Kung Fu Panda 2 Boat Battle Scene

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The Five and Tai Lung are hoisted up high above the ship. Cut to an interior room, where some young children are enjoying a puppet show. Suddenly the paper screen is tinted red, and a large black shape slides above the little puppets. The children cower in fear, and on the other side of the screen, the pig holding the puppets looks behind him and is equally terrified. In another room, some rabbits are playing when they spot a large dragon head figure moving past their window. Elsewhere, a sheep is distracted from watering her plant pit by a mast bumping into the sign outside her window. The citizens all look outside to see huge armada of ships sliding slowly down the canal, filled with wolf soldiers and cannons. In a ship twice as large as the others, Lord Shen stands on a podium above his largest cannon.

Farther up the line of ships, The Five and Tai Lung hang suspended above the wolves, silent and depressed as they await death. Mantis sits in his tiny cage before saying, "Honestly, guys, I never thought I'd die like this. I always thought I'd meet a nice girl, and settle down... and then she'd eat my head. So sad." Tai Lung spoke next, "We can't give up hope! Po would want us to remain strong. Hard-core. Right, Tigress?"

He looks up at her... and sees her grief-stricken expression. Some distance in front of the armada, several citizens watch the scene from a small bridge stretching across the canal. Boss Wolf turns to Shen and asks, "Lord Shen, what about the bridge?" Shen briefly spoke, "Nothing stands in my way." A cannon at the front of the line is aimed towards the bridge. The citizens realize what is about to happen and flee for their lives. Jade's eyes went wide as her ears flatten right before Shen yells, "Fire!" The cannon is fired.

The citizens barely manage to clear the bridge before it is completely obliterated. They dodge falling debris as they run. The Five are horrified by this act before Tigress yells, "YOU COWARD!" Shen ignores her. Tigress stares at the scene, glances up... and spots a shape standing on a high roof, illuminated by the moonlight. A familiar, round, black and white shape wearing a cone shaped hat... Tigress can't believe it... "Po?" She mutters as a very alive Po looks down at the armada as it travels through the canal. Tigress's face lifts as her friends also spot Po.

The citizens come out of hiding as Po's return becomes known to everyone present, soldiers included. Shen glares up at the panda, astounded and furious before saying, "How many times do I have to kill the same stinking panda?!" Up on the roof, Po nervously looks down at the massive army below. Then he sees his friends, trussed up and staring at him in pure amazement, and anger fills him before he yells, "Shen! A panda stands between you and your destiny!" Cut to Shen's perspective, the panda in the distance can barely be heard saying 'destiny'! "What?" Shen yells back before Po yells, "Prepare yourself for a hot serving of justice!"

"Your reign of terror comes to an end." Cut back to Shen- Po can barely be heard saying 'serving of justice! Your reign of terror comes to an end!' Boss Wolf and Jade look at Shen, confused as Shen mutters, "What?" Po then yells, "And now free the Five!" Po whips off his hat, "Disk of Destruction!" Zoom in on his target- one of the chains holding up the Five and Tai Lung. Po flings the hat like a frisbee... and it flies several feet before bouncing off the rooftops and hitting someone off-screen below.

Embarrassed, Po turns away and hides his face with his paw. Shen was very perplexed before saying, "Okay. Take aim!" The wolves on one of the frontal ships adjust their cannon in Po's direction... the Five look on in fear... Po is rooted to the spot, thinking quickly before Shen says, "Ready?" And just as the wolves are about to fire, the panda leaps from the roof and begins quickly scaling down. The wolves work to adjust the cannon. Po continues to climb down towards the street and the wolves keep having to adjust. Shen, the Five, Tai Lung, and the army watch Po's every move as he continues to evade the cannon's line of fire.

"Just get him!" Shen yells, but no matter how many times they adjust the cannon, the wolves are unable to keep up with Po's evasive maneuvers. Po reaches the street, avoids the cannon once again... and leaps on one of the boats, right between two cannons. Both cannons are aimed at the panda in seconds. One of the fuses is lit. The wolves at the opposite cannon panic- the lit cannon is aimed in their direction. The wolf who lit the fuse desperately tries to put it out. Po laughs as he realizes his advantage, and begins his assault on the armada.

"Don't shoot! Crossfire!" Jade yells before Shen commands, "Attack!" Po is immediately set upon by dozens of wolves as he makes his way towards the bound Tai Lung and Five, who cheer him on in encouragement. Po is heavily outnumbered, but manages to grab an axe and flings it towards his friends just before a large group of soldiers leap on him. "Catch of Freedom!" He yells out before Tigress says, "Monkey!" Monkey grabs the flying axe, swings it behind him and destroys the chains holding the Five and Tai Lung.

