put him at ease. Tai Lung was shocked of this before he asks the panda, "You're...you're sparing me?" Po looked guilty and says, "Knowing that you went through a lot, it's make me feel selfish to do that to you."

Tai Lung looked at his own hand for a moment before speaking, "But...I wreck havoc on the Valley of Peace. I destroyed the Furious Five. I tried to kill Shifu! What makes an imbecile like you think that I deserve to live through the actions I've committed?!" Po looks at him with a reassuring smile and says, "Everyone deserves a second chance, even if they've done the most heinous deeds. They have a chance at redeeming themselves." Tai Lung was shocked at those words, having a deep thought about getting another chance before Po continues, "You may not have earned the position of the Dragon Warrior, but that doesn't mean you can't protect the Valley of Peace with your skill and experience from your training with Shifu at your youth until now. That makes you a valuable ally to us."

The snow leopard was surprised for a moment, but looks down, his expression softens before he slams his fist together softly and says, "Thank you...Dragon Warrior." Po smiled and slams his fist together too as the two bowed to each other respectfully. Tai Lung is redeemed.

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