A Bloody Rose (Chapters 1-4)

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Chapter 1

     It had been a few hours since the incident at the ball, and Steven was currently locked up in some tower-like prison with his best friend and love interest, Connie Maheswaren. Steven has just woken up, trying to figure out where he and Connie were and how they ended up here. The last thing Steven remembered was Garnet and Lemon Jade getting poofed before he and Connie were unfused and knocked out themselves.

     When his vision returned to his eyes, he saw Connie laying down, still unconscious. Steven attempted to wake Connie up by shaking her in a lazy and slurred way, but Connie still didn't wake up. Her vitals were slow, but thankfully nothing life damaging. He went back to where he woke up at and sat down to wait for Connie to wake up from her unconscious slumber.

     Connie eventually woke up a few hours later, confused as to how here and Steven got here and where they were at. "Steven, where are we?"

     Steven took a look at his surroundings for a couple of seconds before his eyes landed back on Connie. "I think we're in some sort of tower-like prison cell."

     As Connie soon realized the horror of the situation, she was scared. "S-Steven, why did they put us in here?"

     Steven tried to calm down Connie, walking over to her, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a hug. Connie accepted the hug and Steven held the black haired female in his arms in an attempt to comfort her while locked away in this prison.

     Eventually, the two of them heard the door open. Steven looked around and noticed it was Blue Diamond standing at the doorway with an angry expression on her face. "Pink, how could you?!?"

     Connie then looked at Steven with a terrified expression on her face as she held onto Steven tightly, afraid that this might not end well for the two of them. Steven, meanwhile, tried his best to remain calm, his gaze still focused on Blue.

     "Pink, White is upset with the fact that you fused with your pet human in the middle of a ball. Don't you see that our gems are on the line here?! White is more powerful than you can ever imagine. She is very cruel and sadistic.  We only locked you away here because we love you, Pink!" Blue explained to Steven with tears running down her face.

     "If you guys truly did love me (Pink), then why did you lock me and Connie up here in this prison-like tower? Is that what you used to do to my mom whenever she acted out?" Steven asked her, finally putting the pieces together as to why his mother had left Homeworld, and honestly he couldn't blame her for leaving.

     While Steven did not condone his mother's actions as both Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond, he can understand why she left her home planet a long time ago to reside on Earth. She just wanted to live her life as a free gem that was not chained down to a role in a communist-like society, where she was constantly placed onto a pedestal and compared to her fellow diamonds. Steven may not have the best opinions on how his mother had handled things, but he respects her choice on leaving Homeworld and constantly risking her life to save the ones she loved and cared about.

     Steven had originally thought of an idea; using his shield or jumping around in a bubble out the window with Connie in his arms in an attempt to escape, but he knew his plan wouldn't work out in his favor. Steven just continued to watch Blue rant about why the human-gem should fear White Diamond and how he should apologize for his actions.

     Steven saw Blue lean up against the wall   near the only window on the tower-like prison, crying while telling herself that she's an awful person. Steven gently let go of Connie and jumped up onto the window to comfort Blue Diamond, reminding Blue that she, herself, was not a horrible person. She was just trying to look out for him, and Steven appreciated her for doing so. 

     As Blue Diamond had finished crying, she had realized the error of her ways. She knew she had treated Pink badly in the past, and now Steven, but she was determined to redeem herself in anyway she can, and if that meant going up against Yellow and White Diamond, then so be it. "Come, Pink. I will help you and your human pet escape this tower and try to help you both rescue your fallen gems."

     Steven and Connie both nodded as Blue Diamond picked them both up and hid them both in the palm of her hand from people's sight, and then Blue Diamond left the room with the two humans in her hand, determined to help her fellow Diamond out.

Chapter 2

     As Steven and Connie hid on Blue Diamond's hand, Blue was making her way towards Yellow's throne room, making sure to act as normal as possible. Steven was worried at the possibility of the gems getting shattered. He didn't know what to do if Pearl, Garnet, or Amethyst weren't in his life anymore. Connie saw the worried look in his eye and gave Steven an encouraging look to spark inspiration in him, despite fearing for her and Steven's lives.