The warriors swing free, and fling the wolves away just as Po is overwhelmed. "Impressive, Dragon Warrior! What's your plan?" Tigress asked as Po answered, "Step one, free the Five and Tai Lung!" "What's step two?" Viper asked before Po admits, "Honestly, I never thought I'd get this far." "Guys!" Tai Lung snaps before Po spoke, "Er... stop Shen before he reaches the harbor!"

And at that, Po, Tai Lung, and the Furious Five leap into the approaching wolves and a tremendous battle begins. In the midst of the fight, Po grabs a wolf and slams his head on the floor, knocking him out before yelling out, "Viper, Puppet of Death!" He flings the unconscious wolf in Viper's direction- she catches and wraps around his torso in midair as she calls out, "Tigress!" Tigress catches Viper and the wolf on her back. She begins traveling through the mass army on all fours, as Viper manipulates the sword-wielding arms and uses them against their enemies. As Po is fighting, the wolves approaching his back are suddenly taken out by none other than Master Storming Ox himself. Po spins around and is overjoyed before saying, "Master Ox!" Master Croc suddenly leaps out of the river and split-kicks two wolves, landing beside Ox in the same position.

"And Croc!" He adds before Croc says with a smile, "Vengeance is served!" Po then asks, "But why did you...?" "Your friend there is very persuasive." Ox said as the two masters look behind them, and we see a mysterious force rapidly approaching, flinging wolves into the air with no effort at all. The figure leaps into view... and we see that it is Master Shifu. Now shown without his green shawl, he kicks away several wolves in midair, and lands perfectly on Oogway's staff. Po smiled brightly and says, "Master Shifu!"

Shifu swiftly dispatches the wolves surrounding his fellow warriors before saying, "Quickly! Use their boats to block the way!" The warriors move into action. Tigress and Tai Lung kicked over two cannons, which topples onto the bow of the boat and sinks it, flipping the stern upwards. The two felines balances on the stern as it lurches forward towards the bridge above the harbor gate, and steps off nimbly as the boat comes to rest, partially blocking the gate. Meanwhile, Po gets in between two boats, grabs a pair of ropes and strains as he pulls them in, causing the boats to lean in towards each other as he yells, "Crane!" Crane flies into the air behind the boats' sails, yelling, "Wings of Justice! KA-KAW!"

With his wings, Crane sends a powerful gust of wind into the sails. Po laughs as he and the boats are propelled forward, colliding with the upturned boat and sliding up slightly, blocking the harbor gate completely. Shen looks on, stunned and mutters, "What?" The wolves begin scrambling up the pile of boats... just as all ten warriors leap off the top in an explosion of light and sparks. In midair, Po glances at the warriors on both sides before yelling in slo-motion, "I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!" Po, Shifu, the Furious Five, Tai Lung, Ox and Croc begin their final assault on the army. Fighting as a team, they make their way through the wolves, and towards Shen's own boat. Shen looks down at Jade and Boss Wolf, yelling, "Why aren't we firing?!"

"They're taking out our gunners, sir! They're getting close!" Jade said as Po fights through the wolves as he and Shen briefly lock eyes. Shen's face contorts and yells, "Fire. Fire! F-Fire at them!" Holding the torch, Boss Wolf hesitates as he and Jade stare at the battle before them as he says, "But, sir, we'll kill our own!" Shen didn't care and yells, "I said fire at them!! FIRE!!!!!"

Po and the warriors are getting closer to the boat. Boss Wolf turns to Shen... and flings down the torch, saying, "No." Shen gives him one look before sending a knife into the wolf's chest. As Boss Wolf falls from view, Shen leaps onto his large cannon and directs it towards the warriors, just as they reach the front of the boat. Po freezes, realizing that the cannon is aimed directly at him. Shen grins evilly, but before he could light the fuse, Jade pounced at Shen off the canon. He kicks her off, shouting, "What do you think you're doing, pesky cat?!" Jade gets in a stance, anger on her face before saying, "Standing up to you."

She gets out her weapon, a staff with an adjustable blade on the tip. Shen glared before they charged at each other. Their blades hit each other before Po continues his way through the wolves. The battle between the tigress and peacock didn't last long until Shen sliced the blade off Jade's staff, pins her to the ground, and pierced her side with her own blade on her side, causing her to yowl from the pain loudly. Tigress' ears flickered from that and grew shocked as Jade breaths heavily from her blade stuck on her side. Shen gets up before leaning to her ear, whispering, "Don't even think about getting in my way again..." before going back to the canon. Jade was beginning to bleed, but she managed to roll to her stomach and tried to get up, but due to the pain, she was unable to as she watched in horror as Shen lights the fuse with his metal talons. "Po!"

Tigress yells before she shoves Po out the way as... KABOOM! A tremendous explosion rips through the boats as the kung fu warriors are blasted away. The blockage covering the harbor gate is completely destroyed. The warriors, along with tons of debris, splash into the harbor. After a few seconds, Po surfaces and grabs onto a piece of driftwood, as the remains of Shen's armada sail through the gate and line up at the front of the harbor.

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