     Steven looked over at Connie and gave her a nod, still unsure on what the future has in store for them. Eventually, the trio arrived at Yellow Diamond's throne room, Blue Diamond placing both Steven and Connie down before walking in front of them and heading straight towards Yellow's throne, where the bubble containing the bubbled gems was located.

     As Yellow saw her fellow Diamond bring Pink and her human pet into the throne room, she was beyond angry. Blue Diamond was surprised at Yellow's presence, to say the least. She had already placed Steven and Connie safely on the ground before checking to see if Yellow was in the room or not, a huge mistake on her part. Yellow then asked Blue in a strict and angry tone, "What are you doing, Blue? Take Pink and her human pet back to the tower!"

     "No Yellow, she prefers to be called 'Steven.'" Blue told Yellow in a calm and almost quite voice as she affectionately (as a sibling) looked over at Steven.

     "What are you talking about? You can't just keep bending the rules for her, Blue. She has to set an example, and we have to set an example. If we bend the rules for her, then we have to bend them for everyone!" Yellow angrily said, smashing her fist down onto her throne as she got up.

     "Well maybe you should!" exclaimed Connie in a self righteous tone.

     Yellow stared down at Connie angrily before demanding to Blue Diamond again, "Take them back to the tower!"

     "I won't." Blue responds in a soft but strict tone.

      Yellow responded back, "Then I'll take them back myself."

      Yellow reached her hand out towards Steven and Connie in an attempt to grab them, but Blue Diamond slapped her hand away from them. Yellow, Steven, and Connie were shocked to say the least. "Blue-"

      Blue threw an attack at Yellow, knocking her into the wall. Yellow charged at Blue and restrained one of her arms, Blue using the other to send a blast to Yellow's knee. Yellow bursted out into tears for a few seconds before shaking them off and slapping Blue's hand away.

     "Steven, now!" Connie ordered as Steven grabbed her by the waist and jumped in the air, grabbing the bubble that contained the gems inside of it. Yellow attempted to grab the two with her hand, but Steven surrounded both him and Connie inside a pink bubble before Blue attempted to restrain Yellow back from grabbing them.

     While Steven and Connie watched the two Diamonds fight, Yellow screamed at Blue as they both attempted to grab Steven and Connie, "When we thought Pink was shattered, when she abandoned us, I, alone, was there for you, and you decided to use your powers against ME!"

     Yellow shoved Blue into the wall, breaking it instantly, throwing her and Blue onto the bridge and Steven and Connie into the dark abyss below. To the Topazes surprise, they watched the two Diamonds fight in a dog like manner on the bridge while not noticing the fact that Steven and Connie fell off the bridge and into the dark abyss.

     While Blue tries to summon an attack to use against her fellow Diamond, Yellow already beat her to it and uses her power to throw electricity at Blue, poofing her in the process. Yellow kneeled down onto the bridge and cried,  picking up Blue's gem and holding it against her chest. She eventually gets up and summons a yellow bubble to send to White's ship, telling her about the recent events that had just occurred, not knowing that she had just let Steven and Connie get away with the Crystal Gems in the process.

Chapter 3

     Steven, Connie, and the bubbled gems were falling down the dark abyss for a good few seconds before Steven surrounded everyone in a bubble in order to protect them from dying, or well shattering in the gems case. Eventually they all landed on the ground in an unfamiliar location, the bubble popping on impact. Steven then popped the yellow bubble containing the poofed gems inside of it, pocketing them in his pocket.

     As Steven and Connie took a look around their surroundings, all they could see was holes that gems had once emerged from and heard nothing. Steven and Connie both looked at each other in a paranoid frenzy. Steven got out his phone from his pocket and uses it as a flashlight, using it to light up their surroundings. Steven originally bought his phone in case he got bored at the ball, but it seemed that his phone came in more use now than it originally was intended for.

     "W-Where are we?" Connie asked him in a scared tone.

     Steven used his flashlight on his phone to look around for a few seconds before turning his attention back onto Connie. "It looks like an abandoned kindergarten. I'm sure there's an exit somewheres around here."

     As Steven was about to take a step, he tripped on something and was about to fall, only to be caught by Connie. "Thank you, Connie."

     "No problem, Biscut." Connie responded as the two continued walking, looking around to find something they could use to help aid their search. Unfortunately, their search went dry to no avail as there was nothing useful anywheres in the abandoned kindergarten.

     Eventually, the two found their way out of the kindergarten and back onto the streets of Homeworld. Steven took a few steps out before getting shoved back into the shadows by Connie, who looked around for a couple of seconds before directing her attention back onto Steven. "Look up."

     Steven looked up at the sky and seen the news report about Blue Diamond getting poofed and resetted with a rejuvenator by Yellow, then flashed a image of him, the Crystal Gems, and Connie on the screen, below it saying 'Homeworld's most wanted.' The two both saw a bunch of guards staring at them, both of them realizing that they were in a whole lot of trouble.

     As the guards started making their way towards the two, Steven and Connie began running like there's no tomorrow. While they kept running through the streets and alleyways of Homeworld, more and more guards began chasing after them, for they both were being heavily surveillanced by the cameras around them. Eventually the two managed to loose the guards, coming across an old abandoned building hidden underneath some garbage.

     "How are we going to make our way off of this planet if we're being continuously chased around by guards?" Connie asked Steven as they both entered the building, collapsing behind a wall trying to regain their breath.

     "Well I don't know, Connie. It's kind of hard to come up with a fool proof plan if we're being constantly watched and chased around by guards all the time while being the two most wanted individuals on Homeworld." Steven responded in an irritated tone, his skin glowing pink for a couple of seconds before calming down and taking a deep breath. "The gems were right; it was a bad idea to come here to Homeworld and try to talk to White."

     Connie comforted him for a few seconds before the two decided to explore the abandoned building the two were saying in. Steven had noticed some tanzanite gem shards on the floor covered in dust. Steven scooped the gem shards up in his hands and attempted to piece the gem together before Connie spoke. "Come on, Steven, we need to rest and come up with a new plan as to how we're going to get off of this planet."

     Steven nodded as they both sat down on the ground. "Hey, Connie."

     Connie looked at him. "Yes, Steven?"

     "I was wondering if there could be any way I could bring this gem back to life?" Steven asked her. "I mean, I know I can bring a human back to life if their heart is still beating with my spit, but I was wondering if the same method, minus the beating heart, would work for a gem?"

     "Well, I suppose it's worth a shot." Connie said in an encouraging tone.

     Steven proceeded to piece the broken gemstone together before kissing it. The shards then grouped up into a rectangular gem shape as it formed in front of their eyes as a bright glow filled the room for a few seconds, revealing a short, humanoid gem who looked sweet with no intention of causing harm.

     The gem was ecstatic, shaking both Steven and Connie's hand with both of hers. She then exclaimed, "Thank you!," as she jumped around the place for a little bit, calming down a few minutes later.

     "Hello, my name is Steven Universe, and this is my friend, Connie Maheswaren." Steven introduced himself and Connie.

     Connie waved at the small gem, smiling. "It's nice to meet you."

     "Where are we?" The Tanzanite asked before suddenly coming to a grim realization. "This is my house..."

     Both Steven and Connie nodded. Connie went over to comfort the gem, but Tanzanite declined the offer. "How long has it been since I was shattered?"

     "When exactly were you shattered?" Connie asked the small gem.

     "During the time that we were suppose to get a Red Diamond." Tanzanite said as both Steven and Connie looked at each other before focusing their attention back onto Tanzanite.

     Steven looked down at his gemstone, debating if he should tell her the news and inform her on what went down while she was gone or if he should just remain quiet. Steven decided to ignore his inner debate and wanted to know more about this 'Red Diamond.' Unfortunately for him, Connie already beaten him to the question.

     "Who is Red Diamond?" Connie asked the small gem.

     Tanzanite looked at Connie in a baffled and curious way. "Red Diamond? Oh, she's supposed to be the perfect diamond, the very one that created us all. How in all of Homeworld do you not know who Red Diamond is?!?"

     Connie and Steven both looked at each other, puzzled as to what she was talking about. Tanzanite then said in a condescending manner to Connie, "Before I was shattered, White, Blue, and Yellow were debating rather or not they want to make a Red Diamond. White had the idea, Blue agreed with her idea, while Yellow disagreed to the idea of a fourth diamond. Yellow said that Red Diamonds were "risky" and "would be difficult to make," so they had debated over the matter for over a decade before the two out ruled Yellow, thus beginning the production of making and gathering material for Red's incubation. That's really all I remember before I got shattered."

     Connie and Steven listened very closely to what she was saying, trying to piece the puzzle together with as much context as possible. Steven eventually came up with an idea as to who Red Diamond was, but was cut off from his thoughts by hearing a loud knock on the door. Eventually, the door was knocked off by two strong Amethyst guards. As the guards had took notice of their targets, they tried to pin them both down to the ground. 

     "You two...or well three are coming with us!" One of the guards said.

     Steven summons a shield and uses it to knock one of the guards back, before doing the same to the other as he grabbed both Connie and Tanzanite's hand, the three of them running for their lives. Eventually, the trio had made it back to the abandoned kindergarten, Steven letting go of both of their hands as he and Connie tried catching their breaths. Tanzanite looked at both of them, confused as to what they were doing. 

     "We need to find a way off of this planet." Connie said as she took a deep breath and exhaled. "Does anyone here got any ideas?"

     Steven shrugged. "Pink's leg ship could work, but I think White had already thought of that scenario and had guards stationed there. It would be suicide if we try to go back for the ship."

     Tanzanite looked over at Steven, confused as who or what he was talking about. "Pink's leg ship? What do you mean by Pink's leg ship?"

     Before Steven or Connie could answer her question, several Amethyst guards had found them and started charging after the trio. The three of them continued to run though the kindergarten, Tanzanite wondering what she had missed out on while she was gone.

     Eventually, the trio had managed to loose the guards as they continued to run through the kindergarten. Connie looked over at both Steven and Tanzanite, "I'm sure there has to be another exit somewheres."

     "Well, kindergartens do have a lot of exits and dead ends, I suppose it's just a matter of rather or not we end up getting stuck or finding a way out." Tanzanite said as she continued to follow the two. "I wish I knew what had happened to my info tablet. That would've been so useful to have right now."

     "Your info tablet was most likely broken or given to another gem after you were shattered." Steven responded as the trio continued running, eventually arriving at an exit.

     Connie ran straight towards the exit, before coming across a couple of off-colors gems. Connie closed her eyes in fear as she raised both of her hands in the air. "We come in peace!"

     Steven and Tanzanite eventually caught up to her and rushed to Connie's aid. Steven summoned his shield and Tanzanite hid behind the two. The mysterious gem walked over to the trio and calmly put her hand on Connie's shoulder. "It's okay, we're not going to harm you."

     Connie opened her eyes and noticed that the mysterious gem was an emerald. "My name is Emerald cut G-427xj, at your leisure. These are my comrades, Lapis, Opal, and Sapphire."

     Steven deactivated his shield and walked over to her. "My name is Steven Universe, these are my friends Connie Maheswaren and Tanzanite."

     Tanzanite then looked at Steven's stomach and then hers, before exclaiming, "Twinsies!" 

     Before Steven could respond to her, the Sapphire pointed her finger at Steven. "That's Pink Diamond!"

     "What is a high ranking gem like you doing in the depths of Homeworld?" Opal asked him as Steven rubbed the back of his head.

     "A-Are you here to shatter us?" The panicked Lapis asked.

     "N-no, I'm not here to shatter anyone!" Steven said. "Me and my friends here have gotten ourselves into a bit of trouble with White Diamond, so we're looking for a way off of this planet."

     "Well, you're in luck, Pink, or Steven, we were just about to hijack this ship and make our way to Earth before you all arrived." Opal smiled as she looked over at her comrades.

     As they all arrived to the ship, they all saw a Ruby ship that could potentially fit all four of them, though Steven and Connie would probably fuse to save some room for everyone if possible. A trio of Rubies opened the door and noticed the group, fusing into one huge giant Ruby soldier.

     The Ruby fusion charged directly at the group, Steven summoning a shield and throwing it at them, nearly hitting them on impact. While the off colors and Steven attempted to hold the fusion off, Connie and Tanzanite ran directly for the ship in search for a weapon, or in Tanzanite's case, hiding.

     As Connie looked through one of the crates, she finds a perfect small battle axe, perfect for her to fight with. Connie then ran directly to the fusion, throwing her ace at them and hitting them right in the chest, the Rubies unfusing in the process. Opal used her sword and shattered one of the Rubies before Emerald shattered the other with her gauntlet. Steven looked over at the last remaining Ruby in pity before using his shield and sending it her way, shattering her gem in the process.

     Steven, Connie, and the off-colors made their way to the ship, hopping in and starting the ship up, leaving the planet as fast as the ship could take them. Steven felt bad for shattering the Ruby, both Connie and Opal comforting him. Emerald looked over at him for a second before she went back to directing the ship. "You did a good job, Steven. Even if you ended up breaking your morals in the end, you know it's for a good cause."

     "What cause?" Steven asked her.

     "Protecting your allies." The emerald responded.

     While on their way to Earth, the Crystal Gems began to reform. One by one each of the gems began to reform, them all taking new forms in the process. The gems were confused as to what had happened while they were gone, but before they could ask any more questions, the ship had managed to arrive on Earth, arriving on the beach of Beach City, Delmarva.

Chapter 4

     Back on Homeworld, White Diamond was enraged. Pink, her human pet, and a bunch of gem defects got away from her grasp and were probably most likely residing on Earth. What really set her off though was the betrayal of her fellow diamond, Blue.

     When she saw Yellow bring her Blue Diamond's gemstone, she had to make a tough decision for her perfect, communist empire; Reset her and make Blue a perfect diamond again. White Diamond called in one of the higher ranking gems in her army to do so, since it would be a shame if she had gotten her hands dirty. Soon, Blue Diamond will be perfect once again, and would be more of an efficient ruler than she ever was previously before Pink's untimely demise.

     Yellow placed Blue's gemstone down on the ground before one of the guards walks in with a rejuvenator, prepared to reset the diamond. White and Yellow Diamond both watched as Blue's gem gets slashed with the rejuvenator, not stepping in to stop it from happening. Eventually, Blue Diamond reforms after a few minutes, new and improved.

     White smiled as she sees the newly reformed diamond, clapping her hands together while smiling bright. Her plan is slowly coming together. Soon, she and the rest of the galaxy will be rid of those pesky Crystal Gems, once and for all.


     "And that's all that you missed out on. Pretty interesting, isn't it?" Steven asked in a nervous tone as the three Crystal Gems looked at him in utter confusion and shock.

     Tanzanite pointed at him, "So you're saying that Red Diamond turned out to be a Pink Diamond who started a rebellion, somehow managed to fall in love with a human, and you're the offspring of her? Honestly, I knew there was something off about you."

     Steven laughed nervously while Connie shot Tanzanite a dirty look. Tanzanite shrugged it off, "Just saying."

     "I get that a lot." Steven responded as he looked down at the ground.

     "So basically you and Connie somehow managed to get on Whites bad side, get a whole army chasing after you, and then you ran into some off-colors who you guys had to fight a Ruby fusion with? Why did I have to miss out on all this action?" Amethyst said as she flopped down onto the couch in such a dramatic way. "Getting poofed sucks!"

     "Guys, I think we should be planning our next move here and find another way to heal all of the corrupted gems instead of just sitting here like ducks, waiting for the answer to come to us." Connie reminded them as she drags out a whiteboard and some markers from the storage room.

     "Connie's right," Pearl says, "we do need to plan our next move before the Diamonds do."

     "The Diamonds are pretty intelligent gems, so it could be hard to outsmart them, especially White." Tanzanite said as she grabbed a marker from Connie's hand, drawing up a plan.

     "Where's Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot?" Steven asked them.

     "Last time I checked, they were with the off-colors repairing Blue and Yellows arm ship." Garnet responded, looking out the window.

     "Aha!" Tanzanite exclaimed as she pointed to the whiteboard that contained her plans on it. "There it is, my master plan!"

     Amethyst looked closely at the plan, confused. "Diamond archives? Old abandoned kindergartens? Ruins? What the heck are you planning?"

     "It's quite simple, really." Tanzanite said as she pointed over at one of the parts. "From what I remember, each and every planet the Diamonds have conquered has an archive to it. There, you can access any files you'd like from all of the other archives, since they're all connected to one hive mind. That's really all I can remember, and since Pink Diamond did conquer Earth before uh...the war happened, I'm pretty sure that there's a machine that can access the archives somewheres on this planet."

     "I think I might know where the building is located at," Pearl summoned a holographic image of the building using her gemstone. "the Record Hall."

     "Where is the Record Hall located at?" Connie asked the pale gem.

     "In the Vale do Javari." Pearl responded to her question. "It's an extremely dangerous place to go to, and as far as I'm aware, the Diamonds must've had their guards destroy the Record Hall before fleeing back to Homeworld during the gem war."

     "Welp," Steven said as he stood on top of the coffee table with a determined expression on his face, "I guess we're going on another trip, and this time it is to the jungle."


     Back on Homeworld, White Diamond was busy planning her next move on what to do with Pink's little rebellion. White knew that they were planning on finding a way to undo the corruption, and she had the answer to it (though the rebellion probably already knew that). She knew they wanted the information so that they could avoid coming to Homeworld and facing her wrath, so she and the others decided to destroy all access to the Diamond Archives located in the Record Hall on Earth before allowing their troops to flee the planet.

     White smirked as she looked out her window, staring down at her perfect little home planet in a satisfactory manner. If the rebellion were really so desperate to undo the corruption she caused, then all they would have to do is give up and turn themselves in. Of course, she wouldn't actually undo the corruption, and they know that, but it couldn't hurt to tell just a little white lie. In the end, she always gets what she wants, no matter the risks she has to take to do so.

     A few minutes later, White heard a knock on her door. White put on a fake, warm smile and looked back towards the door, not turning around. "Come in."

     Two Jasper guards and a mysterious gem came into the room, bowing down at her. "So, you're the mysterious gem that Yellow has been training these past couple of years?"

     "That is correct, my Diamond." The mysterious gem said in an obedient tone. "She found me in her garden and decided to train me to help you take down those Crystal Gems."

     "You truly went through some hell since I've last seen you, Spinel." White turned around and took a look at her; hair all messy and put into two pigtails, tear marks stained onto her cheeks, a Homeworld general uniform. She truly was the definition of imperfect, but that was exactly what White had in mind when Yellow mentioned her in a meeting a while back.

     Spinel smirked, her eyes looking into Whites (nonexistent) soul. "I've been waiting for this day for quite a long time....over six thousand years to be exact."

     "I know, and that's exactly why I tasked you with this very important mission; you see, a while back the rebellion captured one of our top generals-"

     "Jasper Facet 3X-G65." Spinel interrupted her. "I worked with her a while back before she got tasked to aid that traitorous Peridot."

     "Yes, and I do believe she is currently trapped inside the Burning Room of the Gem Temple. I would like for you to go and retrieve her for me, as well as being me some of Steven Universes' saliva." White said as she watched the gem pretend to vomit.

     "Gross! Why in the-oh right, he's her son. Got'cha!" Spinel pointed finger guns at her.

     White looked down at her with an irritated expression on her face, sighing. "I can see why Yellow was so desperate to get you out of her (nonexistent) hair. You're so....annoying."

     "Eh, I get that a lot." Spinel shrugged. "Now, can I go and get this mission started, or do I have to sit here and listen to you monologue your villainous plan like any other cartoon antagonist?"

     "Go, and don't come back until you bring me a vial of Pinks saliva and Jasper Facet 3X-G65's gem!" White demanded as she watched Spinel and the two Jasper guards leave the room, clearly dreading working with this particular gem.

     While White Diamond trusts her fellow Diamonds' judgement, she was clearly doubting Yellow's choice in picking this particular gem to do the job for her. What she doesn't know though is how far Spinel will go to achieve her goals, even if it means nearly killing someone in the process......

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